So... Anyone who thinks we are not able to deliver, here, is nuts. LOL
What you are going to learn shortly, will spin your head around and take it right off from your shoulders!
You think not? Really?
Won't be in this post, but will happen!Ha!
TL/DR warning:
(Quick Note, first, though: the 'PayPal' button you see in the top right hand corner is only for those who are looking at the NFT listings for Digital Dirhams. I think I probably already have pointed out here or somewhere, that there are several reasons why real physical dirham coins are not worth holding or selling at the moment - so it sure ain't anyone here doing that anywhere right now. Firstly, there is absolutely no market pressure at all that I can see, for silver dirhams numismatically, and secondly, Arabic silver coins, like Spanish silver, are all 'cheater's coins;' they claim to be a certain weight and never are. So it is only Indian silver dirhams that are the 'correct weight,' and what is really, the point of having those since actual pure silver bullion is much more easily bought and sold OTC anyway. The PayPal thing also entails us reserving - we already have for a few people - something that is a numismatic coin available locally to us, and which we think is being bought up by China interests until they will shove the prices through the roof. So, it is only ten bucks to get in on that, and I will undertake to 'buy back' if it doesn't go as I say that it will in the marketplace. Except that it will for sure. So you can't expect us to blurt it out what this thing is - the last time, the coins went from sixty bucks to three thousand dollars in a few weeks! Was a slightly different situation but it will amount to a definite as well as good profit all the same).
Back to the fun part.
Now I'm only 'beating up' on Muslims, because it is easier, and it is meant to indicate that people believe all kinds of nonsense, and when they do, widely, it tends to be a huge massive fraud lie - but which they fully swallow, and when they do that, it often means a truly interesting fact goes begging.
2 billion people on the planet 'believe' (whether they really do or not we don't need to worry about) that Muhammad went on a 'night journey' that no one saw, on the back of a flying buraq.
This is in a chapter of the Quran, called 'Surah Al-Isra.'
Does anyone know what 'isra' is meant to mean in Arabic? Doesn't mean 'night-time journey!' It just means traveling, or kind of traveling and it may contain a sort of pun about 'ra' meaning sun or light. 'Rijal' walking around. That's the root. How they get 'night-time journey' from that I will never know. Possibly because there is no such connection and Jamaat people have made it up.
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In the 'Black Mansion.' |
By now you all know - you should know - that there are some nine hundred currently itemized different versions of the 'Quran.' This is the book by the way, that rigid ideologues will tell you, butter still firm in mouth, that has been sent down by God, and is perfectly preserved, not a word, not a letter not a dot, removed or out of place.
Okay never mind that. There are 'officially' acknowledged 'mus'hafs' - which means variant 'readings.'
Actually though, some 'mus'hafs' are in fact physical, written text versions with accompanying exegeses and explanations of how to read them.
These are among the actual 'earliest hard copy' Quran texts/versions in real existence, as opposed to Wikipedia imaginary 'existences.'
Many of them, do not call 'Surah Al Isra' (the so-called 'Chapter of the Night Journey') 'Surah Al Isra, but Surat Bani Israel...
Oh yes indeedy, for those Muslims around the place here, who are sure to quickly get something unnerving about that.
Surat Bani Israel is a copy in Arabic, written around the time of Mu'awiya II, of a Syriac version of the Babylonian Talmud. And in there, it details a 'real' journey by Enoch (not a 'visionary journey'), and also by Moses, up into the sky, and into the heavens, and into some 'furthest place' (which is what 'al-aqsa' means in Arabic) where there was a shrine or temple of some kind with preternatural or supernatural beings in it.
Word for word, the current 'Surah Al Isra' contains whole passages lifted straight off the Babylonian Talmud.
Moreover, Mu'awiya, who spoke, wrote and read Greek, found a way to explain what he could not comprehend in the rather occult Syriac Babylonian Talmud chapter, and inserted the story about a 'flying horse-like creature' taking this from Greek myths about Pegasus, who also transported various 'heroes' up to heavenly Olympus (not Mount Olympus') 'where the gods really were.'
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The 'Eureka!' Paraiba Tourmaline crystal. |
There are exactly no Arab, or Muslim scholars who have ever decided if the 'night journey of Muhammad' was only a vision, or if it was physically real.
The Babylonian Talmud, however (as well as the Torah and the Christian Bible), says that it was real. Additionally, Hebrew rabbis have all maintained this 'legend' about, either that Enoch and Elijah too, were not originally actually human anyway, and came from 'elsewhere,' or that in particular, Enoch, 'became' this 'super being' they call Metat-****. And they never verbalize the rest of it, but the 'New Ager's' all have, and it is this thing 'Metatron.'
Anyway the whole thing is in Menachot 29b: 3-5 of the Babylonian Talmud, and it was written long long long prior to 'the Quran.'
Now anyway, why is this important to current rational thinking about 'ET Aliens?'
Well because there exists in ancient historical written narratives, accounts of 'traveling into space' by particular 'witnesses,' actual human beings who were said to have existed as real people, and whom other people at the time knew.
'Enoch' is this guy known by the Egyptians as 'Akhnoukh.' Now 'Akhnoukh' had a relationship to the pyramids but it is not maintained that he built them, though some people say there are hieroglyphs to that effect. Who knows? I don't.
This 'night journey' in the Islamic standard narrative, is called 'the Miraj.' And that is very convenient.
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Red saffron from Shia Iran. Most expensive spice in the world. |
Only Sunni Muslims, however, believe in it. Shia Muslims say the whole thing is rubbish.
So but hang on, if the Shia Muslims adamantly do not believe the 'Dome of the Rock' fairy tale, then how come there was a fight yesterday out there, when several hundred Muslim women marched around the entrance to the place, blocking Jews from entering in there on a particular Jewish 'sacred day' to do with the Rock, and then the IDF dragging women around and people throwing rocks and pellets being fired and everything. Over the mirage, that none of them know anything about for real.
Sunni Muslims claim this place is theirs for all time because God gave it to Muhammad when he went there on the night journey that no one saw, but the Babylonian Talmud says Enoch and Moses went there first and God gave them... cetera.
Now please don't blame just Sunni Muslims! After all, it is the Jews that say that God invented the Ten Commandments that he stole from Hammurabi and gave to Moses...
And you all here, certainly the majority of you, figure I cannot produce an ET Alien space ship out front of your window.
Right? I mean you do think that, right?
And of course all of you knew about the Babylonian Talmud... Right?
You knew all of this stuff.
So, boys and girls, since you already know everything (KP has already said as much that I should not think or assume 'he/we/someone' is not already connected up, more connected than I know...)...
...Can you please tell me why it is that the Zohar Jews, and the Talmud scholars, and the Christians all believe (well they should and if some don't then they are dumb as well as ignorant about their own traditions) - all say that Enoch's traveling around was 'real?' As in real physical material real?
Because you know the answer to that, right?
No you don't.
You've never heard any of this stuff before in your lives, other than very vaguely indeed.
You know, there's a couple of kids, who email me regularly, saying 'why can't the ET Aliens come down and give us a real version of what happened in history, wouldn't that be cool if they did that?'
I had a dream two nights ago about signing up for and then attending a class in the anthropology department at UC Riverside. So next day I look through the faculty web page and find the guy who seemed closest to the person teaching the class in my dream and do a little search via google and find myself reading "Gateways to Another World: The Symbolism of Supernatural Passageways in the Art and Ritual of Mesoamerica and the American Southwest."
ReplyDeleteToday I'm noticing that there is an "entrance to the fourth world" within Hopi mythology.
I and a bunch of other people I'm noticing on reddit are getting a bit tired of all this "when are they going to come down and show themselves?" when in fact its like this: you have questions? ask them! Then go use all your faculties to find the answers"
You're right on the money, dude.
DeleteYep. Pretty much. The most - the MOST - shocking thing... when you actually get answered!