Hopefully, if nothing untoward happens tomorrow, which is the 'aiyee' of Ju-yi,' I will be posting just some nice quiet stuff about food, I think, most probably.
But for now, we go along this path:
For those of you surrounded by lots of people, or even just some people, you may or may not be aware that you (and they) are constantly bouncing non-verbal cues and subconscious messages backwards and forwards between yourselves.
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Baba au rhum. 'Rhum' is not 'rum.' Rhum is like a high spirit wine made from sugar cane juice, not molasses. |
This has its own problematic aspects but because human society is a kind of 'unguided self-targeting missile,' no one really cares about it, or thinks about it in any serious way.
'Self-targeting' means designed to hit humans, not just one's self, but: humans targeting other humans.
So, take off your armor and lay down your weapons.
But you won't. Because generally speaking, you can't.
There is a very widespread common 'idea' or 'belief' that goes 'all is one.'
No it isn't.
The definitional boundary threshold condition is a fact of Universal material existence. And this means things are different.
They do not occupy the space space, they are not made up of the exact same elements - they may be tied by various energetic forces and waves or pulses, but even there they are all on different points on the lines.
People who keep talking about this 'all is one' stuff, are trying to acquire for themselves a power that something else has, and which they might have, presuming they can 'be one with that thing.' This is a kind of 'Cosmic magic' thinking.
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Hey Bill, let's get this. |
Why couldn't JHVH have given Moses a EUFA-style code-book of regulations instead of this 'eye-for-an-eye' nonsense? Look, this week this Muslim sheikh is rattling cages with his fatwah that soccer is haram, because it does not follow the Sharia Law... LOL
If some player tackled you and broke your ankle, according to the Sharia you should break his ankle back. If he poked your eye, whether accidentally or not, you must poke his eye.
There are these academic minds who have justified the Code of Hammurabi (Laws of Moses) with the idea that it delimits how far people may authentically 'go' in retributive acts.
But the reality is, neither is that, nor the religious belief about 'God's Law' correct in any advanced intelligent sense. The 'Laws of Moses' narrative, the story - is BS.
'God' never came anywhere and gave 'Moses' anything, or at least not 'God' and not anything like that.
This week I got into a good deal of 'trouble' on-line someplace when I said that 'Timothy' the follower of Paul, was gay. I mean he was clearly gay!
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Alain Ducasse's idea of a ham & cheese sandwich. |
But the main objection was to the effect of - 'where is your proof, your evidence?'
Well, I mean, when did the human being lose the ability and the right to use their own common sense about something? Besides the word 'despicable' that Paul uses about Timothy is used to this day among London barristers as a euphemism for homosexuality!
The 'Letter to Timothy' is the major cause in Christian Churches - no, I would say it has cast its effect across many religious and socio-political systems - of the downgrading and suppression of women. The edicts in that text go specifically against the teaching of Jesus Christ - so how come it is there at all?
There has never been any explanation given as to why the canonical Book of Judith is regularly omitted from printed Bibles, and it contains a crystal clear instance of a female officiating over a sacred 'wine and bread' priestly thing. Bible 'Judith' was the daughter of the Hebrew High Priest at the time too, so she certainly knew what she was doing.
Whatever you think though, if you are in close proximity of other human beings, is continuously being messed about with by the mindsets of those others around you, near you.
When you are completely by yourself, with no one else around you, all the intellectual processing that you do, is solely the immediate energetic property of you.
My question still is however - did you take off your own armor plated outer protection even with yourself? And did you also 'lay down your weapons?'
One person asked me about the Stephen Greer CE5 process, and said something about how he was doing all the meditation but hadn't contacted any ET Aliens yet - what should he do?
And I said: 'show me one single John Mack interviewee who ever said their experience was not physical and material despite there had been some strange and apparent dissolving aspects.'
I think people are getting the wrong idea in many instances about all of this. The Pentagon has never said their sophisticated expensive radar and IR and filming equipment was in a 'meditating mode' and having 'visions' or imagined if otherwise seemingly realistic hallucinations about various flying objects.
You see - these things are real. As in real real.
A lot of people haven't quite got that yet.
If they zap some place with a heavy-duty beam, you're going to get killed, as in real killed, not imaginary killed. It won't then be a delusion or an hallucination that disaster struck.
And what makes me think they are going to 'zap' any place?
There is far far too much opinionated nonsense on the media, in official discourse, and in on-line YouTube videos, for one example, where people are seeking to drive up numbers of views for whatever reasons that they have. And all of these people, these voices are speaking from the speculative standpoint. They have zero knowledge.
The thing has become worse than simple 'Chinese whispers.'
Now I can't say to you, oh just simply drop what you are doing in your life, stop fulfilling the obligations that you have, in order to start adjusting to a non-externally interfered sense of what it is you truly believe inside you, and you alone.
Why would someone need to go searching on-line for 'interest groups' or 'support groups' just to get in touch with others who may have something similar (in the sense of knowledge) to what they have acquired - once they have become worthy of themselves, have dropped their armor plating to themselves, have lain down their weapons against themselves...? If, as I have said, this matter to do with advanced intelligent beings, is real, is a real thing, with therefore the attendant real advanced knowledge and technology - would someone not become 'meta-human' then next? They could 'see' you. They can see all those around them. They already know 'who is who.'
How interesting are you? Not 'how well can you meditate??!'
Listen, people, the subtext of that scene with Clooney killing the goat... ...is; well you know what it is because you are not stupid.
Why don't you write down on a plain sheet of paper, all the people you would like to be associated with? What are their characteristics that you find appealing? What makes it 'good' what they are, or what they have, as personalities?
That's 'meditation.' Effective meditation in context of the CE5 thing.
What you're getting at now (took your damned time too!) is the big NEXT QUESTION that just seems to get totally ignored in Greer's CE5 documentary. Nothing that happens in his encounters as they are portrayed to the sticky masses (the likes of me) involve any real learning on either side. If an alien shows up then we should acknowledge that our minds are not prepared to distinguish "real alien" from "human made hoax alien" or "real alien" from "ET made hoax." But the question is DEEP, and not in the "I don't have enough weed to deal with the 4D meta bullshit" way, and if the "ET alien" -- whether he is a hoax alien or a "real" one -- doesn't wish to engage you on that issue, then you should understand that there is/ will be an insurmountable conflict between the two of you.
ReplyDeleteMy pushing the "shared agency" thing was not intended as you preferred to take it, as a means of "doing CE5 and getting ahold of what's available to us out there" but as a suggestion that what we "have" of the aliens (assuming they're responsible for the funny lights everyone sees) should be an inkling that there is much more to being a sentient intelligent creature than we can imagine.
So use the concept of shared agency in your own way, to demolish what is fake about your own psychical constitution.
And I suppose finally you've pointed out "well that might work, probably not though, but there is an easier way here."
DeleteOh and the sub text is that clooney did the thing although he sensed he was crossing a line and chose to be the goat killer instead of the person who understands the significance of the line being crossed and paid the price.
DeleteEd Dames, that friggin idiot, chose to listen to satan himself, malachi martin, and decided to allow the demons to become real, in the worst baptist sunday school conception of demons. Malachi Martin could have told him "use your mind and turn those demons into rubber duckies" but then who would need malachi martin? Honestly it makes my blood boil when I think about how evil people can be without even trying.
Ha ha. Malachi Martin is (was) not 'Satan himself!' He sure was around a lot of devilish people though, that seems so even from his own depictions of things. I find him a very conflicted character - tons of personality of course. What he says is often very interesting, but he cannot get away from the basic propaganda of the institution he was wrapped up in.
DeleteOops! you got your paypal thingy up there, so I'm going to need to back off now for reals. Boundaries, you know. Not a fan of ET folk with pay buttons. Thanks for the yogurt, and the mallow flower tea, and some other things I'm not thinking of. Truly.
DeleteHere is the best John Mack documentary around, although the same producer made one in another language that I cannot locate right now, but it was more or less the same - there were a few more poignant, I thought, little vignettes in that. Not to worry, the main stuff is all here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzmtaJ4FzLw
ReplyDeleteWhat Mack is saying at 51:49
DeleteIf you want to criticize the effect of science on the popular mindset, it would be that it unfairly encourages people to discount the kind of quest for knowledge Mack is referring to. It makes people lazy, too eager to turn to the prognostication of experts.
Waiting for "the other shoe to drop" is getting people antsy. Whether that shoe is an economic event, political event, medical event, "kinetic" war, or UFOs zapping us - it feels like something's up.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe that's just the way it's always been.
No don't wait. If anything really HUGE happens it will be unexpected, virtually unpredictable anyway. There are ideas about asteroids, major earthquakes, tsunamis, natural disasters, solar flares that are exorbitantly powerful. And there is a constant risk anyway of some idiot firing a nuclear weapon. How about we just make some money and relax while the world goes up in flames every which way. The world can't end just yet - I have nine more 'Arabic Legends' coins to stick onto the NFT platforms.