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Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Wine Meditation

The proper rituals of wine are purely meditative practices.

Those of you who make a lot of money doing what you do each day, will know that you tend to 'walk through the world' quite fast, and with a distinct order of priorities to all those things that your eye or your mind observes as you transit places, be it through crowds, office spaces, buildings...

And then when you get back to home base, you try to do what is popularly referred to as 'de-compressing.' Which might mean turning the television on, for example.

Oh, my life is so fast...
I didn't see the burgundy for the wine

This is incredibly dangerous because your brain is being fed endorphins from the process, not from its content. And what that means is that sub-consciously you will be associating (false) good feelings with highly problematic ideas and verbalized content and images.

The same kind of endorphin-led process structure is going on when you sit down to a bottle of very good wine.

It is critically important to have the right company when you are doing that. Or else just sit in a corner of a restaurant by yourself, perfectly alone - with the wine.

But whereas opium or the food of the mythical 'lotus eaters' of Homer's Odyssey will quite literally blank out from the immediate consciousness, memories of the past, especially those bad ones, and even recollections of the very recent past - like what happened earlier in the day - good wine will open the mind to memories of the past, and ideas about the future, but install the construction of all those thoughts into the immediate 'now.'

...Until of course, actual drunkenness takes over and then the whole thing descends into a vague confusion of thoughts and the blunting of important things.

In the world of the last two hundred years or so, the mass-production and commoditisation mindset has seen the relentless cutting of corners when it comes especially to time spent on anything.

Yes yes - you must 'de-compress.'

This week we have witnessed the French government spend half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds to destroy the physical commodity that has come from the French 'wine production industry.'

Call it whichever way that you like but the commoditisation of wine has been a serious mistake.

And the results are in and they are clear.

The fabricated 'causes' of the so-called glut or oversupply of French wines, include the market veering off to craft beers and other things, and even the effects of the Covid lock-downs although I cannot see how that could have been relevant.

The real cause is that you cannot commoditise wine-making. You cannot. You 'can' and it will seem to work for a while and then it will all be revealed as utter folly in the end.

Nobody wants to sit down quietly and comfortably to imbibe wine that is hopelessly 'difficult' to drink, to consume.

Not Tahoe but it's like that - you get
the picture. Late afternoon, chilly,
deep in the pine forest. And someone
is coming up the pathway...
Who is it?

Yes you swilled it around your mouth, towards the back palate, over the teeth at the front 'palate' - and you could tell from which terroir that it came - and you 'impressed' everyone that you were buying dinner for, to be with you there while you were intent on showing off.

And did you enjoy the drink, or did you wallow in the self-indulgence and ego glorification and was that really, the principal thing.

The Latin word is 'meditari.' The Greek is 'theoria.'

And it's a whole long process. Alcibiades enters the scene in The Symposium late, and already inebriated - and he wonders why everyone else there is sober, although clearly they have also been drinking. And he starts to speak 'truth' except not the sort that people would admit to wishing to hear in 'polite company.'


The French government intends to distill the spirit from the wine it is going to destroy to extract industrial alcohols and solvents and make cleaning fluid and such stuff. You see, that is all that those industrial stocks ever were in the first place. You're killing yourself drinking that stuff.

Time, my friends, it's all about time and how to enjoy life.

But I hear some of you complain: I need to have money, at least some money, enough to have time - the time to enjoy my wine.

Well that's fine too.

Oh god, it's JES. She's going
to make us leave the wine and
go do a work-out!
...I happen to know she loves
Sancerre, though.
So we shall see... What we shall see.

I believe you.

Yes you need some money.

And tell me, Admiral Kirk, who are you inviting to sit with you to open your favorite Saurian brandy, in the commander's state room?

French economist Manu Saadia wrote a book in 2016 called 'Trekonomics' in which he looks at the economy of scarcity by looking at it in reverse.

This is the so-called 'post-scarcity' economy of the Star Trek universe.

The fact is however, that the matter resolves not into simply a material scarcity equation, but can only be solved when intelligent humans discover that it is necessary to admit that humans themselves are the ultimate economy, and that some of them are appealing while most others are mediocre examples of what the human being can be or could be.

To understand wine, a great wine, you must understand how to reflect yourself in the great wine; how a great wine is a reflection of you, the individual, not you the industrial commodity!

Stay with us here on these pages - we will take you to places not even a monetary billionaire can take you no matter how smart or tough or 'well-informed' they think they are. Because what you are encountering here is something quite different. 

As we have retold here before on several separate occasions... ...there was this girl once, a woman indeed, who walked bare-footed up the garden path to the mansion house in Tahoe, and banged loudly on the door with her two Louboutins in one hand, and a bottle of red in the other and two glasses held by the stems: 'I'm lost and I need to find my way to my Grandma's house before nightfall -, can you help me?'

Blink blink.

Of course, the girl with only the one Louboutin is Cinderella. 

Sunday, 27 August 2023

Who Knew, Right?

It is many many months back now when 'someone' was starting the narrative that getting your hands onto some classic French wines, which includes the cognacs because these are wines essentially - would see whoever did it make a few bucks on the relative resale value.

Now I can't say that I was anything other than skeptical myself, but I know enough and have seen enough to realize that when these guys say something you just suck your stomach in and go with it.

I put the whole thing into the 'Black Book From The Future' and in a few other places and recently went further with a whole large text onto Kindle dealing with some of the surrounding aspects.

I like materialism too,
don't worry about that!

Obviously, now, this week, the French government having announced it is spending up big to destroy wine stocks will provide some 'evidence' that not only are there problems with the French wine industry, but that steps are being formally taken to basically shove prices up through tampering with the supply.

There is a completely other matter that is the 'elephant in the wine cellar' so to speak and that I will just for the moment at least leave in the texts that are on the Kindle platform.

But who knew? As the Yiddish saying goes...

There is no possible way you could have just 'analysed' this kind of thing from given facts and political and economic circumstances.

You see the thing is, the French are industrialists and have been for a long time, pretty much the same as the Germans up until recently were.

Which means that they do 'wine-making' as an industrial act not a traditional agricultural practice as much as they love to push the propaganda that their wine-makers are all about craft and tradition and heritage and so on. That is just plainly rubbish. Please don't fall for it. It hasn't been true for a good many decades now.

And which then means that they sell wines the same way - through mass marketing and cartel distribution arrangements: they have zero need to 'destroy wine stocks to support prices!'

That is because they make their money from ludicrously low margins, cutting everyone else out as a result. Their volumes of trade is mixed up with preferential loans they hand out to foreign distributors and retail chains that essentially, they own anyway. It's all a currency exercise, not a 'wine-selling' exercise alone.

It is very difficult to openly discuss and explain anything to do with 'visitor people' and so on, fundamentally because I do not feel that either the time is right or that they themselves desire it to be that all of humanity gets to know anything concrete about them. And once you start posting things on-line then in effect it becomes a guarantee of an archive of details that sooner or later, everyone will have knowledge of if something 'broke out' and the word got out that there was active contact of a genuine nature going on. 

There is a lot of active contact going on around the world today. But it is still pretty furtive or implied rather than outright said. And I think that will remain the case with some modification as society itself changes.

The absolute best wine in the world - 
is not French.

As I have already said on many earlier occasions, I do not see it as separate from ancient 'sacred' textual predictions and discussion of supra-natural or divine intervention and all of this. There is no possibility at all that so-called 'fallen angels' or other negatively-viewed beings are involved; all of the negative beings are already clearly right here on the planet now doing stuff, running the world in fact. And it was virtually ever thus. You cannot say, if you were a Christian, that Herod and the Sanhedrin were somehow, 'good' but then they killed God in human form! ...And then much later on, 'fallen angels' will turn up and mess with people's minds!! That is not even what these ancient sacred texts say. But far too many modern-era commentators are pushing this line. Why? What's the logic of it? There isn't any.

It's not that suddenly evil 'fallen creatures' have turned up and now only now are they planning some kind of devious fake-out; but things were what -, better before?

Is there a prospect that world governments behind the scenes of what they say in public, are plotting some fake 'Alien invasion' too? Of course - this we have from many direct sources.

As one of our contributors here 'Bill Smith' reminded me today, intracortical microstimulation is a mainstream science acknowledged process to do with activating neurons with a casual relationship to sensory inputs and affective outputs.

There is no question at all but that the human 'body' - at least the living one - has a secondary (in fact it is the primary one!) 'body' consisting of the entire integration of neuronal activity.

This has to be structured, integrated, self-consistent - and electrodynamic in essence. It is not a fibrous material thing. But then because it is a 'radio-wave' kind of thing, it is transferable from 'vehicle' (body) to other 'vehicle.'

This world, the old world,
is coming to an end.
That's obvious.

It is a real thing that is always there parallel to your material organic form and consequently you can go down the route of looking at ways to consciously 'sense' it with your organic brain.

It is much better seeking the results oneself and not just absorbing what others offer or say or suggest. The reason being that you will satisfy yourself on your own terms about what it is you are 'seeing,' and what was the moral/ethical/even religious basis that is significant to yourself and not just being shoved onto you or at you by a third party -, and finally, very frankly, your response to what happens will be personal.

Many people pull back for a good long time because of the shock of the reality of it. 

They say they want to go forward because it is all so cool and so fun and the 'other people' are pretty exotic and let me tell you, very good-looking... But then what hits you is that you are not any of that and are stuck in a fairly ordinary human form for now. So it takes some while to adjust to the changes that ensue - because there will be changes.

There are plenty of people across the planet who are far more deeply into and further along, than they will admit openly to anyone, to say nothing of the fact that nobody asks them directly anyway. But as television and the political and market power of television channels passed way right in front of our eyes (who knew, right?), in the same way the wider public consciousness that 'something went on,' something happened with a bunch of people, will also 'form' and people will just generally say 'Oh that person is involved with outsiders.' Or, as the German phrase is 'Auslanders.'

I can't see any reason to suppose the world will just end overnight. With all of its people all completely killed off and the place utterly laid waste. 

There are plenty of people.
This is Adaja Black.
Started as a mainstream opera singer...
Is singing in the video below.

But there is a distinct difference between the guess-work that is very widespread at the moment, and 'make-up' stuff based on thin links with hard-core realities and quality readings of directions from the ancient past. 

Whereas in Acts 8 and especially 9, we see Saul the student of Gamaliel being exposed to 'otherworldly' forces and beings in order to promote a body of religious knowledge -, today, even if you just go by that text alone, the point is not to promote it now, but to realize upon it; what it was offering about the men of a future time.

You are the men, and the future time is now.

That is correct, isn't it?

Well how are you going to get around the evident fact that many people are 'seeing?' Oh it is now all right.

We were all brought up on 'Star Trek.' So how does 'Covid' political scheming and no cash money fit into the 'Federation' no-money economy and the organised social structure in that ideology as presented in those fictional predictions about the future? Well it doesn't. That stuff is way off-beam for us. Look, we have to go forward into our future, not some small-minded bunch of secretive 'Davos' conspiratorial lunatics' version of tyranny masquerading as anything but tyranny. There is a wall those guys don't see, coming up extremely fast.

Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened. It's nowhere near too late. And the walls will be broken to you.

All that happened was that you were steeped in this world for sufficient time to be useful to the next world. You were not left behind. You have not been left behind.

So try. Just try.

Watch this:


Saturday, 26 August 2023

'Children Of Light'

1 Thessalionians 5: 5 'You are all children of light.'

What does that mean? Hey, sure this is a rock-solid, hard-core sacred scriptural source authentication of an idea talked about here... But what are its exact, its precise meanings and is it only a metaphorical statement?

Human emotions are in a state of utter disarray all the time. This is the case with virtually all people, all the time.

Take a walk into a body of the public: maybe at a train station or some mall or city square where there are many people going through there constantly, people across a wide spectrum of socio-economic categories.

How many of them are exhibiting crystal-clear signs that they have set themselves into a particular 'way of life,' and also a particular way of thinking and have pre-set things that they 'believe.' How many are very certain, even adamant that they know what they are doing and where they are going in the short-medium term/s. Even though they are bereft and in poverty and broken? Or arrogant beyond all calling back.

How many people do you know, with stacks of money in the bank and who own and run moderately-large scale businesses, who would smile patronizingly at you if you challenged them that they really knew what they were doing?

I know quite a few and I never go there with that kind of subject with them, because while some of them complain about a ton of things, all of them cannot be told that they are 'on the wrong track.'

I could imagine one or two of them, were I to say such things to them directly, simply raise their eyebrows in conceding the fact of the matter, and then shrugging and saying 'yes well but I must make more money and as it is I have money so I guess I should just stick to what has been making me successful - even though you might be right that morally there are better lifestyles.'

Well I never would have said 'morally' anything! 

It's not morals that I am talking about or even worrying about.

What I am saying is that mechanistically, materially, you are bound to go down the drain except that it is taking so long that you are pretending to yourself that it isn't going to happen for a long time yet. And so 'it doesn't matter...'
Fresh fruit...

Factually, mechanistically, materially, however -, the more someone goes down the road they are on that leads to exactly nowhere, the further away they are from where they should be.

Some of the old books, these old and sacred texts I have been referring to, are Greek in essence, and modern people have entirely failed to understand that the words and phrases have specific, mechanistic, material, structural and also dynamical, meanings.

'Para-kletos' does not 'Holy Spirit;' it does not mean 'divine helper' although it can in part mean those things. It does not mean 'a divine advocate.'

It means a 'side-by-side' 'illustrious' being that possesses you, and that you become formed up with, as a part of, despite that your carnal physical organic bodily self is very flawed at this point. 

'Illustrious' means shining brightly with light and shining like that 'so as to make brilliantly clear.'

'Flesh and blood cannot inherit Eternity.' Not in its standard format and life-cycle/profile.

Bob Monroe's 'Hemi-Sync' process is accurately termed - the fundamental idea is that there are neurons in the brain that can literally be organized, whether measured as EM field activity or as electron spin frequencies and hence derived energy (heat/light) wavelengths, to match, aka harmonize/or 'sync' with external light and other electromagnetic fields and field propagation.

The word 'visualize' is today tinged with some pejorative aspects, in the scientific sense, and besides, it just plain does not render adequate mechanistic explanation about any process that enables how the neurons sync with external fields.
'I know what I am doing, I know
what I am doing!'


What really worries me, though, about giving out any kinds of premature descriptions of these kinds of processes and manipulative tools, is that I cannot get across what I see as the fact, that people do not want to change the ways they think.

If you give them a tool which enables some kind of actual visible 'light' weird thing that goes on, all they will do is re-establish their pre-existing prejudices and flawed thinking, and try to exploit the tool to make money or over-power others who do not have such advancements.

When people talk about having or wanting 'agency over' some positive dynamic and functional power - they do not yet in the first place actually possess any kind of agency over themselves or the ways they already think!

I mean come on - 'drop everything you are doing, and come, follow this new path...' Nobody will.

Okay then, watch as I send beams of light out of my hands... Fine. But nobody will actually change from the existing way that they think - they will take the 'new thing' then and tack it on to every other 'gun' they previously had.

It's just another, 'newer gun.' 

How did you get to the way that you presently operate, that you think, that you feel, that you live?

Was that in some divine academy or college, was it? Did you go to some 'Themyscira' with Wonder Woman...?

And so, because of training and learning from such illustrious sources - you now can have absolute confidence that your brain is telling the truth from its standard stupidity... Right?

It's 2023 - you don't have
to 'visualize' anything!

Step one is to admit that you are on shaky ground when it comes to being absolutely certain and correct about your present life's course and direction. Step one involves saying 'I'm not so sure about stuff.'

If you think for one moment that it is not really possible for a human physical body to find in itself some internal 'switch' that when turned on, produces or activates some powers that are not ever seen in ordinary life exhibited by ordinary normal people - you are completely misinformed.

That few if any that you have ever seen do it or show it, is a fact well-established in history.
In the course of the usual human day, we live in the middle of a flawed and a terminal (means 'mortal;' eventually dead, and already always dying not growing) and complicated process tied to all the other people around us.

When you engage with some 'side-by-side' living additional structure formed up with your mind and your consciousness, you will still for a long time be stuck within the dead structure - albeit that it is moving. But it is lifeless in the true sense. All of its energy is in a state of entropy: the greatest amount of energy is unavailable to it, and what is there is existing in a condition of decline to final death.

The greatest amount of energy that is there...

...Is unavailable to it. 

So, technically, what you're really asking, is how to access all of the energy that is actually there.

Well that's a simple matter.


There is enough energy in a cup of coffee via the hydrogen and carbon alone there, if you could access it efficiently, to power a whole modern city for a year.

Well there's way more than that in your body and in your brain.

'Visualize?' Who asked you to visualize light coming outta your fingers or hands or eyes or whatever?

I said make it happen.

Make it really happen.


How, right?

People who are cripples can get crutches and use them.

Today, most people are cripples. Except not in the way they use the word commonly, which is to do with people's legs; it's to do with their brains!

There is no possible way human beings living today, with the benefit of such amazing history and knowledge, can really get away with saying 'visualize.' Don't frikkin' visualize! Do it!

Here is how right here below. Volume UP! Listen carefully. If you still can't do it, get some brain crutches.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

'Slightly' Inhibited By...

Sometimes, sometimes - I feel just a tiny bit inhibited by the fact that we are not physically face-to-face here.

At the same time, I am also conscious that that situation in its own way would create other, also negative, side-tracking elements. That is, watching someone deliver a speech, has its own limitations.

Where am I going with this...

Stick with it, read on - I promise you something very interesting and exciting at the end.


...Have you wondered how come, the world has gone into this tight channel of 'rules' and restrictive mindlessness and utterly boring, lifeless, repetitive jargon being pushed by those who are wielding power over everyone else?

They don't make 'em
like they used to.

Well I'll tell you part of the answer.

During World War II, a huge segment of the generation of the Western World's population, that should have been taking the cultural trajectory of thousands of years of forward momentum and making it go on, died. 

The cultural trajectory of the Western World was stopped dead in its tracks and no one noticed.

Those who took over were not at all the leading minds.

They were those who were left over; they were the left-overs.

All of them. No fight, no subversive spirit, no genuine individual path-finding intellect.

As long as those making the rules keep the status quo, then naturally, those who benefit from it, keep on benefiting.

Well that is not you! 

Usually, in Evolution theory, the second-best, the left-overs, are the ones that die out. Well now that did not happen here - the true intellectual leaders died out by harmful actions of the various political and practical agencies of war, and the left-overs survived. This is to take the whole thing with a broad brush, admittedly. But nevertheless, you can say that indeed it is, on the whole, what did happen.

Parasites like the status quo.

There is some

They cannot survive genuine 'new ground.'

One of the great conundrums of religious systems, is where, just where exactly, is this 'God' that people are saying exists.

In some of the Eastern traditions, and certainly all of the Shamanistic systems, this question has an answer supplied in the way of systematic, organized trance states and various consequent 'visions' or implied messages received about how to get out of blizzards, or where to find water-holes - basically a lot of survival things. But these survival things are precisely what makes the religious practice important to the rest of the society.

So, survival, supplants any necessity for encounter, with actual 'God.' 

In the Vedic traditions, clearly if one wants proof of the supernatural, one uses the mantra system that is very clearly written up in the ancient traditional texts themselves, and substantively handed on in the oral narratives and formulas.

But in the West, people go to big churches and cathedrals, and look, you can even jam up mosques into this - since the Arabic culture smashed into the Persian and the Byzantine cultures - and inside those place they pray...

And then nothing happens.

Not anything absolutely clear and obvious anyway.

There are all kinds of rationalizations and justifications made for why God did not step down from His Throne and give the praying person some response, especially some clearly and materially positive one.

Yet look again at what people expect in all of this - they for one thing do not expect a Chinese person to understand what is being said to them in Greek or Latin, for instance; but somehow they think it should be the case that the beings 'taking their orders' (lol) will understand it when they are speaking to them in what, today's thumb-texting? Perhaps.

...As well as Middle English? Which is just about the most abject gibberish I have ever encountered!

Why are we so insistent on making it hard - on the supra-Earthly beings?

...Who may be listening to our hearts and our minds and our 'words?'

Each human Earthly language has in it, in-built prejudices to do with false ideas about material reality, social realities, metaphysical realities.

You are the light
of the world...

Each human Earthly language that people grow up becoming steeped in, contains all of the flaws of that society - and these are lodged into our brains, in our mindsets.

We have in our mind-box of intellectual and idea tools a complete layering of stuff from the culture we were raised in.

Well that is 1. not the 'culture' God is living in, and 2. not even the culture some advanced civilization from another star system is used to.

So how are we expecting any 'help' from any of those two super-advanced sources?

They may want to help us, but how are they going to let you know that you are getting the help that you require?

And where is the interplay that is a key part of communication, in which it is expressed and explained to us, what bits of our desires ought to be modified?

Romans 8: probably from 19 - 28 deals with this very explicitly, but no one much comprehends what is being said in there.

I gave you the explanation about the 'White Room.'

But I did not go further into things there - in the discussion - until one or two were able to find their way to where you have to go.

Incredibly good photographic 
composition - light, shades,
color, subject.

There is a thing which troubles many people when it comes to these sorts of matters, and that is that Satanic Forces often masquerade as 'messengers of light.'

And that they do. Your government is just such a 'messenger of light.' It is going tell you, what to do, because it knows the way, because it is possessed of clear vision - IE 'is in the light;' whereas you are in the dark.

Well I'm not going to tell you about 'the light.' I am going to reiterate what it says in the sacred texts - namely, that you must not hide your light under a covering; and that you moreover are the light.

Well if you are light, why are you using words to speak with other light?

And this is where I am at a slight disadvantage in my expressing of things to you, compared to if I were right there standing in front of you.

But regardless of that, what I want you to fully grasp and appreciate to its maximum, is that when you communicate in light, all of those tacked-on artificial human social mistakes and shortcomings, fall away. So just by opening up a channel of light - you are easily able to be 'heard' and understood by an advanced being, and they are able to communicate back to your inner self by means of light too - albeit your awake conscious Earth-mind will not easily pick up what is being conveyed to you. But you will 'get it' eventually.

And secondly, there are idea forms able to be expressed as light formulations.

In this way, when you go to your mosque or to your church or cathedral or on top of some high mountain - and speak using light, you will be heard and you will be answered directly.

And why that way and not readily any other way? Because idiot, that is the way. So why don't you just use it instead of insist others learn your nutty human flaw-encoded 'language/s.'

It doesn't say 'Hallowed be Thy Name' as in 'Sanctified/Set Apart' as they all say in the English translations. Yes it says 'Hallowed' but its meaning is from the Greek 'Ha-Gyalisma' - means bright shining/totally pure like clear light (maybe of stars in the blackness of night). After all, what's the logical point of being 'set apart?' So what if you are set apart - maybe a thing is set apart that you don't want. 'Clear and pure and glittering and shining' - well that has an entirely different meaning.


Monday, 21 August 2023

Overcoming The Mountain

The word 'telepathy' is a widely-used description, for certain things that are rather not well-understood at all.

But the word itself is a good word because it can be 'deployed,' so to speak, by someone trying to explain certain ineffable things that cannot otherwise properly be described or explained to the average audience.

Certainly, the clear implication is something is going on that is not really acceptable as to its genuine reality to the minds and viewpoints of most people.
The 'Di Xian' types of people
reside in secluded places very
high up on inaccessible mountains,

People who adamantly say that telepathy is real are often held to be suffering from delusions or have it said of them that they are mentally unsound.

However when someone uses that word and qualifies it by also saying something like '...what can only be explained as telepathy,' then you are at least dealing with a person who has had, or is having some kind of personal experience they readily acknowledge should not be real in the ordinary course of things.

What they are saying though, is that the feeling and the sensation (or sensations) and the experience is definitely having a genuine effect - and the effect at minimum, is clearly very real enough.

In the Book of Zechariah, it is written: 'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit...'

'Who art though, Oh great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become flattened...'

These things are not 'psychological,' or simply imagined things which thereby have some effect on the mind of the person seeing them or experiencing them.

In very ancient classical Chinese culture, there is a type of person called a 'Di Xian' (if male) - someone who is temporarily here on the Earth, but is a transcendent master.
...They are mysterious,
subtle, and profound.

For this person, it is as easy to shake the whole of California as it is to enter into the mind of someone very far away. The Khoisan tribes-people can do it, so too can Arctic Circle Shaman. Such beings are here in order to protect certain kinds of people, and also the whole of human culture and of society at large at various critical times.

But 'shaking the whole of California' is a trifling affair, compared with entering the mind of some person - whether close by or very far away. Because a person, is far more important than sand and plains and deep valleys and mountains.

The ancient text of the standard Western sacred tradition goes on to say: 'And you shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.'

And so you shall. Indeed, so you have. Not many have but you have. 

In the Chinese so-called 'mythological tradition,' the fairies of Heaven (aka of Penglai) treat mortals and the lives of most mortals with complete disdain. 

But not all mortals.

And of course, those they choose to engage with, are no longer mortals at all, though nevertheless, so as not to disturb the way of the world, if they die in the sight of people, it is a ruse and a counterfeit.

They cannot die any more, which is also why they cannot live with other actual mortals...

; )

Do they suffer much pain, that is to say, heartache, over the loss of humanity that they must undergo? Oh, no doubt. And especially among the womenfolk to whom this kind of thing occurs, there is much going over the apparent tragedy of the affair whilst ever they are pining over the fact that others are not able to understand, or share in the spiritual growth.

You will find always, these kinds of people come from some personal tragic background which is much misunderstood by the many, or even, that they are themselves decried and even calumniated. They are usually called 'crazy.'

On the one hand you might think this type of thing is perfectly impossible, on the other hand, there are tell-tale signs that the common are not able to discern (about these individuals).

Soon, soon, we shall speak more about what these signs are.

Do not listen to this music unless you are in the right frame-of-mind. The lyrics do not mean the person is actually drowned! And although for all the world, such people as those I have been hinting about are always feared to be on the verge of committing suicide - they never do that.