Well it is!
How easy is it for you, right now, to believe that times are good?
Where do you have the time or the 'brain space,' right now, to focus on and pay attention to all those important things which will bring you ever greater and great happiness?
The apparent obtaining situation across the whole entire globe, is not good. People are beset by many problems.
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The iron ring where 'Buraq' was tied... |
Nevertheless, right here we shall go - very briefly - to the false and the foolish ideas that people hold, and the silly things they do, which gain them nothing at all in the end, before we look at what we ourselves must do.
In the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, there is a spot on a stone wall, in which is located an iron ring, onto which the flying Buraq was tied, after it had taken Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wa ali wa sallam... ...to the Masjid al-Aqsa (Dome of the Rock). And from whence he further conveyed prophet Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wasallam... ...to all seven of the seven heavens.
Unhappily, Muhammad salla allahu alayhi wa ali wasallam... ...Huuuuuuugh (deep breath in) was not provided with an iPhone with which he could have taken some snapshots and uploaded onto Snapchat so that in our times, astrophysicist Avi Loeb could have examined these as primary evidence to adjudge for us - since none of us are intelligent enough to tell fact from fantasy.
However, an indication of exactly how stunning and fantastic the power of Almighty Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and his magnificent creatures, is, can be understood from the fact that Allah (Azzawajal) possessed transporter beams long before Gene Roddenberry had them on Star Trek...
...since the iron ring on the stone wall is down four flights of stairs into a cave that has been turned into a small rectangular room, a long way down under the Dome (of the Rock).
The passages that lead to this room are rather narrow and certainly no horse is able to go through them, even if it was able to float down several flights of stairs.
In an adjoining walled off space, there is another 'flat stone' or 'rock,' on which the angel Israfil shall one day blow his trumpet signalling the end of the world..
Nevertheless, you will never find anyone dispute that any of these beliefs are impossible or that that may not be 'facts.'
I know the large shops at Christmas vend 'reindeer food' for Santa's reindeer but I think this is still meant to be placed outside and not indoors near the hearth of the chimney (usually a 'deco' fake chimney these days) where Santa comes down by some magical means, again - perhaps using his transporter beam too.
Still, interestingly 'Buraq' possesses a name (which is - 'Buraq') that is very suspiciously close to 'Blitzen' of the Santa reindeer nine. Both words mean 'lightning.'
It cuts all ways though - you can also have a really 'materialistic' and 'hard-nosed' individual, such as Herod, and he said a few words to the people gathered around at a certain occasion, and those people shouted 'this is a god speaking' about him and his delivery - but not five seconds later, he fell down dead from gangrene poisoning or something.
The power of ordinary human beings can be very far-reaching, very damaging, very hurtful - and this power can cause much suffering: millions can die. But then again all such 'gurus' fail at last.
And that is because they do not have the power that you want to have...
It is not true to say that humans have no power; they have power.
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Someone's going to come down there, and blow a trumpet, and - EOW! |
It's only a certain kind of power. It's the active human power to do anything by connecting a cause to the effect - and it can be actively enabled so long as the person doing it is alive. If someone was delusional, but succeeded in making others also believe in their delusion, certainly, the effects of their delusional behavior can happen again and again, but still only through the actions of the next crop of 'living' agents of that delusional 'cause-and-effect' template that the instigator promoted.
So nonetheless we have seen that just because someone dies - which event particularly contradicts their own assertions - this does not mean that people stop believing whatever nonsense the person was saying.
The Caliph Umar said he was not going to die and the 'angel Jibreel' was going to heal him - but he died.
Herod claimed to be a kind of a literal 'god' and in the very instant he proclaimed that, he dropped dead.
The problem does not stem from the fact that someone is a damned liar and a self-serving criminal - the problem arises out of the standard time profile of events when it comes to most things 'human.' We feel the bad longer and more keenly, and we tend to forget the good moments altogether, after awhile.
And in addition, people cannot be entirely blamed though, without applying mitigating factors because they are just being self-protective or do 'bad things' in superficially 'absolute terms' by religious standards - but those things were arguably necessary to defend against the much more powerful who are practicing very great evil.
The situation of 'the human race' is that the human individual is inside a massively large frame in which there are many forces of compulsion - and these forces are external to the person.They happen to him, they do not necessarily simply come out from him.
Over thousands of years, people have arrived at the idea, that there is a natural 'human social' ethos, a moral ideology, which says that we should or we must, as humans, do things that lessen the negative impacts on those around us while we live, and benefit those who come after us after we have died!
And this is the thing that prevents us from 'going too far' in our own lives, in order to get our way and to get whatever we want if we have the superior power compared to our fellow men.
This is sort of, 'secular humanism.'
The whole thing depends on human beings needing a cause to justify an effect.
And all of this applies to things -, not to people...
That 'effect' which is 'a good person,' an inwardly decent person with no doubtful aspects, a person who is mature and subtly nuanced in what is even their inner 'character' of 'goodness' - depends on no material cause at all. Yes politicians in particular, make justifications whose object is to convince others they are 'decent' and 'good.' But this is typical post factum fallacious argumentation.
EG: 'I did a bad thing, but really it was a good thing, because...'
Forget the justifications after the fact - tell me what makes you always tend to do good, as a pre-existing stance that is to do with you as a person.
See, I do not want to open a thirty year old bottle of Napoleon - since as de Balzac said, we should not open a Napoleon brandy under around thirty years of age - and drink it with Kamala Harris or Jeff Bezos, or any of these kinds of 'famous' people.
The 'cause' that really connects to the effect of me opening some Napoleon brandy with someone is actually about the effect itself anyway and not a non-intrinsic material cause.
The truly great gurus, the 'siddhis' - they can make things appear without resorting to the cause.
They are the effect.
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I would open a Napoleon, in here... |
But this is a complex argument to do with the complete permanency of that which is 'good.'
And most people are so delusional, so deeply steeped in the lunacy of 'human society' that they will spend all of their energy disputing what was just said here.
Humans are both the cause of, as well as the effect of, everything they experience as members of their own social groups.
By nature, people are unwilling to accept that things can change. They see the material things in the hands of some moron, and desire that thing, or those material things, but they think 'there is only one way to get those things' - yet what they will want, no sooner than getting the 'thing' is to have some people that they like around them.
And they spend so much time and energy going around matters that way, that the morons and pretty distasteful crew always keep control of a lot of those material things - because their ethical standards laugh at the moral standards of the rest, but those aspiring people cannot and will not become evil like them in order to get those things.
...If people went around the other way, seeking the people that they can like first, what happens is that the unlikable people become alone.
But the most important lesson that people learn doing things this way, is that they learn to stop always needing a cause to justify an effect, and instead learn being the effect itself.
Yes I understand things 'might' make us happy. But not for long. We want 'happy,' and we want things. We want both, we want all.
'All' is beyond 'human power.' All is a 'god power' thing. But 'god' is not a guy stuck in the past... God is not an artifact. Not an 'iron ring.' But what is He exactly? Does He even exist? Well, He is certainly not an iron ring, that's for sure. The Christians say, He is there in the midst of you... ...when you are among those you will open that Napoleon for.
So is that true? And if it is, can we just have that BMW now as well?
; )
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