There are traditionally a number of 'tactical awareness' signals that are looked at by analysts to predict wars and the potential of imminent hot conflict break-outs.
In Germany, Hitler confiscated all the maps of German territory shortly before he began to launch his country not only onto a full scale war-footing, but into actual battle front actions.
But really, one of the greatest 'signifiers' that Hitler was about to make war, was that he soon realized once he had established an industrialization plan, that very possibly, Germany was much more capable of actually making war, prosecuting a war action, than any other nation around the globe except the United States at that time.
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'Hey - are we making philosophy books, or beer, this week?' |
In fact, the practical reality is, Hitler won the war - he just couldn't keep it up and he didn't have the strategic plan to end it in his favor; and it was only after that configuration of material and political forces, that he 'lost' in the end. The 'end' really, being an epilogue-with-a-twist.
You see, and just go with me for a moment, Hitler killed six million Jews...
And no one could do anything about it to stop that. The war ended after a while but so what? He killed six million Jews. If, like me, you think that in fact, mindsets of political leaders was so tilted over toward warfare anyway, that from the First World War right all the way through to the end of WWII, both sides were responsible in varying measure for atrocities against human beings. But let's say Hitler just basically wanted to kill Jews - well, he did it; he achieved his aim. He totally fulfilled his objective end-game. He won. No one was able to prevent him attaining this 'feat.' And no one did. Therefore he won. 'The reinforcements' did not ride in quick enough for a bunch of people in concentration camps not to all die first. That's what happens to the little people and that's what'll happen to you if you let it. Similarly, the Romanovs apparently were well aware the 'Whites' were advancing and that instead of this meaning they would be saved, it meant they would be shot. So they did nothing, stayed, and were shot.
The pre-conditions for major wars always involve mindsets - what tools the human intellect has and uses, prior to the outbreak of war.
Is there coercion evident anywhere? Is there blatant and rampant injustice? Is there an underlying belief that the weak always lose and might conquers right all the time?
Russian government analysts assert to me, that the only reason Xi Jinping behaves the way he does, is to distract the locals from the structural economic problems that China has regardless of any other thing.
I don't believe that.
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China rail, China-made Morocco - Tunisia bullet train. |
Neither would Cai Xia, the CCP top-line political figure and Chinese scholar who was in the US when she was expelled from Xi's CCP.
Xi has deliberately developed warm water ports exclusive to China's use around the world, notably in Tunisia and Mozambique - and he has invested massively in Africa taking effective control of the whole place with the exception of South Africa and Zimbabwe. He is behind the El Shabab terrorists that are raiding multiple targets and making Japan's commissioning of new gas plants in a variety of African locations problematic.
Xi is secretly in league with Iran and ultimately fifty per cent of the the financial driving force behind the Yemeni war against Saudi Arabia.
His plan is to be able to instantly switch supply of raw materials to China if any one supplier stopped - or was stopped from - supplying him. In terms of supply lines he could wage a war even against the United States with success, although technologically he is nowhere near that capability. But that does not mean he doesn't think he is.
He is behind the streams of South Americans marching across the US border. He is literally personally behind that - it is his actual idea and plan.
Xi Jinping, is behind that.
Now. Whether he has successfully bribed and corrupted enough people in all arms of government so that the United States is now sufficiently weakened and vulnerable at the top to be pushed over easily is a question. But he is also a coward. He did not rise to power the same way Adolf Hitler did. He's a sneak thief not a beer hall putsch leader.
Now the main problem the rest of the world has is, because he is a sneak thief, he is not after 'supreme power' because he already has that: he's in your house, you let him in in the first place, and now he's taking your cutlery form under your nose but you don't want to believe it and you don't think he is really a sneak thief. So he already has ultimate power. And like a snake, he's also numbed the brains and the nerves and the muscles of his prey and he's just eating at leisure now.
Then accidents happen too, of course.
The question was posed 'what do we do to avoid, or get out of the way of major material calamity?'
The religion of the world is materialism, as Shirley MacLaine observed, and nobody much really spends any time or effort - as in, not with a passion - to understand human beings especially individual humans near them or around them. The end objective is to make money out of them, not simply understand them for the sake of being comfortable handling people as the ultimate objective...
But then, funny thing though, right - Epstein couldn't handle people, Weinstein couldn't handle them either, Bezos made his wife a billionaire by divorcing her... Cart before the horse, always; that's what makes things fail.
As soon as you get into a group focused around a good intention though, it turns into a financial exercise very quickly... The energy and power of the many always serves to tempt 'the group' unit to mold itself into a commercial thing, in part because this ensures its continuation.
The CCP is a commercial organization. The United States is a commercial organization. Any Medford Witch Coven you might accidentally find is also probably a commercial organization too!
Your schooled mind sees, and you suddenly see an opportunity for yourself. You don't need money - it comes to you anyway because you've 'seen' something. Something not even necessarily 'up ahead' at all but something right here right now.
As social animals we want to be in groups of people who share the way we truly think and feel. Okay that's fine but resist the thinking - not necessarily the pursuit, because sometimes it is unavoidable or a by-product but the thinking - that it is the group on a well-funded financial footing that will 'lead the way/lead you out/make the rescue/have the stores/possess the 'prepping.'
It's only the exact correct thinking all along. Not the money before the thinking. You make assessments from the data that you have. You need to find one, two, luxury if you have three, people near to you that have the same level of thinking. And then, don't scare them by showing that you are more paranoid than Alex Jones - and even he has taken to getting drunk on live YT interviews and laughing about stuff. He knows he can't do anything about it to help anyone else.
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This is the thing that people don't remember - whereas this is the thing that really happened... |
The question is can you think? And can anyone around you think too? Because if something breaks - well, how is anyone going to predict which comes first to create that 'breaking point' - a real asteroid, a fake 'impact event,' another and much worse biological weapon, a real plague, Taiwanese hit squads taking out fifty CCP people, something worse still? Is there enough supply chain and logistics infrastructure available directly to you, to where you live, to keep you in a decent lifestyle?
Behind Xi is nothing. He does not have the backing and support of the Chinese people at large. But that is not the point. He has already f*'d up the politics and the politicians around the whole Western World, and academia and bureaucracy and what has become a highly political judiciary in the West.
And what this adds up to is a mess.
One mistake now, one accident, and the whole place goes up in flames and smoke. No mistakes at all on the surface and the whole places dies inside. Either way... There is no hope for the situation as it is. Time to get that idea fully locked-in.
What's Xi's actual plan with the migrants?
ReplyDeleteHah! You wish!!
ReplyDeleteImport an MS-13 army perhaps...
DeleteSubvert politics in the USA by motivating Republicans to become aligned with white supremacists?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou all have to bear this in mind - here in the West, in fact, even among China dissidents themselves, they have this idea that the politburo in China is filled with lunk-heads who 'just' do whatever Xi says... They are in fact positions filled by people who have had external tertiary educations from all over the place - from Tufts to Aachen engineering. The Communist Chinese system EXTENSIVELY de-briefs people with overseas educations and usually keeps them hidden in the background, but 'informing' how things go on in Chinese institutions. Secondly, Singapore is Communist China's external arm. Their 'strategies' therefore, are w-a-a-a-a-y out of the league of what US media would even have the foggiest clue about. China would have more direct dealings with Snoop Dogg, than you would guess, and you wouldn't guess, isn't that right?
DeleteThe Germans made the mistake of trying to subvert Britain by co-opting the Royal family (e.g., Edward VIII) to their cause. Instead, they should have concentrated their efforts on the political leadership. For example, they should have given members of Churchill's family lucrative commercial contracts - and maybe appoint his son to the Board of Directors of I.G. Farben, or something.
ReplyDeleteThis is the type of strategy being pursued by the ChiComs, and it seems to be working well for them...
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
ReplyDeleteCicero. Must have the last word here! Brilliant. Thanks. Hope you're all reading this, young students at high school.