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Sunday 14 July 2024

A Great Lesson

Are we going to avoid talking about recent things in the news media?

No, we are not.

And you might think it is somewhat surprising that there was not a good deal of discussion beforehand by prognosticators of various sorts, about the chances of assassination and acts intended to achieve it.

In any case there could have and should have been, 'signs.'

Not really dove-grey...

We should remind ourselves that the one decisive material 'sign' of an intelligent 'upper field' becoming involved in the scene - and I mean your/one's personal scene and affairs of the world; in the world - is the presence of doves.

If you have the experience of a dove coming close to you, to near your face and hands for no obvious reason - then this is what in past times was considered an 'angelic sign,' virtually always of absolute solid protection from evil forces at work.

Birds are very capable of 'holding' for a temporary occasion, intelligent messaging and even actual non-carnal human 'mind,' and presenting this to a living person, that is to say, someone living materially in this material world. The heart rate of a dove can go up to 600 beats per minute and its nervous signalling access rate accommodates the communication of the 'higher world.'

The other important fact to observe, is that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is part of our current common life. It is nothing out of the ordinary: there is trauma everywhere.

And we have become used to it.

And that is why otherwise sensitive people, are not making more noise about the risks of future actual danger and endangerment.

Also grey.
Kind of a dove too, you know.

Yes plenty dramatize things to the max by talking about the risks of nuclear war and military nuclear outbreaks.

But as for closer to daily life problems no one speaks very loudly.

You will have noticed I am sure, that I have in recent months veered far away from hyperventilating about any current 'issues' that dominate today's world. 

But what I have explicitly said, is that all of these traumatic things will not harm you - even though you will have many of them and the people ruled by them, try and affect your life and well-being.

It is a force of tremendously powerful evil that has entered manifestly into the modern world.

It has been here of course, for a long time already.

But it is manifesting itself egregiously everywhere.

Yet side-by-side is the world as it also is, and this is where you must live and remain.

There are physical material things and people here right now in this world, not of this world.

Recently I had the opportunity to eat some oysters, flown in by private jet, from Coffin Bay in the Eyre Peninsular of South Australia.

Well I have eaten oysters, all over the world, and you may be the richest person on the planet but if you have not eaten Coffin Bay oysters you have not even come close to consuming the best.

There is no comparison at all, between fresh oysters sold everywhere under the banner of 'the best' or premium oysters, and Coffin Bay oysters.

Plenty of people hate oysters, and they generally say things about them like 'yuck!'

But that is because they have not actually had oysters (of the kind that Coffin Bay oysters are).

Near Coffin Bay, the Eyre Peninsular,
South Australia.

You can get a very wrong impression of a thing, and superficially it can look like what its name represents -, only the true peak example will be the thing.

All the standard religious ideologies and their appertaining Cosmologies, speak of some unseen, invisible realm above (and certainly there are places 'above' technically in a manner of speaking) - but the world is sufficiently replete with the entire range of life to have in it, actual examples of what they are talking about.

Ordinary people aspire to the rich lifestyle, to being places with people that are 'wealthy' and so on.

You should be focusing on the field, not the person exhibited in the standard narrative of people's thinking.

Growing human consciousness is additive, not a matter of differentiation per se.

This is the whole point of the religious ideal of 'repentance' in a nutshell; although on the one hand the standard narrative is about a person deciding not to behave in certain ways (that are deemed bad), the core of it is the fact that someone learns in an additive way, nuances to do with their perpetually-existing same self.

They are always the same person.

Otherwise the actual logic even of the standard religious narrative is false; which it is at heart, not.

The functional phrases in the standard Western religious sacred texts are - 'from the Beginning,' and 'until invested with power from Above.'

You are who you are.

Daintree Rainforest.
Has everything in it.
Prolly has a dove-grey Bentley
in it somewhere...

But you become more, not, some other person!

My suggestion is that you give up all of this worrying about some other place and the ineffability of it for the Earth-living human mortal. Give up even, waiting for Godot (ET Alien landing). 

Don't wait.

Be, in the existential field of what is truly advanced. 

Yes. The thought is scary because you will be giving up this standard narrative that others will simply open your head and empty into it, ways and means that until that moment, you never had access to. You have access to it all now. 

There are very very few though, that walk here, who really are also - there. They are in a field that extends far into the Universe.

Yet ordinary birds can be in that field.

You, are able to move birds around with your thoughts. And they are well able to show you the presence of a high-speed communications field that is surrounding you even though you are normally unaware of it. Become aware of it.

Now. Today.

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