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Thursday, 25 April 2024

The Existential, The Now

Today, we live in a world where there is a lot of trouble, and a lot of dissatisfaction in the public - dissatisfaction in their governments, in the leaders and in the politics generally and also in the arms of administration carrying out the policies and directing the 'laws' of the state, whichever various kinds of nation-states these happen to be.

The philosophies and the ideologies that are behind what has happened come from old books and ancient texts and the interpretations of a number of events and incidents that are given the name of 'religion.'

There are simply innumerable commentators speaking everywhere from platforms claiming to be representing religions, significantly, rather than academic philosophies - which probably would be all the worse anyway(!) - and these drive the whole discourse.

The moral context is framed through a window of religious ideology, always.

The decision that you make, or that your country is making for you, or that the executive branches are making - are 'good' (supposedly) because behind the story there is another story which is always a metaphor...

And why is it always a metaphor?

Because there are no Jews that can produce Moses onto any public stage, except only his (putative) words.

There are no Muslims who can produce Allah or Muhammad live, onto any big screen on which Hassan Nasrallah can easily be produced... 

And Jesus already said He was leaving for far away 'as like a wealthy land-owner on a long journey of trade.'

So then we have all these books and texts left to us, which are taken into the hands of knaves, and they are swung at our heads until we do what they order.

We have to start thinking about things from the perspective of what we know, especially technologically-speaking, today.

Things are simple, almost rustic.
They are not hard. Even on the most advanced
high tech space ships in the Cosmos,
things can be very fundamental...

Already you very clearly know that AI and big data can almost predict, and somewhat determine, your every next move. It has access to your iPhone, it can tell you when the shops are open and how busy they are in the immediate moment, it can log all of your calls and from the locations they were made.

These are all taken from superficial data. They are just from your physical actions.

But it is possible to peer into your brain and 'see' what neural connections are there, and what the electron signalling traffic is.

'Transfiguration' is a pattern. What it means is that you have an overflow of electromagnetic power going through your body. And this attracts your personal self, your consciousness, into a much larger, fully-integrated, and highly intelligent, field.

And in that state it is possible to shift a person into clone bodies.

You may not believe it or even like it right now but it is true nonetheless.

All of us living here on the planet have our personal selves tightly held into the physical body, and into the sensory nodes in that - but not just that because that would be quite okay; people are tightly fastened to external systems, to the economy, and to the ideologies of which I earlier referred to, here.

This is 'Kat Nestel.'
I have given you every possible
It's not about other people and
those hypothetically
'already there.'
It's about you and the thrill
of getting there, being there.
Where there are only very few.

These ideologies are all false because none of them are existential in the now - they are all referencing frames and narratives that are like screen-films being run through a projector; they are all past things that happened, not are happening.

They are able to reproduce, or produce, nothing at all in the now. Not without knives and swords and guns and police and various other sorts of thuggery.

It will take you at least a day, maybe a day and a half, to detached yourself from this materialistic, but past fugue, powerful attraction that is inside your sensory and nerve network system.

After successfully detaching, you will be able to access a faculty within the brain and by direct and key extension, the mind - which will allow you to briefly, very briefly, catch a glimpse of an existential permanently inherent now reality.

Close your eyes.

And listen, and then see.

Cloning is real in the Universe.

Not in 'human science' reality. In the actual Universal set of civilizations and systems reality.

Close your eyes.Go the White Room. Continuously... By and by they will 'see' you there and they also monitor people down here all the time -, and slowly, glimpse by precious glimpse you will start to see a different world besides the obvious one that is visibly here when you have your eyes open in the day (or night for that matter). 

Diomedes was given the divine power to identify (literally to see) the gods who were taking the field of battle at Troy. 

Close your eyes.

Let the Light come in. It is dark on this planet.

It is not an easy thing to accomplish.

All things. And the power.

But why are you important where others, 'already there,' not so important? Because you have the call, because you have the experience. They are not from here; you are from here.

You will attain to the power. That's why the world is against you. They cannot afford for you to have the power that they 1. cannot get, and 2. previously have been very abusive over people here with the power they had.

This is not about some story of yesterday. This is about now. This is about you. What makes you think you are not more important than some character in a story of the past? They are not here. You are here.

...By the way, there is a difference between Sacred Scripture, and nonsense written in books and scrolls and everything else. 'He (the Divine Spirit) called them gods to whom the Word of God came - and Sacred Scripture cannot be broken.'

So am I wrong? 

How am I wrong.

Close your eyes.

See the Light.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Practice Translation...

Super advanced beings do not speak in exactly the same kind of 'language' that standard Earth human beings do.

There are such beings by the way and you have to just get used to the idea of it - because it is already unfolding in front of people's eyes.

The Pentagon has just this last week acknowledged the secret project known as 'Kona Blue' which as I have indicated previously, and especially in the off-site books about the Eastman-Kodak and Bell High Altitude Labs exercise in the Forties and again in the late-Fifties and early Sixties in some of the jungles in South America and also in South-East Asia -, involved the handing across - not the 'recovery of crashed anything(!)' - of limited amounts of technology and actual items.

If this is not in Heaven, I'll not go!
An old aphorism about stuff.

Again, as I have always said - and now confirmed by the Pentagon formally, although there is a reason they keep the door open to 'crash recovery' - never was there any such a thing as a 'crashed' vehicle, and all of the very limited amounts of material, film and tech involved, were given and not 'taken.' 

I specifically underscored that the actual key programs were under the auspices and even the direction to a very large extent, of Thomas C. Schelling's US Department of Defense Science Research - which was, broadly-speaking a counter-intel briefed operation funded principally because of anti-Communism and post-War political realities, not a formal direct bureau to do with overtly 'ET Alien' contact motives.

And so it was back then and it remains so today, that counter-intel means misdirecting your international enemies - and ET Alien crash sites were great ways to do that; including a means to get internal foreign operatives to reveal themselves because of their interest in some misdirection where possible advantageous high technology gain was at stake.

But if we come to the point of realizing that heck, there really are these intelligently-piloted vehicles around the place, albeit quite rarely in fact, and presuming the intelligent beings aboard are at least somewhat like us then we ought to give some thought to what kinds of 'intelligent' being they actually are.

If I were you, I would try and go along with what I am about to tell you now, in part because well -, have I been shown wrong in any single thing at all so far in every aspect of the so-called US government's (that is, Congress members') disclosures?

I think this is in Spain, not far from the Islamic
Modernism, you see...

...The, um, unusual, and I would even say 'creepy' thing about one particular section of the Book of Revelation (The Apocalypse) for example, is that inserted into the sentence about the return to Earth of Jesus - although He is not named in the particular sentence -, is the additional fact or let's just say 'aspect' of a whole bunch of other people, beings, military armadas really, from space: '...and the armies which were in heaven followed Him.' By the way, those are not my italics, the italics occur in the actual original text of the scripture.

The italics very possibly are to denote that most people reading will not be able to understand the precise meaning; in other words, that there is a different and detailed meaning not able to be expressed in that day and in those times.

There is no difference between the peaking of human civilization around this time, our times, and the subsequent destruction of it (which you could say is the Biblical prediction of its destruction/termination/'Judgment') which was explained by Plato who said that this happens roughly every five thousand years or so on this planet.

It is happening a little quicker in this Epoch. That is the point of giving people advanced non-human origin technology. To bring it all on quicker, to the sooner destroy everything. Necessarily. This is even explicitly said in The Apocalypse. 'If things were not brought on quicker, no man could survive the evil of those days (spiritually).'

We will 'peak' because we are getting to the more mature space venturing stage.

But if we cannot integrate with the other intelligent species out there, well we must be 'devolved' and start again.

But you might be able to integrate.

And this is how you do it:

Whenever you think of someone, and feel suddenly very safe, very emotionally calm, more composed and psychologically relaxed than you feel in the world, in this world today, in the midst of all the other people around you and in the middle of the politics and socio-economic mire that is an existential if temporary reality - then that is where you should be 'inside.' That is who you are connected to, are literally part of.

This is where The Apocalypse
was written.

And there is where the formal psychological truth about you exists in its fundamental permanent nature. Nothing changes there. It cannot change. That is the part that stays forever.

By exposing yourself first to a surrounding ambient current (as in electric/ electrical/electromagnetic/optical) of white(-ness) all of the substrata frequencies are brought into their natural compositional congruity for an integrated living being, eliminating the over-currents and false or fractured frequencies that nonetheless can pertain to your brain-sensory and neural network composition because of the way the human Earth-world is presently carrying on.

This is the point of the 'white room.'

When you do this, you are translating yourself into another kind of -, a much more advanced, intelligent being. 

You see the thing is, well let's test it out - when people think about some iconic 'leader' or identity, some dominating character; Stalin, Hitler, and so on -, in the mass delusion and psychosis of crowds, they are swept under a tidal wave of false and persuasive emotions. They want to 'go to war,' fight against the perceived and often actually stated enemy, are aggrieved about some insult or some offense...

...Which was not ever, of course, personally given to them, but vicariously felt because the Titanic energy of the Underworld Spirit is being used to suck them into the negative energy Vortex.

This is Death as it really is.

This is not a thousand miles,
from where I live today.

You can be sucked downwards by the Vortex, into the Vortex, and this can feel like powerful attraction - anyone who has stuck a knife into an electric toaster to get out a burning crumb from off the glowing metal filaments will know about this kind of attraction; that is, if they remained alive after they have been electrocuted.

But it is also a mistaken idea to think that the 'armies of the heavens' cannot kill, or that their lasers beams do not ever get used in actual violence.

Power is energy into mechanical balance.

It is not someone forcing you to do something because they say.

By Universal Mechanical Balance the world, this world - will be destroyed.

And all who are in it, and all who do commerce with it, and all that are enthralled by its rulers and political leaders, and all who follow its rules.

When you are at rest, in repose, with certain other people, maybe let's even call them 'beings' although some of them might have been humans at one point - you are in your own natural emotional-psychological-psychic mechanical balance.

Tell you a lot about who you really are when you start thinking about it along those lines, and practicing it.

You cannot be who you are not.

The world has changed a lot
of course, since very ancient times.
This is Penang.
Ah bin there.

That is the whole point of the Scriptural saying - 'do not be conformed to this world because you are in the first place not of this world.'

I'm sure you know the CIA has a test to find non-human DNA in people.


You knew that, right?


Why would they even care, right?

When you think about Bill Gates, there will be a lot of 'energy instability;' when you think about George Soros, a lot of energy instability; when you think about some seemingly powerful political charismatic figure too, that the world at large acclaims, you will feel distant from their inner workings...

Right now, it is not the time to ask for some 'sign' or signal event to be shown. 

And that is because those who are already dead are being drawn to the Final Field of Battle.


I don't want anything fancy - 
just coffee with friends!


Turn your attention - if you will - to the better figures for your private contemplation.

When the realization hits you that you and they, are alive, living, will always be living - and that you simply want to stay in that group; then you will know as to a certainty that there comes a point when the light sabers come out, and are used in anger. 

...In the meanwhile, just think about that it may well be, that some of those YT shorts of Alien craft being filmed outside of passenger windows, are completely real.

For you can communicate with the occupants and I have told you how. Who do you want to be with in your mind at exactly 2:22 in, in this:

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Safe Harbor And Power

The intelligent person will look at the world today, look at the situations around the place - be they fundamental human social matters or larger-scale national and racial/religious matters - and consider the incapacity of the obtaining systems to resolve the widely far apart positions of people holding power.

Now power of course, is there in many guises not just the clear-cut and obvious ones.

Anyone, or anything, that is able to manipulate the weak-mindedness of the average uneducated person - has power. Power over human beings.

The human being in the private individual sense does not have any power in any realistic, meaningful way over the wider population/s of other humans as a particular group or as groups just generally.

But that people do feel for the plight and the misery and suffering of others is a truism about the standard human being - whose opposite characteristic marks out the sociopath's mindset.

After a while the ordinary private individual is bound to feel worn out by the problematic nature of the human world -, by the entire contents of this world of political structures and ideologies built on utter garbage that could not survive even the slightest critical analysis and shining of light onto it.

Yet whole swathes of people, nation-states, literally millions of people in fact, as an ongoing existential reality, act and make decisions and decide things for others based on thinking patterns that are psychopathic and regularly too, also sociopath kinds of mind workings.

It literally does not matter that I kill you or someone, a few people or hundreds of thousands - as long as I have asserted my power to pretend that I and I alone 'know the truth' and 'have the truth' and am working 'for the truth' (that only I know 'properly' of course).

The obverse of this actual position that most people find themselves in, is that I or you or any ordinary individual have literal material manifest power to overcome the majority and the leaders of those masses.

Inside, the outside...

Which we do not.

So there is no prospect of our getting enough real power to individually and personally countermand the diabolical mentality of huge organizations and governments - that is, on our own.

The amazing thing about the book called 'The Apocalypse' is that even good people, saintly people - are reported in that text as calling out to an unresponsive Divine Authority and Power: 'How long, how long?'

...They are not impatient but they are worn out. They are tired of the lunacy.

And God does not reply.

Not in any ways that are suggested by the text to show that He/She/It is acting with a sense of urgency about human suffering.

Thus it seems that even under this Supreme God of Goodness, people are perpetually suffering, powerless, and brutally disregarded.

After all, it is not 'God' who is actually living the suffering life across centuries - it is Man.

The justification in the Judaeo-Western-Christian philosophy is that Man 'sinned' and so it's his own fault; in the Islamic ideology it doesn't matter if he did or didn't, he must simply be a slave and accept whatever treatment Allah dishes out because 'Allah knows best' and has supreme power and has ordained everything.

It's just that the 'everything' that you and most everyone else knows, is always continuously a bad situation only, filled with risk, problematic outcomes, and the inevitability of suffering.

People of course 'hope' and this hope is never justified by the outcomes in fact.

Where is the 'safe harbor'
against jealousy and greed,
manipulation and violence,
and people (and 'gods') who do
nothing but point fingers?


The practical experienced reality is in any case that human beings simply cannot trust other humans around them - wives let husbands down, husbands fail to meet the ludicrous and vain impossible standards of illiterate materialistic women, politicians lie, economics provides the unmerited great wealth, and love is rewarded by betrayal or else perpetually contains the risk of it.

Where is the 'safe harbor' from all of this evil and mischief?

What happens when you, and virtually you alone among the whole entire present living human race - remove yourself to this putative 'white room' that we have talked about here, on a space station or vehicle somewhere off the planet, and in there are unburdened of the prospects of failure, the weight of unworthy human judgement (IE the 'throwing of stones'), and receive actual power and knowledge that no one else down here has...

Is that in any Sacred Scriptures anywhere...?


What do you think?

Is it?

And when you do it, try it, what happens... You want to be so much more, don't you.

(Almost a minute in before the thing really gets warmed up; this is because these kinds of tracks have 'beat matching' beginning and end segments for mixing with other tracks - and also for the expert to 'get into the trance zone'):

Monday, 15 April 2024

The Dimensions Of Sound

So you have studied here - you have read here but it is studying, in fact - for a while.

And so you will recognize things that others will not observe, if they were to simply 'come upon' this place accidentally or randomly and read something out of sequence; and it has been a very long sequence by now after all. 

Instead of placing too much attention on sights and images, you will observe and notice other things - ideas, the underlying ideas themselves, and certainly sound, or sounds delivered as music although it has been much more than what is ordinarily thought of as just 'music.'

Their craftiness is greater than
in the days of Nimrod, even
of Tarshish...

You will, or that is to say your mind will, instantly notice the immediate last track played and relate it to the one you will be hearing now...

...And it will search for the hidden musical meaning, try to grasp for some subtle implication.

Now there is a text I want to talk about -, it is unknown exactly how old it is, or even by whom and where it was originally written or at least compiled, since it is a collection of Asiatic folktales. When I say 'Asiatic,' the actual English translations - and these are pretty much the only things left intact any more ever since the present Iranian regime destroyed the archives and libraries of its Turkic and Persian ancient literature - go under the title of 'Oriental' which in that case means, Turkic-Mongolian-Persian-Azeris-Chinese.

This collection of folktales goes under the usual title of 'The Relations of the Wonderful Spiritual Sage Kur (Guardian Of Heavenly Treasures).' Now the very word or name 'Kur' itself has the meaning like the blackness of night, which covers the heavens and reveals to men on the Earth only the tiniest hints of the blazing glories of the distant stars as they twinkle.

In the same way that you have learned the meaning and purpose of the prophets carrying out 'fasting,' when you read these stories certain nuanced subtleties will appear and try to light up connections with related highly modern ideas in your mind, like little sparkles...

At first and if you are not mentally liberated enough, you will not grant that the wording and phrases must of necessity come from ignorance about cloning and 'Alien' beings having the technology to adopt different physical appearances.

But in these texts and in the stories contained in them, we learn of a group of beings called the Tangari, which in recent times has been altered as a word and name to spell it 'Tengri' and all of the common and public explanations of what this is about is blatant fraud and simple-minded Western academics spinning simplistic narratives from their own position as 'civilized' and 'Christian.' (Or modern Islamic too, for that matter).


Indeed, the Iranian regime decries these kinds of ancient texts and tries to obliterate them altogether from the public mind and knowledge.

To try and say that 'Tengrism' - which is what the traditional 'religion' of the Mongolian peoples is called today - is related to backward primitivism and pagan shamans that we might see sponsored by the Beijing Communist Propaganda Bureau, is to devalue both the Tangari system as well as authentic shamanism.

It is to pretend to be oblivious to the historical fact that the Mongolian Khanates conquered and dominated the whole world, and they did not achieve that because they were 'backward' or 'primitive' or primitive-minded.

I tell you about the 'Relations of Ssidi Kur' in connection with modern-day encounters with ET Aliens who are still active in coming here for their reasons.

Although the Khans accounted for their brilliance in war-strategy and conquest and progress in civilization, by attributing all their successes to the Tangari as if it were to an invisible Deity or 'Spirit' in the same sense and way modern people have religions and religious rituals - yet in all of their affairs as retold by their contemporaries and witnesses, the Tangari were actually physically present at various times.

Further, the Mongolians of the early Khanates were extremely practical people and not at all give to fanciful imaginings in any of their affairs. And although the folkloric stories do contain elements of the exaggerating of heroic people's stature and strength for the clear purpose of highlighting the redoubtable challenges entailed going up against some particular enemy or opponent, it is somewhat of a leap to suddenly suggest key practical elements in the stories are anything other than just plain 'reporting.'

'The Chan's wife laid out for 
her Tangari visitor who came down to her in
a private pavilion, the most
luxurious food and drink...'

The Tangari flew in beautiful craft often externally arrayed specifically to impress the human eye or to not frighten them. They came down from the skies and from the stars or planets, and they went back up to there.

But it is the nature of the psychology at play, not the technology -, what we would today easily understand as psychological forces and motivations, very subtly and with much intellect, being played out, or really, lived by the Tangari and their Earthling associates - that we ought consider and turn over in our minds.

Back then, those who wrote down the events and the affairs of the main figures - the leading identities of various clans and regions and whole kingdoms - knew of the interactions between the Tangari and the humans, today there is simply no reason for news reporters and journalists and even biographers, to know about what goes on behind closed doors or even in gated estates for example, with those who certainly do have physical relations with these otherworldly beings.

Genghis Khan had four secretaries constantly with him writing down all that he said and all that happened with him wherever he went.

Such is not the norm with any modern-day persons.

We ourselves as ordinary human beings have access to incredibly advanced technology. But our psychology is very primitive - even you could say, quite basic in terms of what an intelligent species might be assumed to possess.

'In those far future days to come, the numbers of the people grows very large in the world, and their ways are mightier and more crafty than in the days of Nimrod - but their wisdom fails and their love grows cold.'

By now you have forgotten what was said by the first to the third, fourth and fifth - especially the fourth - paragraph in here:

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Explanations You Will NEVER Hear

Well, that is to say, you will not hear them anywhere else.

Sooner or later, the more you 'grow up' (some of us never do, of course and one of those is moi) - the more you will question what is all of this 'fasting' thing that is so pushed in religions.

The basic excuses always given - and they are wrong as you are about to see - are: it is good for your health (it is not if it is prolonged or messes with the body clock; this harms sleep and digestion and eventually your kidneys because of dehydration bouts), next, that self-denial allows you to stop focusing on yourself and to start focusing on 'god.' This is total bunk even from the standpoint of 'creationist' religions since God the Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Beneficent, 'made' perfect things and if your desires are 'wrong' then He made a mistake! ...Which He could not have.

When 'production design' in films was a
...Done by people with some brains.

And there are others too but they are all wrong.

If you go to the actual ancient original texts, this is not what is happening - some individual is not fasting and then God visits them or some 'angel' of God visits them; they are already delineated for some special incidents and experiences...

The fasting is simply stated, it is not explained.

But I will explain it and you will suddenly get a shock, those of you with enough experience of medicine and human biology and neurology.

Take this current bizarre fad of the 'weight loss' drugs based on Semaglutide - Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro - all of these deceive your brain directly, directly mind you (as well as through the GIT chemical actions) into believing (there is that word again and I am underscoring it here for you on purpose) that you 'feel' full and that you have eaten... ...When you have not, in fact and in truth.

It is a 'lying' mechanism' but one which also works on your brain via the hypothalamus directly.

Now let me ask you a question, that is to say, pose a question:

If your brain is in a state where it thinks, and also thinks that it believes, and indeed believes, something falsely, are you not being deluded, and delusional at that stage?

Next time you talk to someone 
who says they are rich, or that others say
is rich, just don't get
confused by the 'story.'

If that condition remains a constant condition of your brain, what other side-consequences are unfolded that are flowing from the primary basic delusion?

Well, your taste changes, your sense perceptions are altered, your concepts of what is good and bad to ingest becomes changed - your sense of smell is altered - your internal mechanisms become reliant on external drugs...

Can you then in that state and condition be completely relied upon to make sound judgments as to what is 'good' and what is 'bad?' Could you be relied on as to your powers of judgment, to come in contact let's say, with an Alien species, and make sound rational and legitimate decisions about them and judgments concerning what they represent to you?

Why would an actually advanced intelligent Alien species look at you in that state, knowing how you live here on chemicals and drugs and messed around biology and what you are using to 'get by,' trust that you would understand them on a sound rational basis or be benign towards them?

'Fasting' means normalizing and resetting your sensory dynamics in situ (IE in human physical biological life/living), and ensuring that you are not being affected artificially by exotic foods or by some substance-induced false impressions. It means 'getting the time and timing right.' 

You are about to see how incredibly connected and interconnected you are, and things are with you, that are completely outside of you.

I think we can also 'be reasonable' about it and assume that simply by consciously 'seeing' (self-acknowledging) this understanding, and appreciating that we should not make foolish judgments or rash and precipitous moves and conclusions, and especially not try to come at things when under the influence of drugs or substances that have altered the natural human organic processes - then an advanced intelligent species would not enforce some obsessional set of rules about meeting. 

In the world there are many
Ferrari cars.
But only some are this one (like this one).

Because they would be able to negotiate on terms in which you intelligently acknowledge you could be mistaken in the moment and that you will be patient to see the enduring facts and not the immediate impressions only.

The macrophages in the human body are involved, the GLP1 sensory pathways and components are involved, the hypothalamus (body temperature regulation system is based on signals from the gut biome! As well as other inputs not actually 'fitted into' your body, like bacteria) is involved, the vagus pathway is involved, the pancreas is involved, the kidneys are involved... These are all intimately involved with your brain's activity and your thinking.

'Field effects' are literally exactly how true and correct judgments are made. The conscious person, the so-called 'individual' is at the end of a long line of connected other things.

With these 'conditions' now outlined, we can start to think about looking ahead to a critical moment...

And this 'moment' will not be based on some theological perspective about interpreted ancient texts and ideologies and myths and legends and 'books' said to be given down by 'God.'

Why does God need a book?

He (It, They, Whatever) requires you to know, truthfully and honestly and above all self-honestly, and He requires communication with a rational being, not a deluded and a delusional one.

He could simply talk to you directly, why not -, but you have to be in a state to 'get it' in tune with what your sensory and brain systems ought to be functioning like given their optimum patterns of operating, not when you're in some bizarre and outlandish 'fitted up' nonsensical mind-warp state built by a propaganda-driven society and pumped up with anti-depressants and adrenaline or 'speed' or driven by urban middle-class greed economics.

Or He could 'not talk' to you and simply go about changing you into something not as dysfunctional as most human beings are. Quite obviously, humans at large - the greater 'human society' of people - are a work-in-progress.

The whole world when it comes to these ET questions always says well where are they?

They (the non-Earth humans) by the same token could as easily ask 'where the f* is their mind at??!'

The human race on the whole is nowhere even close to being able to communicate sensibly and authentically with a truly advanced intelligent other species. 

Close Encounters is one thing. Close communication is the thing.