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Tuesday 3 September 2019

So, Silver

What did we say here?

'Silver Dirham' - a relatively new oud-based perfume;
pretty decent too. Shame there's no 'nitro-musk' in it. NM was banned
by the European IFRA regulators and so you can only get Nitro Musk
in Middle Eastern and Indian fragrances these days. Shame... ...because you
can really blow up planes and buildings and back-packs and stuff with Brut 33 original,
if you know how to remove one or two of the added carbon atoms in the base molecule.
'Silver to rise soon.' Was the label attached to our Wednesday, 3 July article: 'Started This Silver Fund.' Price then was around and sometimes even less than 15 bucks in Aussie dollars which have since slipped even further, as the GBP slides freely.

So what are we going to do? It's in a profit and you never go broke taking a profit (or so old Geoff Cambridge, my most ancient stock broker mentor used to say).

And part of the design of what we are doing here is getting a digital utility token off the ground, backed by various hard value and liquid components. Silver being one of them at the moment.

We can sell some, and we can buy some more, too - because, we have a stream of money from elsewhere and right now I am unable to think of anything better to spend the cash into.

What do you guys think? We've made about 30% all told, inclusive of the currency movements - in less than sixty days.


  1. Every single central banker in the world is dousing their fiats with gasoline and pulling out the zippo lighter and you want to sell what is literally, still, the most undervalued asset on the planet?

    Surely you jest...

    You should make a silver utility token. Maybe base it on the dirham. Or the taler. Or Pieces of eight. Or even a talent of silver!

    I think I found my wallet too:


  2. I live for the day when I will be able to mouth the words of Anthony Quayle in the movie 'Battle of the River Plate:'

    "Grunt, growl, urrrrr. Aarrrgh, Hockey, give 'er all she's got."

    1. And the monster goes down.

      PS we certainly must involve silver in the utility token. I'm just going to step into the Perth Mint tomorrow just to 'get a feel' of what the China tourist vibe is down there. And yes, digital wallet; an essential item for forward actions - I will keep a central register/record of all wallet accounts notified hereabouts (also via private emails, obviously) and 'sooner or later' (sigh, nothing is soon enough for us humans) there will be accruals of all kinds of 'utilities' and 'things' allocated.


Your considered comments are welcome