Sometimes, sometimes - I feel just a tiny bit inhibited by the fact that we are not physically face-to-face here.
At the same time, I am also conscious that that situation in its own way would create other, also negative, side-tracking elements. That is, watching someone deliver a speech, has its own limitations.
Where am I going with this...
Stick with it, read on - I promise you something very interesting and exciting at the end.
...Have you wondered how come, the world has gone into this tight channel of 'rules' and restrictive mindlessness and utterly boring, lifeless, repetitive jargon being pushed by those who are wielding power over everyone else?
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They don't make 'em like they used to. |
Well I'll tell you part of the answer.
During World War II, a huge segment of the generation of the Western World's population, that should have been taking the cultural trajectory of thousands of years of forward momentum and making it go on, died.
The cultural trajectory of the Western World was stopped dead in its tracks and no one noticed.
Those who took over were not at all the leading minds.
They were those who were left over; they were the left-overs.
All of them. No fight, no subversive spirit, no genuine individual path-finding intellect.
As long as those making the rules keep the status quo, then naturally, those who benefit from it, keep on benefiting.
Well that is not you!
Usually, in Evolution theory, the second-best, the left-overs, are the ones that die out. Well now that did not happen here - the true intellectual leaders died out by harmful actions of the various political and practical agencies of war, and the left-overs survived. This is to take the whole thing with a broad brush, admittedly. But nevertheless, you can say that indeed it is, on the whole, what did happen.
Parasites like the status quo.
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There is some subversiveness around. |
They cannot survive genuine 'new ground.'
One of the great conundrums of religious systems, is where, just where exactly, is this 'God' that people are saying exists.
In some of the Eastern traditions, and certainly all of the Shamanistic systems, this question has an answer supplied in the way of systematic, organized trance states and various consequent 'visions' or implied messages received about how to get out of blizzards, or where to find water-holes - basically a lot of survival things. But these survival things are precisely what makes the religious practice important to the rest of the society.
So, survival, supplants any necessity for encounter, with actual 'God.'
In the Vedic traditions, clearly if one wants proof of the supernatural, one uses the mantra system that is very clearly written up in the ancient traditional texts themselves, and substantively handed on in the oral narratives and formulas.
But in the West, people go to big churches and cathedrals, and look, you can even jam up mosques into this - since the Arabic culture smashed into the Persian and the Byzantine cultures - and inside those place they pray...
And then nothing happens.
Not anything absolutely clear and obvious anyway.
There are all kinds of rationalizations and justifications made for why God did not step down from His Throne and give the praying person some response, especially some clearly and materially positive one.
Yet look again at what people expect in all of this - they for one thing do not expect a Chinese person to understand what is being said to them in Greek or Latin, for instance; but somehow they think it should be the case that the beings 'taking their orders' (lol) will understand it when they are speaking to them in what, today's thumb-texting? Perhaps.
...As well as Middle English? Which is just about the most abject gibberish I have ever encountered!
Why are we so insistent on making it hard - on the supra-Earthly beings?
...Who may be listening to our hearts and our minds and our 'words?'
Each human Earthly language has in it, in-built prejudices to do with false ideas about material reality, social realities, metaphysical realities.
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You are the light of the world... |
Each human Earthly language that people grow up becoming steeped in, contains all of the flaws of that society - and these are lodged into our brains, in our mindsets.
We have in our mind-box of intellectual and idea tools a complete layering of stuff from the culture we were raised in.
Well that is 1. not the 'culture' God is living in, and 2. not even the culture some advanced civilization from another star system is used to.
So how are we expecting any 'help' from any of those two super-advanced sources?
They may want to help us, but how are they going to let you know that you are getting the help that you require?
And where is the interplay that is a key part of communication, in which it is expressed and explained to us, what bits of our desires ought to be modified?
Romans 8: probably from 19 - 28 deals with this very explicitly, but no one much comprehends what is being said in there.
I gave you the explanation about the 'White Room.'
But I did not go further into things there - in the discussion - until one or two were able to find their way to where you have to go.
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Incredibly good photographic composition - light, shades, color, subject. |
There is a thing which troubles many people when it comes to these sorts of matters, and that is that Satanic Forces often masquerade as 'messengers of light.'
And that they do. Your government is just such a 'messenger of light.' It is going tell you, what to do, because it knows the way, because it is possessed of clear vision - IE 'is in the light;' whereas you are in the dark.
Well I'm not going to tell you about 'the light.' I am going to reiterate what it says in the sacred texts - namely, that you must not hide your light under a covering; and that you moreover are the light.
Well if you are light, why are you using words to speak with other light?
And this is where I am at a slight disadvantage in my expressing of things to you, compared to if I were right there standing in front of you.
But regardless of that, what I want you to fully grasp and appreciate to its maximum, is that when you communicate in light, all of those tacked-on artificial human social mistakes and shortcomings, fall away. So just by opening up a channel of light - you are easily able to be 'heard' and understood by an advanced being, and they are able to communicate back to your inner self by means of light too - albeit your awake conscious Earth-mind will not easily pick up what is being conveyed to you. But you will 'get it' eventually.
And secondly, there are idea forms able to be expressed as light formulations.
In this way, when you go to your mosque or to your church or cathedral or on top of some high mountain - and speak using light, you will be heard and you will be answered directly.
And why that way and not readily any other way? Because idiot, that is the way. So why don't you just use it instead of insist others learn your nutty human flaw-encoded 'language/s.'
It doesn't say 'Hallowed be Thy Name' as in 'Sanctified/Set Apart' as they all say in the English translations. Yes it says 'Hallowed' but its meaning is from the Greek 'Ha-Gyalisma' - means bright shining/totally pure like clear light (maybe of stars in the blackness of night). After all, what's the logical point of being 'set apart?' So what if you are set apart - maybe a thing is set apart that you don't want. 'Clear and pure and glittering and shining' - well that has an entirely different meaning.
Sounds good money, thanks again for your posts I enjoy reading here.
ReplyDeleteSo I’m going to need a practical example of opening a light channel and communicating in light because words sometimes get lost on me and I forget what’s said on previous pages.
There are tons of resources on the web dealing with raising light up through and around the body, various meditations etc and more etc which I find don’t work for me. Maybe it’s my personality in that I get hung up on if I’m doing it right so I run interference, lol. Or may be its as you say the wrong light language?
Ok so I read through it again and I left with ‘visualise’. Yes/no ?
ReplyDeleteI guess this is a precise example of what I meant when I said that I was somewhat at a disadvantage... I think all of us who have debated publicly, love to use this tactic of waiting until the last moment, and then releasing the 'full exposure' fact, to make it a manifested 'explanation' in front of the audience's eyes. That's the thing I like to use. And I will tell you, that what I am looking at, are the responses from whoever is there listening - in other words, where exactly are they in the 'I get it,' stance of things. 'I am getting it/beginning to get it/ see something in the distance but can't make it out...' Those kinds of things - I then I tailor what I say and do next to quickly build on those 'steps' in the ladder.
DeleteIn practical reality, rainbows do not just 'appear' whenever we want to see them. They come when there are sufficient numbers of tiny water droplets in the atmosphere through which 'white light' gets split up into its organised constituent wavelengths (that are already there beforehand but all together become 'white light'). The point I am aiming to make in saying this is that a 'rainbow' is some thing happens given certain key factors. It is not just always there; the structure of key factors must be in place. ...I will 'try' to expand on the several meanings of 'communicating in light' next in this comment section (first; probably deal more with it again and again now).
So, not minding the several typos in there... We move on anyway. lol
ReplyDeleteTen billion people on the planet, not a single one of them is objectively and publicly known to, or seen to - have actual beams of light streaming from their fingertips or eyes, or anywhere. Fact, right? Because if someone was able to do that, gee can you imagine the media hunting them down and then 'skeptics' first and then when those failed...
ReplyDeleteLiterally what I also meant by saying 'at a disadvantage/not standing in front of you physically' is that some of you would go 'okay what was THAT?!' 'I saw something, but what?' ...So just don't expect anyone to come right out and 'verbally explain on-line' these kinds of things in toto. But in many significant parts, yes. Here are two examples of the EFFECTS of the thinking process involved: When you 'pray' to some deity, your mind is full of verbal, aka linguistic and social-cultural baggage. So... 'Jesus is listening to you:' but instead of saying, "Jesus, so-and-so done me wrong, and I want such-and-such" (which are words coming from your brain and/or your mouth) - what might you do? Whereas you have used the word 'meditate' or 'visualize' these words themselves already carry cultural attachments, some of which are scientifically quite negative. And yet, because you (everyone does) 'think' of a word to employ in the communicating, you do not say 'visualize' the word and its meaning. But in fact that is what you ARE doing, except that because you have taken the verbal process so much for granted, it all happens super-quickly and you don't consciously notice that you are visualizing. The word is NOT the thing; it's a mental visualization of the thing. The process of thinking a color or a stream of light and so on, is a way to stop the mind from using social-cultural prejudices and qualifications over pure ideas. And that is all that is. On one level. So Jesus has observed 'Tom' give Him a stream of yellow color/light. What does it mean? What is 'Tom' doing? Well although on the surface we think there is not much salience going on here, in fact it is necessary that the 'receiver' has a sense of the color 'yellow' and all of its variations, and the transmitter is projecting something the receiver will harmonize on the basis of actual discrete sameness (color wavelength and intensity, speed and so on). aka 'This device is weak and dying' - versus 'this device is strong and on fire.' So, setting aside any unusual/unnatural 'powers' involving projecting actual literal beams of light from your fingers (the Aboriginal 'Wangi' men are said to be able to do it), the value and benefit of thinking in light and/or in colors is that 'if' someone else can 'read' you, they will instantly be able to see what (life) condition you are in. Getting some actual material technology and shooting LED lasers into the sky is an AUGMENTING thing, alongside what your brain/your mind/your living being is able to do on its own in its obtaining condition. Say there are seven other people and each of them is thinking one of the iris colors - does this mean that all together they are enabling 'white light' to form, if they combine their colors? How, do they combine them though, even if the answer is 'yes.'
'Visualizing' no, I don't like that word for this. How about just decide ('decide' is not 'visualize') which 'deity' or super-advanced kind of intelligent being you wish to address, and then address them using just the idea of light or a color or several colors; nothing else. All of the things you FEEL that result from your life experience are all inside your mind/brain/whatever/'psyche,' maybe - all already in there. What you are doing is being honest: 'I am here, not pretending to force you into an action or response, not trying to CONVINCE or persuade by verbal tricks or skills - just HERE, and seeking/asking.' Or maybe 'giving' and NOT 'seeking.' Somebody witnesses a beautiful spring wildflower and expresses joy in their mind - this is not an act of 'seeking.'
Address the deity with careful and structured, organised honesty. See what happens next. Is this 'visualization?' It is not.
Thanks money. Every time I sat down today to reply to your comments I got interrupted. Let’s see how this goes.
DeleteWhere I’m at in the stance of ‘getting it’ is seeing something in the distance… i may not be able to verbalise it tho, lol.
I think I understand on some level the point that words can obstruct communication, either as you point out because they are flawed/biased (need vs want, good vs bad and other rationalisations), or by labelling eg: the word tree is not the tree but a mental visualisation of the tree.
The best analogy I could come up with for communicating in light is how across humanity we recognise the same facial expressions (smile, disdain etc) despite our cultural differences and language barriers.
So I’m now thinking of Tom who has been done wrong and wants such and such and decided to send Jesus some Green light (love apparently) and then just sits in the green light for a bit totally avoiding thinking words. Jesus is able to pick up the green and read Tom because he’s Jesus and so he sends Purple light back to Tom because what Tom really needs is a bit of healing from being done wrong and to be shown he doesn’t really need such and such. (I promise I’m not trying to be facetious)
So what if Jesus tunes in and sees that Tom is not very vibrant he’s kind of Beige and weak what does Jesus do after he’s tuned in to Toms life condition? I’d like it to be that Tom gets slapped back into vibrancy.
Anyway if speaking light is the way then I’m gonna have to try it. In fact I did try it, I just gave freely.
Truthfully though I just want to meet my guides and talk to them using words like everyone else on the internet seems to be able to
I guess the thing I want to say most about this area, is, we see time pass and 'nothing' happens, or nothing seems to happen. But if we 'do it right' it happens. Except there is definitely a phase where this doubt, this fear that we are completely nuts, all of that - is very persistent. You are right - people all over the place, especially nowadays the internet, 'say' they are able to see and talk to 'guides' using plain ordinary words... They 'say' that. Hmn. Britney just said she 'felt' there were people using a kind of 'telepathy' to help her. And people think Britney is nuts - but she never said she 'saw' anybody, nor spoke to them directly using ordinary words. If you are going to try any of this, firstly you need some kind of 'rope' to cling onto, something real that you can know consciously is connected to the whole thing. I use Biblical references just in case people are modern Western religious, because at least they will know that heck, this stuff is categorically IN their Bibles to begin with. Except today we are in the era of pretty advanced technology too. So we should proceed from that basis. I was trying to avoid saying 'God is a mirror' because then some people get the wrong idea and get arrogant. But, if we use THAT metaphor (and in this case it IS just a metaphor), then 'sending light' means the light reflects back and so there is a two-way stream. That is 'communication.' Okay so we cannot 'say' a word/prayer and 'hear' any word audibly come back. Maybe we can send a feeling, maybe a stream of our coherent energies: aka 'light.' Then what happens? What gets sent back? The POINT is, we must 'HEAR' (means 'get/'apprehend) HOW to think as advised back to us; and not insist that 'our way' is THE way. The initiatory protocol simply MUST BE then - okay, 'YOUR WAY, not my way;' what is 'your way?' What do you want me to understand...? I am listening. I shut down my demands, my past history, my past feelings, the people I thought were 'my family,' 'my friends,' 'my society.' After all...
DeleteAfter all - HOW can they be 'my' anything, if that everything is terribly flawed (Bible says 'sinful/full of sin') and 'God' is not like that? This is the reason we simply MUST put aside all our connections UNTIL the Divine Sources speak. We come more-or-less empty-handed. We are mortal, dying creatures with no genuine material future of our own - but seeking, literally are seeking something beyond that but meaningful in a truly personal and self-knowing way. We CANNOT as mortal creatures know the Mind of God. And so we MUST ask HOW to know. And what to know. We MUST become like the ageless Stars, the light of the Cosmic Reality - intrinsically photons and more, neutrinos which possibly can go faster than light and are therefore not constrained to the dying materiality. Yes we want to just be human/humans - and to hear guides and see guides plainly. It's so much easier - just like being a baby to their mother... LOL Which is EXACTLY WHY its says 'Unless you are born again you cannot see Heaven.' Go first that way, and you can come back into the body and THEN recapture everything doing it what we construe as the 'easy way' having FIRST seen with the other set of eyes. Just remember no one is inside a womb with their actual adult eyes open! So, of course at first everything seems like it's in darkness and you don't even know where your 'other set of eyes' are. They will unfold. Listen to the song (the one in the post up above).
DeleteLike I said: 'if' I were right there in front of a small group of people, within an hour or so, I could EASILY have them literally seeing this different realm. Easily. But then, so can you do it on your own. In fact, proceeding from a belief' let's say, THAT these things are true, then NECESSARILY, it must follow that if you merely asked, then that otherworldly realm must open up to YOU directly and show you the way, and you don't need anyone there 'guiding' anything. Either what I have been saying is right, or it is wrong. There is no 'in-between.' 'If' I am right, then YOU can find the way and you don't need me or anyone outside of yourself who is a mortal. Yes sure 'finding the way' might be hard and laborious. But I AM right and you WILL do it. As for me, every day I doubt, and every other day my doubts are shown to be foolish. I doubt less and less though.
DeleteI meant you don't need anyone THERE WHERE YOU ARE. There definitely are guides from other places. But these do their own thing. Have faith. Doubt, but use your logic to countermand your mortal mind.
DeleteThanks money, I’m tuning in to what you’ve laid down here and yeah I’ve been asking the wrong questions and been a little doubting, a little small really
ReplyDeleteIm not doubting that you are right, I’m willing to give your instructions a go and try your approach to communicating with the divine