The Kabbalah tradition says that Elijah had no father or mother, that is, certainly not of the Earth - and that he literal was an angelic type of being, not actually human as such.
I suppose in a manner of speaking this is true in that he was distinctly different from those around him, possessing some quite weird powers, seemingly, yet at the same time of course appearing human physically.
Enoch, the other guy written about as going off to some other far way place up in space, in the skies, above them actually - was not described as visually completely similar to everyone else around him: he had white or blonde hair as did his great grandson Noah who apparently had eyes that were either blue or green and literally glowed at night! lol ...Amazing.
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The only people that can get in these little white flying craft, are incredibly fit and lithe... This is Sarah de Warren (for real). |
Anyway, anyway...
I want you to look at things like this...
Imagine for a few moments, a scene like this - you are in some skyscraper hotel bedroom suite, and it is night and you are looking out of the huge windows at the cityscape and the nighttime city skyline.
There's absolutely no one with you and you have no one 'down there,' no family, no friends, no nothing - or at least, precisely at these moments, there is no one.
In other words, or, in a better more accurate way of saying it, there is no one that you have an immediate responsibility to or for right now.
No job.
No one to talk to.
No one to phone call and talk to.
Nothing to say to anyone.
You can see all of the winking lights way down below and way across to the other tall buildings. There's people there but they have nothing to do with you.
Have you ever heard the kind of late night piano lounge solo piano music they play at coffee places?
'Chill piano lounge jazz.'
There's nothing in the Book(s) of Enoch that says that he particularly was going to miss anyone or anything back here when he was going away -, because he certainly knew he was going away for good or for a very very long time and to an extremely distant place.
Enoch, 'seventh from Adam' was supposed to have been taken by the Ruler of the Elohim and the ultimate Creator of the Adam-ic human line - to show that He ('God' according to most religious authorities on the particular text) was not cruel. (??)
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Human beings are not boring or useless. They could be, so much more than the modern lifestyle allows them to be. |
I have no idea what that actually means, although I suppose it implies that the ejecting of Adam and Eve from this 'Eden' place was on account of some angry view 'God' had towards those two although I doubt that this is the correct perspective at all of what transpired. And then, that 'God' was now taking at least Enoch, back to this higher and better place although clearly it is not 'Eden' as such.
'Enoch' the figure that we modern people know through Biblical Scriptures is in fact another guy completely in reality and not anyone from the pre-Israelite Hebrew people at all - he is En.Me.Dur.An.Ki. the ancient Sumerian pre-Dynastic king also 'seventh on the (Sumerian) king list.'
That name means 'high priest of the ME's of the Bond Heaven-Earth.'
Same as the Greek word 'Christos' means the mathematical nexus between the material world and the 'upper world.'
So... ...There is a bond between Heaven and Earth; a bond between Earth people and the people of the stars.
When Enoch or Elijah and likely both, are returned here, it is because of this bond.
It is not at all that they do not care about humans and human society, but that they have a much different perspective on things.
'For of what friendship can there be between the people of Heaven and the people of the Earth?' This is a Biblical phrase somewhere to be found in Sacred Scriptures and it goes on to say there is indeed in fact some 'enmity' between them.
'ME' means the Decrees or Orders of Design/Structure of the 'newly-made' people set up here that were meant to live in a specially-arranged nice place in Mesopotamia. And this all went to pieces and we now have this 'Serpent in the Garden' legacy story and so on.
You would absolutely not believe that there is this clique of shadow-y global elite people, who imagine that - well in fact in their belief is it is really true like this and they believe it and don't just theorize or 'imagine' it - that these 'not from Earth' initiators of this grand (grandiose) design of the human being experiment, are all long since dead and gone but that they always had AI-style machines and 'beacons' and whatnot installed around the place and off the planet in space that continued on with the 'orders' on auto-pilot as it were.
And for this reason they adopt the terms and terminology from the ancient Sumerian texts about 'Global World Order' (this is literally from the Sumerian tablets) because they think that in the absence of any real ruling identity as such (aka 'God') then they can take over and have their rule supported by the legacy equipment; namely these AI-type hidden machines and beacons and virtually invisible subtle systems.
In other words, this 'Serpent' mindset is definitely still here trying to mess around with the plan.
And that would be all very fine for them in terms of the 'death' and or complete disappearance of 'God' if not for the proposition that these guys Enoch and Elijah are back or coming back.
Or already back if I may put it that way.
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de Warren, again. |
Personally I do not look down at the tiny little lights and see nothing meaningful at all.I know there are people there, people hurting, people suffering, people working hard, people trying, people doing things. But, I also know that in order for them to stop being in a bad way, they cannot keep on doing things like they do, thinking they even know what the heck they are doing -, because they sure do not.
It is absolutely in fact better for them to distance themselves from their so-called 'friends' and from what they are imagining is 'work' and how to make a living, and rise up a little to higher places away from the crowd and gain a little distance and some perspective.
'When you are clothed with power invested from Above' is not an idle phrase.
You have power able to be given to you to do all things.
There are plenty of these occult groups by which I mean evil groups, that do engage in 'remote viewing' and 'craft magic' and so on and they completely know what these auto-pilot devices are and where they are (mostly) and what they do and they can use some parts of them but not all and not the real high-end facets and that is because they do not know or possess the key codes.
Enoch has them and Elijah as them and I will give them to you right here.
And by using them you will gain all of this 'power from Above.'
Enoch was in communication continuously with the Heavens (according to the Kabbalah traditions) or that is to say, with people from a 'heavenly place.' As long as you seek this harmonic relationship you will be like a radio operator searching through band-widths and trying to find something you can make personal sense of. There are many transmissions, and some of them you will be able to make sense of.
Eloi Eloi...
Sounds like a radio-operator's opening transmission call doesn't it? You think I'm kidding but the clue is hidden on this page somewhere. I will tell you up next and when you see it, and if you accept it - it will blow your mind. (By the way I never leave the original captions on the pics inside of the pics that are uploaded here, do I? Or seldom...).
Sarah de Warren:
I was watching the Euro final last week and saw a player named Oyarzabal, and had a hint of a feeling I knew "Oyarza" from somewhere. A few days later I dreamt that it is the planetary (over?)soul from CS Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet. Checked wikipedia and that's not exactly right but it is from that trilogy, which I read during college and again five years ago. Interesting to see the words and characters in it with new eyes. Maybe I even know a Ransom or two. I'll have to read it again.
ReplyDelete'Oyarzabal' even has the philological implication of 'Overlord' (IE Ba'al plus Oujarza - the latter of which has Semitic and Sanskrit possible roots... ...see 'Semyarza' supposedly the leader of the so-called 'Fallen Angels'). Interesting stuff, what underlying potential things are going on out there.
ReplyDeleteRichard Dreyfuss, at the end of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", had no hesitation to climb aboard the starship, and headed towards the sky. He was willing to drop all attachments - wife, children, 'job'.
ReplyDeleteLike Siddhartha, he dropped attachments... I wonder if Steven Spielberg is a Buddhist?