As much as we all want to go back to 'a happier time,' or what seems in our memory as such a thing, we are all in a process of moving from one state of being - to another.
And that earlier state is one of a temporal curve with an ending. In that condition we are always materially changing, adding bone and tissue and sinew: a woman at fifty has an underlying fifty-year depth of literal layers.
No matter what you do to your outer appearance, at fifty there is a certain kind of specific substance beneath the surface.
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It's just olive oil... |
Pictures of a person at any given age are just snapshot cross-sections of the whole being in view.
Great ancient religious and philosophical texts attest to the fact that people have to change from the terminally changing 'thing' that each of them is, to an immortal one. But each 'snapshot' image is still totally a valid expression of that person, that individual - and yet, who they are as a complete being, is something quite different to just any one particular snapshot taken in time.
When we wish to steer away from relating to reflections and representations of individuals, we have to accept not to try or try to simply 'go back.' Because you can't go back in that way - not back to the mortal condition.
Representations (of people which they make themselves through manufactured self-expression) are tricky things to the psyche because they are really like the person in question; after all they represent that person. They stand for that person.
Humans grow either towards the new, materially different, and completely real - or else they just go ever further into the representational only; which is death in the end. That's why people talk about and cling onto memories at funerals.
When you look at by far the majority of all the people that you meet in the course of the day, their 'self-expressed' personal image is false - it is engineered by society, which itself is driven by falsehood and the worshiping of advantage. That someone is born with material advantages tells us nothing about the person themselves.
That someone rises to positions of advantage tells us only that they met certain necessary conditions of a given historical moment.
To express yourself as you truly are, is not just a representation of who you are, it is who you are.
To meet the conditions that take one out of the dying and transitory material trajectory what are the necessary elements?
Plato sets them out.
LOL - Oh yes he does.
Some Vedic scholars have an insight into them.
Parmenides did too but crucial verses of his written work are lost.
The Biblical word 'Apocalyptic' - as Paul Wallis correctly explains - means that someone is reporting an experience so strange to them, so lacking ties to the previous 'usual,' and 'normal,' that some kind of revealing of truth is required. So it doesn't actually mean that in the Biblical text itself where the passages are 'Apocalyptic' things are being revealed; it means they will be revealed when there is better information later.
This is why when some disciples who met the risen Jesus on the road to the Hot Springs (Imwas/Emmaus) - and did not recognize him - He 'revealed to them the Scriptures that previously no one had understood.'
They only recognized Him - even after having had these mysterious passages' meanings revealed to them - when He broke some bread; which was the key ritual they knew that was to do with His dying and leaving them.
He must not have looked visually the same as what they had been used to seeing, prior to then, in their old material lives.
Right now some of you might be thinking, okay well, armed with a lot of new(-ish) and quite interesting information and psychological techniques, I will just (would like to just) meet some cool people and they will get on with me and I will get on with them and we will all have fun together because we are all so amazingly good now, at relating.
So then fine but what happens when y'all get lots of wrinkles and sick from old age and then all eventually die? No problem, right, because everything being so great well you'll just put up with it and feign obliviousness and live like every other schizophrenic human being on the planet.
...You can't go back.
But let's go back to an Apocalyptic passage:
"And the Ark of the Living God was opened for the first time in heaven."
"And light shone from it and thunders pealed and lightning was witnessed and voices and great hail."
"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath has come."
(It's probably not in order because I'm quoting it off the top of my head but it's all roughly in the same place).
...When those of you who have been able to go to the White Room, do that, what you are doing is using only one of three dynamic internal mechanisms that you have.
[So I've just removed the technical details of the rest of the matter, but -].
When you think about what you are meant to be looking for, it's a huge door, that opens outward from left to right - not completely wide open, just enough to let out an impossibly glaring bright light and inside of which, inside the door, is where you are supposed to head.
Don't think about anything, what you want, who you want to see or meet or anything. Just go into the light.
And listen.
Talla and JES have a visualizer that goes along with this song which they posted onto Spotify and I'm trying to get them to stick it onto YouTube (because my PC gets stuck with Spotify!) - but their visualizer is basically pretty much what I have been talking about here except they have the colors upside down! Red at the top (very funny, guys). WATCH OUT FOR THE VOLUME ON THE TWITTER VERSION WITH THE VISUALIZER CLIP - very loud...!
Until you spread your wings you will never know how far you can fly @djtalla2xlc & JES - New collab Spread Your Wings is Out Now. >
— JES (@Official_JES) August 1, 2023
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