There is a teaching by Lao Tzu - 'to exert the breathing is to be stark.'
He meant that 'starkness' is a symptom of death.
Most modern day Taoists are vegetarian but they not all are. Whatever the real Taoists are however, they are definitely not 'stark.' It's actually hard to see who such people are in the real world because they appear so 'normal' on the outside.
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Cute, beer-drinking Chinese chick. |
The phrase 'Wu Shu' - which is nowadays associated with a particular Chinese Martial Arts style - is part of the 'Taoist Sorcery' practices based on Taoist metaphysics and philosophy applied to the material living human existence as an individual person. 'Wu' is really the same as the Cantonese 'M' meaning simply 'five;' Wu Shu means 'the Five Arts.'
You could be any kind of person with any kind of lifestyle, any kind of life difficulties - or even, you may have very few difficulties of life and none at all with your physical existence...
Whatever the case is, Taoism is about 'reaching the Purple Mansions.'
Taoism, real Taoism, is looked down upon with a lot of disdain by many modern Chinese, in fact, in truth, it is looked down upon by the vast majority - fundamentally, Taoists are known to just suddenly disappear off to somewhere high up in the mountains, or take off walking around the country through far away towns and cities. Consequently, superficially, Taoists do not appear to have much material wealth set down in any one particular location. Additionally, they are said to believe in 'magical ideas' and 'sorcery,' and the 'normal people' suppose such people to be worthless in any material sense.
Due to the success of Chinese action movies, 'Wu Shu' practitioners have up to a point, taken on a new era 'sheen,' and they are less disregarded now, yet, they are still held at some distance and have a certain dubiousness about them.
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The great, Shigeru Egami, successor to Gichin Funakoshi. Ideas cut across many cultures. |
'The Purple Mansions' of course, are also referred to in the Chinese ordinary talk, as the place of Immortal beings! This is nothing more than 'fantasy fiction' as far as the average modern middle class Chinese person is concerned, and partly, the reason for this is also because neither Confucianism nor the Chinese Communist Party are supporters of any kind of 'rewards after you die' ideas. Despite this, the Taoist culture probably started practical Chinese chemistry sciences deep in the ancient past of Chinese history and Taoists still produce a large range of doctors and chemists today. So on the one hand Taoism is vaguely tolerated by the materialist Marxist/Maoist Communist system of today because of the Chinese medicine legacy, but on the other hand Taoists are regarded as impractical and largely superstitious fantasists.
The most major deity of Wu Shu is Lord Xuanwu, and His Celestial Abode is called the 'Purple Cloud Temple' or 'palace.' The actual place known as the Purple Cloud Temple in the Wudang Mountains, was burned down under suspicious circumstances, for what reason I couldn't say. The place has been rebuilt now, and attracts quite a lot of tourists, even though the mountainous area in question is quite remote.
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Same chick - Jade Xu - World Wu Shu Grand Champion |
'Xuanwu' literally means something dark and mysterious - and He works dark, mysterious, magical things from his Celestial Palace.
We can for sure 'do magic' here. We can walk in an out of 'purple clouds,' do dark mysterious sorcery - all that kind of thing.
But just remember that drinking beer is also good, sometimes. That way too, no one will see you coming.
If we go back to the hand positioning of Karate Master Shigeru Egami, shown in a pic above, we see his thumbs pointing outward, which is not recommended for you to do all the time, but this practitioner is very knowledgeable about what he is meaning to do, and he is showing something that verges close to the magical, and is definitely rooted in the metaphysical in martial arts. The next thing he is going to do there, in the pic, is twist his body and bring his raised hand downwards with great force. Yes, it could be a strike he is going to deliver, but a lot of his Okinawan-brand Karate also has grabs and center-of-gravity and angular momentum techniques, and you will see that these styles are apt to grab someone's hand or arm, lift it upwards very high, taking that person away from their normal balance center-of-gravity position, and then pull the hand/arm back down again with a strong twisting motion upending the whole other person's body like magic.
If you return again to Jade Xu's hand on the left of the immediate above pic of her, you will, alternatively, observe that she is holding her thumb inwards - same with her other hand but the light is not showing it as well. Of the two people, Xu is the much more aggressive in the pics, because it is clear she is not intending to grab anyone, but to strike them.
At some stage in a great master's training, they will shift from analyzing these things closely in situ as it were, and you will see their eyes drift off into the distance somewhere, and not even look directly at any opponent or opponents. They know things so well, that they literally move into a 'cloud' or a 'bubble' of diffuse 'sensitivity...' At that stage, it becomes literally the case that an opponent will suddenly just fall backwards, or lose balance, or experience vertigo, and the master has done nothing physically.
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The Damavand Mountain... about to erupt soon. You get the fire, and the ice. |
In the Gospels, when a large band of men and soldiers came up to find Jesus Christ and to arrest him, ( from here I am quoting John 18:4-6) He asked: 'Whom do you seek?' And when they answered him 'Jesus of Nazareth,' Jesus said 'I am he.' And soon then as He said that to them 'I am he,' they went backward and fell to the ground.
Only then after that particular little incident came the other one where someone cut someone else's ear off! LOL
The Chinese Taoists have all of the same stories - walking on water, replacing someone's cut off ear, going here and there in purple clouds, shoving people backwards at a hundred miles an hour though not having touched them.
Listen to me. You have nothing, no position, no wealth, no reputation. But you can replace someone's cut off ear?! Disappear into a purple cloud?? Well, then you have a massive problem, actually. Not even any scientist today can really replace someone's cut off ear - because, even though more or less, they can grow an ear from 'ear DNA' and some, what is it, autologous mitochondrial cells or something, it's still pretty hard to stick it onto where the missing section is, because outer ear bits have very different blood flow to the other areas of the human body where healing can more effectively take place with toxicity removal and blood and oxygen flow helping.
Your real problem is that you have too much, not too little. It's the 'normal' people who really have all the deficiencies and are you really intending to hang about fixing them all up, all day long, not even having much time for a beer?
This fellow on YouTube just the other day was complaining that if the ET Aliens really showed up as the buzz is suggesting, and took us over, took control...
Everyone thinks that way, see. But why, why would 'they' - do it? Why would they 'take over...' now?
The Chinese Taoists have thousands of years of interactions in the Wudang mountains with people that come down in purple clouds, and do magical stuff. Nobody out in the ordinary community believes it. And nobody from space or from 'purple clouds' has ever attempted to 'take over' anything!
What makes us think we have so special a generation in history that now, all of a sudden, simply because our TV movies like Star Trek and so on, combined with the pathetic little tin cans sent out to Mars or Tethys (Saturn III) get us to think of other civilizations possibly out there, and perhaps a bit like us, have the potential to come here using their advanced technology... take us over?
The human race in its pop iteration of 'thinking' seems to have this grandiose opinion of itself - despite the obvious fact that any advanced external species will already have been able to get here since a long time before Kathleen Kennedy, the idiot President of Lucasfilm, devised a 'wokeymon' vision of space travel and 'futurism' and 'technology' and 'sciiiiiiiience.'
And they've never 'taken over' anything here.
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The Norway 'Doomsday Seed Vault' - what me and a bunch of Taoists like about it, is that in this pic at least, there are no stoopid people around to mess up the prettiness of the scene. |
Only crazy people have even thought they existed -, up until Hollywood and industrial age industrial scale book publishers have started all these comic strip pictorials and silly space opera junk entertainment ideas that the mass of the general public has in their heads now as 'images' of 'how it is.' And then NASA and other lunatics with a huge budget have inflamed the whole thing with their tin can junk rockets and video-streams of nothing - on Mars or the moon, or of some asteroid or whatever.
Well, if it's sorcerers we're looking for, I vote for Toltec sorcerers. It's said they took their people "away" from this rotten universe - "saved" them in some manner.
ReplyDeleteThose are the sorcerers we need.
Well I'm sure you've seen the "Arqueologia Extraterrestre Mexico" on YT.
DeleteNo I don't think I have seen that unless under a different label/set of words... Hmn. Have to check this one.
DeleteToltecs?? Ay yay yay yay. You mean the ones that fattened up their victims before 'sending them off?' lol
ReplyDeleteThe basic point of some of these recent articles, is that behind the 'folklore' that has been rendered to us in our times via Cantonese movies or Hollywood movies, or just popular published literature, lies some pretty basic 'lifestyle' matters designed to maintain the human BODY in optimum condition. What is mostly presented though, is all the stuff about 'fairies flying through the bamboo forests' and scenes like that. Consequently you get this whole California mentality of Veganism and Buddhism and saving all the animals, and so on, and it's all the worse when you look at anything Sub-Continent India. Frankly, I think I might even do a thing about the Jewish 'Ark' cherubs presently, and mess with the common idea so much that people will 'spew' as they say down here. Might even do a thing about the so-called 'last words of Jesus on the Cross' (which are related to the Ark) and split some people's heads open.
ReplyDeleteRE: "You mean the ones that fattened up their victims before 'sending them off?'" -No, not THOSE Toltecs. The *Toltecs* - the guys who who built those forboding pyramids. (Don't they make you shudder?)
I've been watching too much Graham Hancock but not taking enough 'ayahuasca,' I think... However, there are some very rare ideas about Aztecs which we might have to look at soon.