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Thursday 4 July 2024

There Will Be

'Ef-karis' (phonetically written here) does not mean 'thanksgiving.'

Hey by the way, I never knew until this afternoon, Agatha Christie - a life-long Anglican - co-signed a letter to the Roman Catholic Pope in 1971 (Paul VI) appealing that the original Latin Rite of the Catholic Mass, be retained. And the Pope thereafter referred to the whole appeal letter as the Agatha Christie Letter! LOL

So... Anyway...

For me this is like the inside of a

The 'Eucharist' which in the Catholic Tradition appears to be claimed widely to mean 'thanksgiving' (it means neither that in the Classical Greek language nor in the rituals from which the current-era idea derives) in fact comes from an early esoteric practice to do with a secretive gathering and eating of bread and drinking of a reddish-colored drink presumed to be at least wine but no doubt from the descriptions of what was happening, some kind of mysterious chemical playing around with something in a liquid form possibly including actual wine in it.

'Charis' is the singular form of the title for the several goddesses who are collectively called the 'Graces' (meaning both graceful/charming, as well as benevolent). This is exactly the same thing as the way the Book of Genesis deals with 'the Elohim' a collective plural for 'god-beings' who are not humans.

It also is one of the specific names of one of those goddesses.

The suffix 'eu' stands for good or well or pleasant or true: and it can have the combined sense of the meanings of all of those things at once.

Without a divine giving of something, then a human can only remain a mortal and very limited.

The Charis gives a gift of some divine kind - hence we say today that someone has 'charisma.'

Red Rocks Amphitheater

One of you here has already been to Denver or Boulder or whatever out there in Colorado, and been to a 'gathering' already of a vaguely similar nature (I will explain why it is similar in a moment; but in short it has to do with feelings) and now I will tell you about a coming event in Colorado - and it will happen twice; once on the 27th of September, and then again a week or so later (just to underscore that no one was simply 'seeing things' as a one-off).

If you are an 'Earthly' person, someone intrinsically hard-bound to the ways of the world of this era, then you will not need to indulge in subtleties of the mind - you want to see the Alien ships arriving; and landing.

And that, you will see.

On the 27th of this coming September, in Red Rocks Colorado.

When you intellectually come to the realization that it is technically impossible, to separate the receiving of any one of the supernal 'gifts' of the Divine Daughters of the Supreme God of the past or of ancient human history and mythology: and these are - grace, beauty, adornment, joy, mirth, festivity, dance and song - with what effects and sensations and feelings of the precise same kind are experienced today, then it will be easier to accept and also to understand that what is about to take place in Red Rocks on the 27th of September, is quite literally the exact same thing as what has been construed over time in the standard traditional religions into a particular term (and the linked institutional doctrinal terminologies), but having lost its intrinsic meaning.

So it should come as no great shock to you, what will happen.

Famous Sung Dynasty painting.
Gouache on silk.

Because you have been told beforehand and explained about it all beforehand.

This is not about you going anywhere; it is about knowing what the news reports are to do with when you get them.

In fact let me further explain something to you that despite having been told all along here, will have escaped your attention (most likely most of you; more than likely) - this thing has already happened once or twice and it is already in some media.

All you have to do is 'Google' Red Rocks Aliens/UFOs and it will (surprisingly!) turn up...

You cannot just suddenly escape the Earthly physical condition, inasmuch as -, well, you can, but it is far better to slowly graduate into the finer understandings of it all.

And for the rest of you who are able to indulge in matters of the pure mind, you do not need to go further, or let's say - much higher - than the feed-back you are already getting from carrying out the simple things we talked about here and privately with you.

The whole entire point of a messenger, is that they carry communications from one party to some other party at a distance of some kind, be it one of status or level of power and so on; not just linear physical distance.

Nina Sung.
Sings in the track below.
I show you what I show you
for a reason.

And yes it is completely diabolical when a messenger disguises themselves as a figure of light or conveyance for light and information in that medium.

If you feel wrong about some 'message' then it is wrong. And that's all there is to it.

I show you stuff here for you to feel things.

I show you stuff for express reasons and purposes.

These are not random things.

And they are not showing random people or strangers.

It is so much easier, isn't it, to go to a church, or to a mosque, or a synagogue, and dumbly follow nothing essentially pointed or with any real prospect of anything actually happening as the result! 

But time has now passed, and a lot of things have changed.

Don't expect to get away with this pathetic 'nothing will happen' nonsense.

It is happening under your nose and under your eyes.

Right now.

You either speed up and catch up or be left behind.