Certainly there are dreams that feel real, they instigate emotional responses, and there are drugs too which create false impressions - so what we wish to 'get' now, is actuality in its physical reality but absent of the false and illusory factors. And this depends on our mind. It depends on our outlook, and the quality of our mental faculties and the veracity of our own perceptions.
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Finding the narrow path... |
And this is what we are up against: if you are a Christian, you have it on the authority of God, that few are they who even 'find the door...' What does this imply but that most people far and away have false perceptions which mislead them completely.
The heaven of Jesus Christ is attained by an extremely narrow path, and not the one everyone else believes, and the doorway to paradise itself is small. This is the same as the cosmic 'city-state' of Krishna, whose kingdom whilst not actually physically remote is so obscure and hidden, that not even Indra himself was able to follow Krishna when Krishna left the planet to return to his heavenly abode. The greatest kings of the earth cannot find their way there.
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Well, it's a gate, at least... |
And of course we also have the parable of the tiny mustard seed.
Think small, that's the concept. However what I mean is - what the bulk of the population thinks is true is 100% wrong 100% of the time.
Just look at each and every single commentary or commentary video on the Kubrick 'Eyes Wide Shut.' Everyone chooses to believe that this movie is about 'Luciferianism,' and secret societies, principally anything that involves the conspiracy theory about 'the Rothschilds' and all of their presumed clandestine, and occult power.
You probably want to believe that as well.
Let me firstly take you back to the only 'haram' (secret enclosure) that exists on this planet: the summit of Mount Hermon, where even the Roman army located the original monument said to have been literally written by the hand of the leader of a group of 'descended' beings who inter-bred with the Tribe of Dan. The Tribe of Dan were (in fact, are) all pagans with an extremely 'uncertain' point of origin (supposedly Bashan, although technically that could not or should not have been the case). They are represented by serpents, but then, so are Greeks, whose origin literally was from Canaan, the Serpent-human king.
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This is the actual 'Mount Hermon' temple built by 'who knows.' There are others shown on the internet, but they are a Roman structure. |
'Eden' is the enclosure on the summit of Mount Hermon. 'Hermon' is from the Arabic and Semitic word for 'secret enclosure:' haram. Haram-mount.
Pretty much all standard religions on the planet are riddled with impossible contradictions - all of them have a formal belief that on the one hand God is perfect, yet He created personal 'angels' that sinned and fell, and that His best creation, Mankind, are both stupid and sinful. These things cannot be sustained in logic.
The consciousness of the normal daily mind can 'see' nothing of reality as it truly is. Which is why even the very practical Roman general who first ascended Mount Hermon and found the stone monument there written by the 'fallen angels' (supposedly), reported that the place was unusual and conveyed to anyone who approached, a definite sensation.
In 'Eyes Wide Shut,' Kubrick takes us through the gate of normal daylight consciousness and takes us beyond the negative mind - as long as you have your ordinary 'mind' you will never witness what is inside the enclosure.
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The stairway... |
Reality consists of mantra, yantra, and then physical form.
...Some of the things, that you see, in there, cannot be told back in the normal society of human beings.
But for us, we can do physical things that have material benefit for ourselves. We can ascertain - firstly, an energy characteristic, next a geometry, a structure, a structural plan, and then it will all have a physical form that makes sense according to its basic objective in existing at all. The practical nature of a particular thing, is always consistent with what it really is and is meant to be.
The 'word' and the thing, are the same. This is the way of mantra yoga.
All you are seeing in the ritual sequences of Eyes Wide Shut is John 13:34 - 35; yes, it is in reverse (the singing, the music is reversed) because Kubrick is implying that he is dead at the time we get to see this, and he is showing us what he sees in the opposite pole of earthly life, in the next world -, the world of the deceased from the alive here.
The implications are far far more devastating than anything that you have read in the idiotic 'Illuminati' conspiracy nonsense all over the place.
Kubrick has drawn from the earlier masterpiece starring Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie, by Nicolas Roeg - 'Don't Look Now' - which is explicitly about someone seeing their own coming death. He takes 'Red Cloak' from this film, which is from a story by Daphne Du Maurier.
He takes the blandness of 'Dr Hartford' from 9 1/2 Weeks by Inge Day - but whereas Elizabeth is bewildered by the soullessness of 'John Gray' in that movie, Alice is apprehensive, anxious, even fearful in the nightmare state of sleep, yet she maintains some form of control over the dark unknowns, which are really metaphors of life and death. EWS is simply full of parables and situations about death. And it is crystal-clear and categorical about 'someone' in the movie we don't directly understand who, being able to move freely backwards and forwards between the two states, the two places (life and death) - this comes out in the leitmotiv scene about 'the poet Ovid.' The Descent to the Underworld is written by Ovid.
The difference between what I have just said about the movie, and the stupid conspiracy theories, attractive though they are to those lazy-minded people who do nothing but sit back and blame everyone else all the time - is that with the true and correct understanding, the real power is in your hands, and not in the hands of 'the Rothschilds' or anyone else of that ilk.
Everyone I know who talks about this movie, either wants to actually 'go to' the kind of party they see portrayed in the movie, or decries it as 'Satanic,' most probably because it is full of rampant sex, so it would certainly appear to be on the surface.
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