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Sunday 25 November 2018

Absolute LAST 'Politics' For The Year

Only because if something goes seriously amiss or there is some blast of more fake news from the idiotic media prior to actual Christmas-y mayhem and madness, I'm going to have to spell a few things out in case there are still any people lingering in the 'valley of the butterfly,' as the Gnostics apparently said a long time ago.

Absolutely everyone inside the Intelligence 'world' associated with the US side of things, has known all along that no one ever 'hacked' Hillary Clinton's computers - and that includes Mueller. He knows it for a certainty and he has been a desperate man looking for something, anything...

The recent launch of Corey Lewandowski's (co-authored by David Bossie) new book 'Trump's Enemies' is a planned action prior to the tactical obliteration of Robert Mueller. 

Now what I'm about to say, some will really hate reading:
Expensive 'occult' card deck and dice
- no 'dead man's hand' here; just all MAYHEM

...As far as the 'Deep State' is concerned, the Deep State that has been throwing a fit about losing their power and control, doesn't have a clue about the actual Deep State. See... Julian Assange is the Deep State, he is a CIA operative. The idiotic conflicted narrative about Assange that the stupid media doesn't want to talk about is this - Chelsea Manning, is a Clintonista, and 'got busted,' but at the same time the episode revealed what the Obama Special Operations Forces were doing outside of their legal capacity. Manning was used by others, who exploited a certain forgivable naiivity. Manning was a bad 'accident,' as far as the Obama/Clinton people are concerned and they don't even know why it happened.

Now President Donald Trump is perfectly correct when he complained that they were taking just too damn long 'locating' and eliminating Osama bin Laden - General McChrystal is the PRIME PERSON of all people(!) who knows that Obama was deliberately creating a problem, or at least, 'it could have been speculated even back then' that he was. General McChrystal was SACKED by Obama for calling it like he saw it and like it was at the time. General McChrystal is 'probably' still an active player in some sense and he is 'probably' still on the field saying what is required in his role, but he knows and I mean he really does know just how difficult, and dangerous, and tricky, the present situation is. So don't misunderstand him or his absolute position - he is right there at the very head of let's say 'right thinking' in terms of foreign policy and even keeping the traitors at bay. He is trying to keep a lid on a potential literal, massacre.

Meanwhile, although Chelsea Manning is a Clintonista who Obama PARDONED(!) - Assange is now being 'connected' to the Russia narrative to do with the hacking of the DNC computers and especially the Hillary Clinton servers. Assange is being characterized as 'anything BUT a Clintonista.' But Manning was and still is on the side of the superficial 'Left' - and yet gave stuff to Assange. See the problem there?

But you see, everyone on the inside knew from a long time ago that it was impossible to 'hack' Clinton's servers and computers - sure you could get some 'threads' but never any 'whole cloth.' You see - Hillary Clinton ONLY used Blackberries with custom Blackberry SERVERS. And these don't go down the on-line networks in any format whatsoever that can be de-crypted or 'hacked into' via any kind of hacking program software of the kinds floated by the media (that were supposedly of Russian origin). Assange had the whole thing, the entire server archive files. Now how'd he manage to do that?
Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi -
and a Blackberry (well we'll say it's a Blackberry)

And... ...the people with existing direct access to those via a 'back-door' - is the NSA. And, the NSA itself has an archive of everything on those servers but they keep those SOMEWHERE THAT THEY THEMSELVES CANNOT BE IMPLICATED AS ACTUALLY HAVING.

Now do you get it?

Julian Assange works for the NSA and the CIA - or, that is, those traditional elements in it from way back before the clowns like Hayden and Brennan.

And, no one is going to like what I just said. ...And, it might well be that Seth Rich was murdered by the Clintonistas when it was discovered he provided the deniability angle for the NSA. Seth Rich was a team player. He never gave anything to anyone that he was not fully authorized to do. That is why the family is so adamant about not having speculation about him go on in the media - they know he was a completely loyal and honest person. He was a worker not a political operative.

So to summarize for you - never was there at any stage, anyone inside the Intelligence scene who did not know that the Russians did not hack the Clinton servers, and this means they (the Clintonista 'Deep State,' not the Assange 'Deep State') are at the moment like cornered rats. Forget about what you see in the media - I hope you can realize given that you have never not one time heard the problem with the kind of equipment that Clinton was storing in her basement, being spelled out by the media, I hope you can realize that there is absolutely no hope that you are getting truth or facts in that media.

Now when you think over what was just now said overall, it might dawn on you why I don't really want to go ahead and raise any kind of noise at the moment.

You know, things will just, unfold. And they don't need me to go all hyperbolic on how bad the dirty rotten bad guys are. Basically, people like Adam Schiff want things like 'Blackberry' redacted from the Intelligence releases, and, well, why? 

And I'm doing my best not to go and 'disappear' a Da Vince painting (Salvator Mundi) on us all, you know. Don't you think Adam Schiff bears an uncanny likeness to faces in Da Vinci paintings? I do. And so does Robert Mueller bear the same kind of likeness to some figures in those kinds of paintings. I am told, that when Michelangelo carried out his greatest work of art, he had to lay down a huge expanse of drop-sheets. He was pretty good at cleaning up the mess afterwards. What a work of art. And not a single Russian involved.

So now you know what's going to happen.

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