'Martinism' is this European, partly Spanish, partly French and German thing, that at some point was considered to be a derivative of Freemasonic occult lore, and then later on was thought by everyone who ever even had heard of it at all(!), as not being anything to do with Freemasonic ideas other than that it - similar to the Freemasons - does appear to have 'levels' and secret teachings the higher up you go in the system. And it is also a 'lodge' system - meaning, guys went to pubs and hung out in private rooms and all of that...
It's an 18th century movement, curtailed by the French Revolution, but which was also heavily opposed by the Bavarian Illuminati.
...Now I kind of go to pubs -, although, well, actually I don't - I go to this restaurant at the side of a Belgian Beer bar!
Anyway, back to the story.
So I watched the first part of the recent John Malkovich 'Hercule Poirot' movie, in which Sarah Phelps, the brilliant English screenwriter, changes the basic 'Hercule Poirot' back-story to show the Belgian detective as previously a Catholic priest, whose parishioners were all slaughtered by Nazis in the 'rape of Belgium' situation.
Malkovich's Poirot blames himself partly for the tragedy, or at least the actual deaths, and he definitely also blames God and there is a scene in which Malkovich tells a priest that indeed he 'doubts.'
The wonderful thing about this particular scene and John Malkovich's performance, is his utterly dispassionate delivery of the lines. There are no histrionics betraying some 'childhood issues' or some suppressed anger about any other thing at all, which then taint, (or taints?) the purity of the point being made - no, he is just making a crystal clear point about the so-called 'Theodicy argument,' or, as is probably more correctly said: 'the moral or philosophical question about Theodicy.'
He says 'God has failed.'
And the implication is that he is trying to work now himself - as a detective interdicting murderers - so that he does not fail.
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'Office-in-a-box.' |
Martinism and Steven Greer's CE5 system share several things: they have a Cosmological 'view,' they 'claim' to be able to get into direct contact with superior beings, and, other than those more general style of similarities, in fact the processes they employ are the same.
And those are (the shared processes), fundamentally, that they set about trying to make the thinking and feeling, inside of the person seeking to contact some proposed 'superior being' capable of harmonizing with the mindset of those superior beings.
Somehow or other though, both Martinism and Greer's CE5 make a presumption that they know what the mindset of the superior beings is!
And that 'reason' appears to be, as far as I can tell, because 'we' all have some infallible moral compass within... ...somewhere.
In the case of some of Martinism's written narratives, the human condition is all about some 'fall' of 'Man.'
Greer is not too far away from that either, and today, the logical imperative for why we think about these things at all, is because we know technology can kill.
Supreme technology is able to kill supremely.
What saves advanced intelligent beings not from this planet, ought to be what saves us too, from our own self-destruction because of technology.
It's all 'fair enough' thinking but it betrays this common modern popular Judaic-Christian dogma about the 'fall of Man' and so on - that is very deeply embedded in society now. Regardless that many people do not 'believe' any of it, they, those 'disbelievers' still have a view of 'what it is they are not believing.'
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Coffee table with fridge, power-points, all kinds of gadgets... |
So in any case you cannot ever have these kinds of discussions with rabbis, priests, academic religious scholars or hardly anyone - because they all have vested interests in their own doctrines.
You cannot, for example, say to a rabbi that it never says anything about the fall of Man in the Torah, and you cannot say that to a standard modern Christian either.
See what I'm trying to say here, is it is pointless whether Martinists procure some kind of real though simplistic interaction with superior beings, or if Greer's CE5 protocol does.
The valid thing about Malkovich's Poirot charging God with a problematical morality, and the skeptic's main argument about anything at all of these 'mystical' things (IE skeptics say that if 'x' were a reality it would have become abundantly clear by now) - is that we are not any better off actually finding 'advanced intelligent ET Aliens,' same as we are not any better off finding that God has a switch changing us all into something better than we are.
In the first instance the magnitude of our potential problems only increases! And in the second instance, well in fact 'God has a lot of explaining to do' in the very first place!
Now, you simply cannot say to a religious scholar, 'guy, you are just completely miss-translating what that thing says in there!'
We are beset with a pack of idiots offering us an endless set of mirrors back into time forever - this Alien seeded this species which seeded that one and on and on... ...The 'Gaia' idea.
...or else (with the standard religious narratives), when you get to some future that never will arrive soon, rocks from outer space will destroy the planet and therefore all the evildoers that you didn't like here, and then, you will get endless virgins or endless harps.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
But what if I can selectively pick, where the rocks will hit? Then, then, surely my problem is still the 'why' one.
The 'problems' or at least the key issues, are 'why' and also 'who.'
If we shared power with KP, he is going to operate on the premise that 'the laws of mathematics are different' between a simulation and the pre-existing reality (there's that mirror again) from out of which a mind produced the simulation.
Back to Democritus I guess.
And Parmenides.
Oh but, we have better thinking now, right? And 'science.'
You have... ...nothing.
Never before, in the whole history of the human race on this planet, has its broad population inclusive of its leaders been so bereft of common sense, or advanced knowledge and thinking systems.
This is plainly the stupidest 'generation' that ever walked the planet.
The human race is categorically a DNA experiment.
Actually there is no 'one human race.' There are a lot of different things. And it is extremely complex. And way outside of the framework of all of the religious ideologies. Oh, well - slight correction: outside of the current frameworks of pretty much all of them. I mean to say! For one thing, the translations of many critical words is just plain shoddy, to say the least!
I can make a simulation of a Hercule Poirot story, for instance. And in it, I would have Poirot an ex-priest, not an ex-Belgium Police officer. But then, there would be howls of execration from around the world about 'how dare I do that to such an icon?!'
But then this is why there are 'fan clubs.' We gravitate to those we are amenable to based on a lot of things.
This guy 'God' has been set up by others, to tell you, just what 'God' is like and then you must simply accept that formulation and 'worship' it.
And there are whole entire tribes of ET fans, who have images of what ET Aliens look like and maybe what they are like too.
Neither of them is able to produce either the 'God' or the Aliens.
Me, I can sit in a tree and await three commanders of fifty soldiers...
Ain't no one watching out for us though.
So. No commanders, no soldiers.
How 'bout that?
Maybe we just run away with the cakes...
Maybe so.
Why change anything??
Actually KP would operate on the premise that there is no meaningful way to distinguish between the "pre-existing" reality and the simulation. "Is this a simulation" is as unanswerable and meaningless for those "in the simulation" as it would be for those "in the pre-existing reality."
ReplyDeleteSo. "Think the thoughts..."
Your girlfriends/boyfriends slapped you, right? A lot...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePrevious: Deleted for Typo.
DeleteYou know, I need to be as honest with you as possible, not for your benefit, but for a lot of other people here. There are SO MANY websites on-line in which people claim to be able to do something, and cannot. And I would include Greer up to a point. And I have been endeavoring, here, for many months, to slowly hand out something of absolutely HUGE, megalithic, and mind-blowing proportions and which I can do - and you have done your level best to prevent it from happening, by interjecting with specious remarks that have literally NO basis in fact and reality when you examine them, but what they do achieve is make it impossible to 'give' anything to you. It is NOT a fact, that the agent of an intelligent mind (and btw, YOU are the person, who started out with DEMANDING 'agency;' I mean seriously, of all the FOOLISHLY arrogant things for someone to do in the face of what was being told to people here about the officially acknowledge possibility of ET Alien activity) cannot distinguish between pre-existing reality and a simulation of that reality. The matter is neither unanswerable nor meaningless. The reason we have such a thing as 'consciousness' and 'intellect' is because we ascribe meaning all the time, and it is relevant to that individual who is doing that.
You are messing with fire.
So in other words, I'm getting really close?
DeleteIt's your blog. Delete what doesn't belong.
No, you're not getting close. It will be instructive to point out to independent readers who have not enough experience of sophistry, to draw attention to the THREE mischievous pieces of debating gun-play you just indulged in up there in the other main comments: 1. the bald setting up of a straw-man framework - 'pre-existing;' 'meaningFUL/not-meaningFUL;' and then, the beautifully sneaky one about 'simulation.'
DeleteWho was talking about simulations here at all? No one.
You introduced it, and then buttressed it with a 'wealthy fellow' as if to impress that this was then 'important,' and it then enters into the framework. It is a classic straw-man but a very cunning one. For two reasons, one it distracts and takes time away from what was being looked at, and two, uncritical people are going to forget that 'simulated' means 'not the same' in the first place. So why are you setting up a straw-man argument: 'oh, look, it is not the same (by definition), and (yet) we cannot MEANINGFULLY distinguish them (either)...' ??'Distinguish is something the subject does. And no one has attempted to give a description of the human subject and how it is conscious and how it decides on labels and how it ascribes meaning to definitions. Of course, for kids, it is tempting to think about computer simulations warmly because this is a world they can 'jump into' and have fun in. That makes it a 'grade of real,' not all real. ET Aliens, are people, with physical material substance, who move through space across vast distances and 'through' linear time, using fluctuated electromagnetic waves as a powerful force that builds up EM fields like bubbles inside the standing field. They are not 'invisible,' they are not 'spirit' beings (as in, they are not 'ghosts,' and they are not illusions nor hallucinations (in those cases that are authentic). And they are not necessarily benign.
Show me that little purple metal card with the rounded edges with your name and number on it. Did you make yourself one, did you? It's like a swish dog-tag. They use it on their 'carry-on' luggage and no one knows what it is really for. Except those who do.
Or have you just lived your life as an accident waiting to happen?
DeleteIt's an accident, right, that you succeeded in making absolutely sure this was NO LONGER a quiet little place where quiet little messages could be let out to people who would appreciate them. Instead, you are a continuous counter-voice with no logical arguments (when you look at them closely) but a lot of strongly asserted stances. My Muslim friends have a word to describe this. Same word the Hebrew friends use.
DeleteI'm thankful for this blog. Whether this existence is a simulation, hologram, play or illusion, the blog has caused me to realize that the Kubrickian "White Room" at the end of the universe will be - for me - green.
ReplyDeleteI don't suppose this is the message you've been trying to send, but it's the one I've chosen to carry away. Thanks, and I mean that sincerely!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDeleted just due to 'typo' again! Sigh.
DeleteOh, cool! Well, because of you and what you just said, we will post something 'spectacularly significant' for those who can 'get it.' And, we'll still leave a lot out, but if you think we're going too far in public then just say so in the comments and I'll pull back a bit. Just a bit. You are 'right on track' though.