And so, they do the best they can to appear as non-prejudicial as they possibly can; they are 'fungible agents.'
However there is a problem with that, a problem that only appears when there is or there is about to be some huge, historic, massive change in something critical to the usual operations of markets: when there is a broad stock market 'Crash,' there is little point pretending to favor listed securities ahead of cash at that particular moment... And for another example, bankers in the Weimar Republic during the period of hyper-deflation under Chancellor Heinrich Bruning who supported the Mark lost everything, even though technically, they 'owned' everything because it wasn't that their loans were not collateralized!
In other words, if everyone gets into the same sinking boat, and none of them can swim - basically they will all drown (IE you try to be all things to all people during such times and you will find out the consequences!).
Being a 'fungible agent' in capital and money means being 'all things to all people.' But you see... ...people are mostly quite stupid; they're not smart, they're not even close to it.
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Halloween's coming - you know, that witch-y time. Time for all the real magicians to show their hand... |
Everywhere I look now - and I mean literally everywhere - all I see are commentators bewailing various yes, clearly problematic aspects of present monetary and economic conditions, and yet all of them are doing this kind of thing: this is what they say maybe not is so many words, but - 'show me the PROOF of why such-and-such is going to occur, and THEN I'll give you my approval...'
People are still thinking about things in terms of 'Crashes' or a major banking and equities collapse or large-scale debt defaults. What will happen is that WHEN the thing actually 'unfolds' in one certain particular way, THEN they will all have a thousand reasons (as analysis in hindsight) once again commenting, on WHY it happened.
And yet it's so obvious what is going to happen.
You may have seen recently the sum of 'twenty Trillion dollars' thrown around in commentaries and the general media too, and personally I saw it used to describe some amount of money which 'disappeared' through government mismanagement or worse...
Twenty Trillion dollars is the value of the US Treasuries market of issued money 'obligations.'
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'Old school' - or, Classical? |
If asset deflation takes shape with this amount of money out there 'somewhere,' we have ourselves a 'Weimar moment,' so to speak.
But asset deflation is certain if interest rates go to zero or negative through Federal Reserve policy (monetary targeting). That's because it is cheaper to sell assets, buy bonds and have them bought at a premium by the US Treasury, and then repurchase the same assets, sell them again and so on.
This is not going to happen because everyone in government and economics and in central banks knows the history of Germany and the World Wars and the Depression. If there's a way for them to cling onto their power and their lifestyles they will do it.
So what do you think they are going to do?
I mean you can be as technically smart and well-informed and up on all the facts as all get-out... But if you are not able to feel emotionally (in your gut) that all of that is just a pile of nonsense in our present circumstances, if you are a commentator, you might as well shoot yourself in the head because you will be telling a whole bunch of follow-the-leaders, stuff that will appeal to them because it has all the boilerplate of 'facts' and 'sound,' 'rational' thinking and 'skepticism' about 'risk' - and you will be sending them broke and worse in time.
I can tell you exactly what is going to happen. There are many many people who would not believe me if I said it. And I would never produce that many facts and figures to support my prognostication.
The people in financial power are desperate right now and desperate people do desperate things.
But you will st-i-i-i-i-i-ll read and hear idiots repeating the same old drivel responding to something that happened five minutes ago, and telling you the consequences of those events that are likely to occur five minutes thereafter-wards.
There is nothing anywhere from out of history that can be used as a template for what is going to take place over the next year.
If you are patient and 'hang in' with what we are doing here, there will be a way to just quietly tack yourself onto something that will survive the present mess the idiots in governments and banks bequeathed to us and by 'bequeathed' I do mean they are already dead meat.