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Friday, 30 November 2018

M Calling Bond...

Brrt brrt.... Brrt brrrrrt.


"Yes, M."

"Did you know that Le Chifre was an Arab?"

Yep yep yep yes yeah sure was.

Al Sifre  -  صِفْرٌ

" THE 'O' " - not 'zero' exactly, but something like a 'circle pictograph.' An encircling, or encirclement.

Right now what I regard as potentially one of today's true 'Le Chifre's - a man from somewhere in the Arabian Gulf, has sent across to me, a qintar box of dirhams!!!!!

'Qintar' is in fact on the one hand an Albanian denomination of a coin, but in ancient Arabic, the word means 'a great amount of wealth.'

And the standard meaning is always referred back to a passage in the Koran which says the following:

"Among the People of the Scripture is he who, if entrusted with a Qintar (a great amount of wealth), will readily pay it back."

This man - I can't say 'gentleman' because as you know 'gentleman' is really a French expression for someone of the greater French Feudal and Martial Aristocracy, who were all Christian, and therefore you wouldn't apply the word to a Muslim, you just say 'Mohammed' (someone worthy of praise in his actions and demeanour); this is really their equivalent phrase for 'gentleman') - well in any event this man, is the group leader of a team of Baloot Championship senior and highly credentialed, participants. 

What they want to do is 'stake' some Westerners into 'buy in' poker games (this is not formally permissible in the ordinary run of things) and train them in techniques that the top Baloot champions use, and then maybe have them cross-over to take part in the main Saudi Baloot Championship (and this bit is permissible).

So what we need to do is find some potential players.

What we've got to do is go via 'social media' and cover our tracks so that no one will really be able to pin it back to anyone. And there's plenty of ways to do that of course. 
Riyadh main entry tournament Baloot Championship

One of the considerations is that potential players have a certain personality profile - they can't be these angry, demented, testosterone-driven, unstable, obsessional, depressives with a defeated mental outlook and some underlying malice that is usually expressed as 'rational skepticism' or super-negativity based on what they regard as 'realism' or a 'realistic outlook.' These people are perfectly useless and always dangerous to themselves and others on any mission.

So, if you want to make some cash and you have the time to play around being a 'key-board warrior' and 'micro-influencer' let's have your contact details, please.

Probably it's best if you email me first via

We need about ten people by my present calculations and we have a small sum on hand to fiddle around with.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Pompeo Says 'No Direct Evidence.'

The biggest reason I'm noting this item that has appeared very quietly in 'some' of the major mainstream media outlets, is that it will give you another reminder of just how sinister and heavy-duty today's media is.

In almost every one of the reports that I have read today, what the US Secretary of State said, is tucked away as a one-line sentence, even less in some articles, whilst the whole thing is couched basically inside of huge opposing stories and loud gainsaying. 

Given what we have seen across the whole world's media over the last month, you can see how little chance ordinary people have of getting true reports of anything anymore.

Going by the BBC's report today, you would think that Mike Pompeo actually disputes what the CIA has said, whereas in fact, he underlined that the CIA 'has absolutely no direct evidence at all, that Crown Prince Salman is implicated in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.'
Mohammed Rashid and his son - and Crown Prince Salman
the new face of Perrier Mineral Water

You see, all you have seen in the press, is a 'leaked' report, from an 'unnamed source' to the effect that the CIA's report to the President says there is a 'high confidence assessment' saying that Crown Prince Salman was involved - and that is utterly false; no such report was made, no such report exists, no such assessment was rendered. The end.

So you were outright told a lie.

But not only were you told a lie, but you were told it over and over and over with an ever heightening tone of frenzy. 

And then when the true official report was stated, this was actually deliberately gainsaid and overturned with the counter-narrative.

Why? Why do we need to be told lies? Even if Salman let's say had have actually ordered the killing what is the difference between letting everyone know there is a difficult, a problematic, even a dangerous situation with respect to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - and instead telling absolute non-factual, in other words, outright lies to seemingly, impress the same point?

You see, it's actually NOT the same point.

What they are trying to do is assign moral judgments (in)to your consciousness: Erdogan (Muslim Brotherhood 'good'), Crown Prince Salman (not Muslim Brotherhood 'bad').

And as I noted a little earlier, George Soros has pulled his operations out of Turkey.

George Soros. GS.

GS. Goldman Sachs.

Floating Petrodollars.

I mean, seriously, don't you think that if 'George Soros' really were some kind of financial markets investor on the grand scale, that he would currently be back in London making merry about the Pound dropping to oblivion and helping it along to do that? Which is supposedly, how he made his money in the first place.

Why now, suddenly, does he not want that, and instead want to secure the power bloc of the Eu-Zone?
Turkish ceramic plates - very nice

Because he's not an investor, and he's never been an investor. He is a front for the Petrodollar capital bloc which includes half of Saudi Arabia, a lot of Jordan, all of Qatar, all of Kuwait, Iran by several back doors, Turkey - and he wanted Venezuela and he got Sri Lanka for a while, and so on and on. So we are talking mainstream big league accounting firms (and these 'management consultancies and global marketing consultancies') and their lawyer firm lackeys. That's all.

Sure, surely I can get out of this politics nonsense soon, dammit! Christmas is nearly upon us!!

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Corsi - Last Politics, HONEST!

Okay so look, I'm trying to stay away from this nonsense now because it's limited from this point how many people's idiotic fixated obsessing and flawed minds you can change or at best turn away from disastrous propaganda.

There's no point people PRETENDING it ain't so. What you're up against, talking to me is this:

1. first person ever anywhere to say that bin Laden was in Pakistan - moi;

I even went on to say he was being flown in and out of England often - and no one has ever agreed or even gotten close to realizing this in spite of ALL the things we now know about Londonistan and the connection the Pakistan ISI had and dual-passport holder Rehman Malik and frankly, his connection with Asif Arwan and the Hillary Clinton computer files as Secretary of State. I mean, Jesus, my God!! ...Just don't get it still, do we?

2. first person EVER ANYWHERE to float the nonsense about Russian hookers (and was subsequently picked up by the idiots at GCHQ... Idiots) - me;
Honestly, you heard that Obama was born on a Kenyan farm
owned by Adnan Khashoggi by everyone but not me, right?
And you heard it from them too, not me... Right...

3. first person by a long long streak anywhere to GUARANTEE YOU that MI6 was running this silly 'set up Trump' operation from premises owned by families of AUSTRALIAN Federal politicians (Downer and Bishop) - absolutely me and no one else. Nobody ever linked the 'Five Eyes Grouping' until I had told key people in US politics who use social media heavily.

And so now I have to leap somewhat, to the defense of old Jerome Corsi, who is often rather long-winded in his YT channels but still...

The Times Magazine printed an article this week in which they - quite knowingly, in my view - claim that Corsi is a political conspiracy theorist who maintained that Huma Abedin was a Saudi spy. He never did that. They accurately portrayed Corsi as one of the main instigators of the 'story' that Obama was not a US citizen and that his birth certificate doesn't exist or that there is only a document that is a forged copy.

The point I want to defend Corsi about, is Huma Abedin. Abedin was part of the group of people inside the Valerie Jarrett circle - and that includes Michele Obama - who was also a gynecology hospital administrator like Jarrett. 

The fact is there are two main types of 'strong' Muslim factions in Saudi Arabia and one of them is actually Shi'a - and friendly to Iran. They do not exert control in Riyadh but they have stacks of wealth and do have some influence. If Abedin was a spy for anyone, it would have been for the Pakistani-Iran-Kenya-Adnan Khashoggi faction, who exploit Iranian Shi'a and Jordanian claims to the authentic family descent of the Prophet.
I mean I know where the stolen Bond AM is,
but why would I say? It's in a good place.
And anyway, like Corsi, 'I'm only a good guesser.'

The Times Magazine KNOWINGLY blurred the demarcations with Abedin's backers, in order to cast more negativity against Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia.

There's no point me saying 'don't fall for it.' Plenty of people are not impressed by anyone like me coming along and saying anything.


Let's go to the future:

Where is Michael Macintyre's Cartier Rolex watch, the $100,000 one stolen by a gang of moped robbers in Londonistan?

Where is the 'Q-modified' Aston Martin that was stolen once from a car show?

And where is the 'Salvator Mundi' painting by Da Vinci that Crown Prince Salman bought but which has now disappeared?

...At least we know for sure he takes fingers when he shakes your hand. Or we know you should be worried about that kind of thing.


Now there was this guy recently who actually said that I speak in riddles. No I don't. You just don't believe stuff when I say it out in the open.

But it's actually not so easy to 'make a prediction' (obviously, 'before the fact') that comes true because you know something significant about the matter in the first place - not so easy, because you want to take advantage yourself of that knowledge and you don't want to spread it around beforehand.

I could say 'oh someone's going to murder Robert Mueller' (if I knew such of such a plan and wasn't guessing liking Corsi sometimes does) but there's no financial advantage in that, not that I can see; it's not certain the market would fall on that kind of news.

I think they could have murdered him at any time.

How they do it is they get together a few Afghanis in the country seeking permanent visas, who supported US military people and cannot go back to Afghanistan. It's not hard to put a kill team together.

'They' is who though? Dunno. Do I know of such an actual plan? Nope. Do I know of very key circles in which such a thing was canvassed? Couldn't say. Couldn't really say what a 'key person' really is all that accurately for sure.

Did Salman think of such an idea or consider it?

I don't know. Did he?

Now I tell you this though - there are an awful lot of dumb-assed politicians, especially local-in-my-country Australian ones (Jesus, nine of them weren't even citizens here and got kicked out of Parliament when that was found out recently!!) who are on the take, have been on the take forever, and they have minions and hangers-on inside the bureaucracy who have no idea what kind of fire they are playing with. But they have the arrogance of a Salman.

Last thing anyone wants to do is accept that Sri Lankan politicians are legit, for example, but they do it, usually for bribes. Or that you can trust UK spies because they are your friend. Haha.

George Soros has pulled his operations out of Turkey. Fancy that.

For me I get to the 'what's the point' stage a lot.

The market is always made up of opposing opinions. It doesn't take blind Freddy to know that either, 'GM and Trump' is the biggest positive scam in the history of the world bar absolutely none at all, or that you know, GM is going to sack some workers.

There. Go make some money.

Monday, 26 November 2018

This Is Horse Racing, Not Politics!

So the BBC is covering the story like this: 'Despite the United Arab Emirates maintaining he is a spy...'

And then in a television report a BBC journalist even manages to say this silly thing - 'a way was worked out so that no one lost face.' 
Fully-fledged Australian, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
is not a guy who does stupid things... Ever.  

Hehe. Wha-?

Lost face? Jesus Christ, the UK Intelligence mob have lost their mind. And god have they been up to some pretty turgid and 'ambitious' forms of mischief in recent years.

Ah well, back to the races now anyway.

...But seriously I'd hate to think the idiots in Whitehall haven't learned the lesson yet and don't actually pull their heads in. 

Just a little background on the place - the UAE has seven rulers each with their own 'kingdom' and there is one senior 'President' - Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - of the combined seven, and it is this one who formally gave the immediate pardon to Matthew Hedges, the MI6 spy. 

MI6 has been up to some seriously bad stuff in recent decades, well outside of anything the voting public would ever let them do if they knew what they were doing - but naturally, MI6 people are only acting in personal self-interest and they are criminals and they are thieves. And they are stupid people, albeit they have access to massive funding and technical resources.

They are actually, stupid people. Very very stupid people. And they are dangerous people.

And when did we cover our friend here in the pic above last - why, it was just last month, when he won the Caulfield Cup in Melbourne, Australia. And I think there was a follow-up article in which I 'threatened' to publish a list of places not to go to! On the top would have been London. Even though if you went by everything you saw in the media, you would have thought Dubai.

Dubai is a great place - it's one of a few really great places in the Gulf Region. 

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Absolute LAST 'Politics' For The Year

Only because if something goes seriously amiss or there is some blast of more fake news from the idiotic media prior to actual Christmas-y mayhem and madness, I'm going to have to spell a few things out in case there are still any people lingering in the 'valley of the butterfly,' as the Gnostics apparently said a long time ago.

Absolutely everyone inside the Intelligence 'world' associated with the US side of things, has known all along that no one ever 'hacked' Hillary Clinton's computers - and that includes Mueller. He knows it for a certainty and he has been a desperate man looking for something, anything...

The recent launch of Corey Lewandowski's (co-authored by David Bossie) new book 'Trump's Enemies' is a planned action prior to the tactical obliteration of Robert Mueller. 

Now what I'm about to say, some will really hate reading:
Expensive 'occult' card deck and dice
- no 'dead man's hand' here; just all MAYHEM

...As far as the 'Deep State' is concerned, the Deep State that has been throwing a fit about losing their power and control, doesn't have a clue about the actual Deep State. See... Julian Assange is the Deep State, he is a CIA operative. The idiotic conflicted narrative about Assange that the stupid media doesn't want to talk about is this - Chelsea Manning, is a Clintonista, and 'got busted,' but at the same time the episode revealed what the Obama Special Operations Forces were doing outside of their legal capacity. Manning was used by others, who exploited a certain forgivable naiivity. Manning was a bad 'accident,' as far as the Obama/Clinton people are concerned and they don't even know why it happened.

Now President Donald Trump is perfectly correct when he complained that they were taking just too damn long 'locating' and eliminating Osama bin Laden - General McChrystal is the PRIME PERSON of all people(!) who knows that Obama was deliberately creating a problem, or at least, 'it could have been speculated even back then' that he was. General McChrystal was SACKED by Obama for calling it like he saw it and like it was at the time. General McChrystal is 'probably' still an active player in some sense and he is 'probably' still on the field saying what is required in his role, but he knows and I mean he really does know just how difficult, and dangerous, and tricky, the present situation is. So don't misunderstand him or his absolute position - he is right there at the very head of let's say 'right thinking' in terms of foreign policy and even keeping the traitors at bay. He is trying to keep a lid on a potential literal, massacre.

Meanwhile, although Chelsea Manning is a Clintonista who Obama PARDONED(!) - Assange is now being 'connected' to the Russia narrative to do with the hacking of the DNC computers and especially the Hillary Clinton servers. Assange is being characterized as 'anything BUT a Clintonista.' But Manning was and still is on the side of the superficial 'Left' - and yet gave stuff to Assange. See the problem there?

But you see, everyone on the inside knew from a long time ago that it was impossible to 'hack' Clinton's servers and computers - sure you could get some 'threads' but never any 'whole cloth.' You see - Hillary Clinton ONLY used Blackberries with custom Blackberry SERVERS. And these don't go down the on-line networks in any format whatsoever that can be de-crypted or 'hacked into' via any kind of hacking program software of the kinds floated by the media (that were supposedly of Russian origin). Assange had the whole thing, the entire server archive files. Now how'd he manage to do that?
Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi -
and a Blackberry (well we'll say it's a Blackberry)

And... ...the people with existing direct access to those via a 'back-door' - is the NSA. And, the NSA itself has an archive of everything on those servers but they keep those SOMEWHERE THAT THEY THEMSELVES CANNOT BE IMPLICATED AS ACTUALLY HAVING.

Now do you get it?

Julian Assange works for the NSA and the CIA - or, that is, those traditional elements in it from way back before the clowns like Hayden and Brennan.

And, no one is going to like what I just said. ...And, it might well be that Seth Rich was murdered by the Clintonistas when it was discovered he provided the deniability angle for the NSA. Seth Rich was a team player. He never gave anything to anyone that he was not fully authorized to do. That is why the family is so adamant about not having speculation about him go on in the media - they know he was a completely loyal and honest person. He was a worker not a political operative.

So to summarize for you - never was there at any stage, anyone inside the Intelligence scene who did not know that the Russians did not hack the Clinton servers, and this means they (the Clintonista 'Deep State,' not the Assange 'Deep State') are at the moment like cornered rats. Forget about what you see in the media - I hope you can realize given that you have never not one time heard the problem with the kind of equipment that Clinton was storing in her basement, being spelled out by the media, I hope you can realize that there is absolutely no hope that you are getting truth or facts in that media.

Now when you think over what was just now said overall, it might dawn on you why I don't really want to go ahead and raise any kind of noise at the moment.

You know, things will just, unfold. And they don't need me to go all hyperbolic on how bad the dirty rotten bad guys are. Basically, people like Adam Schiff want things like 'Blackberry' redacted from the Intelligence releases, and, well, why? 

And I'm doing my best not to go and 'disappear' a Da Vince painting (Salvator Mundi) on us all, you know. Don't you think Adam Schiff bears an uncanny likeness to faces in Da Vinci paintings? I do. And so does Robert Mueller bear the same kind of likeness to some figures in those kinds of paintings. I am told, that when Michelangelo carried out his greatest work of art, he had to lay down a huge expanse of drop-sheets. He was pretty good at cleaning up the mess afterwards. What a work of art. And not a single Russian involved.

So now you know what's going to happen.

How Dangerous Is The World For Assange

"The world is a dangerous place."

If I told you precisely what is going to happen over the coming twelve months, first of all I would be arrested within days and jailed probably without trial under laws that we even have over here in this supposedly enlightened Western country possessing an advanced legal code and system of justice.

After the first handful of 'incidents' - I will term them at this point - occur, I will be most certainly under heavy investigation and my ordinary 'normal' life turned into a dog's breakfast really quickly. That is, if I said anything too obvious right now.

But I'm not a totally stupid person with a need to experience thrills beyond what you can find for the ticket price at a Roller-coaster Ride.
Not a thrill-seeker

I'm assuming it's no real secret that Hillary Clinton was deeply part of something that people like Robert Mueller are doing everything in their very considerable power to not let turn up in the public arena - and this could imply that what Hillary Clinton was really up to, was part of an official US Government project or program to do certain things, illegal and highly improper things as far as normal presumed standards of international law are concerned.

I'm assuming everyone pretty much realizes that Assange's 'problem' with the US Government is that he knows what those things were or still are.

On the surface of things, in a silly foolish South Park cartoon mentality kind of way, it's really not all that safe being in an Embassy these days, is it.

Now clearly why the Trump Administration isn't openly telling everyone exactly WHAT Clinton was doing, is that it would create some very nasty problems for the US Government in terms of sovereign responsibility and liability.

And this also means that the entire media - Fox included - is 'in on it' in keeping silence about the whole thing.
Trust in the equipment and the training -
if 'Q' were actual James Bond 'Q' we could trust 'Q'
but 'Q' is on the other side...

Julian Assange has a very strong hand: he has the ability to release very widely certain facts that would totally fracture the minds of the average member of the voting public - believe me, even now most people do not have a suspicion of how bad the whole thing really was and to some extent still is.

You have to just accept and trust that at some point there were a few morally decent minds left inside the Intelligence panoply and they intervened. And they have not let their hand off the rudder as far as I can say.

No matter how obscene what happened was, and how angry you or just every even half smart person will feel when some of the matters unfold, including some details about motives and activities (so I'm talking about two things there, one, the likelihood of deaths to come, and two, information about large-scale criminality and sinister goings-on outside of what the voting public would permit if they knew about it) - it is better to go with General Stanley McChrystal's recent mantra: 'terrorists make people frightened, leaders unify people.'

So let's all just move forward into the 'Happy Holidays' thing and pretend to ignore the malicious, disgusting and underhanded sinister things that we all know about vaguely, but have not really been told the whole truth about. The plan is... unify people. And I'm on the team with that plan. I'm not set on a world with no violence - not until Jesus returns, anyway - but I'm going with 'the plan' in order to see who is not going with it, apart from anything else. 

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Dolce & Gabbana - That 'China' Ad

This week the Luxembourg-based luxury haute couture fashion house of Dolce & Gabbana got into some trouble with a marketing campaign they were running in China.

The story is that 'the Chinese' (I'm not sure who this - the Han, the Sung in Hong Kong who hate the Han... the Mongolian Yuan... Who, exactly?) forced Dolce & Gabbana to pull all their ads and halt their luxury store promotions. In fact it appears that they are going to pull out of China altogether.
Among the really rich people this is the famous
'Lemon Dress' by another fashion house, but
who was allowed to buy in the D&G fabric
according to their own custom print requirements

The particular video advert in question is one in which a Chinese model in a typical 'dressed-up Chinese dress and hair and make-up style, is attempting to use chopsticks to eat pizza and various other Italia things - and she has no clue how to use chopsticks. So this has become 'racist' and 'offensive' and behind the scenes the Chinese government itself is messing around in the affair and pushing the narrative of the Chinese being 'offended.'

So here's the part that no one will tell you...

Dolce & Gabbana are famous in Europe for their silk fabrics - and they specialize as a design house, in colored print silks of flowers or fruit. They also own a set of extremely high-tech industrial micro-printing machines that are completely unique in the world and they have several patented technologies inside them to do with ink and dye application processes and there are other crucial aspects that are industrial trade secrets to do with how they are able to create extremely fine borders between the colors and how they are able to apply up to fifteen separate colors in one run of the fabric printing process. Nobody anywhere can produce the fineness of the end-product and those who get close are using colored yarn techniques prior to weaving and consequently, they have very limited scope to change designs after the fabric is already woven, and they can only get between four and six different colors into the pattern.

The Chinese government is very pissed they have never been able to crack the proprietary techniques and nor have they been able to buy out or bribe any of the key people at D&H although they have tried many times.
This is a famous Dolce & Gabbana 'in-house' design
known as 'the Tulip' pattern.

The politburo and elite of the Chinese government is fully convinced about a Chinese communist party philosophy that says that by 2040 they will have the leading nation in the world, as well as the most powerful. They think they are going to culturally dominate the world at that time.

Good luck to them. They must know some kind of history of the human race that none of the rest of us have ever seen before.

The Chinese are actually going to dominate art and culture, you see...
That means that all of their stuff will be better than any of anyone else's.


Friday, 23 November 2018

The Separation And The Unveiling

At some point those of us with a brain still remaining functional and reasonably intact after the idiocy of the past twenty or so years have got to accept and admit to ourselves we are entering or maybe even are already in, the 'post fact/post factual information' era of human society.

You can already see that most of the young adults have no investment in the wider view, or even in the need for searching out and prizing factual information. They want a job, they want what they understand to be adequate remuneration, they want some technology, some fast food, some gym time, some Netflix, some input from lifestyle gurus... They don't read real books and they have never watched a real film... their lives.

I think we have hit the upward ceiling for the average age of human mortality. At least for several generations now.

The stubborn insistence of the media, virtually across the board, about completely factually unsupported stories - EG 'the CIA said' Salman ordered, knew, was involved in; Skripal was poisoned by two guys wandering around some English streets; the US courts have no Left-leaning bias; Trump is a whatever whatever... 
Even this image is a thing of the past - there are no longer
Millenials searching for factual knowledge and information;
this image doesn't make any sense to them. 

How on earth is it possible that just one wealthy man - Bill Browder - can alter the candidate for head of Interpol, seemingly, to serve his own interest because he knows the Russian government wants his international arrest warrants to be served and participating Interpol countries to enforce those warrants against him (Browder)...

How is it possible that the Canadian Prime Minister can get away with spending literally hundreds of millions of Canadian tax-payer dollars to buy influence with the media there...

Who cares? No one cares. Because what in any case will be the consequences?

The consequences will be that you will be able to distinguish very clearly between the self-actualized, self-organized and fact-based very intelligent person, and all the rest who will become nothing but prey and they will very likely die out early. This is not as if the lunatics who have been calling for a worldwide human population culling (Dick Smith, Jacob Rothschild, others of that ilk) will get their way and themselves survive to reap the rewards they presume will be there afterwards - no, they're going to die out along with all the other imbeciles. They are themselves part of the imbecile class. 

There is an imbecilic class out there and it is the majority. Don't think what you look at on the TV news or in the Wall Street Journal means anything anymore, it doesn't. What Jamie Dimon says or doesn't say just plain doesn't matter - he has no clue about what is going on. He literally cannot see, the facts, because he is not looking in the places where those facts are being evidenced in real life BECAUSE HE IS NOT LIVING A REAL LIFE.
Authentic Harris Tweed - nobody cares what that
actually means anymore

Understand this while you're being overwhelmed by the presumption that people like Dimon 'have so much comparative wealth' that their lives are better than yours: those people have no clue. What they have had is a media platform for a long time and they have used it to tell the same moronic fairy-tale over and over until they have become 'accepted' as important and rational quite uncritically by those dulled into senselessness.

The presumption that people like Dimon and others have held for a long time, that those who owned advanced and cutting-edge technology needed to sell it to the financial gate-keepers to make money for themselves, is in error. Those with today's advanced technology are merely using it themselves and not telling anyone else about it. Technology has reached a kind of preliminary 'Omega point' or early-phase of 'Singularity;' it is its own reason for existence, being reliant on nothing else.

There's things you've never heard about from the media...

They really exist and they work too.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

I Give You... New York Snow And Creedence

Oh so, y'all know 'what's troooo....' Eh.

You know TRUTH.

Christmas is coming. What do you believe?

Can you see that all the green lights are on?

These fellas were talking (and I was listening) about places like New York and all the filth there and the sheer messiness and run-down areas. Mayor Giuliani fixed a few things but he didn't solve everything and after him, it's all gone back downhill from what I've been told by people who live there right now.

They still use Behrens 31 galvanized steel 'trash cans' down some of the alleyways, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but they clatter when tipped over compared to the Rubbermaid Roughneck 32!

There are a lot of total psychopaths too out there in Wall Street. You don't want to know them.

So how are going to make money? I mean real serious cash.
Where's the money? Can you tell, among all the shiny lights?

If you wander around searching the public streets you can get mugged, even nowadays. And when you 'watch' the array of general public all you get is a huge motley mess. When you watch the people entering the tall buildings all you see is corpses in bad suits.

Some of the streets are dirty, the walls filthy, the paint cracked and not even old in the way that it might have a patina of 'old' charm.

You see it's the same with the specific world of money and the flow, or flows, of money. 'Economics' is often something to apply after you can already 'see' the flows of money. 

A lot of people don't believe in all that much these days - they prefer to believe in the evidence of their eyes, but what I am saying is that you have a 'crowding out' problem today; you can't 'see' clearly those specific things you are searching for in the midst of the multiplicity of images and the huge mixing of everything into a monolithic 'screen.'

It's done on purpose. It's all back-fired a bit these days but that is not going to stop the 'OCD mind' of the psychopaths forever grabbing at the microphones.

We get told, the truth, the facts, the data, and what to think and what to believe. You are not allowed to discriminate between qualities of anything or to make your own mind up.

Winter arrives, the snow falls, stuff gets covered, some tacky things get smudged, underneath of course it's not clean of course, really... And blizzards can be blinding too, and bright daylight-sun on white snow very glaring. 

You have to pick your time - pick the right time... Choose the right wind-speed, moisture-in-the-air...

And you've got to know what your markers are. You have to get the feeling. Money is about the feel almost more than anything else. And that's a big secret right there.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

The Lesson Of Michael Mcintyre

In June of this year - 2018 - the British comedian Michael Mcintyre, was robbed outside his young child's school, losing his $100,000 Rolex watch to the robbers, who were wielding hammers and threatening severe harm.

Now there is no such thing as a standard model Rolex watch - new - that retails for $100,000 and so this must have been one of the rare 'super luxury branded' iterations, such as the Cartier Rolex. 
A 'Cartier' Rolex - authentic

Anyway, getting back to the main point of this article - I think that in the specific case of Mcintyre, he was targeted and the robbers knew exactly what they were going after, probably for a wealthy criminal 'collector' who 'ordered' the watch, that that person is now hiding away somewhere in Europe or South America, or even in London itself.

It's a dangerous world, and the dangers are all the greater when you appear to have a lot of money. 

Now through this blogspot we can make a lot of money.

But we have to be very quiet and skillful about it, and especially, we need to be able to hide what we are doing.

If you accept - as I do - that the Jamal Khashoggi affair was being manipulated worldwide by a vast network of criminal-minded people IN GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE and who control and run most of the general media, and that it is absolutely clear that Turkey's Erdogan tried to control each and every step and stage of the so-called 'investigation' down to the point that he told the US government that he had a recording of the killing, and then he invited the head of the CIA over to listen to it, and then he said she was not to take it or any copy of it, back to the US...

When you realize that every 'player' you know - be they government or institutional or significant private - is virtually never being straight with you about information and what knowledge they possess, you will, like me, become extraordinarily paranoid about letting them know, or letting it be widely known, that you know something better than they 'know' it.

At the same time, I don't think they have the brains to understand certain words, certain expressions, certain mannerisms. They're not as amazing or powerful as they try to make out that they are. They are not bright, and they are not educated the way people were in the past. In fact, they are ignorant people. But they are greedy and malicious.
A standard 'Pepsi' Rolex

And in a short time, 'they' are going to hit a wall they never foresaw, or contemplated could even be there.

I think... I think... All of them, the whole lot - China, America, the UK, Europe, maybe not so much Russia or India or those places that have always had exposure to 'informal trade and exchange processes' - have lost control of 'money.' I don't believe any of them even know what it is, technically, any more. They imagine, it is something to do with their enforcement capabilities, and the law, and control of the masses and possibly, communication and communications platforms and infrastructure.

It's none of those things. Genghis Khan had an idea about it - it is about lights shining the way when everything else is just 'whited out.'

Monday, 19 November 2018

Front Running In The Media

The numbers of directly killed 'fighters' (armed militia, state soldiers, external brigades 'helping' the so-called Houthi) in the Yemen war are upwards of 13,000 up until statistics were stopped being counted by the United Nations.

These numbers are completely fraudulent. They show massive casualties and deaths by a ratio of 10:1 on the side of the 'government' and Saudi-backed defensive war-fighters - and no more than around 1,000 ISIS and Ansar Allah brigade deaths with more than 2,000 additional combatants captured.

These numbers also explicitly detail the presence of armed professionals under the command of 'Academi,' the private contract professional army - who are assisting, advising, and literally also fighting with, the Saudi-backed official Yemen government army.
This is just Hamas guys, in Gaza...
They are just praying

Now going on the official UN estimations - this would make ISIS here in this theater, some kind of amazing war-fighting machine; they have ripped apart their opponents at the rate of greater than ten-to-one.

Moreover, there is the acknowledged employment of Reaper drones against the ISIS and Ansar Allah brigades.

According to published estimations by monitors of these things - there are more than fifty thousand (50,000) civilians dead from the events of this war.

'Ansar Allah' in this case, is also presented by even independent sources, as being led by, and funded by, and peopled by, Iranian trained militia. 'Ansar Allah' is a term used for a variety of (other) groups not confined to just the Yemen so-called 'civil war.' 'Ansar Allah' is also the term used in the Koran for the disciples of Jesus in ancient times!

So this would make the Iran-backed militia here some helluva decent fighting force that clearly has fighting skill supremacy on the actual battle-field... The Saudis have the best equipment and funding, and they have US backing and they are getting whipped, apparently... But there are so many problems with explaining what is really going on and how it is happening - for example, on the one hand there is no way Ansar Allah is actually gaining any entry into the main central Yemen 'cities' (such as these are), but at the same time, it very much appears that they have indeed strengthened their hold on the port region, including the actual port itself of Al Hudaydah - where there are 2.5 million people living in that vicinity.

Because of control of this major port, Ansar Allah receives extensive and on-going logistical traffic from a number of Shi'a sources. The US has never backed Shi'a anywhere, and it placed heavy sanctions on Eritrea not long ago that damaged that country in many ways. 

Now... Meanwhile... Considering that Saudi Arabia views the action of Ansar Allah in Yemen as a direct threat to itself, and that via Yemen, Iran is seeking to establish a pathway of military access to materially attacking Saudi Arabia in actual acts of war, it isn't even open to question, that the Saudi Arabian rulers regarded someone like Jamal Khashoggi as quite literally a traitor who was an agent and operative of Iranian interests. 

Quietly, not too many people do regard the Saudi army is anything other than a bunch of privileged fat Saudis - but having said that, they were clearly sustaining a severe battering, if you go by the UN figures.
And this is a well-equipped fighting force
Very well, equipped... And trained.

And while this was happening, no one in the media was considering the strategic outcome of an Ansar Allah/Iran victory, and as if butter would not melt in his mouth, Jamal Khashoggi was systematically firing away at the Saudi ruling elite in the Western media - driving the point across that the Saudis were self-interested, and prospectively to be run by one inexperienced and egocentric, young and probable 'tyrant.'

And in all of the fog of it - the Turkish government has a recording, in fact now we are told two separate recordings of two phases of the events, of what transpired INSIDE the premises of a foreign Embassy.

This famous recording that no one in the public has heard, is very gruesome. But the only thing I find objectionable, is that the Western media is trying to tell me which side to pick, and that there is only one side in this saga, and they are quite deliberately being 'oblivious' to Iran's position in the whole thing, and the sheer impossibility - under the circumstances - of Jamal Khashoggi being just some honest, objective, independent journalist.

So... Foreign unfriendly governments have the capacity to make covert recordings of embassies, do they?


Is violence and murder and brutality in war also objectionable? Of course it is. That is why I don't play this game of picking sides and pushing propaganda designed to assign an opinion onto the general public dependent upon what media you get given to you.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Just Factor This In...

Every single news media outlet I have seen over the last week claims the CIA says that Crown Prince Salman ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.

That is the tilt on the narrative.

What all the reports actually specifically say, however, is that 'a reliable source' at the CIA says the CIA has given the White House a 'high confidence' report to the effect that Salman ordered Jamal Khashoggi's killing because there was a phone call made by Salman's brother, to Khashoggi, inviting him to the Saudi Embassy in Turkey.



Okay here's some 'insider information' about the SOP (standard operating procedure) of the CIA is when it comes to making analysis officially available to the White House:
These two guys get on really well personally -
Salman stayed at Murdoch's estate in April 2018

The CIA - through its Director - produces at minimum three/four(I'll explain in a moment) report files per 'substantive national issue' - one being a case fact assessment, the next being a 'high confidence'/'best case' report from the adversarial stand-point, and the third being an 'open file' for circulation to the JOINT CHIEFS OF INTEL for their assessments to be inserted as advice to the President - and there may in some special sorts of events, be a 'minority' or 'dissenting view' report. The White House makes conclusions, not the advisers.

FACTUALLY - Jamal Khashoggi is not around, there is no body, and there are no recordings publicly made available of his 'death or killing.' He has been presumed killed and therefore of course, dead. I am not aware of any single instance where a recording or purported recording is available in any public arena, and no one in my circle has any knowledge that such a recording as described in the media even exists - and this includes the Egyptian Military Intelligence to which I have some superficial access, and they are absolutely opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood and if there were any 'brush fires' to do with the Muslim Brotherhood that needed to be watched (like an actual recording) they would circularize all of their assets about the extent of damage.

Any news media report you read with the form of words actually saying: 'the CIA has concluded blah blah blah' is a deliberately false report.

So why are they doing it? Nobody in any official capacity has 'concluded' anything.

The BBC has also been pouring scorn on suggestions that Jamal Khashoggi was even a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and yet over their very own channel in the same few weeks the heads of the Muslim Brotherhood themselves were given air-time eulogizing Khashoggi and extolling what he had done for Saudi dissenters (which is nothing, I might add, in fact; he is a 'power elite' establishment figure).

Here though, is a fact - the oil price has gone down a lot.

The Jamal Khashoggi 'story' that is being spun in the media has got some problems.