Ladakh contains some very 'high-above-sea-level' places and is described in the Wikipedia entry as being 'virtually uninhabited high-altitude wasteland.' The entry goes on in several places to re-assert that it is 'remote and desolate.'
But just for right now, especially because of the immediate last article posted here, where the link was provided to a rather intense off-site narrative concerning some strange goings on that you are not required to believe are real in any way - let us just take a break from all of the brain-aches that would be induced if any of it were actually, um, real.
The counter guy down at the beer shop was talking to me this morning about the recent Australian Master Chef show, in which our Katy Perry was the guest, and he commented that in one situation on the episode the plate contained hardly enough lettuce for the snail. And I told him: 'oh no, you're not meant to eat the salad. The snail eats that and then you're supposed to eat the snail.'
Should we discuss what a genuinely evil 'Illuminati' type secret society is like? Maybe. Maybe later.
Right now we need to get behind a huge barrier blocking out any kind of 'geared-up' tension, urgency, danger, enemy action - and just shut up and do nothing much, eat some decent food, drink some decent wine or beer, and feel the power...
Feel the power??
What the hell's he talking about...?
Go to the silence...
Or, just listen to the video and switch off your brain. You probably think too much. I mean seriously, what are you going to do if there were 'aliens' anyway? About the most sensible thing is to just go 'wow.' And take a step back for while.