We come into the world, 'no hidden information,' and we take up our places, after having learned the rules, ostensibly these are just the things we all learn growing up, and being educated in the normal way - we take up our places at the Chess table, in order to play.
In relative youth, we get donated to us, things that are not really 'us,' as such. Women trade off their good looks, if they are good-looking; and then, when youth departs her of its own free will, what stays behind, of the person that someone apparently knew and loved - in their youth?
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What's on the menu of life? |
Young men trade off their vigor and anger and strength - and they gather around them followers, or they are entered in, among circles of powerful men, and then, later on, when their youth departs them, which is the part of what is made commerce of, that remains with that person?
Who, is the person? Who is the 'thing' we value; the thing 'of' value.
When we assess ourselves, 'at our best,' as they say, and think about, let's say, the time when we were the 'best on ground' at some sport? And in the evenings after those games, when we were chased by the young girls? Is that us, but then, when we become old and infirm, this is no longer 'us' anymore?
Can we take anything with us, that we can 'get' from any of these phases of life - that adds to 'us;' literally adds materially to who we are?
And when any of the gods who service any of the Campbell's Tomato Soup religions, weighs you up, usually according to the standard narratives after your death - which 'you' do they assess? The sports jock, the winner in youth, the beautiful young model or actress or social favorite... ...or the nothing that is left in old age? Or maybe just the baby 'you' (EG as in 'baby Yoda')?
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Cristina Soto - how come she sings like she does? |
...Now in this article, we shall look at a wine in its youth, and try and comprehend its destiny, since Allah knows the heart of men, so too we shall merely attempt to know the heart of a wine - and in the case of Allah's foreknowledge, not only does he know the evil men and the good, but he knows which will already go to Hell for Eternity, and which to Heaven for Eternity before they were even born. And so, although the 'good' and 'the Believers' put up with all the disaster and suffering inflicted on the world by 'the bad' (with Allah's blessing since he knows all the potentials beforehand but he does nothing about it) and all along the way, the 'bad' get all the money and power and the fame and the glory and very likely either curse Allah every step of the way too or at minimum are 'hypocrites' - both sides having zero guarantee of anything, but apparently, the 'good' have 'faith' and 'believe.' And so, the 'good' get the Eternal Reward of Heaven, and the wealthy, powerful, successful 'bad' get to go to Hell, later on; afterwards - according to the fairy story.
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The wine of life, will it run dry? |
And really, this applies to more than just Allah, it applies to most of the deities involved in Campbell's Tomato Soup religions - they are all well-pleased with the obtaining state of affairs... They inflict by their failure to do anything, pain and suffering and disaster on the whole world and especially onto good and innocent people who have done nothing to invite any of it.
This is, at core, the essential criticism, for instance, of Stephen Fry, about God.
Stephen Fry's logical conclusion, is that either there is no God, or, that, if there is, he is a vicious and wanton sadist.
However I say, having spoken with people who claim to have met and conversed with advanced ET aliens from very far away and much different societies and civilizations, that our concept of God is incorrect and in very substantial ways.
But let us go back to the wine. Here is a wine, newly produced to the market, which is available for around $20 a bottle, and if you buy six or more, you get them in really nice wooden presentation crates... ...or something.
Now if I knew for certain - like say, a god would - about the fate and destiny of this wine, then I could guarantee you that at some point, they would go for ten thousand dollars a bottle.
What do you think?
Is it time to play Chess, yet? For you?
We do not want to meet some amazing-looking romantic partner and 'make out' with them.
You do not want that; stop lying.
If you had, say, an extra um, sixty thousand dollars all of a sudden, then you could 'get' into the action for a few moments, though, right? Dress up. Get a facial. Whatever it is that will work.
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Taltarni - 'The Patron.' |
And then, this super advanced, really intellectually plangent ET alien of quite remarkable good looks, even by our elevated human standards, turns up swanning around in your social circles and drifts towards you... ...are they interested in the passing you, the disappearing you, the you of your youth and fame (or youthfully allowed infamy)?
I tell you what you want: you want to insert yourself literally into perfection, into 'Forever' (that is the essential meaning of Allah's Heaven and everyone else's as well), you want to become part of the very object itself that you lust after, you want to bathe in it, in the feelings and the sensations it gives you. But you absolutely do not want to get, along with the 'deal' any of the pathetic lunacies of the fading attributes and any deceit from the mimicking superficial 'front;' nor any of the carefully hidden poverties of that real inner being that you are looking at.
Old men are not deluded by young people, nor by other old people and their wiles crafted over decades.
But it is still a very great art to even be able to discern what a human being is, apart from the stuff that shifts around a lot with them, their outsides, their mindsets, their personal egos, their clothes...
I have a copy of one of the only real versions of a book by Abdul Qadir Gilani, called: Futuh al Ghaib (Secrets of the Unseen), a 12th century work. Virtually all the versions that you will find on the internet, or in any library, are fake and filled with these things - 'All praise to Allah' and 'Bismillah' and 'Peace and Blessings Be Upon the Holy Messenger,' and 'Allah is One' and so on to convince people that this is some kind of major work of a Muslim scholar and philosopher and which contains basically teachings from the greatest book delivered from a Divinity ever, namely, the Quran of course.
But it is called 'Secrets of' because it was only meant for his close students, and it is... ...a secret book. Which deals, not with the outer impressions given by people, and their looks, but what of them is 'unseen.'
The chimes of Big Ben are presently silent, and the clock-tower of Mecca presently stands.
And the Temple of Wisdom in Turkey is taken into the hands of men...
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The Texan 'trance singer' Cristina Soto |
But I tell you these things, because what I tell you are secret things, and the hidden things, of which you are meant to discern key thoughts from out of intentional mist, and from that process derive important weighty conclusions - that to others, will appear as though they were prophecies when they unfold as you predict that they will, and that they must. Because it is mathematics, not magic.
Who you are, who any person is, is mathematics. Some things change; some things never do. Some are variables, some are constants. Life is a differential equation with multiple variables. The game of Life is a Chess game. But most people are playing in the world of eternal variables...
Make sure you don't.
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