So China has announced that their researchers have found a reliable way to power lasers and cool the energy systems driving the photon generators so that a weapon can be continuously fired upon any enemy target.
We have talked about that here over many recent years already.
The thing does exist and it has been tested - even in space over the Southern and Antarctic Oceans.
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The reason why we hide ourselves... ...Is that human rulers are very evil. |
In addition to just photons being fired in a beam, the Chinese have a way to propagate gas plasma in a straight line. This is basically what you saw going over the Melbourne, Victoria skies last week. They fire out little metal packets which have the ballistics to move forward in a straight line with a trailing gas plasma chain behind it - and then this is super-vibrated with the continuous laser.
US and Western technology is way behind what the Chinese have achieved.
And it is fatal to believe that the West stands any chance whatsoever on its own, of countering any military ventures of the CCP Beijing ideologues. And that is because the West has been run by its own utterly lunatic ideologues for a number of decades now. And they've run the place into the ground.
The stakes are incredibly high over whether or not the West - or even anybody - can gain the help of some 'outside' agency in the coming years.
Assuming that Xi and Beijing are benign in any way is simply nutty.
There'll be bloody global warming all right!
Except not any natural kind.
The diabolical thing about this technology is that because no one really acknowledges that it exists as a practical thing (yet), then the Chinese can use it strategically a lot and claim, if someone shouts too loudly, that well whatever happened was just a trillion-to-one collision with a bit of meteorite or something...
Meanwhile, the personal credit card debt of Americans stands at a trillion dollars.
And international medical bodies re-name diseases so as not to offend fat people.
And that kind of brilliant genius stuff.
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Fire is nice. I like fire. |
And why is it that all government leaderships, when they speak, speak gibberish: nobody ever gives an explanation to the voters and citizens about what they are doing.
What is the rational explanation for why you can detain someone without trial forever in the West, which is against the whole basis of the Law and Justice in a democracy, but you can't do it in the East? At the same time Xi himself talks absolute meaningless drivel whenever he gives a public address...
There is no, as in simply no moral credibility left for judges in the West, and there never was any in Communist China.
So where do we all stand now?
God is Truth and Truth is God - as David R. Hawkins points out; and for this reason it is clear and it is easy to affirm that 'Anti-Christ' literally is what we are left with ruling things today.
None of these people have even the slightest interest in speaking Truth.
They cannot explain what they are doing, to the public, and they don't explain it.
Why does the media not scold the judiciary right away and say re Assange, for example: 'Listen, you can't do this without explaining to the public how come it is you can break your own laws and principles of Justice.'
If you don't give an immediate and a good explanation then clearly you are no longer an honest, democracy-driven, free society but one which is run and controlled by deceivers and thieves and criminal tyrants.
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Satin and velvet housecoat. Wearing this kind of thing is illegal and subversive. In the present world. |
What was the excuse, anyway, even if you started explaining your rationale now, why you didn't do so sooner?
No. We are in 'complicated' times. And they might get messy.
Assange was originally arbitrarily detained by Swedish authorities.
And then he was 'arrested' following an incursion by a foreign power into an Embassy grounds. And then he was charged with 'breaking bail.' There is no such thing as bail where there are no initial actual charges!
All of this stuff is 'after the event/s,' and the result is illegal detention without trial for decades!
The West is run by a literally financially bankrupt criminal so-called 'elite' and the East certainly in China at least, is run by a militaristic tyrant dictator.
So what happens next?
Everything gonna be great, right?
But if you suppose this means I am preaching all Doom and Gloom you are mistaken.
Things could literally not be better.
Nobody suspects anything.
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