One of the brothers of Jesus, Jude, specifies ALL - all the holy people of God since the beginning of Time on Earth itself - will accompany any return of Jesus from out of a blazing sky after which he judges the World. In Islam it's the same, when Jesus returns he does so as 'absolute judge and perfectly just ruler.' (Al Hakam ul Muqsit).
More than just presumably, thus in fact, the Christian God is absolutely not racist (EG '...and to all the Gentiles too'), and that explicitly means that there will have been good people of God from any and every race and culture, according to the official texts. And these accompany Jesus in some visitation in or from the sky.
Why would any of them suddenly not wear their own typical dress and costumes?
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This is a Valkyrie |
Valkyries, as you know, and also attested to by the sacred Icelandic bard Snorri Sturluson (1179 - 1241), spend most of their time weaving precious fabric in which are the threads of the unavoidable fates of human heroes. And they bring these with them, when they come to retrieve a warrior from the Earth, and present it to the person as they then take them away to Valhalla. This pastime makes them intrinsically related to the Norns - who are the Scandinavian version of the worldwide if fairly obscure religious cultural idea of 'the Norn Sisters,' or the Moirai to the Greeks, and who are called by other names in other cultures - but who are more or less essentially the same thing, universally known as 'the three Fates.'
...I'm not sure I really want to be around hereabouts if and/or when this Jesus dude comes back at all, since he intends to create a massacre that sheds 'blood up to hilt high on a horse.'
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And this is a Valkyrie envisioned |
As far as I am able to determine from the texts in question, any of us who don't really wish to be here at the time then - consequently (IE on account of the extreme mess here) - are going to have to suggest to God that we all go and clean up Heaven maybe when it is temporarily pretty empty - since again, Jude says ALL the angels of Heaven will be arranged in war columns behind Jesus here; which implies Heaven is going to be empty at least at those precise moments. And so this is a good opportunity to give the place there a once-over maybe with a few pieces of that Valkyrie-spun fabric. Otherwise apparently ALL people will be back here to witness the goings on and more or less be part of them.
But we are talking about the religious narrative's 'real thing' of course and not the prior fake one, which involves this 'peak evil character' who will surface to claim control and ruler-ship of the planet.
If I am seeking to make any practical point at all here, it is this one however: anyone who cannot detect the zeitgeist signs of the 'Call to War' by otherwise normally benevolent intelligent 'forces' in modern society, is, let's just say, either being militantly blind, or is very 'spiritually illiterate.'
No and I don't think Johnny Depp signifies this 'evil' global presence or 'zeitgeist' either - and there very definitely is one; far from it, indeed the very opposite. He is a channel for the announcement of this 'call to arms,' as it were.
You know, if you know anything about these advertising and media consultancy types - especially the really 'big league' ones, they doze in bean bags all day long 'meditating' to get creative inspiration, and half the time most of the good ones ARE the spirit channels that the 'New Age' Californian women want to be.
This is a war chant you are seeing, witnessing, experiencing, with a lot of the top-line advertising people and their recent globally-publicized media offerings. I have always found these people to be the leading edge, the front edge, of the 'up-coming times.'
I don't think it's going to be 'the End of the World.' But it is about to be the end of the world as we knew it. This is absolutely certain. You can see those 'globalist' forces start to concentrate now with the Brexit issue, and they will not allow the Eu to just simply break apart as George Soros just opined. He is reacting to his losses to do with the Ukraine scheming they all got involved in. He is not and never was, the key thinker behind such things as Davos and Bohemian Grove and so on.
His 'side' hasn't fully lost yet of course. But they have lost sight of how money is actually made for real. And that's a problem for them -, not for me and not for you. Which means too though, that they are at war with 'us,' and they will come after us at some point when they realize what happened under their noses. And they're going to be extremely angry.
I just read a news story about an object in space that is headed for our solar system from interstellar space (i.e., from outside our solar system.) The only other known extra-solar object to transit our system was an object named "Oumuamua," and some astronomer noted anomalies about it that *could* be ascribed to a manufactured object.
ReplyDeleteI really think some sort of UFO landing pad should be constructed somewhere in D.C.
Y'know, just in case...
D.C would be perfect. The mothership could land, herd the whole degenerate lot of them on board, then fly off somewhere else in the galaxy for heaping loads of anal probing and whatever else those little green perverts do to dirty earthlings.
ReplyDeleteSo, I've been listening to various iterations of "Rumble." Damn, it's powerful. I had only thought of it until now as mood music in Pulp Fiction...
ReplyDeleteThe pacing of that tune - as originally played by Link Wray - is amazing. It is an express example of 'less is more.' And of course, it is using completely an indigenous American Indian pattern of off-beat rhythm.