The reality - the absolute certain and existential practical reality - is that the depth of a person's intellectual grasp of things exceeds anything their senses alone can deliver to the sentient being, to the consciousness. (That's a complex statement, and requires to be thought about).
And that is why you will always be initially quite frustrated with coming into real and actual contact with any truly advanced species or being. They won't let you near them at first. Because you will seek the comfort of the senses relaying to your personality, something about the 'truth' of whatever it is that you have come into contact with.
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This only seems like science and technology, but it is not. This is imagination manifested as a hard material reality. |
But then if that were allowed to happen - on the part of advanced intelligent beings - your human senses would seek to dominate the 'discussion' by placing what are fundamentally mechanistic pieces of a complex process, at the head of something that is in fact essentially well beyond matter and space and even time: it is dynamics and living, uncertain interplay, involving human will, and moral perceptions and decisions.
This is where Descartes went right off the rails and all of modern 'science' went with him - and let's be honest and face the fact that in any case, that was all a political fight between the religious clerics who demanded a monopoly on books and scholastic learning, and the Enlightenment Movement in Europe at the time.
The claim that Descartes and since him, all of his followers (which includes all of modern academia at large) was that ever since the proposition that it was both possible and necessary to 'objectively' discover things and experiment and test those putative discoveries - God was no longer the guarantor of truth...
Well, He never was; not at least, in the affairs of men (IE Mankind).
Right from the very start of Genesis, the whole entire proposition there is that Man has involved himself in a catastrophic form of uncertainty made all the worse by his 'living' nature: namely, Man makes moral decisions based on his will and his intentions to move some objective factors and but definitely the minds and hearts of other people.
The guarantor of Truth as far as Man goes - is Man and his will to perceive moral issues in whichever ways he decides based on a combination of hard material facts, insofar as he possesses them at the given moment/s, plus his own desires and ambitions and goals projected from his actions.
Having intelligence has not ensured that Man has realized that clearly he does not always and everywhere possess all facts, yet nevertheless he has made it - when it comes to 'science' - that he should act on his own will rather than consider (as ancient peoples once had), to consort with oracles and so on because of the logically correct hypothesis that 'if Divinity' then Divinity has the best and most complete (indeed total) knowledge.
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This is somebody's actual work space... I'm not telling you to whom it belongs. Most of you will be able to search it an find out anyway. |
It is one thing to decide a particular oracle is no good; not reliable - and another to hypothesize that there is no such thing as 'total knowledge' and no such non-human possessor of any such thing. I mean, you can hypothesize it of course - but then, you would have to give good and sound, factual reasons why it is not so (that there is a perfect possessor of complete knowledge).
But logically, and very early on in human civilization, the Sanskrit shastras and people like Homer, already proposed non-Earthly, vastly superior intelligent beings with greater technology than humans - and this already philosophically sets asides the argument that humans can have no basis to think there can be better knowledge held anywhere other than in the human sphere.
Homer's 'scientifically unlikely' explanation for what happened to Odysseus at the end of his long journey, alters how one will perceive the moral questions that Odysseus and the unworthy men of Ithaca saw concerning the decisions about who was to take over Ithaca and all of the possessions of King Odysseus (and who was to commandeer his wife!). The unworthy men presumed Odysseus would never return - Odysseus believed that he certainly would one day.
And then he did, through the aid of what was essentially a space ship. Piloted by non-human grey-skinned and super-intelligent people.
Firstly the proposition of Descartes is wrong because it is built on an entirely false premise - that 'truth' is centered on objective material things (which he then proposes to call 'facts') - whereas human truth is the result, and always is, of dynamic decisions by unpredictable human will; because humans are alive, and life, the proceeding of it, is not set in stone at all.
Human truth is a psychological phenomenon, involving some aspects of lifeless material objects and how they existentially behave in reality.
'Science' is therefore stilted and a false representation of human existence and of reality itself.
Reality is part of a vast dynamic structure involving living creatures that change, and have reactions.
Cartesian 'science' would be true if there were no living intelligent things at all who had effects on the material world.
But it is of course not true (for the significant reasons shown) - and that is the main problem of the human race and of its world today.
And that is the abundantly clear-cut reason why you will first be 'entertained' through lots and lots of complex intellectual things, well before you will ever be allowed to actually meet formally with physical material beings of far greater knowledge and possessing very superior technology.
The entire point of all religions, including Satanism, turns on the matter of who you will, not serve, but give your own personal will over to. The real Biblical meaning of 'to worship' is to give your will over to (someone/something).
'Bow down before me, and all these kingdoms shall I give thee.'
Well that's nice but it intrinsically means that you lose your personal will and give that to someone else. Now unless you have a reason to believe or to know, that that other person is wholly Good and benevolent and beneficial to you in the ultimate -, then it makes no logical sense to give your will over to that other person.
I have said that you - you reading here - will engage with these creatures called Seraphim. And that their personal title (which is used also as a kind of a name too) is 'Uriel' or Auriel, or Oriel but is accurately rendered 'Ir-u-El.' And that is because they are the ones with the deepest intellectual apprehension of the Mind of God.
Hollywood knows these things before you do. That is why the film theme song to the movie 'City of Angels' was 'Iris:' about a Watcher Angel.
Meanwhile, leaving all of this vaguely occult stuff to one side, the School Board finally held its recently postponed meeting (a lot of illness, some kind of super-flu post-Covid), at which the Principal showed a photograph of the schoolkids taken by a drone flown by the Autistic kids that all of you have been sponsoring via here.
There is a lot going on, on this front, and we are starting to have the support of some powerful and rich city councils, including some that are in these 'bush-fire risk' areas.
So. More on that as things continue to develop.
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MERRIWA Primary School, including the Ed Support Campus. Pic taken from drone. |
The Autistic field is not at all being represented accurately in the media, and especially with all of these YouTube videos around from people claiming that they are Autistic, and seeking to talk about what it means to be Autistic. Strangely, given that so many people want to claim to say that they are 'scientific' suddenly somehow, Autism is now being presented as if it were a psychological thing - whereas here is one place where essentially one must start from the inanimate, bio-neurological factors.
Interest-groups spin these things the way they do for political, financial, and ideological reasons, and masquerade what they are doing as being 'science' or scientific, and then they dominate the discussions, and manipulate funding in society. They could care less about the genuinely Autistic.
Here is another example of how humans use their own will, to dynamically try and gain benefits for themselves in highly immoral ways. Just why do human beings chose to be immoral?
Because these people, these humans, have aligned their wills with the position that there is 'no ideal Goodness.'
In order to physically meet a super-advanced species, you must align your personal will however, with the proposition that there is absolutely and without question, such a thing as 'the ideal Good/ideal Goodness.'
You gotta get to around halfway in this to 'get it:'
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