Ah. Well. We're the last people here to be accused of being Luddites. That's for sure.
Luddites were people who in the early 19th-century in Nottingham, England, destroyed textile machinery in organised raids, taking the name of the mythical weaver Ned Ludd (probably based on a real person, one Edward Ludlam) to signify themselves.
A modern-day Luddite is someone who is against phones and computers and everything electronic and technological.
And that is not me, certainly.I am certainly no Luddite.
What I am saying though, is about not placing too much emotional investment in the total reliability or absolute necessity of gadgets and devices and available commercial merchandise that is technical.
There is simply no connection between advancing modern human technology in the form of gadgets and devices and other hardware or even software - and what you can do in your own brain using its fundamental natural capacities and abilities and powers of intelligent perception, to break out of the stultifying structures of mundane life and its very temporary and limited form of 'living' that seems to be what is 'ordained' from on high (meaning by the ruling strata) for the ordinary individual person.
It is difficult to escape the conclusion also, that your mainstream Western so-called 'Judaeo-Christian' (and that also nowadays means the Arabic Islamic standard religioso-political narrative) religion has at its core and at its very real ideological base, the demand upon all of its constituents, to serve unquestioningly some quite drastically violent regime and 'god' - invisible, unseen, but definitely around somewhere, or so you are given to believe.
Yahweh and his followers killed all of their rivals. And there were many other gods in the Bible, so it cannot be held to be a book of monotheism: I can think of half a dozen names of gods written in there that were all given the title or description 'Elohim' - Dagon Elohim, Milkom Elohim, Asherah Elohim, Baal Elohim and so on; and this is all quite literally in there written like that... So, absolutely no monotheism!
When Samson pulled down the temple of the Philistines, it was the temple of the Elohim Dagon.
Yahweh, a jealous god... So -, how many other gods then were there for one to have been jealous but presumably not the others or not all, others.I am not a Luddite but regularly I am
pretty backward-looking.
Yahweh killed and he caused to be murdered. And he demanded sacrifice to be presented to him in the form of killing - even of some of his own 'flock.'
This is hardly something an all-loving, all-powerful actual Deity would need to do.
Allah enjoins his followers to do the same, even to their own deaths, after which they will get 'pie in the sky when you die.'
Of course.
It's always something later on.
But we are stuck with these flawed ideas about god because of the mainstream narratives on every which-way around us!
Enoch says before he disappears (at that time in the ancient long-ago of the Bible), that his guiding leader will be coming (back) with ten thousand (the word is plural in the Hebrew, so maybe it means orders of that number) of his 'angels.' Enoch never worshiped 'Yahweh.' He had never even heard of such a name or word.
So now, today, at the moment of human history when the Book of Enoch and the prophecies of Daniel and all of those kinds of things are suggesting this 'time of return' is around about, very soon indeed, or exactly now maybe - we are looking at 'ten thousands of his angels' arriving.
That's a lot of superior beings.Close to the rain, nighttime windows
on the rest of the world...
Real beings, if you take the Enoch story for real, then real; they are real beings.
But if you take the ordinary world today and the ordinary normal people living in it, then what you are looking at is people who are all going to die, if given the standard natural way of things... They are only temporarily 'real.'
It is a meaningless thing to 'get close' to something (someone) only to have that something disappear from out of your hands because they die, eventually and naturally as apparently all must though not our friend Enoch of course. He is around somewhere. And that is according to all of the standard narratives.
Which could be wrong, admittedly.
If you just take the narrative as isolated from your own personal knowledge and experience. Then it could be wrong because no one in the mainstream media treats any of this stuff seriously.
...Yet despite they are all going to die, still they desire connection and closeness, but what they desire is bound to fail them. They can only get temporary connection, temporary closeness. It is grandiose when it is carried out on the level of some massive stage, some global public arena like at the Olympic Games!
They struggle to attain some peak things, some hypothesized great experiences, and then they all fade away in old age and die.Not sure if this is how to seduce
your common variety super-advanced
ET Alien...
A cause for celebration, and a point of deep despair and abject pain because it will all end permanently. Kind of like profound schizophrenia.
But if you, suddenly, found a strong, even an unbreakable tie, to some external thing, some intelligence, and some place, some literal dwelling place, some abode in Biblical language - and you realized that your core consciousness is not going to die at all (it could but it won't), then the whole thing is the other way around, surely.
People will need to get close to you, not you need to get close to them. They are in the state of potential impermanence, you, permanence.
You have the key; they have nothing only death. But they have need.
They might not even have desire but they have need.
It's a big mistake to keep on using this word 'spiritual' as the standard religious narratives use it, because today we know stuff about science and we know that some things that we cannot see, are not not-material.
Some of those 'invisible to our eyes' things can wipe out the whole darn planet!
When you live, are alive, there is an electrical current running through you and it goes through a bunch of bio-chemical electrical gates and pathways.
You turn the electrical power off and then yes you are dead -, but that is only if you never had any sophisticated discrete structural electromagnetic field forms that were able to switch over to other field containers and no format for doing it.
...Other field form containers that you could easily access.
It may never have been that you personally originated the power to easily gain access, but once you do gain the knowledge of how to, then you can unilaterally initiate access at any time.
Of course there is the matter of ethics involved.Vincent when asked to
play 'Starry Night' again...
It is what it is, isn't that so
Chris Martin?
Nod nod, wink wink.
We live in a sea of photons, electrons, and neutrinos. But we are frequencies and vibrations.
The ambience of our world is where we live, how we want to live, what world we want to live in.
Look, it's very simple.
Returning from the slaughter of kings, Abraham met a man (a real, physical material person) with no mother and no father, no land and no descent, having no beginning of days or end of life...
But he was real because they ate cake and drank ale together.
The question for you is simply this - what type of ale do you prefer; what type of cake...
It is about ambience and thus it is and it must be about ethos.
You have endurance because in fact you have permanence.
Permanently conflicted?
Permanently sound and secured and contented, with an anchor for your soul.
All the world makes its way to your door.
All the human world of people - the ET Aliens require a touch more seduction.
It was Joni Mitchell who said that music and song-writing was a little different to painting art, because when you painted something, there it was, just being seen then afterwards, or stuck away in some attic until you died, but no one asked Van Gogh to 'play Starry Night' again after he had painted the set.
I think one of the problems that you will be encountering, is that of time and timing. You do some mind tricks but then nothing seems to happen.
But you have to confront reality away from the standard mainstream narratives. They are all brutally wrong.
I like it when you do that.
ReplyDeleteYes, we love people, animals, and they die and it is tragic. The thought of thinking about it feels like standing at the edge of a void. But, I would do it all again. And, Yudisthira wouldn't enter heaven without his dog. Can I bring mine?
But in the end, everything must be dropped, yes?
DeletePhysics says nothing is ever lost. And that's the way it is.
DeleteNever lost. But left behind... Or gone beyond. I dunno. It's just something I once heard my guru say. Heh.
DeleteIn this life I accumulated a lot of stuff: clothes, tools, spare and needful things, books. Especially - books. If i were to live several more life spans, am I doomed to own more and more material trash? Could it become a cyclical process, where at a certain moment, all material possessions should be discarded, to start a new cycle fresh? What about family heirlooms, photos of the children!?
ReplyDeleteIt is cyclical in the material Earth world. But I resent it! lol At least don't refer to what you accumulate as 'trash.' Well, put it this way - try and hone things down to a smaller amount of key material/s. If you can. I know it's hard because who hasn't had the experience of getting of something only to discover much later how valuable it was. The whole direction of the thing here over the last several years is to move out of the plain material Earth world of standard humans and orbit around some permanency - of ideas, of feelings, of living things, of the class of things that cannot deteriorate. It's tricky certainly but it's really a question of 'store up in the heavenly places what does not fade, and where no moth can eat it.' I am going to show the meaning of the cyclical quality of 'high point' human matters next up - this will not immediately clarify everything, but it may give a visceral sense of reality of it for the thinking mind.