Right here, hidden in plain sight, was the fact that the Thunderball movie proposition is built on the premise that those nuclear bombs were stolen from the United Kingdom...
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Avro Vuclan - wonderful plane. Was the thing in 'Thunderball' that Largo stole from the United Kingdom... |
This was propaganda by the US, not by or from the UK. They were literally 'telling it like it is' (or was, and still is now too). It's the United Kingdom which poses the greatest security risk. You will recall, no doubt, that the alleged spy for Moscow, Klaus Fuchs, in the huge post-war nuclear secrets incident in America - was originally an employee of Wills (Imperial Tobacco, UK).
I'm just covering and re-covering this issue so that nothing I put out there next will be as much of a surprise as it is bound to be, otherwise.
If I go back for one second to those 'intellectuals' - or, as the modern French call them 'public philosophers' - and pick out Mailer here, he's an example of the prickly, difficult nature of such people, but that doesn't dispose of their sheer outright brainpower. Mailer ended up getting pretty darn close to something of an 'awful' national secret regarding the beautiful Marilyn Monroe, and he verged on getting it right when he opined that some rogue people in the FBI and CIA and 'done her in.' She died August 1962, JFK a year later, November 1963. Kim Philby, you will remember 'disappeared' for Moscow January 1963.
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Recognize her? She was also in 'You Only Live Twice.' |
Mailer speculated in a book that the FBI was wiretapping Monroe and had removed the recordings and devices after she had died. And the FBI officially checked whether this was true, came out with the obvious 'not true' and tried to have Mailer's book suppressed in the form he wanted to publish it. But what Mailer had really said was mafia operatives had wiretapped Monroe and that the FBI had removed the taps. Since Hoover had officially declared there was no such thing as 'the mafia' in America, there is a certain amount of irony in the whole thing.
One outstanding issue with any of the conspiracy theories regarding Monroe is that all of them lack a realistic motivation. Why would Hoffa kill her? What would be the point of that? Why would 'rogue agents' in any otherwise official organization kill her? I mean, anything's possible but these things are all shaky propositions at best in the absence of something truly solid about any of those parties' calculations and motivations.
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Hong Kong actress Tsai Chin - 'You Only Live Twice.' |
So now I put it to you, the one element you will not find anyone has ever publicly spoken of before -, namely, it was not what Marilyn Monroe knew at the time (of her death that led to her being murdered), but what she would have known or realized at least, put it that way, were John Kennedy to be assassinated... And he was -, so what might have Marilyn Monroe had to say then were she alive?
Relax, I'm not going 'reveal' anything about 'who killed JFK!' Waste of time. Someone killed him, that's about the only decent fact available these days about it! LOL
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Real 'Thunderball' stuff - was always US military tech. Sure Costeau was involved too... |
What I'm really trying to tell you, is that really large and sophisticated genuine 'conspiracies' do not happen overnight - they are a damned long time in the making, in the formulation, in the preparation, and finally the execution and unfolding with all the attendant consequences.
But what you have to do is maintain a good close watch along the way, so that at the end, when you see the 'inevitable,' it is crystal clear to you because you have kept hold of that labyrinth strand of cotton, if you will, and so you will be able to tell who is really pulling on the end of it at the crucial moment.
Already, right now, who is being 'fitted in the frame' by people like 'Amazing Polly' and similar, are the 'secret elites' behind the UN, and 'globalists,' and 'the Rothschilds' (again) - whereas in fact Xi was sticking a lot of pressure - all by himself unprovoked - against HK, against Japan, against even the USA, and all the time the UK was pretty quiet, indeed they were the first to accept Huawei's 5G, against the advice of the US. Don't ever lose sight of this, because it will become important later -, well, in fact - soon. Because if you just imbibe the 'follow-the-leader' material of people like Polly and the like, your brain will turn to mashed banana.
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