Max Gunther's famous book on investing 'The Zurich Axioms' says something really telling about today's world - although, you'd have to realize it is a clear depiction of today's world to be able to make use of the statement:
'The most dangerous kind of chaos is that one which is presented as orderly.'
Ha ha.
Every country on the planet is run by large swathes of accountants, followed by vast numbers of 'expert professional' attorneys and constitutional lawyers and judges.
And each year the whole damned (I could have said 'darn' but I said damned) lot of them produce troves of reports and documents and sets of numbers depicting, well, essentially - orderliness.
Everything is put into order.
Except that it is none of it any real kind of order.
It is fantasy order, fabricated orderliness.
Two days ago down here, the state premier of the world's richest local economy, sucking godzillions continuously from the Beijing China coffers (we do have all the rare earth minerals and strategic metals here, as well as iron ore, copper, gold, gas and oil, and wheat, sheep, and wool, and beef cattle and milk, and fish) suddenly resigned without any warning at all.
And nobody knows why he did, just that he claims to be 'exhausted.'
He was in the pocket of global pharma.
Gosh I'm not sure I can really say that. At least our version of the FBI is so stupid and so inanely big-headed that I don't think they could care even if someone literally openly advertised they were going to take someone's head off.
The top government kid that was in the pockets of Pharma in Canada literally died. Just unexplained causes, of course. Prolly just natural - he was also, 'exhausted' right before he dropped dead. But you probably have forgotten already...
There are several things you can do when you are relaxing among real friends. You can drink wine.
And then, it will be truly excellent wine.
Something like Domaine de la Romanee-Conti.
And the discussion will be without any emotional pressures... It will just be all matter-of-fact. If you had to keep the investment wines in the cellar, well that would be completely fine.
Because, as you know, the other thing that Max Gunther says is not to try and predict the future, but simply to react knowledgeably on the facts as they exist right in the moment.
If you go to a casino you can try and 'predict' the numbers seven or eight or even ten times in a row knowing that if you just doubled at each go, everything merely from a starting stake of a thousand dollars, you would get to a million dollars at the end - in fact just before ten goes.
He would be far more prosaic about it all. He would have bought two six-packs of Cooper's Vintage Ale a couple of years ago at 30 bucks each six-pack, and now that they were two hundred bucks (you won't get any for the on-line suggested price of a hundred or so dollars) he would exchange that all for half-a-dozen bottles of inexpensive VSOP cognac and without trying to predict the future he might target a further price up the road a little piece, of double what he was paying for the VSOP now.
And turn that into a bottle, maybe even two or a few, shared bottles (with close friends of course because you do not partner with unknowns, ever) of Angelus - and when these went to four, five or ten thousand dollars per bottle, well, you would however by that time anyway be looking at the arrival of 8%+, maybe 10% discounts on bond yields of Risk-Free (Government bonds)...
And so you would have several hundred thousand in your hand, correct?
So are interest rates going up? That far so soon?
Who knows. Max doesn't in his book, and neither do I. Because neither of us actually cares.
We can drink the stuff we actually already have with friends.
Or not, as the obtaining situation called.
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God only knows what this could turn into in dollars. Was a thousand, and you could have snipped a few at five hundred. |
But wait a minute. I started with fifty bucks.
Meanwhile, the State Government of Western Australia wants to tell me about all kinds of fancy things to do with mining and China buyers, and 'growth' and laws and rules and accounting procedures and all other kind of technical stuff I just don't understand.
'Cuz I'm not that smart, see.
...Some of you - and I know this - would not be so totally relaxed around friends, even around actual real friends, unless you knew you had your hands on some plenty cash, right? Some maybe hundreds or so of dem thousands of de dollars. So that then you could relax.
I mean a million is taking things a bit far. And it attracts attention.
In case there is some idiot AFP guy staying up late and reading this nonsense and talking to his FBI opposite number - I did not do any Jedi dark knight tricks on the state premier, okay? Idiots. Fancy even thinking such silly foolish nonsense.
Me, at least I am not exhausted and I only got fifty bucks or so on me, whatever. That kind of money.
Let's see...
Who else falls...
Dunno. Can't predict the future. It's not what I do. I do not predict. I just do.
'I find your lack of faith... ...disturbing.'
Could we be that dark though?
Well sure we can, if rulers and robbers and brutal stand-over merchants and thugs masquerading to the simple folk as 'absolutely above reproach,' and moral and good - keep up their pretensions to order when they are the very soul of chaos itself.
You know this kind of talk is likely to worry a few of those reading here about the sanity of what was just now said, but I could tell you a few things that would knock your socks off and that would make you go to a church and fall down your knees and pray like heck.
You lock up the heavens if the rulers can be taught, or constrained and moved to act in decent ways.
But if they are that 'clever' to background things with 'man-made global climate change' when it's really something else - and they know that it is - well, then y'all in for a ride that you never would have imagined or even imagined possible if you had been told it outright up-front anyway!
So far we haven't said anything that confronting 'up-front.'
This is a place for friends to kick back and fill their pipes, slowly, and calmly and patiently.
Oh oh there's a long way to go yet.
Those of you who are pressured by having your personal time taken, and finding difficulties in making a living without wasting a bunch of time - just an ordinary common living - need to understand that as a man, a human, a human being if you are a woman, you cannot handle time. But there are other powers in the Cosmos that can control time and manipulate it.
The genie is in the bottle, because God put it there.
Ha. I’m just a simple no mates housewife that stays up late reading this ‘nonsense’ but I enjoy it. Like a puzzle. Maybe a Kryptos level puzzle that I’ll only understand when given the solution.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I looked up Cognac like I said I would. Have to convince the other half of the theory. I’m like remember that dude who started off selling jeans from the trunk of his car… I know I dont need his permission but would be nice if he was on board
Anyway it’s late and I’m exhaus… maybe just tired
Dear mentor,
ReplyDeleteThe genie is in the bottle most certainly. And you know very well what that genie is, and from what bottle it must come.
It will be released soon. Over here.
Oh yes.