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Monday 14 February 2022

I Like 'Nice,' But...

Sometimes, things are not so nice out there in the 'real world.'

Look the one big problem with the story about Russia invading anyone, is does VV really want more mouths to feed?

Probably not.

Gold is not moving like there is any kind of war in the offing any time real soon.

Inflation is around. So, there are those two 'stories' in the media to take the public's eye off the real criminals. 'War' and inflation.


French oak forest.

But if I just did 'nice' here right now, later on people will say, 'Why didn't you say?'

Well I can't properly say of course because it's illegal to talk openly about just everything that you might want to talk about.

Certainly it's illegal to say what I might blurt out in private.

Had it been that we had gotten far enough up the road here about 'theories of everything,' then it would have been possible to say some things in more detail in here right now and people reading here would get a complete hold of what's going on behind the scenes.

See it's not going to make a whole lot of sense if I just say them anyway.

For a start the war, the war, that is actually going on right now is not between Vladimir Putin and anyone - it's between the Truckers Movement in Canada and Schwab/WEF/Trudeau/Fauci/Liars-R-Us Inc.

On the surface the protesters are all making happy, and doing bouncy castles and sausage sizzles, and love love and peace peace - and Trudeau has called out the armed forces and turned the guns onto the civilian population. That's a Civil War. That's already a Civil War.

So what I'm going to say next will make absolutely no sense to anyone at all.

...There is this 'river,' see. In the Underworld, in Hades - called Lemosyne. It causes everyone who swims in it to lose all memory of the bitter tragedies, the pain, and the suffering of their immediate past lives.


Now... There is an exception and it is to be found in the Book of Daniel.

There's actually two exceptions but they're related. And I cannot say what the second exception is but the main one is... ...well you can find out just by Googling Wiki.

In the ancient Greek 'mythos' (which doesn't mean 'myth' by the way, in case you thought that it did), people go through this garden which encourages them to be totally carefree - and then, they are given water to drink from Lemosyne and they make the mistake of carelessly drinking it. And next, oblivion.

Everything's back at scratch.

This is human life-spans though, right...

Advanced ET Alien lifespans are huge by comparison.

And they may well know who everyone here is. You have bio-metrics already. They have EMF-o-metrics. They know who you are. Or which bits and pieces of what people are exactly where.

I have said this before -, these guys are deadly dangerous to living human beings. They have absolutely no compunction at all about killing you. What the average human regards as the moral equation when it comes to deliberate actions which result in life or death, is regularly proclaimed by all atheists particularly as something intrinsic to intelligent life, to advanced and civilized human people because they are after all social animals.

Well that isn't so.

This is nice and it is not going 
to kill you. And there's even gold in it.

And you can sort of begin to see the intelligence of advanced ET Aliens as coming from a much superior basis of knowledge too, because they travel across the time dilation bridges, whereas humans live only a few decades, and then quickly die. Human 'natural moral sense' is about the 'sanctity' of one lifespan. Because that's all they 'know.'

Well it's just arrant nonsense. In the Cosmic time-scale it's less than gibberish, hardly even just plain nonsense; it's actually unintelligent and stupid.

The question is not that they will kill you, the question is why will they or why might they.

'You' means who, though?

See how come you all imagine that you are so smart, but the book of Daniel gives you an 'out' but none of you have seen it?

Well look. If you're not the guys with the 'out' in that book, then you are most certainly the guys prey to being killed at any time.

Right now, you might imagine that some politician or billionaire is better off than you; and that they have more power than you. But they are not the guys who were just told about what is right there in the Book of Daniel - you are.

The angels who came down in Babylon taught women about cosmetics. Oh, and they taught kings way before Nebuchadnezzar about power and money. There is nothing they don't know about power or money.

There is nothing they don't know about you.

After all, 'if' they even exist, they must have been watching you for some time now.

Nothing truly fearsome can be done as 'nice.' So it's not going to be in these pages, other than I mentioned 'something.' Something really really bad. The FBI would say it is bad. So we won't even talk about it then. LOL

Sunday 13 February 2022

Daniel Part II

If I had have titled this - 'Book of Daniel,' it would have come up on Xtians' searches and every man and his dog would see this! Don't want that... 

So okay, the Book of Daniel is sort of, kind of, true.

What do I mean. Well, it's true. True-ish. It's written by somebody -, as though 'Daniel' himself is doing the talking in it, and it recounts certain things which actually happened.

Now I'm going to tell you the way to handle those things that are not exactly true, in there...

This is some celebrity's shower! 
Pretty cool, eh.

What do I mean by 'not exactly true?' You see, Daniel does a lot of gushing. He carries on about the people he has seen, and conversed with, who told him things - and he was pretty scared right from the start of his experiences. And this is distinctly different to the way 'Moses' acts as if he doesn't really have any problem with some being that breathes smoke and fire, demands the regular sacrifice of cows, lambs, and virgins, and kills people with abandon.

Well... You can say that the Book of Daniel is telling the truth about what Daniel is making of what he sees, or saw -, but that his idea about it... wrong. Or I am going to say once again 'wrong-ish.'

It isn't wrong; it's him saying what he thinks and feels.

Time and time again, in his encounters, whoever is there keeps telling him 'hey don't worry, don't be afraid.' But naturally, you'd expect that he would be afraid -, after all, the whole thing is beyond strange.

Now here is why Jews don't like the Book of Daniel. 

Bear in mind I have said the Book of Daniel is substantially, or substantially enough, true. And I am going to say that the Book of Moses (whatever that is... Deuteronomy, whatever) is false, or substantially, false.


Well because there is no historical Moses, and the Pharaoh depicted in there never existed. Whereas Nebuchadnezzar, whether the actual Nabonidas 'Nebuchadnezzar,' or some other one - and also Belshazzar, absolutely did exist, and substantially at the times and places as depicted in the book of Daniel.

Why do ET Aliens love aspic?
Dunno. I know I like the stuff.

But way more importantly, despite the fact that the Bible compilers try to blur this matter, Daniel mocks the priests of some locked place, inside which there is meant to be a dragon or serpent, that eats all the sacrifices offered to it - and they say these are 'the priests of Baal,' but I say, these are the Jewish priests of YVHW.

Daniel had the ear of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, not the Jewish leadership.

Daniel is mocking the Jews.

And when he is taken up somewhere to see 'God' - he ends up witnessing the same place with the same characters there as Enoch and Elijah encountered, maybe even Abraham although that was down here -, not what Moses ever encountered.

Daniel was just this young kid. He was not anything stupendously politically important - as Moses was. Moses, don't forget, already had position inside the court of the Pharaoh when he took him on (according to the narrative).

What does it say in the Christian New Testament? It says 'I did not know you...'

There are very very few individuals who are entertained really, by actual numinous beings at all. And these people require to be protected, because, they are valuable - to others! 

My friends, the reason 'Adam and Eve' were ever placed inside of an 'enclosure' in the first place was to protect them.

There are lots of animals in the woods out here.

Real 'malossol' caviar in aspic.

Daniel is doing all this gushing and praising and bowing and all of this because he (rightly) feels overwhelmed.

He doesn't really understand what he is seeing, and that is pretty obvious from what he says in the text. They tell him outright, but he doesn't get it. 

But Daniel is the very reason those beings are interested in anyone here anyway. Daniel is what they are doing.

And that means, if you want to get anywhere serious, you'd better be a 'Daniel.'

YVHW never gave Moses anything for real. He let him die on this side of the so-called 'Promised Land.'

You want girls or cars now? The De Tomaso 
Mangusta. Designed, I think,
by Giugiaro at Ghia. Yeah I think that's right.

Daniel was given basically everything he could have wanted and was even told that he would live again, more or less, around now. Which means you are potentially 'Daniel.' Not me because I happen to know I am not 'Daniel!'

I know exactly who I am and I still 'need protection.' So do you. Especially if you start to get 'things.'

Have you been getting any 'things' yet? Not yet? As far as you know or can say?

Well you will. Except not all who come here, that's for sure. Some are going to miss out, and be left outside, where the dogs are, and where there is much grinding and gnashing of teeth.

Saturday 12 February 2022

The 'Outer Court' Plato

There is a Wiki quote (which is incorrect) about Aristotle having said: 'It is the mark of an educated mind (or man) to entertain a thought without having to accept it (or without accepting it).'

Okay, Aristotle never said that.

In a text attributed to Aristotle however - The Nicomachean Ethics - is written something much longer and more complicated, about it being 'the mark of an educated mind to search for the same kind of clarity in each topic to the extent that the nature of the matter accepts it (direct translation of the Greek).' I'm not even sure what that exactly means.

It sort of can be taken to be the same thing... ...I guess.

Aramaco - owned by
Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar;
world's richest king. Bit of a violent tyrant,
on occasions.

Anyway, my point is - Aristotle is 'outer court Plato.' Aristotle is some important things which are necessary to know, but none of which consists of the precise things imparted within the secret school of Plato.

But I am going to endeavor to explain what about it is nevertheless very important.

And for that we are going to go back to Daniel.

Daniel the prophet who wasn't a prophet.

Most - most - of you who come and read here, are very experienced, mature, astute, minds. You've done many things, experimented, risked, invested - some investments went well, some not so well.

So I am going to put it to you to ask yourselves, whether what I'm about to say seems true to you or not true.

Daniel was a kid, taken from his parents at a young age, and sent to a formal Chaldean astrology and magic school. He had not yet studied his own Jewish religion formally, but he certainly had some foundations from his early upbringing at home as a young child.

He next went to the Chaldean school of magic and sorcery, set up by Nebuchadnezzar, and became very successful at all of that. He was regarded by the leaders of the place there as a premier student (of theirs).

He knew some Jewish lore and he certainly knew the Torah, and he knew some (a lot of) Chaldean magic.

The Jews, however, do not include him in their list of prophets.

The Chaldeans are long since all dead and buried - they are gone.

'Letterbox cocktails.'
Stop spending money, dammit!
I am trying to post up pics of things
that you won't buy!!

Daniel - the prophet who was not a prophet, according to the Jews - would have had a fairly naive perception of the religious ideas of the Jews; especially when it came to ideas about the Divine as such. He knew that Abraham met with God personally. But he may not have completely understood that the era of Jewish leaders in their group at the time, could no longer say convincingly that any of them actually met with God since after all, they were not doing too well, and no 'Angel of the Lord' was fighting on their side to liberate them from the yoke of anyone, far less from the yoke of king Cyrus the Great or Nebuchadnezzar or any one of those absolute rulers.

So the Jews invent this invisible 'ruach ha kodesh' and get on with their religious life. 'Ruach ha kodesh' is not really a person - it's a kind of vigor, according to the Jews.

Sakina or Ruh al-Qudus in Islam is also not a being, not a person. If it were we could all open up businesses in Dubai called 'Allah & Partners.' And we would do vigorous business.


...Can't do that.

Jewish religion is wrong, Islamic religion is wrong, Chaldean magical thinking is wrong.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't know about them.

Something you can't buy,
thank god.

Doesn't mean you cannot learn the ideas, study them, know all about them.

Because - and I put it to you - one day, a figure will descend on top of the river on the other side, and you will see the person as a person, an ordinary human person.

Maybe, as in the case of Daniel, you will see two figures - one on this side of the river with you, and one on the other side.

But the only time any such thing will happen (to you/for you) is if you have acquired enough 'at-arm's-length' knowledge, to be able to discern truly what is going on, and what your reaction ought then to be.

Because if you are still prey to one line of propaganda or another, you can easily just do what everyone else mostly all does do - which is to say 'I am not sure,' and 'I saw but I did not believe' and/or 'I'm not even sure that I saw, actually.'

And then worst of all - 'how do I fit what I saw, into what I believe.' 

So what do you believe?

You should believe nothing. But you should know enough about lots of things to be able to know what is reliable.

Now there is not much point me telling you when Justin Trudeau will fall.

There is not much point telling you when the next slip by Old Joe will be a fatal one.

'Justin Trudeau' is just the lead figure of a lot of other similar characters all possessed of a particular mindset. Nebuchadnezzar went mad and ate grass like an animal - at one point.

'Scholars say that the Book of Daniel is fiction.'

I say that the Book of Daniel is one of the only substantially factual books of the Bible. 

Nebuchadnezzar was actually an earlier figure, Nabonidus, who also had the title of 'Nebuchadnezzar' (Nabu-kudduri-usur... notice: 'al-qudduri'). 

The Bible is false if you try to take it as strict historical fact. Moses could not have existed at the time in question, nor at the places where any Jews ran away from any Pharaoh.

The Greek Historian Xenophon met the son of Nabonidus, Belshazzar. Nabonidus is a real historical person with much historical attestation, albeit none of it is particularly consistent about the key details of his life, especially his later life.

Nabonidus was a tyrant, and he was pretty ruthless or at least violent - but he was no Trudeau. Nabonidus (Nebuchadnezzar) received instruction and learning via the troubles in his life, from the God of Wisdom, Nabu.

Trudeau has no such fate awaiting him.

Sylvia Tosun

Belshazzar sees the writing on the wall...

'You have been weighed finely, and have been found wanting.'

Trudeau sees nothing.

The CSIS sees nothing.

Even the FBI sees nothing.

And I am not saying anything.

But you, Daniel - for you, all of you, are the Daniels of your time - stand in your place and wait. And you must see.

In the 'outer court' you become acquainted with many things.

In the inner court, you will see God. Or his messengers, anyway. I put it to you - do you have enough knowledge yet on the left hand side, and the right hand side, all of which is wrong?


Sylvia Tosun is an opera singer who has shifted over to trance music and EDM. This kind of piece here is only for experienced listeners - it is not that accessible to the average person.


In the kingdom of illusion
In the crown's mirage
Defying all our gravity
As we embrace the love...
I believe in the thought of us
It's a noble truth
I believe we can part the sea
And we can split the moon...
I believe in everything...
We light the stars

Friday 11 February 2022

Why The Jews Don't Like Daniel

All Rabbinical scholars deny that Daniel was a prophet. 

And that's because their idea of what is a prophet is about gate-keeping. You have to have been through the traditional rabbinical school before you can be a prophet. That is - the old rabbinical schools, in ancient times -, although there is existing belief that the process of 'prophecy' (meaning strictly rabbinical prophecy) still exists today (even though it can't be literally from any actual kohannim tradition, because those guys were all killed) and I'll explain to you why; that is anyone here who doesn't know about it. Which you probably all do, though.

Same as modern academia steals its nomenclature from the totally secret Plato's Academy and makes pretensions about academic learning, rabbinical scholastic tradition has some idea that you can 'summon' the Spirit of God (the 'ruach ha kodesh') but only rabbis can do it because they have been to rabbinical college after all.

What the hell has this got to do with anything?

And of course, God gives a damn... ...about rabbinical college.

Somewhere out there - 16 trillion miles away from the planet Earth, the Great God of the Universe, is being summoned to give visions to funny-looking Alien creatures... ...because they have been to ET Alien rabbinical college.


Being summoned too, mind you.

When you call down the 'ruach ha kodesh' then the properly prophetically credentialed person, receives knowledge of the future given by GOD HIMSELF!

Daniel, however, was taken by the Court of King Nebuchadnezzar when he was still a young child, and who had therefore not yet even been through his you know, well he was less than thirteen anyway. So he never went to adult kohanim school or proper 'rabbi' training...

Not only that, Daniel was trained as a Chaldean sorcerer and ended up being widely acclaimed by everyone including the king, as - the master sorcerer!

Daniel was a Chaldean sorcerer. And no miracle this, after all, Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldees.

'Judah' is simply the tribe (from Abraham) which rose to prominence because its men were physically strong and very capable at war.

'True innovation comes from out of a single
mind.' There's a real secret in that...

Secondly, Daniel - like Enoch and Elijah and Abraham - actually met with God and with various other identities on several specific occasions with Gabriel in fairly similar circumstances to which the Islamic narrative takes the story about Muhammad's initial meeting with someone he later decided because his Nasara sect wife told him - was 'Jibreel.'

Nasara is not, as Wikipedia wants to have you believe Nazarene. Because what they and others, including Islamic minds, want to have you believe is that this has something to do with Nazareth. It has nothing to do with Nazareth.

There are Nazarites in the Hebrew ancient religion, which means 'those who are separated.'

Nasara are a Mandaean sect.

Anyway, never mind all of that - you see, Jewish 'prophets' never meet face to face with God at all. Moses himself never did. He only saw what he presumed was God's back.

The Jewish story is that if you see God, you die.

Daniel however, saw God and not only did he not die, but in some interpretations he is supposed to re-appear either at the time of the Messiah or at the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI).


Can't help it.

But anyway, this 're-appearance...' ...which is on account of which the Christian New Testament says things like 'and some thought that who appeared with Him was Daniel or one of the prophets.' Or something like that: different version - 'who was said to be going to appear...'

So. Not a Jewish 'prophet.'

Marcello Gandini: the Best of Creators!

Daniel was walking half way across the street, as it were. Because he was some smart-assed kid!

He took on the sorcerers of Nebuchadnezzar and sprinkled dust onto the floor of a locked room and then solved one of the first ever 'locked room mysteries' (in a written text) for the king.

He was walking half way across the street metaphorically (but in this case, more physically, we can say half way across the river Ulai in what is now Northern Iraq), when he was greeted by this 'being' from the sky, see - same like the story about Muhammad. (In the case of Muhammad's story, a being came down from the sky and squeezed him three times, not knowing he was unable to read, saying to him each time: READ!).

See people steal from original accounts all the time - modern academia does it. Medical professions do it.

'Ulai' is called by the Greeks 'Eulaeus' which means beautifully sweet spring water.

However in the case of several beings there at the Ulai river, they knew that Daniel did not know a particular thing, and a voice introduced 'Gabriel' (literally calling him by that name, which is not the case in the Islamic fairy tale) who then appeared as a man, and explained to Daniel whatever the particular thing was that needed explaining. 

Daniel = someone literally physically appeared (wearing very white linen clothes).

Abraham = three people literally physically appeared (wearing very white linen clothes).

Jesus = two figures appeared (at the so-called 'transfiguration' - this time in which everyone looked really really shiny white; lol).

Don't cry Bill Smith. Bukhara Restaurant...

Clean white clothes is a thing, see, back in them days, when the dirt and dust and everything... washing machines and commercial pre-wash soak and so on. Washing soda they had though. Must not have been very common or plentiful.

But then, at the end of the Book of Daniel it says in there: 'and none of the stupid shall understand, but only the wise; they shall understand. And the stupid will keep doing stupid things.'

Understand what?

Well it doesn't say 'stupid.' It says wicked. I'm saying stupid.

There is the Jewish religion. There is the Islamic religion. There is the Campbell's Tomato Soup religion. ...And then there is the one nobody notices.

You know sometimes you have to ask though, is Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden (or any of these halfwits - I have plenty around here too where I am) intentionally wicked, or are they just merely stupid?

The problem is this: if I say I'm going to kill someone, and then I do, and the others around the now dead person go 'Oh, hang on a minute,' then there is a chance they will stop being stupid.

And I don't want that. Do you?

Bzzzt, bzzzt. Got my ray-gun here. Just testing it.

Bzzzzzzzt. Yep. Works pretty good.

...But I always ask the Moon first:

Thursday 10 February 2022

Boris Goes Off Script??

I don't think he has gone 'off script,' actually. I don't think he ever was on their script.

How the hell he even got in in the UK I will never know - if you just look at the horrendous opposition still, from the media, from the BBC, from people like John Major.

The London Metropolitan Police Chief Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick just resigned - with the London City Mayor Alhamdulillah Muhammad ibn Farooq Khan al-Sadiqi, saying he had 'no confidence' in her.

Boris at the Oxford Union debating.
We were in that, eh, Bill Smith?
Well, local affiliate Commonwealth
Associations of, but still the real deal though.

But part of the underlying reality is that she was helping bury the controversy about this 'party' at No 10 Downing Street.

Boris came down to a wild party going on downstairs in the courtyard briefly, and he should not have done that, but instead remained upstairs somewhere wearing a mask and being vaxxed up again to be 'up-to-date.'

That's what he should have been doing, and hanging on the line to Klaus, like Justin does.

But Boris is removing the mandates and the lock-downs and just about everything else and by Jeezus the Borg elite do not like that.

He should go the whole hog and fire up Big Ben again.

So now we have the UK throwing the whole vax nonsense into the bin...


Inflation is at a 40-year high in the United States.

The Dow has the shakes.

You watch the Borg elites smash everything on the way out.

And my god they'll do it too.

How did Boris get so far up the creek here?

Is that a vintage, or non-vintage
bottle of Worcestershire you have there...?

He's going to burn their houses down! And then they'll go absolutely bananas.

'He.' He is who though, really? Who is behind him?

How did he slip under the guard of the Borg? What are the opposing forces in the UK, that blocked all of this crooked vote-counting and so on so that Brexit got up and Mad Boris got in?

The other question is, does Justin have the balls to kill some citizens? You know, to turn the guns onto the citizens and shoot them up. The reality is he already had snipers up on rooftops basically looking down on citizens and threatening them; that's the effect of it. Doesn't matter what you say, everybody knows what they were doing up there. They were intimidating the public.

See the thing is I am not Daniel the Prophet.

Daniel the Prophet (the JOOOZ don't like him much, you know, and that's basically because he is something different to the way they want their 'Yahweh' and all of his prophets to be...) ...anyway Daniel the Prophet still got into trouble because he got the reputation for literally being a magician and all of that; that's what Nebuchadnezzar actually called him - a powerful magician.

I'm personally not so keen, and besides it's too late in the day for all of this hard stuff - I'm not so keen on the FBI coming around and questioning me about what I knew and when I knew it.

In fact I don't even think I still have one of those 'Black Books' - the one which says what is about to happen.

So yeah -, don't know what will happen next.

Do you like lobster
bisque? I like lobster bisque.
Don't put damn flour in it,
though! Please don't do that. 

Blind Freddie thinks he is a prophet though, and even he can guess and probably get some of it right enough today.

Prophets don't have actual agency though - they supplicate to get God to do something when it is necessary.

ET Aliens, however, well they do have agency. They can fly their crazy little machines here and there, hide in the clouds - you ain't never gonna see them. Unless they want you to.

Can't arrest me. I talk ET Aliens v. Reptilians. LOL

It isn't real, see.

It's just crazy talk.


A few sampled bars from Paul Van Dyk's 'Connected.'

For the aficionados.