The Greeks made a clear distinction between the word 'sign' and the word 'symbol.' A sign is something in nature, that you could produce a meaning from - and this was very much a large part of the reasoning behind so much of Aristotelian texts (or writings attributed to Aristotle or to his students at the Academy in his life and even closely thereafter).
Whereas a symbol is something from culture - man-made - through which we convey an already established meaning to someone else: much as you would throw someone a ball, and then expect them to 'catch it.'
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This is called 'the Treasury.' |
You can 'observe' a sign in the world of nature, in natural things, but what actual meaning such observations can amount to is subject to your own producing a meaning from those indicators, from those markers; you can interpret such things.
...Now sometimes you can have a very ancient text, and people translate those texts down through the ages, from the standpoints of the total available knowledge of the time. Even at the precise time in which the texts were composed, the people around then would only be able to perceive what was being said from what they knew; they can only 'catch the type of ball they already believed that ball to have been...'
So you really cannot have someone from some vastly superior advanced civilization, even though they appeared superficially 'anthropic'(!), say something from their own knowledge base and yet have the effectively, relatively primitive mindsets of the Earth humans really understand what was being said.
And would we have arrived at anywhere near to the point that we can re-visit some things and adjudge them slightly differently today?
Maybe not quite yet. And I don't want to disturb anyone's sleep at night...
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What do you see? |
I could tell you a terrible shocking thing about some writings, very commonly known ones, that would instantly twist your head off your shoulders! A very exciting proposition, I'm sure.
The explanation will not have radically altered what it is people generally do believe, about what these texts convey. But it will totally change what the expectation is, namely, what you can 'look out for,' and what you will see, and what the value to you personally is, of that very subtly nuanced new meaning.
We have to understand something - put things into the real duration of everything that we are aware of as a whole unique species with our own particular recorded history of civilization. Our history (as a genuinely civilized human culture) doesn't really go back all that many thousands of years. I don't really think we can credit things like the Hindu 'Dwaraka' story as anything like being part of our present iteration of 'human culture.' Despite there being meaningful archaeological evidence for its real existence.
The major cultural and religious texts from around 500 BC present things as a kind of a 'chess game.' People and families and 'houses' are set up on two specific 'sides,' as it were. This is so for Homer as it is so for Valmiki. There is, inside these basic formats, a further expanded narrative concerning 'escape.' In the case of the Greeks and the Egyptians it is about the Olympians escaping the Titanic Serpent, and in the case of the Hebrews, it appears as the 'escape from Pharaoh.' I have my very strong doubts though, that the Hebrews are telling it truthfully and honestly - same as, much later on, the Arabs then convert that flawed Hebrew basic narrative from the stolen shaky footings provided, and manufacture an even more 'Chinese whisper' fairy tale!
There are three 'types' of human character established in the 'Chess game' narratives:
1. Those who tend towards 'Goodness' as the primary motivator;
2. Those whose focus is on responding to their Passions, which they must meet with ever-increasing fervor from point to point, and which leaves them permanently unsatisfied thereafter;
3. Those who live in Ignorance and Chaos.
For those who despair at the way of the world, we need but look at every story of power right through the ages of human history - there never was a time when, following some seeming 'revolution' the courts were then ever next peopled by honest brokers! Or by morally decent lawyers. Athens murdered Socrates, Rome murdered Caesar, then next they did the same with the complicity of Jewish lawyers and judges and 'kings' to some 'Jesus of Nazareth.' The sense of despair is well-founded.
When have things been different?
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There's something to escape in! |
Which judge is going to toss out the Assange abortion? And when?
If you have a 'conservative' Catholic judge appointed to the Supreme Court of America, then what you are getting is someone who, 100% guaranteed, cannot read and understand high Greek. Which means they will not likely be able to 'read' the semiotics against the clouds of the sky.
And that is not necessarily a bad thing of itself, but if you desire to escape the problems that are indeed at hand, then you will follow what I am posting here, and very closely too, over the coming few months.
This week I came across a YouTube video claiming to list 'the most important Royals of Europe.' And then it opened right up with which of them was the most long-lived, and which had the most material 'power.'
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Lady Catherine Brudenell-Bruce |
In Greece, they have this group of people called the 'Autochtheones' - which on-line is regularly written more as 'Autochthonous' (indigenous). But in the minds of traditional and learned Greeks this means those who were descended literally from out of the Earth itself as 'surrogate Mother,' when Athena cast the semen of her would-be rapist Vulcan (well, okay whatsisname in the Greek) onto the ground from off her thigh, and who survived the Flood of Atlantis, and who all bear the name 'Erectheiones' somewhere in their full names. Erech, as you know, being the original name for Uruk, where Abraham was from, and he was definitely part Canaanite, that is, from the half-Serpent man 'Canaan' - 'Agenor' in the Greek.
Now I don't know where this all places the daughter of the current Earl of Cardigan, but I do know she is a very fine trance music singer, who goes under the name of 'Bo Bruce.'
The spirit of Ares was strong with the 7th Earl.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you said it!