Done that kind of thing before, ever?
All of you who have read all of the texts linked up here since the beginning will already know that this 'Humane AI pin' thing-y was talked about by us years and years ago now. And that's because people saw it. From the future. Because that's what they can do.
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The 'Humane AI pin' technology. |
One of our clear objectives here is to enable everyone who comes here and reads to be solvent.
There is not much point carrying on about all cool stuff and that, and then people are being poor or broke!
So all that will achieve is to make people want for things they cannot buy or cannot have.
Sure it will seem from beforehand, that something like buying a few bottles of wine would never give anyone cash in their pocket - but that is not how this place works...
This place is literally about those individuals who can get up into the little white craft and disappear into the clouds and way up into the sky far beyond the human eye can naturally see and go to places very far away and even break through what the science of today thinks is some kind of time/space barrier.
Here is a very short list of things we said would happen before they did (actually happen):
- the now publicly-covered ET Alien flap inside of US officialdom
- Covid - a widespread biological weapon affecting virtually everyone
- Massive earthquakes and flooding
- The death of the Q of E although I remember saying anyone could have guessed that
- the Humane AI pin technology
I know that I personally held back people from talking about any and all of the conflict violence that has been happening all across the globe - but we could have 'gone there' and in quite some detail. It's just not very nice what has been going on and some of the real details (which are completely missing in the standard media too) are extremely disturbing.
Ukraine I know is listed in the very first book that we put out. And that was a long time ago now. Well before even there was any hint in the public space about the Hunter laptop or any of the Hillary emails about dealings with people inside of the Ukraine.
And there are some subtle other underlying issues also talked about in these 'fiction' narratives which I think virtually no one has noticed - but in one specific case we linked a certain matter to the Covid biological weapon and that is indeed the truth of it too: 'something' going on inside of most or all Western military ranks to do with gender actually has to do with how Covid can affect certain people. And that is never going to be admitted by any of the authorities or through anyone in official channels of information.
Yet none of these things are all that significant in the grand scheme of things necessarily, when it comes to your personal finances.
I made some money shorting insurance companies when earthquakes and fires and floods took out thousands of businesses and dwellings in New Zealand and right across the East Coast of Australia.
But people's memories are short and that set of incidents hardly is recalled by anyone in the normal course of daily events any more and does not feature at all in people's frontal memories now.
The recent space transiting ballistic missile launch from somewhere in Yemen, aimed at Israel and shot down or at least destroyed in space - is literally the basis of one entire book. And we even specified that Iran was behind (or, at the time 'would be' behind) it.
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These wall-hangings are called 'erased heritage' tapestries. |
The also very recent apparent splitting away by Russia and the US from their START commitments was discussed as well - but the reality is that the Russians certainly need to give themselves enough bilateral scope to explore their high-altitude EMP technologies inclusive of controlled nuclear explosions in near space atmospheric strata, and most of the rest of the nuclear safety protocols are well and truly still in place albeit they involve more secret units than anyone even in the Pentagon is generally privy to regardless of what they think they have clearance for.
Believe it or not there are a few people inside the FED who have absolute clearance to read cables (and all other electronic communications) from the CIA and the Department of State...
These people (at the FED) may have an inkling that there are other units even more top secret than anything handled by the orthodox CIA establishment. Although then again, who's to say they actually understood what it was they were reading.
Traditionally, probably for decades and decades, maybe since as far back as the Sixties sometime, investors have all assumed that it took quite a lot of initial investment dollars to be able to rationally expect to turn a meaningful profit out of any ventures in financial speculating - and by the time of the Eighties, leveraged futures was a big thing and anyone and everyone could get into those financial products. In other words, the mindset was automatically tuned to scale thinking: namely that yes you might make a percentage profit on something, on some position, but you needed to scale up to really clean up.
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Not this one, but this one is pretty good enough all the same: Rutherglen Shiraz |
However that perception is actually not based on any true fact in the final analysis.
The reality is because of monetarism becoming the guiding economic philosophy of central bank boards and committees everywhere in the Western World (never mind that none of them actually knows in what ways to apply monetarist concepts), there is way too much volatility and unexpected collateral consequences from the wanton but still deliberate artificial expanding and also contracting from time to time on the basis of thin air real economic reasons, of the M1 money supply - and so if you scale a seemingly sound position one day, next night you can lose bundles when a sudden market dislocation occurs because of an errant and arbitrary money supply decision of the FOMC and the FED itself that ran counter to the real factors-of-production equations or the authentic demand-supply numbers in the real market.
You are playing against more than just the other 'investor' animals in the market - you are playing against monetary policy which is being run by idiots.
But what never 'takes a haircut,' as the trader parlance has it, is the psychology of the people playing (or in fact attempting to rule and to control) at and from the top.
That psychology is stable and predictable in its instability of mind, in its lunacy.
If a snob thinks and believes that a certain French classic wine is worth $30,000 - then when they have a get-together of other idiots at some secretive spot in order to buttress their own self-delusions about how important they all are and what a great and also what a difficult job it is that they are all doing... takes very little to introduce into the snob mentality the fear of missing out on the expected lifestyle of the privileged brats that they all are.
Doctors, many lawyers and virtually all judges today, and high-level commercial and 'money center' bankers are all nothing but snobs, and middle class snobs at that.
So, they buy French wine.
They own it, they stock it in their cellars, and regularly enough, they get others to open a few bottles of it for them to pour down their vile throats.
And they will continue to do that until there is no drinkable French wine left for them to drink.
And there is no one on the planet that will tell you that come a day, and soon, there will be no such thing as a drinkable French wine left still being produced in France.
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'Once upon a time, a boy called Jack, climbed up a beanstalk...' |
However, the true concept of 'wealth transference,' is when the thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) in the pocket of some FED exec, goes into your pocket from out of theirs.
Now this is all just a game for people such as myself...
Right now most of you still are resisting accepting that there are such things as beings 'from not here.'
But I tell you this and I say it most sincerely - the world that you know and that you have been used to will not be around ten years from now.
What that actual cataclysmic difference in the world of humans will be though, is not possible to say outright in just so many words here and now.
Where you will start to use your own internal self-confidence in support of the previously unimaginable - is after you have acquired yourself a case or even just a few bottles of something, but not just any something, but a something we will talk about and disclose over coming days and weeks, and then you suddenly find that one day your possessions are worth impossible sums when you spent nothing but a hundred or so dollars to buy them...
It's much harder to accept that so-and-so really does hang out with actual literal ET Aliens and gets to fly around in little tiny space ships or even simply absolutely massive ones - when your pockets are empty.
And when your pockets are full of the beans of Jack from the Beanstalk story, and all of those beans are made of gold and silver and maybe rubies and topaz too and whatever else there is in the shops along Upper 5th Avenue, then you can bear to hear the Jack and the Beanstalk story again and again from actual Jack himself without being foolish and gainsaying ol' Jack because you have watched one too many Richard Dawkins and 'Professor' Brain Cox video clips already and think that you know everything about truth and what is true and what constitutes science fact as opposed to what is only very weak science fiction.
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