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Monday 2 September 2019

Al Uqsur

Al Uqsur is the Egyptian for what we today call 'Luxor.'

Luxor is in Thebes, and is the place at which Plato said Hermes founded his city, and provided Mankind with the necessary modern ideas for it to establish actual 'civilization.' 

If you search 'the Courtyard of the Kings' in virtually all the search engines, they will take you the 'Temple of Ramses.' And this is not actually 'the Courtyard of the Kings.' ...And this is just the beginning of the deceptions that will be offered to you by so-called 'scholars' and historians, mostly modern, but certainly including some old ones as well from thousands of years ago.
Courtyard of the Kings

There is a problem about Egypt of course, namely, we simply have inadequate, or highly unreliable 'information' of its true history.

As far as the relatively uncontested narrative is concerned dating to authentic Egyptian inscriptions, the god Amun, established Al Uqsur - 'Amun' meaning 'the hidden god.'

In terms of comparative accounts, the Hebrews supposed that certain 'heavenly' identities were present on Mount Hermon, and they did all kinds of things, mostly not that good according to the Masoretic traditions. The ancient Greeks also held a similar version of the story, and they too, suggested there was a group of such beings who established their dwellings in a mountain in Syria, but then, some titanic maleficent force turned up threatening to literally destroy them - as in kill; even 'the gods...' And consequently, they 'hid' themselves in artificial mountains in Egypt, disguising themselves as forms of terrestrial animals, the leader of which was an eagle.


Strangely enough, you will find this same account in the Christian Bible, except it is almost never underscored that there was an antecedent account, that we today call 'mythology.'

You see, the words used are the same words: 'eagle,' 'uqsur,' 'temenos,' 'oiketerion.'

'Uqsur' means a palace, but 'al uqsur' has the implication of a grouping of palaces. 
The Temple of Hatshepsut

Now how is it actually possible to 'kill a god' - a being who presumably, by very definition, is eternal and cannot 'die.' Well, the titanic being seeking to 'kill' them, was itself something from out of some indescribable place before time itself began ('primordial') - or at least, this was how it was 'billed.'

The leader of the gods in these accounts, sought the advice of some other 'ultimate' divine identities - the Moirai - who assisted him to vanquish the titanic entity. It is literally the case, that the primordial being, is chaos - a preternatural force that is not constrained to behave according to physics, to laws, to nature, to predictability along any set rules at all; it does not obey 'the gods.'

It is part of hypothetical existential 'thoughts' in that it is, the opposite of all things.

Is it really possible to destroy, 'the (theoretical) opposite of all things?'

You can constrain it. I have not yet seen a logical proof to any surmise that it can be fully destroyed.

L'uqsur-fer...' ...means, assistant in the palaces.

There is nobody anywhere in any 'lodge,' masonic hall, or secret conclave of the Illuminati, who will tell you that.

It is difficult, I understand, to get good help these days.

There is literally no point telling Rabbinical scholars that 'malak,' or 'melek' does not mean 'angel' or 'king' - 'm'el-aig(yptos)....' Because they know better, don't they. I mean it's their language, isn't it.

Winged, as an eagle. Divine, of the 'Els.'

'M' just means '(hu)man.'

King is 'ji-n-si-b-ijwys-t.' 'N' is 'of' and 'b' is 'and' and 't' is 'all.' And that is on ALL the hieroglyphics. And that is not disputed by anyone; but they never talk about it either.

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