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Thursday 15 July 2021

The Shallow Pool

When I was a kid, we used to go swimming in mountain streams, downstream from which lived very large and dangerous crocodiles. Where we swam though, it was pretty shallow and clear, and indeed, there were also crocodiles there, but tiny ones, a different type that never grew very large at all, and these guys were really timid.

We all imagine we know what a human being is, and we're just being silly, oblivious to what goes on around us.

D'you remember the not-so-long-ago pseudo-scandal about 'NXIVM' - that cult lot run by some wealthy people and a right lunatic called Keith Raniere?

What makes any of that different from the Jeffrey Epstein saga? The scale, or let's say, the relative scale? Is that all? It's all that I can see.

In fact both 'camps' had massive financial backing - in the case of NXIVM, from The Seagram's Family junior billionaire members.

Raniere looks, well, he sort of looks 'normal' - superficially. He doesn't look normal to me though, once I watch him and listen to him for just a few minutes.

How do 'normal' people get so caught up in such lunacy? And then, how do they get into so much damaging activity - don't they realize at some early stage 'hey this is gone off the rails completely here?'

Raniere was on the edges of big-time mainstream film & television, being the apparent cult leader of teams of mainly females, it would appear, who have prominent television and film industry careers.

Is it any wonder, that most smart people you meet have heavy-duty body armor (metaphorically) and have some weaponry (metaphorically).

So just where do you go, to be told by the gate-keeper "remove all of your body armor and lay down your weapons - before you enter here," and that you would be ready to comply with such an instruction or request?

I mean people have to be pretty shallow and venal if not simply grasping only, to get hooked up into such ludicrous things such as the NXIVM cult.

What is that we are not being told, even till this minute?

Raniere's partner was a hypnotherapist, but so what? Does that simply mean that she extracted information from people, information that was later able to be used to extort and to blackmail? Is that all there is to this stupidity? At one point, Raniere lost 70 million dollars trading something, maybe commodities, maybe shares, I don't know; but it's reliably reported as having amounted to 70 million bucks.

That's a damn helluva lot of money!

And he was so smart, he never even backed out when, oh I dunno, he'd lost 1 million...?

Now those of you reading here. I don't expect you to be a foolish person. You shouldn't even be here, reading here if you are an idiot.

It should already be too hot for you here - if you are an idiot. This is not the place for you. Go somewhere else. Please.

This is not a place for shallow people, or for foolish people. Remember what that little schoolkid said, the one from that African school, she said: 'His eyes made me very frightened.' Smart kid.

Go on, dare me. I am not Jesus, you know - you can put me to the test. Just don't imagine you will even come close to having guessed what this is all about, and don't walk into it thinking you can 'easily' handle the things you find out, because you won't be able to. That, is the main reason, they get you to go out to the Institute and stay there for a while. You'll be walking around in a daze once you find out!

As human beings we are attached to our free will. But the trouble is, unscrupulous people know that and they exploit us over it. That's how people like Keith Raniere 'do it' maybe not so much Epstein because that is a slightly different story, though not completely different... ...there are similarities.


"Remove all of your armor-plated outer garments, and lay down your weapons.

"...There's only other people like you in here." Just where is that place?!

The trouble is, there is no one 'off the rails' here. This is, unfortunately, the real deal here. And you could prove it if you really wanted to. And all that would do is make things worse for you if you are still stuck in 'Stoopidsville.'

What is going on here right now, via these pages, is probably better off in the hands, in the eyes, so to speak, of someone with relatively a lot of time on their hands, and without family or friends nagging at them all day long. You are not going to want to be hanging around 'normal' people after you find out. If, you find out, that is.

There is no 'last train.' No one's missing out. You can get in quicker, or less quickly, or maybe if you choose, not even at all; in the latter case you are better off going to hang around people like Keith Raniere or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris for that matter for all the good that will do you when we shove Singapore Island down below the waves for good.

Oh you think not?

Go on. Push me.

Get out of Singapore ASAP. Did I say just then 'metaphorically speaking?' I didn't did I.

For our guys that are there, in there still, you know what to do - for other people, this is just 'outlier' analysis of overflow from the present issues in South Africa. Zimbabwe has extensive dealing with Singapore, and a problematic political relationship with the Republic of South Africa. China has extensive interest in the whole of Africa and is deeply embedded now with union movements in South Africa. South Africa is a key source of 'strategic minerals' and the EU is competing heavily with China for control of those, especially vis-a-vis the most recent announcement about 'no petrol vehicles in Europe in ten years.' Oh, fifteen, is it...

Yeah don't panic. No one can predict the future.  


  1. Someone posted these in reply to my r/Throwawaylien post. Everything we need to understand how space flight works, in two short clips.


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