"Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace! Grace to it!' " Zech. 4: 6-7.
"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundations of this house; his hands shall also complete it. ...The seven are the eyes of the Lord, which range through the whole Earth." Zech. 4:9-14.
Now how can someone who laid the foundations - whether of Babylon, or the Great Pyramid, depending on what you might wish to suppose (except let's put this to bed once and for all: the Bible EXPLICITLY says 'Behold this is a great mystery, for this Babylon, which is also EGYPT...' Okay? Got it? Doesn't matter that 'Zerubbabel' the name means 'a stranger in Babylon' - what we are to take from this is that the key secular civilization we need to worry about is in Egypt, and it is evident that there has been a destruction of Egypt, with its power having been scattered - and this is turned into a metaphor about 'Moses and the Exile' in the hands of scribes down through the centuries).
- How can someone who laid the foundations of the Ancient Great Pyramid, taking that as the 'Great House,' be expected to 'finish the work with his own hands?'
These and many other questions, shall not be answered here, any time soon. LOL
At least certainly not unless you are MBS, and you can smash a million bucks down on top of the barrel. And that would be just because I'm a funny guy and I like humor.
Man, these kinds of things are worth more than someone's life!
Hah! These things are more precious than mountains of gold!
Who cares that you have the world's biggest cruising yacht, or the biggest oil reserves on the planet...
I laugh at you!
"Consider the lilies of the field (weren't actual lilies, though, probably poppies) how they grow; they toil not neither do they spin: yet I tell you, that even Amenhotep III in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
The passages before and after this particular statement deal directly with the meaning of the Great Pyramid and surrounding objects - but these are very highly occult passages that require explaining from those who know exactly what the words are referring to.
This is not the place nor the time to go into any of these matters - but the question was posed in one of the earlier articles here: 'Do any ancient prophecies say the Pyramids will be destroyed?'
As the sun shines from one horizon to the other across the whole sky, you will know...
You will indeed know. ...It's not about some penny ante little tin-pot 'Sanhedrin portable tent!' ...Whose curtains were rent from top to bottom. Big Deal! We are talking THE Temple, dudes!!
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Jerusalem 'lilies.' |
Don't get caught up in modern 'brand name' religious edicts and 'teachings.' They are all rubbish.
If someone cures a deaf man, that is a good person that does that, and the power they have is from a good source. For 'from the fruit thereof shall you know and understand the nature of the tree.' It's as simple as that. Stop going around 'looking for' the Anti-Christ; there's thousands of them. Stop going around pointing fingers and saying 'sinner/sin/repent.' People hardly know what they are to repent for and my first suggestion as to what they might 'repent of,' if they had their brains screwed in properly, is sheer utter, bloody-minded idiocy and stupidity.
Repent of that first (if that's what you are doing). And then you can worry about all the other 'evil wicked' stuff preachers want to shove in your face.
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