This article is going to kick Jews and Muslims and Christians in the head.
...Watch closely now, because I am going to do some magic here.
According to the orthodox Jewish writings, only twenty percent of the Jews, decided to follow Moses in the Exodus.
Later on, regardless of how amazing the appearance of Jehovah on the mountain (whichever mountain this was) and the edict not to make idols, virtually the whole lot of the Jews then made 'the Golden Calf!'
Now you'd think that with all of the remarkable happenings, thunder and lightning, flying snakes, Egyptians being killed in some sinister way in the dead of night, seas dividing in two - whatever - you'd certainly suppose people absorbing all of this would have some regard for the power we are meant to believe was evident in front of their eyes.
...Matters then worsen - Jehovah is only recorded as having personally uttered, actually, only two 'Commandments;' but we have goddamn hundreds of peculiar 'laws' most of which are either traditional customary food regulations and all of that, and the rest are copies of stuff that Hammurabi set down ages earlier. This 'God' Jehovah, for being the 'Creator' guy, seems to have a nasty habit of thieving things from human beings earlier on than he pronounces the matters, although he makes a great fuss over what he is pronouncing.
The Quran, equivalently, challenges people to 'produce a verse similar' to prove that this work is from Allah God - and in a different part, suggests well, how about ten verses then?
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Moses finds Ark... |
Half the romantic language in the Quran is directly, line-for-line thieved off a poet Imru' al-Qays, and the rest taken straight from seven poets gathered into a compilation known as the 'Suspended Verses' written long before and sure enough, the whole entire religious foundation itself is from a group of people a thousand miles away up north, and there is no map by any surrounding nation, country, civilization, trader or anyone, not even any Arab map (at all), which shows a place 'Mecca' anywhere prior to hundreds of years AFTER Muhammad.
What do other groups' serious 'history' writers say about 'the Jews?'
'Some of their religious priests were keepers of the oracles of god.' Some, of.
In 1925 Ataturk outlawed the Mevlevi Order (of 'whirling dervishes') and it has never been repealed that the Order or Sect is illegal - and so it still is illegal today. In fact, what you see via tourist events in Turkey are dances performed by professional dancers in 'dance museums,' not literal Sufi Order establishments at all.
Turkish Muslims will say that Dervish rituals are Islamic but they are not at all - yes, they do use the generic word 'Allah' and they mimic some Islamic sayings but these are matters of disguising an ancient Shamanic practice dating from thousands of years prior to Islam.
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Aiyeee! Burn what he is saying! (Take careful note and remember this pic for later articles). |
This Supreme 'God' they are all talking about and wanting everyone to bow down to and worship and also of course, for you to do whatever 'they' the high priests, tell you to do on behalf of - seems remarkably incapable of really being all that innovative and creative himself in his own right, having to hijack all his key material off other actual originators...
So what actually happened with the so-called 'Covenant' between some 'deity on a mountain' and the Jews?
Well, there's no point me saying, because the first thing some of you will challenge is - 'where are you getting this from?!' 'Where is your proof and your evidence?'
There is another widespread theory that Akhenaten is 'Moses' and the only basis at all for that, is the idea that Akhenaten was a proponent of the following of only one god, namely, the Aten.
But Akhenaten was not a monotheist in that he never actually said there was only one god, just that everyone should follow a particular one (of them).
Akhenaten was not 'found in the bull-rushes.' His elder brother 'Thutmose' however, was, and he 'disappeared from the official records and was said to have died' - which led to Akhenaten ruling as Pharaoh.
Most people objecting to the idea that 'Jesus of Nazareth' was or is or even could be 'God' includes the narrative about what Jesus said when dying on the Cross. This is widely held to be: 'Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani.' And the standard translation today is: 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?' ...The objection being, of course, well, which 'god' is he praying to, if he is God??
And this is not what it says in any of the Gospels. What it actually says in there is, 'and this was interpreted as being...'
God comes down into an 'Ark' for Moses and Solomon and David, particularly - the latter of whom, when he realizes what he has, starts dancing around like a dervish (lol).
And then, the Ark disappears off the map, as it were.
Noah had an Ark, too, right?
Jehovah says 'do not make any image for yourself, to worship it' and then immediately, he tells Moses to make an image of two Keruvim and stick them on top of a lid and worship the whole thing.
The 'ark' of Noah is a 'tai-va;' the 'ark' of Moses is an 'aron.' One is a big vessel used for sending the dead off somewhere, and the other is a crib for a baby.
Actually, another funny thing of stealing ideas, is that very clearly, we know for sure the ancient Egyptians had boxes with lids and winged angelic beings positioned atop them. Actually, we even have such things, having found one or two inside pyramid excavations.
Nothing happens with them - you can go to the museums where they are, and there is no 'pillar of smoke' or 'strange clouds' covering them or what-not.
Everything, everything, on the surface about the human race and its ancient ideas and religious traditions, appears - that is, seems - to do with death. When the Mayans had all of those remarkably constructed temples, right at the top, there were pits into which 'sacrifice' victims, human and animal, were thrown and slaughtered as offerings to the gods, maybe to secure rain or something, I don't know. We do know, because some of the stone-inscribed language has been well-deciphered now, that not only were some of the victims decapitated, but their bodies hacked up and literally thrown about for some bizarre reasons I certainly have no clue about, really.
Here is what Jesus of Nazareth said on the Cross:
'Ella-tho-i, Ella-tho-i. Lamassu. Sabah-ankh-tai-va-ni.'
Lammasu = Keruvim = 'Cherubs' (like on the Ark).
Sabah = Peace.
Tai-va = ark.
Et cetera et cetera which you don't need me to translate for you.
Oh, and by the way - the actual Greek Gospels say 'diathikis,' for 'tai-va' which is literally a box in which you hold your Last Will and Testament when you die. And, in ordinary usage 'diathikis' actually does mean 'Last Will and Testament.'
The poetry that goes along with the Mevlevi Sect's dancing thing, includes the following:
'If you wish a mine of gold, it is here.
'If you wish an ounce of silver, it is for free.
'If you wish a mine of sugar, it is here.
'If you wish a fingertip of sugar, it is for free.'
'All the world is whirling,
'All the particles are whirling.'
Silly Bollywood movie version of a good song - contains entertaining Dervish dancing halfway in. Too bloody long 'intro,' though for all of you impatient to get to the 'mines of gold:'
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