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Monday 30 March 2020

The 'Large Computer' Scenarios

Didn't take all that long.

So, the things have spurted out some 'high reliability' scenarios - only one, in fact.

Not good. Not good. A lot of problems.

It's going to be very interesting to see the leaders of the world run around like chickens with their heads cut off 'going forward.' Don't you love it how they all love to use that phrase: 'going/moving forward?' Forward, to where?
As it is, I'm going to get into so much trouble if any of
you work this out fully. This is a scene from when 'Seven of Nine'
meets 'Q2.' You won't work it out fully I don't think. So just relax
and don't tax your brain.

I've got a big job on my hands now as the result of this pretty decisive return by the gigantic crystalline machines. 

I mean if I outright just plain said it here succinctly at some point, you know, trouble.

No can do, dudes. And dudettes. 

But we are here. And this is the right place. You are in the right place. Go to the very worst scenario side of things, put it that way.

Seriously, I don't want to inspire fear or panic, no no - it isn't necessary. In light of the motivation to get at least something useful out there really early on though, I think it is important to say right now - no, there is no early resolution here, and there are going to be follow-up let's um just say 'problems.'


  1. So, Q2 is an example of the ultimate rich/entitled adolescent messing with us, because he can. Yes, I can see that happening in our own world now. But is there a Q and a Janeway who will reel him in? Dunno. I probably missed your point entirely!

  2. Good, I'm glad you missed (some of it) the point - you got some elements: I'm absolutely certain some 'authorities' regard whoever is behind the scenes messing around, as 'feeling entitled' as well as 'adolescent.' Real life 'Janeway' is standing behind Q2 100%, however... Right now, we like 'Seven of,' we like 'Janeway,' and we are 'entertaining' the presence somewhere in the mix, of 'Q2.' The metaphor is to do with the weapons involved. And to pull it all off, everyone is required to 'work together' as much as possible. Just look at Dr. Pieczenik's latest angry missive - he says the country needs to get back to work ASAP. Won't happen of course, but I take his point. And nevertheless he's the sort of guy (still) -, his mindset is the thing, that is crucial in the months and years ahead. There are very few people who were ever on the inside of this for real, and who have a handle on the 'play' as it is moving along now. ...Have you ever come across a book by award-winning young writer Emily St John Mandel, called 'Station Eleven?' ; )

  3. My sister keeps urging me to read Camus' "The Plague." I tell her, what's the point? There is only one really serious philosophical problem, after all...

    1. 'Sickness, suffering, and death for humans - is unacceptable.'


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