It's the end of that movie, right...
Anyway, Blondie says to Tuco: 'In this world, my friend, there are two kinds of people -"
We are going to mess here with what he says though; it now goes like this:
"In this world my friend, there are three kinds of people - those with loaded guns, and those who dig... ...and those with a golden gun."
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Tweed wool Chanel handbag... Where do we go after the Kaiser (Karl) has left us? |
That song recorded and performed by Rod Stewart in the last article is a good song - it has a great melody, fantastic and clever lyrics.
We all can 'get' the sentiment, the image behind the narrative in it. Except that for intelligent people it is only a 'talking point,' maybe a teaching point; it isn't a real moral lesson at all. And I'll tell you why.
See the 'poor old grand-dad' sweats to buy the handbag. Does he begrudge giving it? Not sure. Maybe he does. So why did sweat to buy it at all then? He's old - he should be wise - but he is still sweating though, to make some cash...
What's going on here?
The girl is/was apparently, in the narrative of the lyrics, going to school, maybe senior college, maybe even to University - but she is meant to throw her handbags and stuff away, because... ...what, because somehow the University will give her what her poor old grand-dad never got in his life? How would he know??
Perhaps he wasn't able to do arithmetic like the University kids can now. You know, wasn't able to add up.
He should have known that 'two plus two equals...' ...whatever Karl Popper says it is.
So yes, we could have a golden gun.
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By Johnny Wujek - the greatest stylist in the world today. |
Except we would never show it.
Now would we?
Here's something from out of a couple (it's actually in two different works, one of them being by Hesiod) of ancient Greek classic texts that you will never hear about nor learn from any University anywhere on the planet at all:
"You have heard it differently, but there was also he who said it one time this way - that in certain cases the half is more than the whole."
Now then, for those who want to know how come super advanced ET Alien beings regard humans as being of so little account -
"And how can he who has magnificence of mind and is the spectator of all time and all existence, think much of human life?"
But the point is in fact rhetorically being made there, and the real intended meaning is not that life has no value, or that it is to be squandered, nor even, that it is some lesser thing at all.
It is placing some form of existence much higher than the forms of existence that human beings try to enshrine in the sets of priorities that they make for themselves due to an incorrect view of life and of existence at all.
It is not necessarily the fault of people that they have become what they are, and that human 'society' is what it is. People are handed a plate of highly manipulated ideas and instructions from a long line of 'leaders...'
And so how are they to know any better?
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I will match my files with the best the CIA has to offer, any time, anywhere. Too late now, though. Is that a Kennedy in the bottom left? |
So. Another 'rhetorical' question. Star Wars, this is a Hollywood fantasy, right?
You think 'Old Ben Kenobi' is this pseudo-Hebrew mythic figure concocted from some ancient Jewish folklore by today's Jewish-laden Hollywood elite, forcing writers to come up with Jewish myth 'color-saturated' fictional narratives...
Bena ha Elohim.
Genesis 6:4
How many people ever told you that 'Ken' is in that verse too, in counter-position to 'Ben?'
Or, let me put it more accurately, the Ken, as opposed to the Ben...
Here is the complete verse:
"Ya bo u aser ken ahare wagam hahem bayyamim ba a res ha yu hannepilim haggiborim hemmah lahem weyaledu haa dem benowt el ha elohim bene (punctuation mark 'P') hassem anse meowlam aser."
I don't actually see 'bena ha elohim,' do you? (Or 'bene ha elohim' as some write it).
That's because it isn't there.
You imagine that those who run the lives of everyone on the whole entire planet think they don't know what they are doing? It's all just an accident, right? A little coincidence here, a little coincidence there...
Well, put it this way, they do know what they are doing. Same as a high speed race driver sees everything and he prolly sees it better than me, as well. That is, until he hits the wall at 'very very fast.' Or the tree.
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How the Man With The Golden Gun died. |
Yeah okay so maybe there's four types of people in the world - those with loaded guns (ha gibborim), those who dig (human servant beings, slaves; b'nai ha adamah), those with golden guns (hannepilim), and those whose weapons are unknown and unseen and work in secret for who knows whom and for who even knows what (Benai ha Ken'ai-o ha Elohim ha kadosh baruch-hu).
At first, beforehand, there were those who were (Ken) right, firmly established, and stable.
And then, it all turned into a mess when...
Long long ago, in a Galaxy far away...
And you think not, right?
Go down into the street, and look carefully, with your eyes and using your brain, and tell me how many 'human beings' that you can see there.
And then next, place your hand into the ground and lifting up the earth, check it and see if it is alive. (Then put it back, of course).
And then, go into your city, and see how much fantastic building goes on, look at all the tall buildings, the streets -, how much technology is there too; trains, buses, cars, even soon there will be 'flying cars.'
"For know that I am like a powerful ruler, who took what others had built, and then used it, and kept it for myself."
You don't need to be on the side of the guy with the loaded gun, nor the slave 'who digs,' nor yet the man with the Golden Gun.
You need to be on the side of the people that are there, that no one else sees.
And you need to have the eyes, maybe develop the eyes, to see them.
Now don't ask dumb questions after reading this article! People get into a lot of trouble when they supply 'proof and evidence.' Or, as the Dawah Team down at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park London say it - 'proofs and evidences.' 'Where is your proofs and your evidences? LOLz
But Dawah Team, I am not going to supply 'proofs and evidences to the dirt in which I am going to bury you back after all...' You are just bits of sand; you think you are alive but you are dead. Why don't you prove that you are not... ...dead bits of nothing sand?
What have you got there? Anything?
They have nothing.
As for you smart ladies and gentlemen here, how about we just look out for the next 'new kid on the block' who knows how to design the really outstanding, the world-class, top, and most expensive no doubt as well, handbags.
I can hear some of you saying right now: 'Jeez, Calvin, you really drive us nuts here. WTH are we worrying about designer handbags for, fergawdsake??!'
The girls aren't thinking that, however.
And neither were the German Industrial Trading Houses, decades ago now, when they snuck into China quietly and backed those crooks to make 'copy/paste designer real leather handbags!'
And now, now, the idiots out in West Hollywood, actually think 'vegan handbags' are a thing.
Having expensive handbags or leading the life more or less, of a playboy is not what is meant by the great classical texts when they warn against miss-using the amazing knowledge of advanced systems - they mean, don't go after some childish ambition to 'take over the state' and to rule it as a tyrant. Your knowledge, your education, is for the human benefit of other human beings. Your knowledge is for separating the wheat from the chaff, the sand from the diamond crystals; that is to say, the other way 'round, of course!
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