When being inside the maelstrom of human civilization as it is today - and will continue to be for some time more albeit there will be some changes too - the temptation is always to want to help 'everybody.'
Well 'everybody' does not want to be helped. They are very satisfied in the situations that they are in.
And then too, it may seem that any kind of 'outside' intelligent beings -, people really, they're just people; have these extremely strict and rigid and OCD unbending terms and conditions (this is not the case though, but it just seems like that to begin with) before they will become involved openly with anyone down here.
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It's just CGI from a Star Wars animated movie but it is pretty close - forget the hat! |
But as Jedi middle level 'masters' we all are definitely able to help some people who reach out and ask for something...
At the moment it's probably meaningful for me to just explain that several significant 'step/level events' are happening over here: firstly, I am having serious discussions with city councils about the Autism projects that we have been running for a couple of years now, and it looks like they will financially support these; secondly I am having to meet a lot of some local fairly successful distributors of electronic medical and health equipment which has an Autism-related dimension - so I for one, do not want any kind of massive, global-scale catastrophic conflict to unfold, but it will do anyway regardless of what I individually personally want!
And so we are all on the one hand participating in 'normal life activities' but on the other hand, quite conscious that social disasters are on the doorstep.
If you all had endless time to devote to turning the mind to only reaching up to intelligent beings, then I know, I absolutely guarantee you will be able to do it in a way that will be palpably real and not any kind of simplistic 'vision' or what-not.
But ultra-intelligent beings themselves fully realize just where exactly the human race is...
So, even if, let's say, there is a vanguard-like 'angelic' team around the place here somewhere, things will happen for you in such a subtle fashion that at least the results in your own personal life will not attract any attention and then subsequently, any unwanted malice from others who have a lot of envy by nature.
People often ask 'how come super advanced beings cannot just...?'
Well because we are mathematical creatures, you see.
There are incredibly important reasons why we must have some understanding and comprehension of geometry.
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Tamarind pepper water soup. There are a dozen different ways of making this. |
When you look back in history and realize that had not Nasir al-Tusi rescued something like 400,000 manuscripts from the great destruction by deliberate fire of the Baghdad Museum, by personally carrying them under his cloak across a strong-flowing river to safety - we would possibly not have 'Euclid's Elements' today in any authentic version or copy!
So actually my point simply is, he was destined to succeed, alone, and without acclaim or witness at the time that he and he alone achieved something magnificent and supremely valuable for the whole human race.
What is the difference to the situation today? Nothing at all.
Barbarians are not 'at the gates,' they are in control and ruling with absolute impunity and abandon.
There is no question but that the US and Kiev are themselves shelling the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia and no one else is doing it.
If that were seriously hit and damaged you would have right there your ground level radiation event.
In other words, 'fears' (I mean expectations about) of a nuclear outbreak from war are not merely 'justified' but they are expressing a certainty - the West is itself going to make it happen because they are already currently right now visibly being seen to be undertaking such a plan.
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Euclid's Elements; Book IV, Proposition 11. |
For all of us here, we must be actively preparing not for the disasters that will ensue because of this, but for engagement with an advance party from elsewhere.
Take a good look at the geometrical image in the pic.
The line segment 'A-G' is in Golden Ratio to the line segment 'G - D.'
This expresses the composition of 'negative' versus 'positive' in each of the natural human 'creature' nodes within the soul. At the higher levels, the nodes do not require, in fact, they must not have 'compositional' nodes but clear decisive ones (good means all good and not some desire to do evil things for any reason). ...We must have some element of fear reactivity though, because otherwise we would have no nociception and that is a dangerous thing; people who have no nociception can hurt themselves, lead themselves into great danger with nothing stopping them within their own sensory system.
'Jedi' is about being highly skilled and knowledgeable about the whole human system.
A Jedi is able to walk in the maelstrom and not be personally harmed, even though we must have the capacity to feel all the forces at work in there.
Often you talk about stuff that just, well it's like goes over like a lead balloon, for me personally. Do I really want to get involved in the mediation of all this nonsense?
ReplyDeleteThat's a very nice diagram. When I was young I was told that Euclid is really about formal reasoning but in an imperfect way because there are implicit axioms in some of his most basic proofs that aren't explicitly stated in his list of basic facts.
Interestingly in our own recent times there was at first "Bertrand Russell" and then came along Godel. And then after that Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff "got some" ideas.
Some of us get to "get to" a point where we understand that our bias about what "parts of" a situation where there is material form here which implies also a kind of "conceptual form" existing "beyond that" are considered "less than" the original thing because merely of a kind of built-in yet acquired bias to not see those things, but to dismiss as unimportant.
Many wood turning gurus on youtube have destroyed perfectly beautiful things because they were "awkward" as they took shape on their lathes, insisting that the "golden ratio" is the conceptual pattern from which all beautiful hollow forms should proceed.
It is the way with all sculpture, on a formal level, that its physical form can imply unseen extra form "outside." A beaded chair leg brings to mind a series of spheres, which are apparently not there.
That drawing above brings something else to mind, a situation where the "implied outside form" is isomorphic to the "existing physical object thing." We arrive at an infinite sequence which is "the same as" the "actual original form."
It could be that "a bias" for the supremacy of "actual objects" prevents or interferes with the understanding and "actualization" of the "powers contained in" the infinite "implied" structure, especially when it comes to "the internal organization of human beings."
Well whatever. In other news I have finally started building out a little platform whereby I can create nft's for the physical objects I turn out. One of them bares the kittypoops avatar.
And I say "my own" but that is another unfortunate aspect of this "social media" situation where it reaches into you and you allow it to become the mediator of "who you are" and find yourself becoming smaller and smaller probably to the point of not existing at all.
DeleteOh here we have "grimes" doing an nft collection called "matter is void." There ya go.
DeleteIt's always been not only a complete mistake, but in some cases a deliberate misdirection that people have ever seen either Pythagoras or Euclid and then certainly Plato - as espousing these stark, rigid 'implied structures.' None of them ever did that; they all pointed to the dynamic interplay OF ideals in hard physical reality and never invalidated any of those outcomes. The most important question ends up being how to determined 'boundary state conditions;' and Plato did that by pre-empting George Boole - a) more than, b) less than, c) somewhere in between, d) not this, and lastly e) the exact same as. There are many potential 'boundary state conditions' that can apply to turning wood: knots, grain, density, and THEN 'also' sheer linear (breadth and width and depth) dimensions - not 'only' linear dimensions. I'll give you one 'philosophical question' example:
DeleteTypical philosophy question example - 'Who made God/How did God begin?'
DeleteWell that's a nonsense question, because - 'I fed the swordtail fish in my fish-tank; but who fed the my aquarium?' The aquarium is not a fish. It is a DIFFERENT CATEGORY OF THING, compared to the fish. There are literally no, as in completely ZERO definitional characteristics of 'God' in an Gauss Profile possible description, whereas all of material existence is nothing BUT able to be depicted in a Gauss Profile; BY DEFINITION, 'God' does not get depicted that way, and CANnot be so depicted (by definition). So why does your friend Dawkins pose the question and laugh, acting like he's being clever? Either he is a damn bloody ignorant fool, with an inflated sense of himself and a vast self-important ego, or he is maliciously deliberately duplicitous in order to manipulate young people's minds. Which is it?
I'm not Richard's Therapist. Invite him to dinner with that distant cousin of yours and ask him about his early Oxford times and whether he had relationships with theologians there. Did he ever get really drunk and try to ride a Great Dane he found outside a london subway stop? Have to be roused from a deep sleep in order to get to his exam on time? How is it there these days? Are intelligent people who are not "part of the fam" complaining about loneliness affecting their mental health? Richard's a guy with a publisher and an editor and why would he give those things up?
DeleteDawkins is coming down here to the Uni of WA where I went this February. I got a personal invitation! LOL Honestly I can't be bothered. He's a broken wheel.
DeleteSpeaking of god, anyway, there is this nifty concept thrown out in "His Dark Materials" (probably comes from elsewhere but I'm an idiot) that it's "the world of heaven above, and the world of ideas below, connected."