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Sunday, 13 March 2022

Complexities Of Vodka

Maybe you could even say 'the complications' with vodka...

Vodka should be one of the easiest thing to find being used in high class recipes for food - but it isn't.

And that is partly because the French ever since the Crimean War tend to tell lies about the fact that they actually do use it in their dishes!

Outside Hediard's Paris.

But what they do is add it in there with other forms of alcohol be it white wine or cognac. They definitely throw it into bouillabaisse. In fact anything that you will find with fennel or anise in it, you will likely find also vodka being slipped in there sneakily.

So - borscht, fish soups, especially smoked fish soups, even 'vodka lemon chicken' - there is such a thing.

Traditionally, vodka is just drunk neat by the Russians alongside pickles and hams and plain bread.

But it is totally excellent in pasta sauces, and in tomato or cheese and herb sauces that you might use on a pizza.

According to the standard folklore, vodka is a 'pure spirit,' meaning it does not have the 'mixture compounds of alcohol' called 'fusel oils' or fusel alcohol - which impart various identifying flavors to beers and wines and whiskies as well. Again, according to the folklore, hangovers from vodka are not as bad as hangovers from other types of alcoholic drinks.

For me the rule is, the better quality the alcohol is, the less problematic is going to be its after-effects and even then you have to be cautious and not silly anyway. ...Which a lot of people are, when it comes to strong drink.

As for 'oils' it has always been my own personal impression that the best vodkas definitely have this 'oily' meniscus surface...

Bloody Mary soup. 
With vodka, obviously.

Drinking vodka or gin or whisky or bourbon (maybe not so much that last one, because it is something you can drink alone) is about who you are drinking with. Either you like yourself and can handle your own company and you are interesting enough and entertaining enough to be with all by yourself, plus a bottle -, or you find someone to corrupt.

The whole process there with the other party, is about the brain effects and these come more successfully from the nose not the mouth or the stomach.

By the time the stuff is already in the circulating bloodstream of your victim, it's not so rewarding messing around with their brain (intellectually) then because that won't really be working properly at that stage!

So the real thing is to get the vodka into your cooking first, and only as a prop and a way to get into their limbic brain do you use the stuff as a drink - an aperatif.

Russian Jane and her
opera gloves.
Man I could take any of these girls
apart like you would not know.
Make your head spin.
Sure sure, you can forget about all of that too, and just make like Trotsky and Molotov and knock back the stuff in shot glasses while crunching pickles and extra-tasty ham.

...I'm doing everything I possibly can to stay away from talking about money right now.

Because silver 'digital dirhams,' right?

Could be. Could be.

Look over there! Look over there!

Don't look here.


There's nothing going on here. 

I have to make a comment about the caption under the pic on the right there though:

Thanks, Martin. You taught me well. ...I'm pretty sure he was a serial killer too though. But he was a 'professional;' that is, he actually did 'work' for 'somebody.' Those days are gone. There's
only amateurs there now. And they are about to all get their heads kicked in.

And that's a fact.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Fauchon And Hediard

These are two places in Paris. Well, they have other places all over the world, but the original main ones are still in Paris.

One of them was owned by the Russian oligarch (who ran away from various legal affairs in Russian and now lives in Nice, France) Sergei Pugachev.

But in fact 'Russian tea houses and general food merchants' based in Paris are all part of the Paris scene anyway, since one famous competitor to Fauchon and Hediard is the Russian-owned Kusmichoff Tea Merchants of Paris.

Mick Jagger goes here.

Let's face it too, Karl Lagerfeld is (was) probably the bastard son of a Russian diplomat. I think so. 

The whole 'Bohemian' scene of Paris stems from the break up of Bohemia and those people were all cousins of Russian aristocracy or even Russian aristocrats as such.

I'm not sure exactly why I'm posting any of this right now, but if you came to my place you would be served with stuff from Hediards at least and maybe from Fauchon as well.

You know, really if you are a very rich person, you would know that Hermes is not the most important carrier of 'orange' as its livery color: it is Hediard.

And lilac is the color of Fauchon.

Right now I am having black coffee with orange blossom water from Lebanon - which I got through Hediard's.

Bill - I got it here from Kakulas Brothers Trading Company (wonder how our old days company auditor from Arthur Andersen, George Kakulas is these days...) George owns the main city store and his sisters own the port city one. 

No, I am. I am having orange blossom water black coffee.

And I just had the most absurdly ridiculously good though very simple 'dark gravy beef stew' with black truffles and red wine.

And candied real fruits from once again, Lebanon.

Actually I'm not really a great fan of 'orange blossom' anything really. Women tend to favor 'orange blossom' whereas me, I'm looking for, well, 'just where is the orange here?!'

It's these stoopid 'white flowers' you can sense and no actual 'orange' much at all.

Orange is orange! You know, citrus-y, fruity, zesty - all that kind of thing. 

And orange blossom is none of those.

Still, once you've moved from the beef stew and truffles and whatever drugs were in that (I should know, I made it myself...) you have to put up with the 'orange blossom black coffee.'

I spent the whole afternoon helping out a couple of Russians on their computers here in the front lounge.

Was a very successful afternoon, actually.

I never talked about 'silver' not one time.

Anyway I love creamsicles. Do you love creamsicles?

Orange creamsicle cocktail.

I hope you are extending your circle of friends - to include those who will appreciate that the names 'Fauchon' and Hediard' can trip lightly off your lips.

Or if not, spend your time valueably, educating those who are in your current circle of friends.

...About Paris delis and Russian tea merchants and 'upper class fashion colors' and especially, creamsicles.

Tomorrow, I shall go out and get some 'broken orange pekoe' for the next time the Russians come around and hassle me for my ridiculously low-level computing skills.

Oh and believe me, you just stick around here.

Pugachev is not the only one who needs me. Well, he doesn't think he needs me.

It's those that know they do that you want to know about!

D'you know, in all the years I have been here and have said many many times that I am literally the world's greatest tax dodger and money launderer - do you know how many times anyone who needs that kind of skill-set has actually talked to me about it? Zero. Nil. No times. Never.

The last time I spoke with John McAfee, for instance, which I think I mentioned here at the time, he was literally already in jail, but still quite early on, and all he wanted to talk about was me taking him 'jet-skiing' here!

I don't wanna go 'jet-skiing!' To hell with that!

Nope. Not one single time at all.


Just shows you. Don't you make that mistake.

Actually, I better step it up a gear now anyway. You think about it - Sharon Stone, not in her wildest dreams knows anyone who has stuff from Hediards in their store room just 'on tap.' But then, you think about it too, all of you that have read some of the material that we have had 'floating around' out there over the last several years... Eh Sharon? What else might I have just er, floating around here. Or in the store rooms. Or coming in to see you. 'Whispers' Rolls Royce, anyone? LOL

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Damn 'George Webb!' LOL

Big deal, 'George Webb.' So what, George Webb.

What does he know? Nothing. He's still 'researching.' He'll be researching till after Qayamat (for the Muslim terrorists who read here; there's a few). 

Sit back, relax and enjoy - where
the Russian oligarchs all are
right now.

We posted the whole thing here many moons ago - including the illegal labs in the Ukraine. Did anyone pay any attention? Nope. Because you think I'm just making stuff up. LOL

I'm not making stuff up! I'm not that smart.

Here, chapter 16, still free to read I believe although it won't stay that way for long.

Russian Propaganda Spy Story

This is a bit of a 'hot' text though; definitely NSFW unless you are in one of our kinds of teams anyway. Which I know some of you are of course.

Still, bet you wanted the 'designer fashion' jobs though, right?

And what does 'designer fashion' have to do with weapons manufacturing? Well, the guy who owned Huntsman in Saville Row was only one of the biggest weapons manufacturers on the planet, that's all. Jesus, all I do around here is make statements and then have to 'LOL.'

It's a fact though. He was, still is, except he 'sold' out of Huntsman & Sons.

The beauty of this particular text, by the way, is that it remains one of the few things anywhere on the whole internet, which preserves the fact that it was the Washington Post chief editor Katharine Graham, who originally, whilst chairing a UN Committee of Inquiry, busted the illegal Western arms and chems labs in Iraq.

Oh! We never knew.
No one could have seen this coming.

Meanwhile, on another 'front' so to speak - and this is the 'storm front' although even there, we are not referring to the Nazi 'Storm Front' are we - many people have died in the massive 'rain bomb' floods in Malaysia and Sydney, Australia. Actually is in the city of Sydney right now.

More people have died with the floods than from 'with the Covid,'

Death death dying dying, stuff, everything, End-Of-World, everything, Jeeeezus.

Anyone load up on silver label Russian Standard Vodka?

Can't make too much 'crisis profiteering' from the better tasting 'platinum label' version.

I can't believe it. The stores have all more or less run out of Russian-made vodka. LOL

God Almighty.

This 'crisis' is going to lead to alcoholism across the planet.

Okay. Next time I say 'something/this thing' is going to happen, don't sit on your hands and do this 'I am a scientific skeptic' nonsense. You're not being a scientific anything. You're being an idiot.

There's no one the planet could have told you over and over and over and over again, stuff like this that always comes to pass.

Like I said, I will bet my files against the whole of the CIA every day. And they will die in the effort.

Suburbs in Sydney. Scientific 'proof and
evidence' enough for yer yet??
Hey - do you think we could not kill billions...
What do you think?
This FBI guy (DeSouza) actually accused ET Aliens
of wishing to, or actually having done, it in
the past, regularly. Idiot.

'Third hand in the game'


Meanwhile, as Lee Marvin said: 'I have the white Tic Tacs, and you don't.'

Well he didn't quite say that.

Still don't believe me though, do you.

The last breath, struggling for oxygen - 'I just want want some scientific proof and evidence... ...uuurrggghhhhh!'

There you go, you're dead. Good enough scientific evidence for yer?

I think this 'game' is for millennials though, maybe. They are less all about 'scientific skepticism' to prove what dumb *holes they are, and just make the rulers coffees. And who are the rulers? I dunno. Who? ...I need (another) coffee right now.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Cooking For Sharon Stone

I have never cooked for Sharon Stone. I have never met Sharon Stone.

Well, for that matter I have never met Joe Rogan either, so...

The thing is though, we all go through life, imagining somehow that we are going to live forever, and not only that, but that what we eat is highly politically important! And wow, that's really important, right?

You were there, Brad. 
You said it was 'like the dance club scene
in Basic Instinct.'

There is, of course, the politics of stupid: here -, someone emulates the excesses of the idiot Romans as the Empire fell.

And then there is the politics of virtue signalling. Here, people throw vodka down the drain to virtue signal about how they stand with the poor, starving people of the Ukraine.

However the one thing I have never done is try and force someone to eat what they do not wish to consume.

Okay so you like it, but maybe they don't. Maybe they've tried it and they really don't like it.

People are totally entitled to their own tastes. Goodness.

In a short while from now, the entire cabinet of the government of Canada, will 'get into a spot of difficulty.' (!).

It's called 'floral madrilene,'
if you wanted to know.

Everyone's eye is off the ball there.

Do yourself a favor - go and take a full look at that off-site text we posted last time:

Jedi Mind Tricks - killing at a distance

Many of you are not paying any kind of real attention to what is 'hidden' away in the background there. In an earlier piece there was  a recipe for truffle beef stew - with Amanita Muscaria extract!

In the club scene of the most recent 'fairy tale' there is some substance floating around in the atmosphere.

You're not paying attention.

They're both 'getting on in years'
these days. LOL
Not like back then, when the hormones
were flying around.

And none of you bought any silver at all.

Did you?

But that would be okay had you have enacted the Norse ritual with the silver elves. But you didn't do that either.

Meanwhile, silver is going up.

It was a lot down, but now it is up.

There's no one who has told me the silver elves came and gave them the stuff like I said they would - if you had have carried out the little procedure.

And that's not because you 'don't believe;' it's because you are silly and lazy.

I never said anything about 'belief' - I said do it.

Just do it.

I find it completely fascinating that a US senator has actually talked about the idea of assassinating - of all people - Vladimir Putin - just a little after I posted here and elsewhere that there were 'Jackals from China' going after someone.

How many times have I already said 'I can't be specific because I'll have the FBI down on my neck' - even though the thing might have happened exactly as I said that it would.

Why the eff'n hell would you want to go and assassinate Vladimir Putin?? He's not the guy who installed the illegal chemical and biological warfare labs in the Ukraine; 'you' were, Senator.

Everyone is at the same time (and this includes much of the Russian public and even some government people there though not all of them) under the impression that the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) is CIA and that they are the ones behind the illegal (and it is 100% both illegal and grossly immoral/unethical to have done) bio research labs. And that's because they think 'CIA' is just one amorphous bunch of Obama transgenders... At least Milley went to go see them the other day.

And the Western media has been pushing this other nonsense about Zelensky having evaded several assassination attempts.

Did I ever say there 'might be' something happening to Trudeau and his cabinet? No. I said 'is.'

Look, stupid FBI - if the China people were actually the guys doing the bio experiments at Wuhan in order to procure some 'invisible' means of knocking off people, what makes you think they haven't got at least half a dozen variations of the technique already? 

And what makes you think you can go around blithely arresting the chief executive officer of a major China corporation like Huawei, and block them having commercial access to Western markets, just because you want to exploit 5G against citizens all by yourself?

...And actually use some foreign government puppet as a 'cat's paw?'

The continual misjudgment of exactly how smart the China guys are - or the Russians too - is stunning.

This is the supposed 'Central Intelligence' nothings, and the 'Federal Bureau of Mafia non-Investigations...'

How pathetic. Truly pathetic. 

Dow drops another 800 points, almost. Another 1000 point drop from here and it's over and out for keeps!

Brilliant. A genius move on the part of John Brennan and friends. He's still a major power in that mess.

The Chinese are going to hurt you now. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I prolly could have posted a pic of 'warm fresh real bread' but there'd be some fool who could mount an insane and noisy case about why you should not eat (real) bread....

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Begin The Head-Spin

Just a little twist, you know, a little twist.

This is not going spin your head too much.

It will when it gets to the Ghislaine Maxwell part - for those of you who go look at the linked texts down below at the bottom of this piece.

The Ghislaine Maxwell part? What Ghislaine Maxwell part. What has she go to do with this...?

Oh ho ho. But you just wait and see. You'll find out.


One of our people here was sent to see (well, I pushed him to go!) - or better said - to experience not so much 'how the other half lives,' but how some creatures of the midnight hours play.

Here is his wrap. This is what he said, and it is unexpurgated - in other words, uncensored:

"If you are not familiar with her, she is a blonde bombshell who performs a live singing workout video of her songs, to a crowd who are also working out but under the influence of one or more mind altering substances. Whew, adoring fans is an understatement. On a Thursday night, opening at midnight, she packed in a crowd that did not look dissimilar to the crowd from Basic Instinct. Watching some uncontrollable headbanging for two straight hours is quite something. Pent up rage, taken out. Thankfully, I was able to sit apart from the crowd for the entire show. Best people watching I've had for some time. Real subculture of goth, and tattooing out there."

...I never coached our guy. He's telling it like it is, exactly like he saw it.

But now you are going to see it from a different angle again.

And when your mind stops leaping to conclusions and asking too many questions, you can maybe just sit back, and take it easy.

Our man said a few other things about 'people being, um, I dunno he said something about loving...' Being very loving of... LOL, very very LOLz. Somethin' like that anyway. Oh and he said there were a lot of women in the crowd.

D'you remember the 'Basic Instinct' dance club scene?
Don't, do you?
Sigh. (lol)

The world is under control. The whole world is totally under control.

Except not the control that you previously thought, and certainly not exerted by any people the public at large or even most of the governments of the world had in mind.

It is what it is.

Never mind, 'waiting to see as all things unfold and some things fall out.' The actual link to the text is the caption below the pic:

From 'page 11' is what our man experienced...

That should be free to those who own a Kindle or who are registered Kindle Unlimited users (for PCs as well).

And, here is the basic free version without full formatting just for the tiny few people who come here...

Now, when you remember that 'Thursday' was this just past Thursday...

You're getting stuff totally 'hot off the secret presses!'

...So what are we eating after midnight - long after midnight?

This here is soup, right? ...For those people with no food right now.

Still, the soup is not really legit unless you have the Aspidistra to go with the socket in the wall, and the length of cabling, and the water taps and the form-work, and the water-resistant carpeting and the wooden server, and the copper saucepan, and the... Ah, forget it. Don't need the soup or the Aspidistra plant.