When I say 'timing' I am referring to the nuclear strike that will be happening in Poland, near to Lviv which is in the Ukraine fifty miles from the border with Poland.
This matter is so complicated and the danger of explaining too much about it here way too high, so for right now anyway, we'll have to be satisfied with factoring in that the Polish government passed new laws relating to a 'catastrophic natural event,' last month. So the window of risk for the thing happening is already underway, although we might not have expected anything to have occurred during that month ahead from the time the laws were put in place, fundamentally because the planners will tend to give themselves some buffer in which to make any modifications and real-time reactive re-assessments.
Coming from quite a different place to most human thinking about the dynamics of wars and the way human beings look at such large-scale moral matters as are implicated in these huge conflicts and even great historical changes in society, we are not here taking things from the perspective of ad hoc unfolding, you could say, of human moral civilization...
You see, taken from the standard Judaic (Masoretic aka 'Laws of Moses') perception, humans were these innocent, untainted, morally blank things, and then Adam/Eve/Serpent/Apple - God said 'don't' but people did anyway and then, you have the development of moral character.
There is no way of telling what 'Good' and/or 'Evil' actually means before the 'Fall' and thereafter, the only religious-philosophical standard is failure to just do whatever God says...
Now that doesn't really make any practical sense if one is going to suggest that at any point Mankind was 'allowed to have,' moral agency.
And I'll explain that better right now:
Okay fair enough you might be a good Muslim, or a good Christian, a good Jew and therefore for you it's adequate to say that you should - not just that you must, 'obey God.'
But 'should' is avoiding the basic question about how and what specific details this all entails.
For example, Adam never had an Apple iPad and Moses never had an Android Tablet either.
So then when they (means 'humans/Mankind') did get those toys, then do they just ask God now 'okay what is the moral teaching about how to use these things?' Because the point really is that if it's all only about seeking God's decision, then in every new situation, at every point of a new innovation, some new piece of technology never before seen, there is no internal frame from which to make agency judgments as the individual who is responsible for the moral decision.
And that gives the lie to this story about 'the Fall of Adam' and Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit and all of that - because that story is really an assertion of nothing but the mindless unthinking acceptance of obedience to someone and something outside of one's self as a human being.
Really, Adam could not have 'fallen' because he did not have personal moral standing and agency in the first place to have 'fallen' from.
And this position of things is proliferated still today, with Islam, which explicitly is slavery and submission to Allah. There is absolutely no gradation of judgment of moral decision with the lives of humans in Islam - Allah literally predestines people and consigns them to Hell or to Heaven (with Houris).
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They make this in Woking, which is not anywhere near Essex, I don't think. |
This is not in any way a real or a realistic reflection of human life however, and how intelligent people can accept that this narrative is any kind of official edict from an actual Divine Mind is utterly absurd in the extreme. But, people - billions of them - do it all day long and it is not restricted to Islam but is to be found in virtually all of the law-based religious philosophies.
But the far bigger problem with the basic 'Eden' moral 'Good/Evil' narrative is this, and worst of all it is literally within the text itself - there is a massive problem with the story on logic lines:
'And you were counted as first among the Cherubs who stood before God the Most High, and from the day you were created the timbrels were made for you (the express meaning of the phrase according to all Hebrew sources, is that whoever this being was, whether you say Lucifer or Samech Mem Aleph Lamed - IE Samael, he was the leader of the angelic choir and heavenly musicians).'
Now that's a problem though.
Because music is not morally neutral.
Which means that for sure, in logic Satan, the Enemy to Man, knew long before Eden's Fall what Good and Evil both were and knew how to compose those in mixtures -, just as we humans all, in life do some rash and stupid things, some actually bad IE 'evil' things, and some good things too.
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Man, sometimes I can just handle a coffee and that's all! This one has 'happiness' and 'Dreams' on a coaster under it. Well that'll do. |
So did that mean that humans when they were just 'Adam and Eve' never heard music at all before? Or really does it mean that Good and Evil are not exclusively simply obeying God, but they exist as a set of intangible Universal primary idea forms (just as musical modes pre-exist music or song composition), that can be used by any agent with sufficient active intelligence in a given set of circumstances, in other words in dynamic contexts of particular and often if not always different competing forces and pressures and interposing objects resolving into a moral outcome (IE moral judgment).
Clearly 'Evil' cannot be part of God and so the idea forms themselves are not part of God as such, but are something propositional and intellectually-derived as, not a phantasm, but a theoretical form, real only when manifested in actuality, in material events and their outcomes.
Human morality, or lack of it, the practice of nation-state and government and political evil is not an ad hoc unfolding of anything in new circumstances, and moment-to-moment dynamics.
It is something that comes from a deliberate, intellectualizing about well-and-truly pre-existing absolute idea forms; pre-existing to any human person's given life, or lifespan.
The only way Adam and Eve could have morally fallen, is from that moment when they were genuinely and realistically able to intellectualize from moral forms which existed outside of themselves.
And then, the situation still demands them to have chosen the wrong ways from those moral forms. And why did they do that according to the Bible? Because of curiosity, if you simply go by the superficial metaphor of the eating of the Forbidden Fruit. So curiosity is evil then, is it? Or results in evil. Well we know that sometimes it might or can, but does that mean that it always will - no. So the standard teaching taken from the Bible Book of Genesis is clearly wrong.
The way people have been looking at this is like the way some insurer would look at accident risk: curiosity sometimes kills the cat, so let's assign a risk factor to it and then damn you all to Hell.
This is ridiculous.
Here is the Truth:
There is such a Being that you can call 'Satan.'
And he knows about moral Good and Evil and really, you don't; at least not in anywhere near the depth that he does. And he has taken the decision, the terminal decision, to employ actual Evil in order to counter literally the Power and Position of 'God' - who is also a real Being.
And in fact the only thing that is standing in his way, is you. And that's because you could have real moral agency at the same time at which you started to gain real material power and technology too.
Which means that it is not God alone that the Devil has on his hands to fight - it's also potentially you, but only if and when you wake up to what you can do.
The Devil is not dead. He has not yet passed away, certainly not from this planet.
And that means that you are exposed and very vulnerable because if he finds out that I have been talking with you, and between us we put some power into your hands, you're in big trouble!
Fill y'er boots Satan, you nerd.
ReplyDeleteWell, he certainly has some stuff coming to him, that's for sure.
DeleteApparently, it is still a draft and Polish government supposedly plans to implement this new law as of 01.01.2023.
ReplyDeleteHere are some controversial passages from the draft:
Restrictions on human and civil liberties and rights in a state of natural disaster:
the obligation to undergo medical examinations, treatment, and the application of other preventive measures and treatments necessary to combat infectious diseases and the effects of chemical and radioactive contamination;
use, without the consent of the owner or other authorized person, of real estate and movable property;
compulsory demolition and demolition of buildings or other structures or parts thereof;
mandatory emptying or securing of dwellings or other premises;
ordering evacuation at a fixed time from specified places, areas and facilities;
order or prohibition to stay in specified places and facilities and in specified areas;
the obligation to undergo quarantine;
prohibition of organizing or conducting mass events;
order or prohibition of a specific method of movement;
order or prohibition of business of a certain type;
suspension of business activities of certain entrepreneurs;
an order to apply fixed prices for goods or services that are essential to the cost of living of consumers;
the obligation to use plant protection or other preventive measures necessary to combat organisms harmful to humans, animals or plants;
the obligation to apply certain measures to ensure environmental protection;
the obligation to apply measures or treatments necessary for the control of contagious animal diseases;
prohibition of strikes with respect to certain categories of workers or in certain areas;
Thanks for that excellent detailed rundown of what is to be required, mandated. All sound familiar? Almost like a Xi 'zero tolerance' for Covid except aimed for 'something else' that they can gather data about - from these new soon-to-be mandated checks and checking of the citizenry. It's breathtaking, really, the way they gear up long beforehand, all with systematic 'malice aforethought.'