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Wednesday 11 May 2022

Why Data Is Better Than The Borg

Okay so leaving aside that 7 of 9 is better than Data...

...'better,' right?

Well, anyway, Data is an individual. The Borg is a kind of a collective except not that either, really.

The canon appears to say that the 'central locus of the Borg Collective' is the Borg Queen.

What does that really mean, though?

Christmas gifts to you is 
any time that I say it is.

It doesn't mean anything - because it is simply a device within the Star Trek stories, so that we, the viewers, the intelligent human observers, of the narrative, are able to focus our antagonism, or fears, at something we require in order to comprehend the concept of a personal or intelligent enemy in the story.

In other words the whole thing is practically-speaking, nonsense simply designed to cater to our own way of thinking and seeing things so that we can 'feel for the story;' get sucked into it.

The Freemasonic ideology of a duality in the Universe is sheer utter nonsense too, and in exactly the same way.

Same as the Islamic ideology that there is only 'One' (Divine Object/thing) is also false.

In the logical 'reality' of any such thing as a 'Borg Collective,' distributed agency across the whole entire spatial 'Collective' would be the actual thing that was necessary - and any 'human-esque' 'central personalised focus' would run completely counter to what the Borg was in the first place.

And as far as the real life human ideologies of Freemasonic conceptions and teachings and spurious 'esoteric knowledge,' and/or the Islamic ideology about 'Allah' (being One Divine thing), both of these just plain simply act as though we should all be oblivious of Time.

'Scientific' Evolution suffers from precisely the same form of seeming obliviousness and stupidity. And it really is that.

If things 'began' at some putative 'primary moment of Creation or Existence,' then this idea itself already flies in the face of the very linearity that it proposes... What really happened was that linearity 'began!' It was not the 'material existence' that 'began;' it was linearity. Do they get this? Did they ever 'get it?' 

Now unless scientists want to say they are all male-centric with typical linear male brains and that somehow necessarily the material Universe is also male-esque, and that no such thing as parallel processing... In short, 'sci-entists' have imagined their own 'god' after an image of their mindless, stupid male selves (because females certainly do not control the marketing of science: Watson and Crick demonstrated that - they never 'discovered' DNA!). These guys are making up the 'divinity' according to the image they have of themselves. Same as 'cow god' looks like a cow not a pizza.

What was this all? Some plot by
the Arabs to con the Jews in NYC to 
kick the tin for a higher price for
an Andy Warhol Liza Minnelli?
I'll never get over myself. SMH

LOL. Ah but, well, they have changed their tune recently and now there are several dozen competing notions (in 'sci-ence') of 'Creation' and 'Existence' including 'parallel Universes' (so much so they quickly had to coin this term 'multi-verse...' It's a bit like a multi-tool, I guess) and toroid time-space or manifold 'things.' (God! Jesus save me!) ...All kinds of other blathering foolishness.

They can't get their stories straight.

Everybody - they all of them - want a 'material' object-oriented 'solution' to the questions: Who are we? What are we? Where did this all begin?


Are you ready for a shock?

God did not build the Cube and stick it there for you to circumambulating for some amazing spiritual reason.

Nor did Abraham do it.

Earth is flat, right?

Look. There absolutely is an Evil intellect, and it is primarily exposed in our human culture and society in certain individuals, by having taken over actual human people and through them injecting highly toxic and sinister ideas into the human psyche at large; that is, sociologically as a broad population. 

Such a thing does not represent some kind of 'obverse' to some other 'Good' Universal Intelligence or 'Being.' It does represent a forceful negative presence and an existential 'thing' in the same kind of way visible light wavelengths are seen by us up to but not beyond the ultra-violet wavelengths in the spectrum.

The 'meaning' of the Universe
is all about the meaning
of people.

And, in the same way that energy does not move in a linear fashion 'higher' beyond the 'ultra-violet catastrophe' neither can Evil go beyond where it is already held; in other words, it is 'delimited.'

So - ready for the shock?

What are you?

You are what you will become. 

Yet what you will become is already what you already were planned to be.

Who planned it? Where is the proof and evidence of this?

Well, my very good friend - you can tell how the Earth is curved and is a sphere right? Can't you?

There are three very small pyramids a little off-set from the last (and smallest) of the three large pyramids there at Giza, that last one (Menkaure) being off-set too from the diagonal (that is, the straight line formed by the peaks of the first two pyramids).

Now... and by the way yer all owe me money here or else I am going to zap you from my flying saucer! Because this has never been said before.

Er. The peak tops of the shadows of the three tiny pyramids all line up exactly with the shadows from the peaks of the three large pyramids and they are off-set from the diagonal by exactly not only the degrees of curvature of the planet Earth, but the factor of the angle of incidence of the logarithmic sun rays - which is how come they all line up with their shadows at their pyramidal peak tops.


You never heard that before from NO ONE! Ever.

Hey, and you know there has been a whole lotta garbage spouted (some of it is correct of course) about all the various 'mathematical' and physics formulae stuck into that place.

As I have said here before too, the Great Pyramids also depict everything there is to know about your internal psychology.

Who knew what, where, and when, eh?

Now please don't go around saying or even thinking that you are god - you are not god.

And don't go jumping to the conclusion that you (IE 'you' from the future) built the pyramids as a reference point containing all sorts of knowledge; because, not that either.

Venice pizza. And the meaning of life
is um, also pizza.

If I am right (frikkin' heck of course I am right), that the design plan for the pyramids was made at the same time because the several items perform one single integrated function, then they could not have 'happened' because well, like 'evolution-style,' one guy, one 'pharaoh' built first this one, then the next guy built his 'tomb' and so on. No no no, they were all designed together as a whole set which went exactly together in the form and format that we now see them sitting there.

Now you show me that same kind of complex thing with the Cube at Mecca and I myself will go wandering that place in a white robe and bowing and all of that.

And if you can't, then maybe you should go wandering around and in and out too, of the Great Pyramid Complex at Giza, and bow your heads to your mysterious (and real) lords who actually built that for your learning and knowledge -, especially about yourself.

Unless that is, you just want to remain like a dumb block...

Some of you are going to be able to 'make it out of here' right now. And you won't need to know absolutely everything. That would be 'stark' as Lao-Tzu says.

We've done this track before - worth another go, though:

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Silver Tips Imperial...

On the 13th of June, at precisely 1 minute past midnight, until 3 AM, specially-trained women go out in the darkness, by candle-light, into the Makaibari Estates in Northern India, in Bengal, and pick two leaves and a bud.

They collect them and these become what are known as the 'Silver Tips Imperial.' Not fully-fermented when they are ready to brew, they are among the costliest and most exclusive teas in the world. Well, in the whole Universe in fact.

Kowledgeable ET Aliens come in their dark space ships and take a few cellophane bags of the stuff away to stock in their private state room galley-serveries.

It's the thing that got a certain 'Arlecchina' into trouble one time back in the Renaissance in Venice. It's one thing to silver some Venetian glass in order to make a hand-mirror for your own vanity, quite another to try and drink it!

There's nothing they like better, these weird Elvish people, than dual-meanings, dual-meaning words and sayings.

"I am drinking stars!" Exclaimed Dom Perignon.

'I am drinking my own beauty.' Said Ms Arlecchina.

And there began her long and amazing adventure.

It's all recorded partly in here, of course, which you have all read: The Witches of Demeter

Well, the original events are not, but the results of them certainly are.

...You see, my friends, the number of people on this planet right here and now, today, who would even know what made the Venetian version of 'Silver Tips Imperial' so special would be, um, not that many, perhaps seven or eight of us, hardly Eleven that's for sure. 

Do we have some 'Silver Tips Imperial' in Center Eleven? Dunno, haven't looked...

Aaaargh, you don't believe me though, do you?

But yes, the Venice version of 'Silver Tips' is really something very special indeed.

Meanwhile, the hand painted plus acrylic silk screen print of Marilyn Monroe (called the 'Shot Sage Blue' MM) just sold for a zillion bucks, of course. Warhol made plenty of MM paintings/prints but only one in which he used a specific complicated and precision 'three screen' process for the printing parts - so that all the edges and lines have crystal clear definition.

I personally think the blue background and overall coloration is pretty spectacular. I don't like Warhol because all the wrong kinds of people 'pretend' that they do 'like' him/his work.

So I'm biased.

I tend to avoid even caring about anything 'Warhol!'

Do I like this piece though? Yeah sure. I do like it.

Like Arlecchina I do not have a hundred zillion dollars though, so I cannot enter a bid for this item of art.

On the other hand, the person who bought the thing cannot have any of the Silver Tips Imperial Venice blend, either.

You could. You might be able to one day soon. But you'd have to swear an oath to the Mistress of the Lagoon, that you will never tell anyone, what you discover, upon drinking this brew.

And you can only drink it with another person, a stranger, who is wearing a mask, and whom you do not know, and if you fall for them in the enterprise, you will become like the maddened suitor, lost and hoplessly seeking his paramore through the dingy alleys of Venice at night.

Monday 9 May 2022

Those Who Lent Their Silver To The Fairies

Those here who did what I said a couple of months ago and lent their Silver to the Fairies and Elves so that they could make some more for you, have been given some more...

The time you - or anyone on this planet right now - will be able to beat me at this game of telling the future - is never. But, those who think they are going to avoid donating to the Autism Research and yet work out accurately and correctly what is being said in here, are fancying themselves up there with the Star People as far as brain power is concerned!


This pinkish colored
glass is actually gold, right?
You know this...

If you are really poor and broke that's totally fine. But go out and find some rich people. We have 'rich people water' here!

...So, the 'Libro d'Oro' is maybe lost or missing.


Oh. You're catching onto the game here then.

You think so, anyway.

It's getting dark, boys and girls. The night is coming.

In the dark, one needs to be able to find one's way.

Maybe you want to 'go home.' Maybe you just want to find an accommodating inn for the evening and the night.

Come on now.

The 'Book of Gold' is missing. Supposedly.

I have it to the extent that I certainly know where it is.

How much you got?

Ten million dollars?

I'll take you right to it and you can sell the thing to some super-wealthy museum somewhere and it can languish with all the other bits and pieces of junk from the past - Shroud of Turin, Bones of Mark, Skull of Yorick...

No 'skull of Yorick.' No such thing as the skull of Yorick.

Anyway, there the thing will be, languishing with absolutely no one at really all that interested.

This utterly amazing thing!

There are 'night tours' available
there. You can go at night.
In the d-a-a-a-r-k.
Woooo - ooooo.

Why are those families listed in there? They're not 'Mafia,' that's for sure.

Nothing at all to do with Sicilianos.

Who were they? Who are they?

Where is their treasury?

Who is in charge of it now?

What is their favorite color?

What is your favorite color?

What is the first word that comes into your head?

(Monty Python stuff, obviously).

This is what 'sci-entists' do see - they ask questions they don't know the answers of.

Good politicians though, only ask questions they know exactly the answers for.

Today, you neither have actual genuine scientists, nor even half-way decent politicians.

A half-way decent politician knows that Venetians operate under cover of darkness always.

And it's getting dark.

What is that - Jen Psaki?

Napoleon and Wellington, nothing but two sides of the same debased coinage.

Time for revenge.

Isn't it, Mr FBI-man? Who comes here and reads and sees not.

He suspects, but he sees not.

He thinks Desmond Miles is dead, and that Juno has been released to take over the world. And has actually taken over the world. 

Knock knock.

Uh-oh. Someone at my door. 'Sokay. Is not the FBI.

Sunday 8 May 2022

Where Is That 'Libro d'Oro?'

Aw you never heard of that?

'Libro d'Oro' is this book some of my ancestors used to be partly responsible for the safe-keeping of, during the Serene Republic.

As you know, because I have said many times, my mother's side came from Venice, and the extended Venetian Empire, as it was then. And this is, of course, in recent centuries because we go back a darn hell-a long way before that.

Roberts Mountain, Virginia, I think.
They teach 'remote viewing'
in this group right here that you
are looking at.

Now the thing is, by the way, for those who are pulled into clicking on those YouTube feeds every now and then, by 'Gaia' and whoever else, about what undid Atlantis -, is that people don't really know the whole of that saga at all.

Plato was never permitted to relate the entire thing to human civilzation, since, again as you most certainly do know, his work the 'Critias' is if not unfinished, then the ending itself is entirely lost to the modern world.

Recently, the snake man raised the matter of this said-to-be CIA de-classified book by Chan Thomas, which contains some references to Atlantis, as indeed, it contains references to a wide range of things, albeit these are all tied into the idea that human civilization is regularly 'laid waste to' quite deliberately by 'gods.'

These kinds of books, 'put out there' by the secret rulers of our age (oh dear, you have me wandering around in this rabbit hole now!), are designed to just test the waters (that's a pun for any Atlanteans who are still touchy about the water...) and see who is out here and knows what is going on.

And then, they come in the dead of night and do away with you.

Oh yes they do.

Or at least, that's the plan. They certainly do it to people who are in high positions but suddenly 'bust out' and place their little plans and schemes at risk. It's what they did to Frank Plummer, the Canadian virologist.

This is in the more spread-out
parts of Venice. Somebody's house.
Don't know whose.

Meanwhile, a couple of days ago, the Prime Minister of Canada, suddenly made a secret visit to meet with Zelensky in Kiev. I can't say 'in the Ukraine' because there is no 'the Ukraine;' Russia has taken back half of it.

How come these heads of state and chief ministers are all acting like private mafia bosses, by the way and making 'secret state visits?' WTF is a 'secret state visit' anyway? Since when was this a thing?

In the old days, if someone did that they would be instantly branded a criminal or a traitor. You are working for the country and you are meant to be doing that openly and transparently because you are working for your country, not doing stuff behind closed doors for 'secret motivations.' Cabinet secrecy is about implementing open policy once (IE after) that has been agreed to by the cabinet - it's not an actual secret thing at all.

So, the question is: 'What did you go to Kiev for, Mr Trudeau?'

He will not tell you.

And that's because what he is doing is extremely underhanded in every possible way.

What were Canadian military commanders who had previously been running secret biological and chemcial weapons labs in the Ukraine doing there? Well we know - they were doing illegal and improper things.


Okay, let's go back to the 'Libro d'Oro.'

Oh you did not go to that 'convention'
did you? Seriously!

According to Wikipedia, this book was 'burned' (they say burned in one Wiki entry, and 'hidden' in another Wiki place about the thing) when Napoleon conquered Europe causing the last Doge Ludovico Manin, to sign the Republic out of existence.

I know where it is though. Oh and oh yeah, it is covered in gold things, ornamentation and stuff.

It's not worth anything though, because you really wouldn't want to vandalise it just to get the gold like Egyptian robbers did in that place -, and no one in Europe wants to see it because it (what's inside it) would give too much of their little criminal game away. So it is not worth anything other than it has a kind of a potential 'negative worth' on account of what is in it.

Hey see the real point is, no one covertly usurped the Serene Republic and pretended to be that thing. Manin simply cancelled the place. Before the Napoleonic tribe could insert themselves in it.

The Serene Republic did have secrets and it had many secret people doing many secret things there. There was confidential trade and merchant banking and occultism no doubt.

But what is the reason for modern political leaders, weirdo 'agencies' that people have difficulty really justifying the existence of nowadays, and little groups of men in 'private clubs' continuously running around for the last fifty-odd years using all this secrecy? What are they up to? Who are they trying to keep something secret from anyway?

Well obviously, you, the voter, on one level.  

I mean, but come on. What on earth would CIA have any interest at all in some theoretical, mythical, really -, mob capable of utter destruction because 'you' (meaning they, the CIA and its masters) 'did wrong' down here. No such 'mob' exists!

British-Australian singer Clara Yates.
Sings in the track below.

It's mythology.

Maybe, you could draw a really long bow and say that Hitler arose via his clever working on the public psyche and its folklore. And so post WWII, crazy academics in America decided the CIA had better head things off at the pass and manufacture its own 'mythology narrative;' before some new 'Hitler' arose in the United States.

It is ridiculous but is logically a possible motivation.

Except the real counter is why are these secret groups actually hurting you though? Because that is what they are doing. They manufactured Covid, they sprang it, admittedly half-baked, locked everyone up, shot them in the arms with AIDS... In short, they are killing the public.

Now, yes, this idea is worthy of President Biden's Ministry of Disinformation coming to see me to warn me to stop telling absurd lies.

If they were simply endeavouring to intervene to interdict some neo-Hitler figure from arising through his public appealing to, gee I dunno what, the 'gods' (like Hitler did with his volkische pagan rabble-rousing) well they could do that anyway - why literally harm you though?

No. The reason they are doing things is to 1. test what comprehension is out there, among the broader public, and then 2. when they are satisfied there is no comprehension, well they are going to kill you all.

Naturally at first they will have to creep creep creep at first slowly along -, manufacture specious reasons and excuses so that 'sensible' 'rational' people will still not suspect anything.

And then when they've weakened you all enough they will swiftly move to finish you all off.

Is there any hope?

Never let it be said I don't give you
real proper Venetian secrets here!
All you have to do, is get some 
genuine full tip orange pekoe tea
leaves, and some nutmeg, some blue pea-flowers,
some neroli.
'Blue Tea' Venetian perfume. Would cost you
a bundle if you bought it.


No hope.

At least, hopefully, no one is able to see any hope anywhere!

And hopefully, this place here is so far off the beaten trail with so few people reading it that it poses absolutely zero threat to anyone.

I think I could even post exact dates and even afterwards, this place will never 'go viral.' Not for a long long time.

This is an exclusive place, here.


Saturday 7 May 2022

Difficult To Convey

On the one hand I am trying to be of some kind of positive benefit to some people, on the other hands (lol) there are a couple of things it is not such a great idea to outline too specifically just yet, and also, there is the question of whether or not I am even up to the task of being able to convey these ideas at all well.

I have just had a few hours straight of some 'people' trying to tell me about isomers, and how isomers are why there are 'evil people' on this planet and how come they cannot be 'fixed.'

Isomers, I learn subsequently - because I have a couple of Russian more or less legit scientists around me here - are compounds that contain exactly the same number of atoms (they are the same chemical formula), but their arrangements of atoms are different.

This is by no means the complete
picture, because there are also
those configurations when you rotate
the two-dimensional triangles 
themselves. But it is a good start
to the matter.

These guys upstairs have absolutely no care at all that I am no kind of chemist at all, but simply can retain certain words and so I have to find out about them later even though I 'have' them in my head! ...But I have no real understanding of their real meaning in connection with the subject being explained.

The subject, is the idea I expressed a while ago here recently, about tri-nodal figures on three ascending planes, beginning at the base with the nodes of 1. human appetite, 2. fear, and 3. spatial perception.

The next level up, consists of 4. knowledge (or its reverse, ignorance), 5. truth (or its opposite), and 6. benevolence or else malice.

If some individual is permanently in the mode of their consciousness being focused only in the node of basic animal appetites, then this impacts necessarily on the 'level up' nodes since, for example, they will commonly jettison the requirement to deal in truth in order to manipulate an unsuspecting victim into handing over or even being, something to be consumed by the animal appetite. This stance can be quite malicious under the surface of course, IE towards the other person, and the justification being employed is that the first 'agent' is simply satisfying what it has determined 'is good' for itself though.

In a purely amoral hierarchical view of the Universe and everything, well, that's all totally fine; it's just the 'law of the jungle,' as it were.

So then though, in that paradigm, the base animal instincts are the pinnacle of all conscious intelligent actions, directions, and behaviors. Since then, there really is no such thing as 'knowledge versus ignorance' other than the solely functional facts to do with actually satisfying the animal hungers. And there is really no such thing as widely-shared 'benevolence versus malice' because in all instances, the first agent is going to 'get' from the others around, and even maybe literally kill and eat them as well - either metaphorically, or even actually: 'Good' becomes, not a Universal, shared idea common to many or to all. What is 'Good' is only what serves the individual on top of the hierarchy. This is, the Freemasonic ideal but no one in the under ranks will ever admit it primarily because they don't really know it, know that it is that.

We relax like this.

There is no possibility or prospect, or even, connection available, no connect-ability, between the two levels and the highest, the third level set of nodes.

I did say previously that I was not going to say what those final three nodes are, and I'm still not going to, but I will say there is an 'EM' field aspect to it somewhere.

Now, apparently, and from what I am given to understand, spin isomers are a thing. And this means that field effects can impact the arrangements of atoms of compounds, in cells...

But clearly, if the field is not able to be introduced literally in, to the specific person, then the physical structural make-up of that person is stuck according to whatever the arrangements there already are 'in situ' so to speak, at least in terms of anything that can be positive from the, at least superficially, invisible deep inside. Which means the animal appetite-driven person is stuck. 

And this does not mean there is no place for the animal appetites, it means there are two other nodes there at that level and one needs to be in charge, and that 'one' must not ever be the animal appetite one.

Posit again this advanced, super intelligent group of other beings, the 'not us,' the other beings... ...they will not ever get involved with people who are stuck without the top layer of active agency consciousness nodes, on account you know those people are never reliably going to be dealing in truth, or in knowledge, and they are never going to be benevolent in any guaranteed sense, in their dealings, in their interactions. No intelligent being would take the risk. Even if they could monitor every single thought that other person or group of people were entertaining, which of course those people would be doing secretly because they are almost always lying in order to get what they want, what their base appetites 'want -,' it would just all get far too tiresome.

Another great pic 

All clear enough?

Kind of is to me...

Doesn't mean I have been able to convey it effectively.

Modern scientists, if asked, say they 'would like' to contact ET Aliens in order to advance the human race, and to 'benefit,' and to be friendly, that is, unless the Aliens want to kill us or something...

No they don't. It's the other way around. Your 'modern scientists' are all desperate liars who want to take advantage wherever they can at every single opportunity, in order to get power, to accommodate their own base impulses. Full stop.