'In the world, you will have tribulation...'
So what other world is there though?
We know this one, we live in this one, we see this one every day.
Is there another place; some other different place? Or is it another world - like this one but different. Or maybe there are many different other worlds.
Where are they intending to go with all of this talk about UAP's and weird stuff that is claimed to be linked to those - like psionic communication?
I don't know what they are thinking.
And, I'm not all that interested.
A reason that I have been suggesting - and quite hard - that people do some of their own 'ground-work' so to speak, and test their own ability to access the deep mind you could call it, or try and uncover hidden faculties that allow a person to see beyond the narrow ranges of sensory inputs that our normal consciousnesses are used to, is that if you find the correct path; the correct tools and mechanisms that allow for such faculties to be found and used, the results are intimidating.
Believe me you are not prepared for what you will see.
And the single biggest reason that these faculties are hidden from people, is that they have not yet developed to the stage where they can handle the 'life consequences,' let's just call it.
The context for the original statement above here, is the difference between a mortal framework and some other framework.
People die and that solves a lot of their social issues!
The separation between the Gaza people and the HAMAS people - and the Jews - is so enormous that the situation literally is un-resolvable in terms of their ever 'getting together.'
With the best wills in the world (see, in the world; aka this world of mortality and 'ideology' and 'I am better/smarter/more morally correct than you') all the nations of the world cannot solve this situation, and neither will be able, any of their leaders.
I have gotten the 'okay' to point you to some extravagantly amazing things, some knowledge that has been around but is not well-exposed for reasons of certain events in ancient history. And these things will give you total and complete as well as easy access to a faculty that changes everything.
Literally your life will never be the same again. It cannot remain the way it has been.
Not once you have seen.
And the issues and demands and noisy accusations and assertions by all of those people that you now are able to view as being on one side or the other - will look stupid. No not just stupid but beyond stupid.
And yet you will see that all of these people's lives end in the same outcome: their own personal death.
Ideologically, the completely non-factually asserted position held is that then, later, beyond death, a 'judgement' is made by some source and the cause of war and strife is thus justified (in that judgment; although why it is, no one is able to produce a single sensible reason for saying).
Why do I say 'no sensible reason.'
Because the proposition is always that a Perfectly Powerful Supernatural Entity, needs to 'judge' you but then, it apparently never had the ability to teach you while you were alive, what to do or how to think good things and have good ways of handling others - and certainly, it was not able to control all the human beings and their behavior; which resulted in continuous tribulations between peoples.
So it's obvious this 'Being' cannot have been All-Powerful and it certainly is not All-Good either since it persists in allowing gross human degradation and violence and horror and complete evil.
And yet, billions upon billions of the walking mortal (meaning the walking but inevitably dead) stubbornly hold onto this lunacy.
They literally do it to their deaths.
What we must comprehend then (as thinkers without bias) that it is our status, our own position - the mortal human one - as being the thing that requires more focus and not imputing some non-factual attribution of intent to an unseen 'Entity' that we cannot really, 'examine;' in order to resolve the question of Theodicy.
We cannot ask questions of God because He cannot or does not, answer us back. Those politicians that claim to talk to God, well no one believes them!
We can ask questions of ourselves however, as ordinary mortal beings with whatever senses and sensibilities that we have and that are very evident to us.
Well of course we can pose questions out to the Unknown, and address those questions to a putative 'God.' And books give accounts of various distant past times when 'God' answered and all heard or saw. And none of us can 'see' or 'hear' ourselves today other than second and fifth-hand via old texts.
The context of the original statement is very clear. It moves the human from mortality to something else.
And the 'something else' is the thing that requires thinking about because this would certainly completely upturn the way people have relationships with each other.
What will fall into your hands (meaning into your knowledge) shortly, will make your life richer, deeper, more profound, than you have ever experienced or ever thought possible outside of fairy tales.
I am not decrying religion - as Ammon Hillman for example, does do.
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It's not complicated, you know. It's just hidden in plain sight is all. ...Simple, but good. |
What I am saying is that there is religion and faith, and then there is delivery.
Where you should have gotten up to, by following the systems suggested, is that you will fall asleep with your eyes, albeit with eyelids closed, 'reaching out as if to see' and seeing mostly just dark space - the backs of your eyelids, or just blackness and some odd moving shapes maybe or some sprinkles of what 'could be' lights but that might just as easily be optical memory elements of the brain.
But the constant overthinking should be not as prominent as with normal people who try to 'see' with their eyes shut.
Good. From there, we start.
Over the next one or two posts we will slip away into quite different themes, and this is not to distract or divert but to place things back onto the ground -, whereas then at some point the whole thing will switch up to the completely esoteric except it will underscore what is back 'on the ground' that much more. Do not dismiss this world.