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Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Meeting An Elf

At this point I'll not say 'the Elves.' Just one Elf will do for now. 

What you will have acquired having read here for a while, and for some it will be a revisiting of a basic mental instinct that you already have -, is a regard for logic and for its worth and absolute necessity in how you taken on various outlooks, various positions.

Through logic you can accept what your socialized 'rationality' will often demur from taking on board.

But your logical mind will be resolute, even while your so-called 'common sense' denies actual reality and tries to get you to listen to the wrong kinds of gut feelings.

Lucid blue...

I am going to link to the free-to-read new thing, in a moment - and it is only the presaging of an 'incident' that will later on be described.

But it will give you a good clear run-up to what will then happen next.

And it might shock you too.

There are two very important statements in the Bible, in the New Testament: one says that 'what was begun in the Spirit...' and the other says that 'how can you love God whom you have not seen, while you do not love one another whom you have seen?'

We all, as human beings, expect our human-lived physical reality to somehow, some day, give us the truth... And that we can see it, feel it, and touch it.

But logic tells us that everything in human-lived physical reality changes and dies - it goes through this profile of growth and decline and death and/or complete change. Thus you cannot rely on it to be always and forever stable.

Let's say you encounter an Elf! In an 'ordinary' real material 'humanoid' physical form. Such a thing will, not, however, last. Not here.

You could certainly have some fun for a while and then those material things would change like all material things always do.

At the same time (and the same applies to the present desires of the wider community, including many of the alternative media commentators) the same situation applies to encounters with let's say 'real life UFO occupants' - that is, actual ET Aliens: people want to talk with them to gain some major long-term, enduring benefits; maybe some super-advanced technology, some medical knowledge, social/political, even sexual, knowledge.

But then, going back to logic about all material things - they decline...

Real human...
Kind of.
A performer in the Great Moscow Circus.
Happens to be down the road from
me 500 meters right now for the whole

It is most complex to reach a decent understanding of what 'Spirit' really means, but one thing it absolutely does not mean, is anything that dies or declines or fades or wastes away. 

Thus when you want to rely on something, to utterly rely on it - then it needs to start from the standpoint of the non-physical and the non-material. And in fact, it is perfected still in the Spirit form, and influences - has power over - the material, subsequently.

So we all want to see the Elves, to touch them and to converse with them; same with the ET's. 

But the standard definition of the 'basic' ET Alien is a creature that traverses light years of space. And hence it is not a thing that has a normal human-life existential material profile (of being/of existence). 

When you formulate - that is, are able to formulate a mental picture of some perfect concept, some idea that you regard as having great meaning and importance to you, then this is the thing you must continually hold in mind, and not an expectation of a materialization of the normal human life kind of version of that thing.

And why? Because this Spiritual thing will stay the same, it will not change - it is reliable. As an object of thought, as an actual idea with logical structure, as a non-visible thing; it does not suffer the typical material profile of all material things.

This is the meaning of 'Hyperuranion.' The place above heaven.

Jesus taught the wider general body of people to pray: 'Pater hemon, ho en tois Uranion.'

But He took them to the Hyperoion for secret teaching. 

Does this mean a Spiritual thing is impalpable?


Does it mean it cannot manifest into the material realm? Absolutely not!

It can. It does. But that is not the point for you to focus on. You must focus on the non-declining, non-altering, non-dying thing. The pure Spirit first, last -, always. Because it always is, and always is the same.

In your common daily life you might not quickly see the effects, the results, the evidence, the 'facts.' But logic tells you the opposite of that seeming let-down: the thing that doesn't change is the real one when it comes to a contest of reality between 'human material Earth-world life' and the pure concept realm. Your only 'problem' is the question of whether you yourself as a sentient living person - continues and does not die. Because if you did not die, then the only reality is the one full of things that also do not change or die!

...This piece of music (in the YT video down below) will accompany the segment that comes after the linked text piece, and that becomes obvious and implied to follow when you read what is there at the current link.

Inside the music, are ideas, concepts, movement, structure, and energy and the potential for evocation of specific kinds of emotion.

Where do those ideas and idea structures come from? What makes them powerful? What makes them work in the perception of the real living material human?

This is something literally from the Hyperuranion.

But what I want you to know is that when you focus on that kind of thing - it powers into the material realm for you, it makes things come to be inside your material existence.

Why? Not because of magic, not because of 'The Secret' (Hollywood pop book on manifesting) -, but because of the logic that things which do not change nor stop existing are real. They are in fact the only things which are real forever!

And that is how real things work, really.

Of course there is a literally material physical 'world' above where we all live down here on Earth. Of course there are super-advanced ET Alien beings there. But they all are still subject to the power of the perfect ideas, the unchanging eternal concepts, the maths, the music, the harmonies, the structure, the logic; those things come first.

So, now you know what to do, how to think, even what to think.

You just don't believe that things will 'come true.' But they are already true.

And it doesn't actually matter whether you believe or don't believe, or doubt or have doubts - it only matters that you think and that you continue to think, and return your focus ever and ever onto the Hyperuranion ideas. For they don't change and they don't die.

Suddenly one day something will happen in the Earth material realm and you will be shocked. And even then you will still doubt, except your doubts will be very shaky from that point on.

And by-and-by they will disappear altogether and you will live permanently in the realm of unchanging perfect ideas, and with instantaneous effects of those ideas in the Earth material location of time and space.

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Taking Another Road Back Home

At least one of you here is managing to 'get it' big time. 

And I know one other who has been all over the 'Grecian Cliffs' and all of that just recently.

It's a very big deal thing.

Shortly we will invade a place and you will be in the front lines.

It's not a place anywhere here on Earth.

One of you has been talking about some 'gold' related to some ancient old books, supposedly, of philosophy.

You already well know that the world is full of misleading words in important texts and books. 

One of the most misleading of them of them all is the 'Hipponion Golden Tablets.'

Hipponion is a place in ancient history, that is now called Vibo Valentia and it was a sea coast settlement of the Locrians - who were under a curse ever since they stopped sending maidens to the Temple of Athena.

Here is the truth about the - as they are called in modern archaeology - 'Hipponion Lamellae:'

Dionysius II of Syracuse, the tyrant, was seeking to learn about the secrets of the Orphic Cult people - with the aim of securing his own personal prospects after death - and paid the Platonic School, inclusive of having Plato himself travel there and impart the authentic secrets.

In the event of Plato having failed to dissuade Dionysius from continuing the tyrant's underhanded ways through which he thought he would preserve his power, Plato had two very expensive golden tablets made and he rowed out in a boat with these, about eleven miles off the coast there somewhere (history does not concretely specify exactly where) - after which neither he nor the tablets were even seen again.

The reason that Plato rowed out so far in plain sight of many witnesses, was so that Dionysius would be certain that Plato himself had written - or etched onto the tablets - the key secrets.

It would be easy for anyone to see if Plato was out there on his own, which he was.

At around eleven or so miles though, 'he was no longer visible to the people standing on the shore.'

Once Dionysius realized that in some sense he had been cheated of the secrets of the afterlife, maybe by Fate itself in fact, and with everyone presuming Plato was lost, drowned, Dionysius surreptitiously caused another set of tablets, these ones altogether small and thin (lamellae) to be made onto which was written what has now come to be known as the Orphic Secrets of the Hipponion Tablets. And with these he tried to force the impression onto people that he had the secrets and was entitled to rule them because of that and that all of his edicts were sound and just and guided by these incredibly powerful afterlife secrets.

But there are logical problems with the story of what is on those thin leaves - which were indeed found by archaeologists.

Ostensibly these supposed Orphic secrets advise the dead soul of a person to not drink from the 'water on the left side where there is a Cedar tree,' but to ask instead for some 'cold water from the figures standing on the right beneath the tree of Mnemosyne.' Mnemosyne being the goddess of Memory.

Hotel room in Vibo Valentia
(ancient Hipponion).
For one thing that was not a secret at all. Everyone already knew the Orphics had such an idea.

But what is it that the dead person will be able to remember that they could not have, when they were alive?

The idea does not stand up to reason.

Secondly, Plato never said he would write down any words but intimated to his companion Dion that they would be signs and symbols only.

And there is one particular aspect told to all initiates of the Platonic Schools about 'how the inscribing on the tablets themselves would happen...'

If a person had studied the ideas imparted within the Mystery School/s correctly, the inscriptions (symbols) would write themselves 'for they are Divine and etched Eternally already...'

So here we are today thousands of years later and some of you have 'seen' the tablets and some have had intimations of what is etched there.

The whole of modern Calabria with its Ndrangheta is all from the 'reluctantly' bloodthirsty tyrant Dionysius II and the word itself is from a Locrian Greek root about the 'man of virtue' (andros - agathos).

The Mafia is still under the curse of Athena, having failed to make good on the oath of their original root tribe to the Goddess, and they further add embers to their insult by naming themselves after the feminine matter implicated in their curse - ma-fia; which is to do with the two bare-feet maidens owed to the God. 

All of this stuff about 'secrecy' (omerta) is a whole bunch of mishmash dating from the secrecy of the Cult of Orpheus. 

And the power-mongering of the Sicilian and Calabrian Mafia dates from the seminal criminality of Dionysius II there thousands of years ago.

The well-known phrase the Sword of Damocles is taken from events at the Court of Dionysius.

Should you succeed in seeing what is inscribed onto the Golden Tablets, you will not only live forever, but attain the highest places of the After-Life. 

Perhaps the Mafia - or any tyrant/s - can also offer you something.

Should you see the symbols inscribed, and understand them, you will be able to use the knowledge of them while you are here - and forever after wherever you are.

[Lyrics (the words) here start at around 2 minutes in - 11 miles lol - and the signs and symbols are etched... ...well you know where they are etched]:

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Sharing In The Field

In today's world of so many voices, and so many of them seeming to claim they are pronouncing on the factuality of various specific things - I personally lean towards resisting publicly explaining some things too categorically... 

Wikipedia is one of the worst examples of a meta-compendium: it gives explanations of things, often quite correctly, but then it follows a stylistic convention of insisting that there are or can be opposing views. Well there cannot, in the case of some matters.
The pics you have seen widely in the
media are all lies.
Front-line Russian combat soldiers
wear either all black with pull-down 
balaclavas, or, pure white and also
white with blue/gray.
There are zero front-line combatants in 
green or khaki. So what have you been

I don't really want to get into it but there is one strand of thinking that is very prevalent today, which has no conception or conscious acceptance of the fact of differentiation. 

Differentiation is an idea that is real. The human mind understands what differentiation is, and it does so because the sensory equipment that it has discriminates between various signals and orders those signals into semiotics in the brain. That is a functional existential reality of what the human brain does. So one cannot then assert 'all is one' when the brain does not itself recognize such a thing in practice. 

We live, in practice.

We do not live 'in theory' or in hypothetical realities.

And so I wish to alert the thinkers out there to the common misconception that since one particular person in the past might have observed something and then wrote about it or spoken about it, it doesn't necessarily imply that person suddenly radically disavowed all the previous frameworks - used in practice - of reality.

A good example of that is David R. Hawkins and his view that there is a field or fields, out of which phenomena emerge. He is not saying that the human senses are not real.

He did say that we had lived in a paradigm that concentrated only on 'cause and effect.'

And that is completely true.
Like this.
And also, they move very characteristically,
either they are completely still like statues,
and then move suddenly but in every case
there is one person facing to the 'outside' 
of the front-moving line of direction.

And yet he is still also correct in pointing to the phenomenon of fields rather than simple 'cause-and-effect' frameworks of experienced reality.

Absolutely our senses are elements of and participants in 'cause-and-effect' realities.

But underlying all of them are fields - frequencies, waves, repetitions, patterns aka fields.

We can differentiate between the various boundary condition states that we associate with our senses giving signals to the brain processing, and then some effects in our body consciousness caused literally directly from those signals. That is Muller's Law in operation. It is a well-known fact of psychiatry or at least neural psychology in the clinical arena.

Soon, there will be another one of these texts posted up on various platforms, and when you read it, things will creep up on you along the way in reading it and at some point it will be simply staggering what you will have learned in there and that is of a 'practical-application' nature. They will be like a platoon of idea Spetsnaz moving through your consciousness.
And you will be able to apply certain things and they will result in various effects.

But then you will also be saddened, maybe even filled with a low-level kind of grief because you will see one of the outstanding problems with human beings and especially with modern human society, and how widespread it is.

You see - and this is the object of this particular post here - people present a false extension, a projection outside of their true inner selves, and then they pretend they are going to share (recall the Vesica Piscis!) part of themselves with you...
Of course people 'idealize' the past
and make make it then some static
thing. ...Like a statue.

They do that really intending to gain something from you that they want.

They are not sharing anything of themselves at all. It's deceit. Maybe sometimes by accident they do, but only by accident and it is a tiny little bit.

But then a consequence of this kind of behavior is that their actual sentience itself merges with their own false projections and they literally lose themselves - who they really were, or once were - to a false and terminal, an ephemeral, image reality.

This is a very clear-cut and certain kind of death.

You see major celebrities do it all the time, especially at the ends of their careers, where they give interviews discussing what 'the truth was' of their experience/s with various movies or with boyfriends/husbands and producers. Well the person doing the talking is not the person who did the original performance. It is the celebrity identity, merged with the celebrity image projection.

Jesus Christ explicitly quotes a Platonic idea in The Lord's Prayer but I am not going to go into what He said and the mysterious aspect about it that is unstated in any of the texts all that openly - although it is there.
These are real ideas
tied together: they are blatantly

The reason I'm not going to say what it is, is that Wikipedia and others, misrepresent about one of these massively important ideas of the ancient Greek philosophers - and they do this kind of thing often too - however let me just say that it is to do with reality. 

And if you remember what was just now said here at the start, people in the world today are not accepting that there are boundary state conditions that apply in reality.

A real idea is not an alone thing, it is not a simple thing, it is not a unitary thing - because all real ideas are tied together by the fact of their reality. A real idea is extremely complex! Wikipedia says 'collected together,' but that is a weak and deceptive way of saying what happens: they are not collected but come together by force and by attraction and are tied utterly.

They exist in a supreme field. 

Well -, the Supreme Field.

When you stop presenting a false projection, a mere image and constructed version of 'yourself,' two things will happen: firstly you will be resented by some, and secondly you will move into the self-attracting Universal Supreme Field.

When you read the new upcoming text, you will see in there what you can do with the real self.

And how powerful that it is.

It is powerful and it is not ephemeral. And you are not then either, ephemeral; not an ephemeral being.



Sunday, 25 June 2023

The True Reverse Of Crush Depth

Enough of 'the news.'

It only takes you to bad places.

'Extremes' along a linear paradigm are not the true picture about reality.

Reality as human beings are told about, is a linearity of things, where at one extreme is some crushing pressure going inwards into itself until 'nothing;' and then in the other direction things expand in number and sizes and distances apart until again the effective virtual 'nothing' because you can't measure anything.

Looks good. What is it?

But 'as human beings are told about it' becomes a political story in which if you are Giordano Bruno then you will be horribly killed, or if you are some FBI director then you will illegally listen in to people to check that they are not being informed by 'Giordano Bruno' - and track them down and more or less kill them if they have been listening to unacceptable ideas.

I have recently been hearing some lectures from pretty academically well-credentialed persons, on the subject of what they all refer to as the 'Platonic Theory of Forms.'

These ideas were not ever presented as 'theories' even though they are framed inside of staged discussions as if there were two or more people in a particular situation talking to each other and discussing complex subjects. Despite even that it is possible to say they are spoken of inside the dialogues as 'theories' in fact taken from the perspective of a reader outside (EG you) of the dialogues they can clearly not be theories at all but are in fact being presented as statements, as assertions without any substantive supporting lines of logic and evidence from humans' observed and experienced reality.

It's very important to notice this.

Plato is of all people the example par excellence of someone who insists on logic and supporting factual evidence for a conclusion.

So what is he doing here?

He is revealing something. Something he doesn't want to be killed for having revealed.

But what?

Today, if you look at any - and I do mean virtually any at all - academic or published commentary about the Forms of Plato, you will be taken always to a literal interpretation of the word, or in fact the phrase (as it is used in the original texts) - 'the Good.'

'Okay children, come inside now.'
'Aw mom, we're having fun.'

Now something that eludes a lot of people is that metaphors are significations of real things. They are not the things themselves, but they are supposed to be like them and to give insights into them - the real things being talked about.

Metaphors are not, 'not real things;' they are totally real because they stand for actually real things. Unless it is a false metaphor or one about a genuinely non-existent thing.

One person I was listening to repeated the common thing they all say, which is that the Platonic Forms exist outside of Matter and physical objects and have an influence over them.

Well this is in no way correct about what Plato writes. He does not say they have an influence over Matter and material objects - he says that all Matter complies with them always and everywhere.

Thus, for example, there is no place in the Universe in which you can see a naturally 'existing' (made by nature) perfect actual triangle with straight line sides and actually perfect straight lines and connecting perfectly to enable there to be three inner angles all complying to the major theorem. ...And yet, there is no place and no types of Matter (even flowing water) which must not strictly comply with these rules if the necessary formation is forced onto the Matter.

In other words, the nature of Matter itself does not abridge the power of intangible primary mathematical and geometrical forms (ideas). And it does not ever abridge it.

The same lecturer that I was listening to managed to say that from the intermediary philosophical position between Cratylus and Heraclitus (1: everything always changes/2: nothing ever actually changes), Plato created his synthesis of the theory (his, 'theory' of Forms).

Plato goes to some lengths to restate what is also the assertion present in the Bible (he is not related to the writing of the Bible of course, but people in different places were having similar thoughts at roughly the same sorts of times, vis-a-vis say, the Old Testament), namely that something is necessarily un-created, and outside of Creation (simply meaning 'material Nature'), but this highly-credentialed lecturer apparently never got to those many passages everywhere in the texts. Plato did not create the Theory of Forms, he observed it in reality. He noticed there was such a thing as the 'un-created conceptual which yet exerted actual force over the real material.' I will explain properly in a moment, because people like Dawkins childishly focus narrowly and exclusively on the notion that it is possible to draw common patterns from existential material reality; it is, but that's not what we're talking about here. 

But now I am going to reveal here to you the critically useful importance of what was being said and how it was being said.

At the top of his 'Forms' Plato placed 'the Good.'

Plato was using a metaphor when he said 'the Good.'

And he doesn't quite define its meaning fully either. He does say in several places that 'necessarily the Good must also be the Beautiful...' But he doesn't really explain that either. 

However now I am going to give an insight into something about this whole picture - in a way that you can make actual functional, material use of it:

If you at least take on their face value, the words this lecturer I was listening to, said - 'The Forms exert an influence over Matter...' ...then you can appreciate a basic concept like that vibrations effect changes on material states. We use ideas in formed states to describe complex but repeating patterns - colors, musical notes, that kind of thing.

The stumbling block that all standard thinkers fall at, who have approached Plato when it comes to the Forms is this - he says, and correctly, that the Forms cannot be seen with normal human eyes, and yet they are far more real (he doesn't explain) than what people do see in the material context.

And so people are left with a vague thought (only) like this one for example, 'invisible' sounds and vibrations cause effects on visible objects. So at least, 'the Platonic Forms' are invisible but can exert influence over solid objects. (We love solidity).

So fine, it's simplistic but one thing about it works in the minds of humans: 'unseen' is there for sure, for real; we know - in the head, in the mind - that the musical note scale is a template of frequencies, and so we know for certain that a completely 'non-materially existing and invisible core thing' (the musical note scale) can exist outside of all material things... ...And yet exert some effects on real objects when employed by intelligent beings.

The complex elements
in Plato's Theory of Forms...
Right? Right Bill, am I right here?
Parker & Co bespoke and MTM, dude.
Our place. Remember when we
set off the fire alarms?
(That really happened).

Plato is going so far up in the stratosphere, and even beyond there with this though - he's just not making it explicitly obvious what he's really saying.

But I will here and now.

He says 'the Good' and 'the Beautiful' but I say ('and,' not 'but...' lol) sentience ascribes meaning to a range of things, and this meaning can be small or it can be very great.

People have got a hold of the concept that musical notes can move taut strings in wave motions (this is straight Pythagoras here). But what moves you to ascribe meaning...? It's your 'psychology,' right? LOL

The next-to-useless commentators say 'exerts an influence;' me and Plato say it absolutely dominates all Matter everywhere.

You know the orchestra makes strings and pipes vibrate, and that they get sounds thereby.

Tchaikovsky knows how to compose those sets of vibrations whereby they will cause a reaction inside your brain and mind because you are ascribing meaning to those sets of notes and vibratory layers.

Now, if these things are true and correct, then why do you believe that the Good and the Beautiful cannot or will not make you rich and powerful? Because if you possess meaning, and the ascribing of particular meaning is common to all sentient beings, then all other sentient beings are looking to you once you are in that meaningful condition.

Is there some intangible music you are not listening to? Is there some formulation of variations of vibration, of unseen invisible frequencies that hold meaning, the very essence of meaning to all sentience?

Does meaning come from one thing only or from many things? Is it simple or is it complex?

The true description of reality contains the fact that it is a relationship of things and most complex.

The higher up the strata of Platonic Forms, the closer you get to what he is prepared to call 'Absolute Divinity.' And we must be able to see meaning in what it is that is really there at that spot.


That 'thing' is not a thing at all, and it cannot be a 'thing,' but the object of all meaningfulness and which is necessarily also always in relationship because otherwise there can be no other relative 'thing' to which meaning is an intelligible fact, 'object' in the epistemological sense. 'Material object reality' that we see with our human eyes is only a subset of the Forms! It is in fact inside the Forms themselves, albeit it may indeed be part of them for real.

So in terms of full and correct understanding, we are going up the Forms, from functional object-affected Forms - like the musical scale/vibrations/photons/wavelengths/etc - to sentience-meaningful things. 

Sentience is you - you search for meaning - meaning is in the Ultimate Object of Meaning; but that also exerts the most power of all of the Forms.

Did you get that?

And the key fact for you is 'exerts the most power.'

So what are you waiting for? I'll tell you what - you are really not sure what motivates the object of your concept of meaning...

The reverse of an extreme condition is not another extreme condition - it is the center or median position, the moderate one, the one that lacks extremity.

Monday, 19 June 2023

How You Will Benefit Soon

Even 'Blind Freddie' (with all due respect to blind people), can see right now, that there are continuous and fairly consistent stories being seeded in the wider press and general media, about some kind of 'ET Alien' coming event, or the likelihood that there might or even will be, a formal government position statement to the effect that at least some compartmentalized small but high level clandestine groups have firm evidence and therefore knowledge of, the presence here of actual off-world beings.

To a very large extent the current general media narrative seems to be along the lines of an actual 'invasion risk,' absurd though this sounds and is.

But I have told everyone who reads here - over several years now - that this was absolutely certainly going to happen and that it would be a fraud perpetrated on the public at large for nefarious reasons. I suppose counter-intel people would also challenge me with the position that if the reason was to avert the disaster or perceived disaster of being over-powered in key ways by foreign, if only mundane, decidedly Earthly, governments - then it could not and should not be a-judged as 'nefarious.' 

Don't like the car - like the pic 

That is what they would say but even that is not the complete truth of it.

Superficially there is and always has been even since the time of the Roswell incident/s, one strand of genuine intended goal, which is to do with countering competitive foreign military technology advances.

So we don't need to undermine that side of things nor deny that it is a reasonable one to have as an objective for this level of mass deception and propaganda.

By you having stayed the course here and read along, especially the off-site 'stories' and so on, you will have been absorbing a different line of information inclusive of data having been introduced not in a heavy-handed kind of way. And so you will readily be able to quickly contrast what the public propaganda narrative position is, with what you already possess in terms of facts and reasoning and perspectives about this subject.

And at that key point, you will suddenly see something or somethings, that others will simply not have the tools and the background information to introduce into their thinking, into their judgments - certainly other people will not be able to turn so rapidly on the spot towards other orientations about meaning and objective and intention.

When you match up a particular 'shocking' event then, with what you already know is a key preparatory factor that you also know happened well beforehand and was not 'out of this world' - whilst others are completely unaware of it - you will have the advantage.

In chaos there is opportunity but mainly for those who are not themselves internally chaotic, or troubled by shadows or by unseen monsters.

You remember this, Bill?

In the coming few days, maybe not much longer than that, you will be able to read something that sets certain things down that no one will or can see anywhere else. These are secret matters and they are matters of the highest confidentiality but they will not be presented as that.They will be presented in a very benign way that no one can object to.

But you will know, as soon as you read them (these specific matters/specific facts), that they are key and they are clandestine, and that governments at minimum have been involved covertly certainly at least in the knowledge of them, although maybe not having perpetrated anything themselves. So yes some of it is a technology matter and don't bother to guess about it right now - you never will (be able to).

By benefiting I directly mean financially. You will easily be able to put two and two together and observe the necessary consequences.

As for actual ET Aliens well they will not be a part of the scam that is about to be perpetrated on the masses, on the public at large.

I cannot say that what is about to go down will not have the hallmarks of ET Aliens, as much as governments do know about those; because they will necessarily mimic what actual ET technology is like - but only mimic it and if you are a reasonably decent logical thinker the contradictions of logic involved will be obvious.

My suggestion is that one really obvious way to enable a financial advantage, is simply to refrain, to restrain yourself from going down the seemingly obvious reactive path that the government's narrative is bidding you to go.

You don't need to go hide anywhere, or to run for cover or to 'fight' or prepare to fight against ET's and an ET 'invasion.'

If 'someone' is able to know well beforehand, each and every step the government is making, and tells you, then they are not being aggressive against you at all, they are helping you.

Circumstantial evidence.
...Which the government does not 
Remember that; always remember that.

What you are about to read via here in the coming days, is head-spinning to say the least, but only if you had your head screwed on right to begin with - because it sure might seem to come across as benign. It will not seem to dumb people, any kind of 'Earth-shattering' news or information.

Once though, you worked out how stunningly 'prescient' it is, you will be left with the thought that maybe this information was coming from sources not anywhere near anyone on this planet, that's for sure.

...If you understand what I am getting at.

I was told some of you (five of you) may have just received a 'visit' already, or you are about to. But what I said right from the start was that it will take you some good long while to process what happened (to you).

This is just the beginning.

Be very patient. Already you are seeing the moves by government and government media arms, to take this narrative about ET's into absolute cloud cuckoo land. Why are they doing that?

I will answer that question via the reading material coming soon and you will be very alarmed.

Even so, once you see it, you must at that point become aware that yes, something is definitely going on now. Meaning something that will form up as 'change' and through that change will come opportunity; major opportunity - but only for you while others will be drowned in the misdirection and the tide of people going 'the wrong way' as the result of that misdirection.

I already showed you an Alien. Some of you have met one or more of them through here.

I doubt that too many people will catch the symbolism in here - even you Mel Gibson - did you get it? Don't believe it? LOL It is what is it, sonny. Who's 'gone?'