You know of course that I was not going to say what this all-fired thing is right here and now, but heck I've changed my mind.
But first - all the jokes that only good (and not to mention also rich!) Muslims will understand.
This text is an authentic hadith, brother! And it is graded hassan - which means good, strong, sound.
Also means 'handsome,' by the way, which is why so many Arab kids are named 'Hassan.'
How can you not know it??
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Vaguely, very vaguely - a clue for you. No, no. Not 'The Travels of Marco Polo...' |
What? You do not know it?!
Now when you get it, you have to read it properly.
Start at the beginning, and follow the thing properly all the way through; it is not long at all.
Each page, why each line, is a fruit from Heaven.
Unless you read this and see the whole thing, you will not be able to follow along when we start the journey into another world, another place entirely from here.
You will otherwise get lost in the maze of this world.
And be side-tracked.
Who can compose such a writing as this?
For who can compose even just one verse like unto it, whether they be Jinn or Man...
So can you, by the way, guess what the text is?
It is written in the form of a play.
I suppose, well not 'I suppose,' it is essentially true - that only those who are able to observe those things of the past, maybe of their own personal past, that are not let's say, ideal, not the way they would choose to act and react: they are the ones who can accommodate 'a heavenly realm.'
Others simply cannot.
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Where the wealthy go... |
We are, as humans - as Plato considered - half way between the mortal and the divine. What keeps people back in the enclosure of mortality is that they cannot see.
It is completely easy to see rich things, to see a wealthy lifestyle, to admire nice things and to desire them. These are material things.
But so too are the inner emotions and understandings also material things - they are true and they are real, if unseen by the fundamental optical vision of the human eyes.
One cannot enter into the realms of heaven without an intimate knowledge and understanding of moral right and wrong - and this can only come from experience in the dynamic mortal realm of existence.
Which is why some religious thinkers posit some intermediate place, a place not Hellish at all, but not yet truly Heaven as such either... This is where the souls of the deceased innocent children go, in this hypothesis.
The religious concept (and which is also a primary psychological one described by Jung and also Freud in his own way) of 'forgiveness' is highly complex when examined closely. One cannot simply just choose to abandon the ways that do harm, and then by the same token too, say that one has 'forgiven' others who do wrong to you.
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The shawl of the traveler... |
And this is because we all have bio-chemical and neuro-chemical processes going on that demand that we feel in certain ways!
We did not and do not intend to install such processes inside of us; they are already there.
We can no more choose to not feel them than fly to the moon on a magical camel.
The essential problem also involves the human ego - what it really is.
Is it intrinsically my own consciousness of self?
But what if I had a different composition of those bio-chemical process structures...? Would 'I' then still nonetheless be 'me, myself?'
The logical thing is that neither can I expect to be free of wrong-doing myself, nor am I able to pretend that I have 'forgiven' any others, when I know those others have not changed in their own internal construction; especially of the bio-chemistry and neural responses of which they were made up as a particular identifiable 'self.'
In the human world I have choice, but I do not have supreme power.
There is a great and a totally commonplace mistake that most if not all Christians mistake in this matter, when they talk about 'forgiveness.'
They misread what the words in the sacred scriptures are.
They read it as 'forgive others that you may be forgiven.'
It doesn't say that.
It says, 'Forgive the transgressions of others.' Not forgive what people are. People who are evil cannot be forgiven; they are evil. God hates evil, and He hates the evil (people, diabolic, diabolic beings).
You can forgive what a person does, but not what a person is.
And because people are not finished beings, they must be left behind if they cannot change - you have to also leave behind the things of this world, in order to see and to be with the things of the next world.
The text is 'Hassan' by James Elroy Flecker.
The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and how he came to make the Golden Journey to Samarkand...
The power of the forgiveness of sins is a power endowed by the application of logic.
Logic comes from Truth and God is Truth.
You, if you possess logic, have the power to forgive yourself, what you have done. You are though, a person that understands the difference between Good and Evil - this, what you are, does not need to be forgiven. If you possess logic, you possess a power of God. Thus you indeed are somewhere between the mortal, and the divine; in part.
Next, you must go to the next stage...
Jews, generally speaking, do not have a concept of 'sins.' Each year they 'sweep the mischief they have done under a carpet' (Yom Kippur) so that they can just go ahead and do it all again next year, because at the end of the year, they have Yom Kippur again.
Muslims do have some sort of concept of bad deeds and evil acts, but these are presented (in the religion, not in their own families) in the Koranic context that says that Allah decides who does what, where and when. So it's a bit fatalistic.
Star Trek is the only ideology that maintains a discourse along the lines that beings, typically human and/or humanoid beings, can change and become something better than they had been.
Vulcans all abandoned emotions because they saw these as the sources of evil.
The humans of Star Trek apparently, somehow viewed virtually free energy as the condition for a post-scarcity economy and thus, it was that scarcity was the source of Evil in societies; to the humans, of the Star Trek Universe.
And yet text-book Abrahamic Faiths do not think that scarcity is the source of Evil: in fact quite the opposite, if anything.
After all, it was a tree that was there, in the Garden, and from its fruit came a desire whose fulfillment held evil consequences for people.
Frankly, seeing the World, you would have to say that this tree was very very abundant indeed, its fruit not scarce at all.
The lust for money is the root of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
But lust itself is not wrong.
Humans who are 'of the right stuff,' lust for the heavens and for a better life and a better world.
"Humans who are 'of the right stuff,' lust for the heavens and for a better life and a better world."
ReplyDeleteI like that. It has always made sense to me. I recognized at a young age we are flawed beings and I have always moved towards people who are trying to be better. Those who are not trying never make it to my inner circle. Here I am at age 60...still a work in progress but moving forward one step at a time. Thank you for taking the time to blog here.
Thank you for contributing in sensible ways.
DeleteI guess I'm back on the coffee. Well now that you've let that cat out of the bag (I have no idea what's in that book bt-doubles), maybe you should tell them how to do the "remote viewing" thingy. Oh fine, I will instead. You practice with "seeing" stuff and the lights in your closed eyes, with the understanding that these processes start with "vibrations" in your nervous system, and do the breathing, the binaural stuff, and the electro head shocker thing. Oh also the muse brainwave headband, learn to get those different frequencies going. It's fun and it's good for you. And then you clear your mind, even if just briefly, after focusing your attention on some sort of "target." Write the "target" on a piece of paper, clear your mind, and then take the very next image that appears there and put that down on the paper. Say the target, clear the mind, write the image. Over and over. Maybe doing the breathing thing. Breathing is good. There's a book out there that talks about how the heart creates a 7Hz interference pattern when you hold your breath. 7 Hz good for theta waves and clearing the mind. Very nice feeling over the course of the hour unless you're trying to induce the "physio kundalini syndrome" which apparently can make your toes fall off! But if you're into timed breathings and you want to "ground yourself," I have found adjusting the timings of the breath to be in the ratio of the golden section to be very helpful, but as always this is about YOU and YMMV.
ReplyDeleteThere we go. See how easy? No baiting people with money or TEOTW or "truth" and such. I bet I'm missing something important, right?
Dunno. Not sure. I've always been using the Monroe Institute here as a parallel construct, which at least people are vaguely aware of or else can read some details about online easily. The fact is, Monroe and Ingo Swann and so on are only on the edges of what went on - no one in the younger generation had really known all that much about Jim Channon prior to 'The MWSAG' with George Clooney, and even people from the Sixties only know him from the odd 'Hippy' piece here and there in Playboy or Hustler.
ReplyDeleteI regard this 'writing down of a target' as a side-track and a minor rivulet. Today we have greater and better access to digital tuning and digitally tuned EMF projection technology, and so the basic point is for people to understand that there are absolutely discrete, systematic, organized electronic processes going on within the whole human neurological 'mechanism;' these things are effectively the ONLY authentic, and 'truthful'/genuine means of communicating between two 'brains' or minds. Words are rooted in social semiotics, but people possess purely internal, and individual emotional responses and intents. These internal things constitute the real basis for communicating 100% honestly - so just from the common sense perspective, it is extremely unlikely that an advanced intelligent species would want to default to human social masks that are verbal and then pretend this is sound communication. Truth is an essential, and it is fundamental.
Also, seems to me to be a bit pointless to be doing things 'just to get a buzz' and for no other reason at all. ...What I know is that it is extremely dangerous to go and try and engage with, interact with, actual advanced living intelligent 'other' species, and carry with you all the while the insanities that are overlaid onto so-called 'normal people' within society. For people to actually face it though, that they do carry around a lot of masked programming that is perfectly useless, although mostly it is self-destructive - is quite a task to achieve. Ordinary human beings content to live in the ordinary or let's say 'normal' daily life, have absolutely no business getting involved with actual and real super-advanced foreign species ET Aliens. For one thing they are lot smarter than you might give credit for them being - and the US Congress is a good example of the wrong people, doing the wrong things, and for what purpose, exactly? Will they change their existential ways? Never. Not likely. Indeed 'never' is the straight out fact of things. So what does that mean though, 'IF' these videos are of real things with real people inside them? Real ADVANCED -, much more advanced intelligent beings than the smartest person in the Pentagon or in the White House Administration behind the scenes. What if the videos are of real things, containing real 'foreign' ET Alien beings/people? ...Going by the high-handed arrogance of the attitude of people thus far, you would have thought the White Tic Tac is a secret Pentagon technology; except it isn't. Period. So what's the arrogance all about? I'll tell you what it's about: no one hit anyone yet. ...The theory is that the God of Truth is a God of Peace. LOL
DeleteWell I get a kind of "mercenary vibe" anytime someone mentions Monroe, or Farsight. Well especially Farsight with their "proprietary technique" and "we got to be careful because they might sue me if I tell you." Perhaps that is not a fair representation of what they do. I don't know.
DeleteTurns out that I've had the experience twice in my life, and possibly three times, spontaneously without causing it to happen. Two of those times I was completely awake. The third time I was in a kind of meditative state but definitely not following any "secret methods."
When I "ask" about these things it seems like "I am told" that "reality is layered." Naturally I make the assumption that people, all people, are "connected" but "via layers" that perhaps do not support concepts of time and space the way our "waking minds" process them.
That maybe some CIA folk discovered something about this and thought "hey! we can use this for spying" is pretty deplorable. That some non government folk paid "talented people" to learn their methods and offer this as a "service" is also deplorable.
I do hope that all folk will gradually become "triggered" in ways that will make them aware of these things, and their connection with it. For me the realization that although "layered," awareness also "possesses inter-layer vibration and resonance" that allows a kind of "communication," that things transcending time and space can "mediate" within the "lower layers," producing dreams and insights in the minds of all people which transcend time and space ... this is very real to me now, and Monroe and Farsight and the programs you can read about in the CIA papers were an early deplorable attempt by some people to "gain advantage at the expense of others" ... I'm not even making sentences now. time to stop.
Hi, vox@cubic here, I never received my dirhams a ways back. Let me know if there is a way to get in touch. (I don’t have access to my old email mentioned above).
ReplyDeleteNo problem - email me: