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Thursday 6 January 2022

Twelfth Night

Somewhere in the world right now, it is still the 6th of January. And that means we are still 'in the window' to have celebrated Twelfth Night by talking about Shakespeare's play.

Now, when you do this - then it is auspicious for you the whole rest of the year!


So we all made it in here at least. Guarantee not too many others have.

Rather than go from the immediate last article and set out all the necessary details for all of this 'stepping across the Bifrost bridge' an' all...

Let's briefly sidetrack ourselves and talk about why there has not been any decent movie production of Twelfth Night for many many years now.

Critics will argue that Nigel Hawthorne's Malvolio was great, that Richard Briers' Malvolio was great, and certainly, that Alex Guinness's Malvolio was totally great - and what do we have?


The reason no one has made a decent Twelfth Night since Olivier's version in 1955 (Wikipedia literally does not mention Olivier's production even though it is the best or equal best alongside Clifford Williams' 1966 London stage version, and was made into a film starring Olivier and Vivien Leigh) - is that they cannot handle the female characters, the roles being portrayed.


And this will tell you something about how intellectual, how mature, how literary modern producers are (which they are mostly all not) - and reveal how much of a fraud they all are, and this is especially egregious since all of them went to some kind of 'academic institution.'

It's honestly, really and truly pathetic.

See unless you knew any better, 
you'd think this is Di dressing as a man.
But the UK establishment never let her do that.
This is Princess Di dressing like a butler.
Bastards. Honestly!

But with us here, do they imagine, that simply because they went to a University and are therefore all 'sci-ientists' and virtuous too, that there shall be no cakes and ale?

Listen. If I spun that line without any warning, how many of these morons do you think would even get it?

What if I were to have said 'rotis and thiroo?'

Or 'idiyappam and toddy?'

Innocent, and naive.

And that is not me.

And it better not be you, either.

Because this year, there are a lot of fellas who fancied themselves as anything but innocent and naive - and they are going to get 'taken out' and not in a nice way.

Castles will fall, egos will crumble, and the 'Lord of Misrule' shall have his day.

But, back to the cakes and ale.

Actually, not ale -, Martinis.

Did you know that depending on at what point you threw in the bitters...

Oh, you didn't know there is bitters in a Martini? Well there is.

If you put it into the thing first, all over the ice cubes, then the whole thing has the scent of warm spice and tastes spicy too.

But if you put it in at the end, which is the way most 'experts' tell you, it's completely washed out and is overpowered by the citrus zest completely. Waste of time. 

So, see - 'cakes and ale.' It's what we do.

Isn't that so Olivia?

LOL... Or, more like, giggle:

Esoteric 'Kung Fu'

In a fight with a snake, the eagle blah blah blah.

That ain't you though.

The Bible teaches the following:

'The Dragon's bonds must be loosened for a season.'

'The Dragon which is the Ancient Serpent, and Satan, and the Devil...'

...This is how a crocodile hunts - it lies in still and murky water, for all the world appearing like a semi-submerged fallen tree branch or trunk; and then, when it has drifted to close behind its victim, it lunges quickly and attacks, snatching away what it wanted and powerfully swims away very fast because it is a coward, and knows that it took something by theft and by stealth.

'Black Knight...'
'Lost In Heaven.'

Neither can you 'pick it up' in your talons like the eagle, nor yet still 'fly away with it in your beak.' For you never saw it coming in the first place, and so it struck you before you were even aware that evil was lurking in the dark waiting for you.

There are no 'dragons' left here on Earth now.

But there is their close cousin, the crocodile.

There are no demonic Reptilians from outer space here - but there is their close cousin, the politician.

The 'rulers.' The 'elite.' LOL

And they will sneak up behind your back while you are not looking and are completely unawares, and then like the sneak thieves they are, steal from you what is not theirs by any right.

And then they will run away swiftly and hide behind armed jack-booted thugs, because they have guilty consciences.

Let us go to the 'esoteric' view of things.

Long long ago, in a galaxy far away, these ancient serpents were all vanquished and cast into Tartarus bound in strong and tight chains.

'Tartarus' may be a real physical place -, or it might not, but it is an idea.

'The phenomenal world is a spatial reflection of the ideas.'

Why would people, ordinary human beings, lie in wait for another human being, sneak up behind them, and hurt them or harm them, also stealing from them?

The fairy tale told in schools is that the human race is 'competitive.'

Is it, though?

'Privacy suite;' new feature in the Rolls Royce
for Arab sheikhs, so that their
drivers cannot see them drinking

For what is it 'competitive?'

No-Vax Djokovic was just told to pack his bags and * off, and not compete in the tennis tournament... So, it cannot be about people all competing in a sporting affair to see who is exactly the best tennis player.

So it's about rulership, and power -, especially political power, and control over you.

He, Djokovic, is, or he was, the actual best tennis player in the world. So now, the 'next' 'winner' of whatever 'competition,' will be the what, exactly?

Remember these words and keep them in mind at all times from now on: '...Is a spatial reflection of the ideas.'

There is a Primal Evil Dragon-Serpent. And he is an idea. Moreover, he is a real idea too.

I do not want to get tied to disheartening images and things here; it is not necessary.

But it is necessary to at first set out the context and the elements of what you are up against.

It is not so simple as saying that one can kill an idea with an idea. Because these primordial 'ideas' have actual objective force, emotional, existential force and influence in the human world.

So it's not even the case as 'sci-entists' would lay out -, namely, that these things have no objective material existence; that is actually completely false, because they most certainly do have human emotional force and effects. And that is, I'm afraid, a very real, physical, materially-manifested thing, or set of things.

Looks impressive, and it
is, impressive. Humans do have

Now you can lie too, and pretend that this representation itself is some trick of language, and merely a matter of psychology. And I'm not interested in that kind of contention; because it's absolute patent rubbish.

You get eaten by a crocodile and you die. You act like a crocodile and sooner or later some other skilled hunter is going to track you down too and slaughter you.

The dynamics are fully and materially real.

So what is the authentic solution?

You need to know how to 'go alone over the wild fire...'

And that is just the way, you also need to know what to do.

For as indeed it is written '...they willingly are blind to when God destroyed the whole world by flooding because of the endless Evil of its inhabitants at that time, and will so do again, but with fire this time. And the Dragon, this ancient serpent -, with everlasting fire, nevermore to ascend to Earth to trouble Man.'

This means there is a 'there' way down there, and a 'here,' over here, and an 'up there' some place else still.

All these places are ideas.

But when they always exert real force, they are more than 'just' ideas.

You want to be able to lay hold of the ideas of power for you.


Tuesday 4 January 2022

What A Great Question/Point

So - what started all of this?

What is the cause of it? If we knew the cause, maybe we could discover a real solution ourselves.

During Plato's time, forget that he and his ilk of privileged aristocrat brats had the time and the wherewithal to indulge in the happy pastime of thinking philosophical thoughts - his contemporary Alcibiades was literally charged by the Athenian Senate with a capital crime for which execution was the penalty, while at the same time(!) they having ordered him to take command of the Athenian naval fleet that was to go against the Spartan upstarts in the 'renegade province' of Fauci, oh, sorry 'Sicily' (means the same thing, the two words, though - a sickle... ....just sayin'). 

Here Jesus, come and have fish with me
today. I hear you like fish.

So I don't think I can honestly say things have been altogether different at any time in human history.

Supposedly there was a mystical, mythical, 'Golden Age before the Titanomachy' - and apparently things were different back then.

But at the same time, all the narratives say that the ruler and youngest of the Titans, Cronus, was a flawed king though.

The Koreans - nowadays only the South Koreans, because the Northerners are not allowed to know their own ancient cultural traditions - hold that this 'Golden Age' was the time when the whole world was covered in a thick layer of cloud, and dew fell each day, the Earth was warm because the layer kept heat trapped inside, and there was much vegetation. 'Beings' who lived here, had enormous lifespans.

And then, the Piercer - Iapetus, in the Greek version - broke the cloud band, and real rain fall happened, the planet got colder, and the 'Ice Age' then took place inclusive of massive flooding, which wiped out most of the inhabitants and afterwards, those people who had survived lived for a shorter duration of life. This was all part of the War of the Titans, which was won by Zeus, who imprisoned all of the Titans (in Tartarus) who opposed him, and relented towards some heroic and noble ones though who did initially oppose him.

One ought to accept that these versions are somewhat more explicative than the standard Western Christian and Jewish 'popular' belief (incorrect belief, even from their own sources) ones, albeit both the Zohar teachings and the Christian text references in fact do all agree: Japheth is 'Iapetus,' there was some 'event' and before which, beings here lived for very long lifespans and which they did not do afterwards.

Only because of the use of
vertical lines and the
photo composition, not the car.

The Greek version of what the actual cause of the Evil that afflicts present Mankind is, is explicit that it was not something Cronus himself devised or 'created.' He is presented as having been completely benevolent in creating Man as he is, and having had good intentions in every way.

Evil already existed. And the flaw of Cronus was that he was not able to be himself free from its powers and influences and consequently, the negative effects thereof.

This is strictly in keeping with what Jesus Christ says to the Pharisees: 'Full well do you reject the commandment of God, in order to keep your own traditions. Moses said that God commanded you to honor your father and your mother.' And then He says they are 'of their father, the Devil, who is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.'

And in fact, Cronus killed his own father Uranus.

Now there is an incredibly deep version of what really became of Uranus but we cannot go into that here right now.

What we should say though, because it is more important for us right now, is that the problem of Evil is existential - namely, that it exists, and is real and is a 'here and now' thing, not a speculative thing.

In the Christian texts, Evil is caused among Mankind because of 'envying and strife' which leads to 'confusion and every evil work.'

So, it is existential (exists, is real), and experiential (is felt).

The Greeks make it very clear there were two separate orders of beings - 'Titans,' and men/Mankind. And they were not equivalent, because the Titans possessed vastly greater knowledge and power.

So I am going to say, that is not markedly different to how things are today.

Today, the demonic Reptilians rule everyone... LOL

That is correct though, right?

At least at some level that is how it is.

Jeff Bezos does not think he's like you. You have to wear a mask (and serve him), and he does not.

Our express problem is not merely one of existential Evil just like that - but that we are at a disadvantage to the Titans; we do not have anywhere near the power nor the multi-lifespan knowledge base (which is maintained in an occult way by them; I am asserting this with no proof or evidence being given here) they possess.

Now clearly though, it's not quite that there literally are 'Titan' beings present here - they cannot 'fly around in the clouds' without requiring their private jets, cannot exert so much actual bodily physical strength against people without resorting to having thugs wearing ballistic full-body armor and carrying batons and tasers and guns carry out their protection rackets for them.

What is here however, is an invisible projection of ideas, into the material physical brains and heads, of otherwise completely ordinary, even less-than-average-ordinary animated human bodies.

And what is supremely important about that is what Plato said: 'The phenomenal world is a spatial reflection of the ideas.'

And again, this is exactly what Jesus Christ taught: 'You are battling not against people or the material world, but against unseen powers.'

The question though is, actually, are you?

The other question is, do you even know how?

Someone privately commented to me, 'Oh I don't want to get involved participating in anything to do with 666/Mark Of The Best.' And also, something like, 'I don't want to be recruited into groups who likely are being motivated by money desires.'

So what do you think you are already in, though? You have the Mark Of The Beast on your head: it stamped its hoof on your head and scrambled your brains a while back, and everything you do is because of the need it forces you to have for your own survival and to eat and to live.

If I stuck '666 Mark Of The Beast' on my head, would that mean I am Jeff Bezos suddenly, or Bill Gates, or George Soros, or fancy titanium specs Fauci?

Would it even mean anything? 

Actually, I'll go even worse than that - let me take you up to a high place, a vantage point, from where you can see the whole of the Earth: 'all of these kingdoms can be yours, my boy...'

Is that what you want to hear so that suddenly the commandment of God Himself can be rejected by you - on account of 'Mark Of The Beast?'

And what is though, the commandment of God? It is this: 'Do as I say; it is written in holy scripture that you are gods, and that what you consider freed on Earth is freed in Heaven, and what you bind fast on Earth is bound fast in Heaven.' 

So what's your problem now?

Listen to the music below...
From the beginning and be 
patient. You will be in a
church, in a cathedral, and God 
will come to you, and speak to you.
Or, you will be being brainwashed by me.
If you're that susceptible. LOL

Did you not want to kill any of the Titans?

Did you just want to let them run loose and free all over the place here, for fear that if you used your own power, you would kill some one of them or even all of them?

Well, but, that is your call, morally - not God's. Actually.

You, are the problem of Evil. 

See, Abel sacrificed to God and his sacrifice was accepted, and God's reward to Abel in return, was that He let him die -, get literally murdered by Cain. Knowing all things, yet did God allow Abel to be murdered, even though he found him 'worthy.' So which 'God' are we talking about here? This is a good God, or a stoopid God?

Who are you sacrificing to? Actually?

Imaginary Campbell's Tomato Soup Jesus?

How many times have I said this here already - get over this nonsense about 'peace and love' always. It doesn't say things like that, nakedly, or that is, unconditionally, in the Bible.

It says, '...and they willingly are blind to the time when God destroyed the whole world by flood because of the Evil of those that were here, utterly destroying them all - and will so do now again, but a day is like unto a thousand years with God, and a thousand years like unto a single day.'

What's your verdict? What say you?

Are you scared or are you weak?

Better that you are both scared and weak. And yet still do, what you're supposed to do.

So if I stick '666 Mark Of The Beast' overtly on my forehead and go out and kill a God, would that worry you, would it? Because I do know which god to kill - do you? Yet?

Monday 3 January 2022

'666' Problem...

Hey if it gets out too far - out into the wider consciousness - that there are people employing tactics from 'space people...' ...that are also known as 'six sigma' tactics - well, we're going to get attacked by the 'Number Of The Beast' crowd.

Just go take a look on-line at the 'six sigma' logo! LOL

It is a problem - even for me and I'm pretty open-minded. For one thing, I went through the whole matter of saying 'Oh well sigma is not the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet so no problem, right?' Wrong. It's even worse - sigma is the eighteenth letter and that means two nines and two nines upside down are the other two 'sixes.' ROTFLMAO.

Ah well, it is what it is. Guess we're stuck with it then.

Six sigma, basic approach chart.

Actually, that is not the real problem. The real problem is when, a long way down the road from here, a bunch of other people take up the core ideas at hand and mess around with them - as they always do anyway with any good ideas, even some bad ideas too - and then you really will have a Satanic, demonic stack of nonsense and trouble. Because it will come in the wrapping of something good and actually be something not good.

So what's weird about where we're going with this?

Here: 'Six Sigma, and the available concepts of God and Man.'

God is this thing which (or who) has absolute foreknowledge of everything (by standard widely-accepted definition) but that does not uptake His capacity to determine absolutely everything.

Pre-destination is the idea that God determined everything for you (and, that is not the Western Christian belief, but it is the Islamic one).

Man - humanity - is this thing that neither has foreknowledge of virtually anything for certain, nor is able to determine its own totally positive beneficial future in any guaranteed way.

This is in fact however, not fully the picture though, is it: Man has access to the 'theoretically/hypothetical' perfect foreknowledge of God (if you go by any religious tradition at all), and certainly does have the power and the capacity of shaping his future to some extent.

I will go a lot further than that too, here...

But first.

Cedar tree. Is.
Is so!

The first we see in history, of what is presumed in contemporary literature to be this famous/infamous 'Tree of Life,' is in the ancient Sumer stone depictions of something that does look very much like it. And that would place the idea at least as far back as six thousand years ago from now - well before the Book of Genesis was composed in whatever form that people say it (Book of Genesis) was (composed).

However I think people are just assuming what the visual imagery stands for. There is no Sumerian text which explains what these early images are, or what they are meant to mean - and where there is Sumerian writing, references to a 'tree of life' explicitly say 'the cedar tree' and/or 'cedar forest.'

Anyway the point I'm trying to get to, is the main problem with the human race, with Man, is an intellectual systems problem, not a material problem. In fact it is definitely not simply a process problem to do with material things. It totally commands over all material things though, and we'll get to that.

We are stuck with the strictly material systems process bias because of the Romans.

Julius Caesar was a philosopher, his writings reflect that, and he left copious writings, although people note that those were dictated by or attributed to Julius Caesar. But around him, there are no Roman philosophers at all - only political writers and engineers; not even mathematicians. Diophantus comes a reasonably long time after Julius Caesar and classical scholars accuse him of never having wanted to establish general principles, but only consider each new problem as completely separate, only able to be 'solved' uniquely!

Cicero was not a philosopher - he was a politician.

Marcus Aurelius comes a very long time after the death of Julius Caesar. He was a philosopher.

Hi Gyps. (My cat, Gypsy).

And we have inherited the whole Roman thing entirely (although sadly, not so much Marcus Aurelius, in his philosophical hat). We build roads and bridges, buildings and machinery. We have no concept of securing actual happiness - like the Romans, we either take drugs or commit suicide if we are not happy.

And that is what broader society is doing right now. 

The 'human condition' problem is two-fold: firstly, humans all die (as an important generality), and they all want to 'solve' their immediate material state 'situation' because they generally-speaking all acknowledge that they cannot solve the 'Tree of Eternal Life' situation.

And so, they kink the process path over to the material side, and exactly away from the one which can actually help them fundamentally.

Yet 'six sigma' is an intellectual process path. It is not a material system like engineering itself is. It presumes the material inputs, but it has an intellectual, non-material objective.

And, six sigma will prevail, when all other systems will fail because all other systems suffer from ultimate attrition (terminality).

Six sigma is about continuous improvement - and, where focused on the non-material, the intellectual, systems and process path, it will attain the perfect functional result...

'Continuous,' of course, can only really be true, that is, be a true thing, where there is absolute continuance - guaranteed continuity of the life of the operator, the agent in question.

Now since we 'know' that humans are guaranteed to die however, how can we then say that such a thing, even if it is operating in the intellectual space, and not restricted to the material space, is guaranteed to survive?  And I mean by that -, the conscious personal ego is the agent and operator, and it is therefore being 'guaranteed' to survive.


Well you won't be very familiar with how, because you have inherited the Roman system.

O-o-kay, so let me give you this different paradigm then: you are the Delphic Oracle, and you are seated on your tripod, and you see something about the future.

And everything you say based on what you saw turns out to be true in every case and after a while all the rulers and leaders come to you to get an insight into the future.

See the Romans set about to destroy the Oracles. They were, unlike the Babylonians under Nimrod, not just willing to go against the gods, they were intent on establishing absolute atheism - and we have that today as a legacy system of thinking. 'Science' is Roman engineering - it is not mathematics or philosophy at all, despite that they all want to grab that mantle, or those cloaks at least, and associate them to science.

Ancient Sumerian goddess with handbag.
All ancient Sumerian gods were depicted
this way. : ))

See even the very word itself -  a Roman word - (IE science) to 'know,' is a way of thumbing your nose at God, who is the only one who does actually know for real. So that though, still, is if you go by the religious template/the religious narrative. Let's admit that to the skeptics.

The presumptuous claim of science, is that, once all of its fact bases are established, then it can know, the future. And it cannot. That is not even logically true or a possibility, because there is nothing that goes faster than the speed of light, and nothing which can travel into the future and this way and that across time. So really, you cannot say that there suddenly isn't out of thin air, some 'nuther 'small bang' at some moment in the future, which introduces completely new 'facts' which alter whatever facts you were previously using to 'guarantee' that you could predict the future. After all, the Big Bang, happened that way out of thin air, didn't it, in the past... And then Evolution -, until ultimately Fauci, and he killed everyone on the planet including himself. But not to worry, because science 2.0, right? And Big Bang 2.0 and more Evolution and then the whole thing just cycles out of nothing again and again and again; if necessary. Because it does. Right?


...So you have a choice, to accept and adopt the scientific paradigm and its agenda, or you can look for another one, which has a wider scope.

But if you looked for another one, would you or need you not, still use 'six sigma' or something like it, to continuously improve your intellectual, non-material systems path?

A systems approach to the 'problem of Man' is the one that can get you the results you want.

And those results must necessarily include all of your material wishes too anyway, as a simple by-product of your ability to prevail against all other operators in competition.

Things 'cycle' out of general principles which exist outside of (all) material things. The real existence of general principles is physically connected, to material things - and that is something no one is prepared to accept or to acknowledge (on the whole) and mostly this is because they cannot 'see' it so.

A thing is invisible, and not itself formally part of the material Universe, so how can it be literally physically asserting influence and effects on materiality? Well because it's a different kind of 'material substance.' That's all.

So what are we going to do here?

'Blue spice eyes.'

We're going to have you 'see' the unseeable.

And then, you're going to reach out, and touch the Tree of Life, and take from it, and live forever.


Well why not?

Do not ever make the mistake that Christianity is this benign, soft, non-violent, anti-violence thing. People all think it is that.

The Book of Peter - one of them I forget which one of them - says this very explicitly, referring to the Sumerian ancient histories: 'For this they are willingly ignorant of...' And then he proceeds to tell you about how Utnapishtim (he who lives forever and built an Ark and rescued people and animals and plants and trees and stuff) went through the total destruction of the whole world and the then human race. And then he says 'this is going to happen again.'

Well that doesn't seem all that nice and happy happy, p*-weak, let's all forgive everyone and 'be toxic positive' and get crucified and don't worry about it, because 'love and forgiveness,' right?

Willingly ignorant - means they are choosing to blind themselves about some concerning matter.

Well, of course, there are plenty of folk who will say, 'But hey Calvin, you cannot show us anything, and you certainly cannot give us access to the Tree of Life for real.'

Oh can I not?

Many times out of eighteen segments you will miss it.

But when you start to always get to within three standard deviations on either side of 'perfect result,' then what then?

I have a drug substance here.

It comes from space, far far way.

It's like 'spice...'

We'll take ten people, and give them 'agency.'

And then they can make a million bucks each, more if they want.

Why on earth not, seriously?

Or I can make it myself and just mail out checks to ten people for fun. 

Now the interesting thing to me is, the Book of Genesis is a flawed story. It should have had one version (of the same story, basically) where Satan gave out the Apple, (spice, spiced apple then, if you like...) giving Eve and Adam personal agency -, and then, a second version in which he just mails out checks and they didn't have agency. Oh wait, oh there are those two sections just like that in there... Now which one is the one where Cain killed Abel though? I forget.

We want ten 'agents.' (Means people with agency). LOL

Right now we have five who are more or less working the program.

And each of you are going to make a million bucks (you know what I mean; a lot of cash), and then you have to report back to here so - oh no but, Jesus! But then we're all in big trouble because then everyone else on the planet will want to troll or 'have a piece of the action' or just get checks or criticize and say that ten people lied and so on. You know what it's like.

And if the world has not moved forward from 'and Cain killed Abel' then for sure you're going to get plenty of lunatics who will want to test that - did they reach out their hands and take from the Tree of Life? 'Cuz hey, let's kill them to find out; legitimate experimental research, right?

You people think I'm kidding, right?

Let's see who's got any guts?

You want to see ET?


Easy as.

Sorry Lue. It's easy as. Six sigma. Systems approach. And it is time.

Saturday 1 January 2022


I'm sure all of you at some point have asked yourself the question: 'Why are ET Aliens so reticent at coming forward out into the open, as it were?'

Well I'll give you another question...

Has US Navy - or anyone, for that matter - carried out an in-depth post-event analysis of the white Tic Tac episode?

Old School fashion can get themselves
organised and orderly...

Because I will give you a 100% iron-clad guarantee that the commanders in charge of that small exercise group - the USS Nimitz Strike Group off San Diego firstly in 2004 - were using a very particular set command 'philosophy' involving principles of 'threat investigation,' 'threat evaluation,' and 'threat analysis leading to justified command-structure decisionable action.'

And you are going to like this Bill Smith, because it was in fact a US Naval Academy graduate of 1952, William B. Smith Jr (Bill Smith) who developed the 'six sigma' design strategy and 'process of improvement' tool; which is basically the one being used by the commanders of the USS Nimitz Strike Group.

Am I correct, FBI?

No visits from you yet?


If we just go, unguided, into the Steven M. Greer whole thing of adopting some kind of 'inward moral imperative' then we might, by accident, establish a basic contact protocol. But it won't be the right one, not really.

Yes for sure there is one, but it is highly complex, a little bit nuanced, very advanced intellectually, and frankly, in keeping with what you might expect assuming the 'other side' really are peopled by vastly superior intelligent beings (people!).

We're talking about a sophisticated thing here.

It might be 'six sigma' across more than one separate factor, or aspect of the encounter.

I'm having to even go into this on account that soon we will be walking with our eyes open here, into some pretty weird stuff...

And I do not want it to be the case that people leap to the unfortunate and very incorrect assumption that we can all just go 'take drugs' and 'see things' (that are probably not there) - just because it is the case that secret compartmentalized projects using the funding of, if not directly with the management of, CIA, involved human subjects using drugs and then going up into the higher atmosphere and 'trying to contact' things out there!

Yeah they did!

And by and by, sooner or later, I am going to give you the 'chemical substances' listings.

Oh yes.

Is salt a 'coupling medium' for transverse
sound waves?
Anyway, what is the good of salt, if it loses its
savor? ; ) The answer is, as Jesus says:
'It is only good for throwing out.'


Sure will.

Might have to 'subtly disguise it,' though. Not that anyone reading consistently here for a while already won't be able to work it out.

You see the thing is, the human social conditioning over many centuries now, has installed this 'processing code' between consciousness and 'assessment leading to justifiable actions.'

It's the 'justifiable action' that is the problem. Human beings fancy they know what that even is, and they have absolutely no - zero - idea at all.

They are 'justifying' things on account of 'rational thinking processes.'

This is like those modern 'theologists' trying to say that 'prayer has a positive impact on the efficacy of medicines used...'

Well, no, it hasn't. You see, there is no word 'prayer' either in the Sanskrit Vedas or in the Bible.


There is 'prarthana' (practical ritual actions), and there is another word in the Bible source language - but 'prayer' (ask by entreaty; which means by humble request), does not exist in the source texts as an actual thing to really do if you want to get anywhere.

The Mahabharata makes it very clear and specific that prayer is in fact more or less, useless; Krishna tells Arjuna exactly what to do, and it is not to 'pray.'

It is too unsafe to rely on the vagaries of the normally quite wandering human mind, when there are potentially very dangerous outcomes at stake.

This is nonsense - this thing about trying to research rationally whether prayer has a positive impact on efficacy.

'Rationally' - means by degree, in ratio/s. Efficacy means degrees of obtained desired outcomes.

And that is not what a vastly superior intelligent species is involved in doing - not when they are about something serious, at least.

If you want to be forever treated like children, well then fine - 'someone' will just go do a fly-over somewhere again.

And what would the 'message' be? Anything? Or just meaninglessness - another 'weird event' thing, filmed by the virtual equivalent of monkeys with iPhone cameras.

Invoking a totally supremely powerful being, for the express purpose of actually getting something done - always works. It is not a matter of anything 'by degrees.'

Does the Bible say anywhere, 'Oh, sorry King David, you're just going to have to put up with this result over the Philistines... degrees?'

Does it say the old guy came to Jesus and said: 'I'm sure your miraculous touch can help my son by degrees... ...He's dying or even dead by now, since I've had to walk a long way to get to you, but you know, it'll be at least a bit better if you helped by degrees.'


It's beautiful but it's fake.
There is no such place,
no such scene, anymore.
Make no mistake. If I ever said here the human race is being threatened with complete extinction - is that something that is going to be concluded by degrees?

Oh, sorry Moses, just go into the water anyway, it will part for you, sometimes, though not all the time, because hey, you know, efficacy by degrees.

Where the damn hell are people's minds at? There are these other people, these 'visitors' who can get here from sixteen trillion miles away, and the US Congress has a directive in operation to 'think about it' at least, and maybe even to investigate it - but where is the post-event analysis? 

Where is that at?

Is there even one a-foot?

...And now you start to see just exactly how backward the human race has fallen since Alcibiades took his navy out to sea for the politically corrupt Athenians.

This is what corruption gets you, see.

Alcibiades would not have fallen for this.

So y'all want to see the flying things again.

Well. Have you repeated what you did the first time? Ah, but you don't even know what you did the first time, isn't that so?

'You.' And that does not mean 'you,' though does it. Because you, are going to go 'six sigma' and do the right thing.

I did not just state a problem - as everyone does these days (because after all, there are so many problems) - but I gave you a solution. It's up to you to follow it.

You know, I might as well add this: there is this retired US general, who said something really silly in the media just this week... And if I said any more than that, I think I really would get a knock on the door! Just lettin' ya know though. If you can read between the lines here.