Those of you who have been following from the perspective of a more rational, scientifically-verifiable position, are going to think perhaps this is now about to take a turn-off, a side-track to who-knows-where. But along the way, if you stick with it, it will take on a hugely significant character once things become more and more clear about all the relevant implications.
Now the other thing to keep in mind right now, is that I am deliberately pitching this to those people who I know read here, and who are standard traditional Muslim faith practitioners and followers - partly this is due to the fact that we have a small contingent of people around the world involved with the 'Digital Dirhams' thing, but also because I have to give fair warning that many people are not going to like what I'm about to say, and there are others who will completely dispute all the linguistic 'ties.'
But the real problem with linguistics is this - none of us were there. You have absolutely no clue what someone really said or meant way way back in history, other than by adducing things from various surrounding other indicators; which really may or may not be sound girders for whatever various conclusions academics do make.
A reason I posted the immediate preceding video is because I am going to 'have a go' not just at the standard Islamic narrative, as well as the Christian one, but also at modern era science too - and in this way: modern day science on the whole, almost completely right across the board, consists of people who have watched Francesca Dego, and imagine themselves also to be as good at playing the violin, and then they fill up the white-board behind them, with musical notation until no one can follow anything there, and worse still, they literally do also believe they are engineers and craftsmen as well, who have made the very Stradivarius or Guarneri being played... ...forget about the composers! Listen - not even Francesca Dego was the composer of the piece that you watched; if you understand my drift here.
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"Unlocking precious insights using a collection of lights before the hour of Dawn." |
There is a tremendous amount of 'leaping to undue conclusions' going on...
What I want you to do now though, is, just jot down how many things down the page from here, that you have never heard of before, and then ask yourself what the chances are, that those upon whom you have been relying in the past, to 'give' you the viewpoint that you held until you read this here - what the chances are that they are correct and that I am not?
1. All great myths have some truth in them. One of the biggest myths there is, is that of the Kaaba in Mecca. This is a grand myth. Abraham was never there, Adam was never there, even Muhammad was never there. EVER.
You see, Allah instructed Jibreel (this is in the Quran) to build the Kaaba in the best place, because Allah is the best of planners, and Jibreel his best builder, and Adam almost as good, and Abraham certainly as good as Adam... ...which is why, the Kaaba floods all the time, right? And, until recently, when Allah himself committed shirk by asking American engineers to partner with him to help stop the flooding, the Kaaba almost washed away completely in fact.
But not to worry, Allah committed Kufr (disbelieved his own self, and got some partners to assist him; aka committed 'shirk'), and so everything is just about fine now in Mecca.
2. The Black Stone.
Other people have had a stone also fall from the sky, in many places around the Middle East, and in each instance, the stone started out white. In the story of the Hijaz Arabs, when Muslims kiss the Black Stone there at the Kaaba (which fell from space) the stone absorbs their sins and that is why it has been turning black over the years.
The same kind of story is in the Bible, in the New Testament, and the stone is attributed to a 'myth' about the Goddess Artemis...
Now please keep all of this in mind as we proceed from here.
3. In Islamic teaching about 'magic,' the Jinn are not very bright, and demand ibadah (servitude) from humans before they undertake the 'magical' tasks asked of them. Allah, on the other hand, only requires - requires, mind you - 'noble' servitude, from Man.
All religious conceptions everywhere throughout the whole world, have the potential of being of only two kinds: one, transactional - the deity/powerful being is given something which it demands, in return for which, you get something 'good,' and/or, if you don't do as you're told, you get something very unpleasant instead. And the whole thing is transactional in an unequal way, because you have no power, whereas the deity has all power, or very very much greater power/s.
...And two, it might be 'relational' (yeah I know, not very grammatical, but still); that is - the deity has a relationship with you that is not simply transactional.
Now. There is no sense in which a deity can have an 'equivalent' relational position with humans unless it is actually in the human society, and I'll tell you why: humans are not in a relationship in human society; human society is inter-relational. Human beings relate with many other people within their society on all different kinds of levels and in various different ways.
So those who have this standard fixated ideologue thing about what they imagine a 'Deity' is, had better think very carefully before they proceed here much further now.
Let's say a 'Deity' knows that they have far superior knowledge and information than you do, but that you humans have a stunningly huge potential number of neural network combinations in your brain - as much or more than all the atoms in the Universe by permutation/combination... And so they must realize, that as long as they teach you various critical things, at some point, you are going to be able to make 'right decisions/correct choices.' (Yes I'm cutting a long story short here). And so, a smart Deity (which is also benevolent) is not going to need to consign you permanently to the Fires of Hell where you will have your face burned off each day forever throughout Eternity.
4. The principle behind why Muslims are not to do 'magic,' is that this is stepping on God's realm of powers. But this is a real problem too, for Muslims, because um, okay let's say you are at a Muslim Kindergarten, right, and what -, when you ask the Kindy teachers 'what do you teach the kids?' Do they say 'nothing because this would be associating partners with Allah since Allah knows best and Allah will teach them - so we can't do that.' No, because, presumably a distinction is made by Muslims as to what is a 'God' thing, and what is a Kindy teacher thing. Right? Right?
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Where does this go...? LOL |
Because I mean, hey, back in history, when someone suggested you could send 'messages' thousands of miles away through the invisible air, this would be a 'God' thing and therefore 100% haram and kufr and shirk... Right? Magic, right...
Except - no; not.
Sure a long time ago it might have looked like a 'God' thing, but today everyone knows it is a simple 'Man/technology' thing.
So where does that distinction end?
5. 'Sihr' (Arabic magic - what the word means). Even when you go consult the highest academic scholars of Islam that exist today, the most elevated, most respected, most learned people - they will tell you either an outright lie as to what 'Sihr' means ('Sahr' is what you call a practitioner of 'Sihr' - magic). 'Sahar,' by the way, is also a term for the shining of the Moon.
Shaykh Yasir Qaadhi himself says 'Sihr' means 'that which is hidden.'
It doesn't mean that.
Okay so here comes one 'secret reveal...'
Are you listening?
It means the moments before the Dawn.
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The Dawn we know... |
6. Remember I have already talked about the cacophony that can be 'heard' from people's minds?
Everyone else is asleep, their frontal lobe thinking is 'off' and you are in your 'cave' or out in the desert, or on the mountain, or in the middle of a lake... ...whatever. So, the 'Djinn' comes and 'listens' to you - let's say using the same kind of technology that IBM and their lead public face research into AI, Luca Turin, has today... Is this a 'God' thing? Or a basic technology thing?
They can hear what you're thinking, if you are being clear enough. Both of them - the Djinn(!) as well as IBM.
7. Now - if and when the ET aliens do turn up, if they take advantage of you because you're an idiot, who wants to go around believing in transactional servitude to a psychopathic deity, rather than conducting some grown-up interchanges with you on a socio-psychological equal-footing, if not a technological one at least, is this some form of Cosmic pedophilia??
You know, playing around with your mind and your body and anything and everything else because they have you at a complete disadvantage, and they maintain that power imbalance? Is that being decent? Would they be being decent at all?
No. And they wouldn't do it. Not if they are benign and benevolent towards you.
8. Here is where the Christians all will stick their fingers in their ears. Mostly.
You're going to get this kind of c* all over the internet, even in major Universities... They have no certain idea, apparently, as to what the Greeks called 'lions.' Either - either - it was 'Ailuros,' or else it was 'Leones,' or maybe, it was 'panthera.'
The Jews - some of them - thought Mary the Mother of Jesus, was from the House of Panthera, and then, some of them conflate this with some account that there was a commander of Alexander the Great's army called 'Panthera.'
And the, well, basically at this stage, the everyone (except not me), says that Mary Magdelene, was someone from a town called Magdala in Galilee. Or, maybe her name meant 'tower' because she was tall because 'Magdala' means tower.
Now. Let me pull a few things together for you...
This woman, unnamed in the source texts, turns up with an alabaster jar, and takes out some expensive nard ointment, you see. And there is this whole 'tradition' though not in the texts themselves in that way - that she must have been a prostitute because she had the access to the money for the ridiculously expensive nard and alabaster jar. In different places the jar contains clear water.
'Alabaster' is a very white and also sometimes partly clear-like-crystal gypsum rock, that has been worked into various containers and things for thousands of years.
Etymologically, it is said to come from the Egyptian word for 'lion' or 'cat.' There are a few 'puns' I could venture too, if you employ the typical Greek lisping but I'm not going to go there; it isn't important.
Anyway now listen to me - this is how you do 'Sihr' magic:
You get an alabaster jar (doesn't have to be alabaster, doesn't have to be 'jar' especially). And you get some clean water. And then you shut up and I don't know, wait, I suppose, until the time before Dawn, and then, you 'establish an up-link' and now here's a thing though right - you are talking way faster than 'mere' light speed; that is positively slow.
So when you 'see' the types of people who come from more or less the same place that the 'white rocks from space' did - you know, that fell where the Kaaba is - initially, because your perception (just like a baby's getting used to light-globes) is not great, you might not have a great experience of much duration. This is why, in the past, people went out to lonely places for 'forty days/forty nights' and so on.
This is just the information exchange phase. These people are real material physical people. You're the one likely to have a completely messed-up head! Not them.
Back to the Greek word for 'cat.' Would that like 'Lyra?' Why does Wikipedia say 'Ailuros.' There is no 'u' in Greek; it is 'y.'
Here, here take this also. You know that music we posted a few days ago - 'Gouryella.' That is an Australian Aboriginal word.
Okay so we won't post the PVD 'Vega' track yet (Vega is in Lyra, as you know).
'Zanjanah' - UNLOCKING
Now, I have UNLOCKED for you, A COLLECTION OF LIGHTS, that you will be able to see BEFORE THE DAWN, and these will reveal to you PRECIOUS INSIGHTS.
Just don't get licked to death by the lion... You know, the BIG LION.The 'Bast' if you're Egyptian. Kind of makes Christianity an Egyptian thing though... Hey, I never actually said what you do with the alabaster jar. So, I have kept a few secrets back.
Very intriguing blog post today! I am going to have to do some experiments with jars at sunrise...
ReplyDeleteThe jars thing, is a physical representation, of the 'coloring' of your own internal state by lots of factors. Fundamentally, I think it IS important to think of your 'head' as a vessel, which is either clear, or not clear, and murky. I think in the world that we live in today, we forget how to block out every kind of 'nonsense,' and focus with clarity on what things are important to ourselves. That's step one, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI believe... that is 'I think' or it appears to be so, that ordinary human brains/minds, take quite some while to become adjusted or attuned, to 'perceiving' really high speed data communications - this is true with simple geometry concepts, at first you can watch shapes and arrangements and relationships, and then you can speed them up on a screen, but after a while, your brain can 'read' actual dynamic shape and size consequences in 'ultra-time/real time.' First comes communication. Very very selective communication; not everyone, NOT everyone.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your musings, particularly in regard to those nice things that are rare, fair, and of fine construct.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't understand this obsession with the Middle Eastern philosophies. Is there truly any ultimacy to them? The Illiad (for an example) speaks more to me than the tales of tolchockings of the Yahoodies against their Philistine adversaries, or the Sharia-crisping lawmakers of the Arabian peninsula.
Bring on a Grey, I say, and let him (It?) give us a taste of Pleides philosophy by appearing on the Fox News Network and addressing us all on Tucker Carlson's little TV show, and let us decide about the transcendence of their message while we quaff an earthly brew of Guiness, eh?, and contemplate the damn stars... lol.
LOL. Now you're getting right into alignment with the 'tractor beam' here. Yep. Spot on. We'll deal with this presently...
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