Today, the latest psychiatric terminology (and the one that is much better) for schizophrenia/multiple personalities is 'Dissociative Identity Disorder.'
This terminology is now shifting away from simply 'personas' or even 'personalities' and towards 'identities.'
An identity is who a person is.
'Brand personas...' Multiple personality disorder brands! |
The word 'Allah' is a title and a description, not an identity, and not a name. In Urdu, some polytheist can easily say 'such-and-such' a 'god' (so-called 'idol') is the Allah, or is an Allah; even if that is not strictly grammatical from the Arabic in which 'Al Lah' is already saying 'the' something-or-other: 'Alhamdu-li'LAH...' Lah is the effective name of the Arabic 'god.'
Equivalently 'God' is not a name in the English language, but a title that covers a particular description of something.
Every single religion there is - that is, every systematized public form of 'worship activity' and prescriptive belief system, has this persistent idea that when you die (even if it is a 're-incarnation' type of religion, still there is an 'end point' reached) your soul goes to Heaven or to Hell. Buddhism is not quite the same thing because of so much 'process' entailed in the narrative. Even so, it is not clear that the personal individual is anything other than 'one' thing.
You know... -, do multiple personalities go to different places...?
I have been told by a handful of people running commercial operations that I am not to mention certain things here about this, but that I can sort of 'fence around it.'
So that's what I am doing.
Lenin Versus Jay-Z |
What I can tell you without any equivocation at all, is that psychology and science and medicine and religions all have it completely wrong: the Ego is not one simple, amorphous, monolithic thing.
It is, in absolutely every case of the human being, three distinct things, one of which is 'in charge' ultimately of the somatic decisions made by the 'person.'
In modern neuro-science, there is a body of researchers who believe they have substantiated that you can effectively employ something called 'neural de-coding' to ascertain various conditions, even thought patterns - which yes, can be validated using FMRI and also invasive brain implants (internally placed electrodes).
Neural de-coding simply means that sufficient energy is being discharged in the neural networks in the brain, that they create momentum waves out at the cranial surface and the skin. Most current day leading-edge neural de-coders extend this to say that whole muscle structures as well as a number of other parasympathetic nerve pathways are steered into particular observable patterns.
One example is the face of Jay-Z. Neural de-coders will assert that this person is not as consciously awake or aware as you might suppose...
Not 'Jay-Z' - and much more aware than you know! |
But it goes even further than this - an animal in the sun is also not 'fully consciously awake or aware' either but it has atavistic impulses still highly active. And I can say no more about it than that.
To play chess very well, you not only need to have a good 'move retentive memory - forward as well as backward' but you need to 'see ahead.'
The human brain being as powerful as it is, could Jay-Z play chess? Well yes he might be able to. Could he compete with a master? Not at all.
Not ever? Not ever ever.
The atavistic Ego formation is stuck in the driver's seat there.
To succeed at chess the atavistic Ego one-third is there, but held back in reserve after another part of the tripartite Ego formation has actually played the moves first...
Now I'm not supposed to go on with this any further but I can tell you, that a neural de-coder will certainly pose the question, when you think you are looking at 'Jeffrey Epstein' are you sure you know what you are looking at...
You - your personality and your actual 'I,' your 'Ego' - is a concatenation of three separate and distinct 'whole things' in and through which a 'center of gravity' of 'something else again' goes in and 'takes a position.'
Still not 'Jay-Z' and anyway, I am not going to post a pic of 'Jay-Z.' |
This is something you can completely prove with FMRI scanning. The default blood flow always goes to only one of three distinct regions and network structures with well-known functions.
Do you know how much that one piece of information is worth in a practical sense, if you knew what to do with it?
If you knew what someone's default position was all the time - just from looking at them - marketing companies would be interested.
Don't waste your time trying to work this out on your own - it has defied the whole of human society, all the religions, all of politics, and all of science for ten thousand years.
You have ten billion dollars - one million for each thousand years (is that right, yeah I think it is...) humans never knew this or worked it out - and I will tell you.
You are just a carbon based life-form. Don't ever forget that.