Now I'm not going to go on too much and cover stuff you can look up yourself about Savelli - and Col. Rowe for that matter.
Anyone who thinks I ever make stuff up will be in for a very rude shock if they ever had the actual deep capability to research things and verify them at the highest possible levels. See, friends, my father was the head, as in literally the top dog, so to speak, of the whole Federal Education System in Malaysia at the time Guy Savelli was in Penang. Trouble with what y'all think you know (I mean what the public imagines it knows, and Wiki and Hollywood and all of these folk... ...not 'you' as in literally you you) - is that I was being trained at the facility there in Penang years before Savelli was...
See, thing is - if you are a 'foreign service officer' you do not walk into the country without the (local national) secret service and my old man knowing about it - although in this case, he held several (two of them secret) passports. Would never have been able to say that kind of thing in the past. Can now. Other fact is, well, draw your own conclusions.
Now believe you me, if you ever got to see me in RL, and compared Clooney's character in that flick with the collapsing goat and the guys trying to 'walk through walls(!)' - you would do a double-take.
I will tell you the name of the actual person they patterned the movie version of Rowe on - his name is Rodney Farrell.
Now this pic I am posting up here is of one of the equal top three Japanese karateka of all time.
Without people like Bruce Lee, and Gogen Yamaguchi, there simply is no such thing as the modern 'fantasy' world of martial arts. Simply no such thing. ...Which means, what I am telling you is this - where there is smoke there is fire...
'The Shaolin master, when looked for, cannot be found, when listened for, cannot be heard -, he cannot be grasped, and he is able to walk through walls.'
This is who we are.
Rodney is a personal friend of mine.
For the girls out in LA who talk 'Reiki.' Listen: without Jack (Yamaguchi) there is no Reiki like how you know it. Yes yes, please do lecture me on Usui and all of that. You don't know anything. Stop it.
Just the other day, we posted the 'embargoed' last chapter to the 'Witches' fairy tale. It isn't up in the free site yet though. I will get it there soon enough though. And everything is in 'final edit' form now anyway. ...It is a bit of a 'head-spinner' though, that last chapter there.
What I have been trying to do here, is give the people who get here a quiet place, a place to take a step back from the maelstrom of life, so that they can at least catch their breath.
The world has gone into a furious tailspin. You all know that.
The Hong Kong people say, that there is a regal and divine dragon spirit being who lives up there in the mountains and goes down to swim in Repulse Bay, and then flies back up into the clouds and calls in the monsoons to blow away evil.
This is all of course, fairy tale stuff.
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No such a thing as a dragon - scales, green hair, funny throat that blows a big wind... |
Ha ha ha ha... ...ha.
No such a thing as a 'dragon.'
Xi, meanwhile, pontificates about how the 'Chinese outlook' is that 'the river flows to the sea, sometimes rushing, sometimes slowing down, sometimes the bends are severe, other times sweeping and long and gentle.'
Not sure if he is trying to give us a maths lecture about the Tau calculations of a river's length, or the actual 'Tao.' Wouldn't be the Tao though, you wouldn't think - because he doesn't believe in that.
I think he is trying to characterize himself as some kind of metaphorical river - even some kind of Chinese 'river god.' In other words, don't mess with me, I am the river; you are just the boatmen - or something.
There is no point just cutting or scratching the surface of the mask. You need to scope out what lies underneath the mask, and hurt that.
...Don't be afraid of material wealth. You may have all of that too.
When you come here, you are entering a fairly 'dark' zone. That is to say, it is not so bright that you cannot see. It is shadowy enough that it makes you reach out and feel.
; )
Me, I personally don't do much 'running through' or 'walking through,' walls. Well, not to kill anyone on the other side. But there are people who do that. Chinese people. Still though, what exactly is a Chinese person these days. You can turn your back at a hot-dog stall in Sydney, or San Francisco, and hear the voices of Americans or Australians and when you turn around they are liable to be Chinese or Sudanese, or anything. A bit of face-paint and eye makeup - is all it takes, in the right hands.
Lots of white chicks have done this, as they call it in the wokeymon community nowadays, cultural appropriation thing, dressing up in Chinese high collared full length silk dresses, and applying the black eye-liner to turn themselves into Asiatic nymphs. 'She who is beautiful and can pull down your tower.' And then there is the 'she who is beautiful and can pull down your country.' Tong Song Ji Sek. Tong Guk Ji Sek.
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Michelin star - Lung King Heen 'fried chicken.' 'Lung' means dragon, btw. Vinegar, sugar, lemon (sauce); fried chicken and sesame. |
Hey, Gabrielle Chanel did it. And the Parisiennes have a long tradition of it.
But in fact the Cantonese themselves though, in particular, are very good at dressing things up. They are good at stage makeup, they are good at film stunts, they are hard workers. And they are also good cooks!
When the Cantonese chefs get it right, you know, they really really get things perfectly right.
Michelin Star food, this. You can make it at home. It is not hard.
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