I am well aware that vast swathes of people everywhere are deeply invested in basic templates, patterns of thinking and 'girders' in the propositions they count on to deliver their own fundamental outlooks to them - girders that they consider to be facts.
Earlier today I was asked by someone to watch a lecture by a mainstream professional academic - who happens to also be a rabbi - on certain ancient fragments which end up being part of Western 'occult' thinking, I suppose you could call it; running the gamut right through the writings and ideas of Cornelius Agrippa and Marsilio Ficino and all the other standard well-known figures in this area.
Around 2,000 bucks! Not cheap, eh, KP! You know what it is made from, because you said... |
This lecturer did much the same thing that everyone else does who speaks on these subjects, and he even made the same claim that most modern academics do about one particular body of writings - namely, he said that while the 'dialogues' mostly all exist still, there are no full copies of the 'direct discourses...'
Now these sorts of ideas are treasured by academics and one cannot disabuse them of this particular specific thing to do with 'discourse versus dialogue.'
This Blog has become now, but a thin thread of silk to grasp onto if even one may do so at all, since I had, since some time ago now, stopped expressing very clearly all the things I had wanted to say, else we would have ended up in the ditch of the same disputes one will have, if they ever tried to say to modern academics something about a certain numbered 'letter' of which we do indeed retain both originals and copies in museums. Were I to even mention the actual number, already smart people would know what I am referring to as well as the key identities involved.
I cannot say it's really a 'dispute' at all either in academia, or between those who are strictly occultists (in a manner of speaking) and the world of purely mainstream institutional academics (which includes churchmen and women of course and rabbinical thinkers).
Encryption. (I just had to delete something from right here! lol) |
That is because no one possessing the knowledge would care to bother the academics.
The Fifth Century produced, of course, the guy to whom is attributed 'Gregorian Chant.'
It is not until virtually a thousand years later that we encounter Agrippa and his disputes with the church. But it was in fact Pope Gregory, who was first to face this idea about the lack of substance of the higher mind, and in his case, it arose from a dispute about whether the 'resurrected person' was so subtle as to be impalpable.
In today's world, the exact same argument still persists of course, but it takes the form of an argument between science and the current iteration of psychology - and West Coast American folkloric culture...
Interestingly, I noted this lecturer I was listening to, actually refer to 'Attribution Theory' along the path of his dissertation - but I must tell those of you who are not aware 'Attribution Theory' is mostly today a management tool, since (and you will find this statement right up front in Wiki when you go look, because you will do that...):
'...Humans are motivated to assign causes to their actions and behaviors.'
However most people you will casually encounter who pick up 'Attribution Theory' - as our friend KP is either permanently verging on doing, or he would have now except I have gotten in first around him here, as it were(!) (See, I can do 'future thought crime' blaming too, right?) - and sling it at you, want to use an extension of it, to the (this) effect that: things that actually happen, have causes we falsely attribute due to our own pre-existing biases.
'Substance' = meat + potatoes; impermissible substance = + bacon. ...At least it is for you good Muslims, who insanely come here and read. |
By this moment in the route I had set about to follow, perhaps just a year ago now, I was going to show all the people who read here, a systematic mechanism, whereby you will ineluctably gain money, attain wealth - although it will not be from the 'work of your hands' as it were.
You see, a great pine forest grows over several years - starting out from seeds to saplings and then young trees and then to great tall trees. And in that time, many forests must go through very deep winters with very deep, heavy snow.
'Money...' is exactly like that.
Sometimes it is in the deep freeze. Sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes it exists only in seed form. The underlying force, including the exchange or currency substance - is something quite 'other' than paper or even computer digits.
It has flow, it has force, but it also has real substance.
Money does not 'die and go to dollar heaven;' not either as a 'body so subtle as to be more subtle than air and no longer a tangible thing' (the heresy of Eutychius of Constantinople, which Gregory the Great debated against), nor simply because it theoretically has no substance at all or 'actuality' other than its 'currency' and material expression (coins, paper etc).
The only thing different about money compared to a pine forest - is that you cannot see it, in its true underlying form.
Consequently, neither are you able to 'see' when it is covered in heavy snow. And nor can you easily see it, when it is thick and green and prolific. This last thing you would be amazed at knowing fully and understanding at depth - because you would be shocked that it is not at all as you might imagine, namely that you can easily sense when it is around in volume and flowing at a high rate...
Because If you were able, after all, you would not be as poor and broke as you all are!
And despite that you are, the majority of you would yet argue with me like your lives depended upon how strongly you can cling onto the bad idea.
As my friend Bridge regularly says - 'turn up at your house, in your living room, right now this evening as you are watching tv, and say hi.' You see, if that happened, half of you would actually make an appointment with your local lunatic doctor to ask him to tell you that you are not having hallucinations, and most of the other half would tell all their friends immediately without realizing the jealousy, envy and rage they would be inviting on themselves.
As for the remaining three of you - I or someone very like me, is about to show up at your doorstep, or even right there next to you in your living room, and hand you over a set of keys, plus a pair of binoculars with which to see the great, big, deep, green, pine forests.