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From the photographer - 'TempleOfHope' No dust anywhere |
So if I use the word 'frustrated' now I'd like you to view it as a fairly casual usage of a common enough phrase: I am rather frustrated when I see so much media and magazine and television and film depicting the so-called 'luxury lifestyle' of the 'wealthy' and none of it makes any sense to me.
In the immediate previous article I remarked on the amazing lack of any dust in scenes supposedly of luxury and wealth. Now I don't know about you but just about every steak grill I've ever been to involves quite a good deal of charring and smoke, and bits and pieces of burnt stuff floating around everywhere and falling onto anything even vaguely whitish in hue.
Personally I am very neat with cigar ash but once again it is a rare club I have ever been in where the members were attacking the brandy or the whisky and none of them ever dropped any ash... These places tend to be a bit of a hell of a mess around some moment not too long after the second glass was poured. It definitely need not be at some point 'close to midnight!'
All of these very standard images or aspects of the 'wealthy' style of life never encroach upon the emotions available there or the philosophies of those who are past masters and mistresses of the true high peaks of human living. Too regularly we see rich people depicted as materialistic or even somewhat brutish and fairly gross in the sense of not really being interested in the highest sophistications of human thinking. A billionaire can be a benefactor to an opera company of a ballet company but you will rarely or never see one play the classical piano or any orchestra instrument with convincing authority. I was once told by a professor of classical music that the difference between classical music and all other forms was in the range of its linguistics. It can say more, and it can convey far more subtle themes and meanings than all other kinds. I disagree with him but I understand the direction of his point - namely, that there is a lot of subtlety available to the musical language and which is never heard or sought by the vast majority of people on any kind of regular basis.
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Plenty of black embers and smoke here! I know you can squeeze lemon on the fat and there will be less smoke, but... |
Now seduction... is simply the presenting of a range of possibilities to someone that they might not have normal access to. And then they start to consider the possibilities...The word itself is said to mean 'to lead astray' but this is an entirely wrong verdict from human psychology of what is going on. You cannot lead anyone astray or to where they didn't already have it in them to go, or to venture toward.
It's not trickery. All the 'manifesting' videos that you will ever see involve a substitution proposition: firstly these will try to encourage you to alter your perspective of the priority of value in certain things, and then when your 're-set' brain allows you to notice things that were always there but that you failed to notice previously, they say then that this is 'the Universe manifesting' those things to you. It's really you see things differently.
If I ever made a 'manifesting' video I'm afraid I'd open up outright with an entirely different proposition, namely that here we would be literally magically doing something and making the Universe do things for us that it had previously not done for us.
Now I only say 'making' here to you for your appreciating of the idea and what the results are meant to be, but in fact I mean seducing. And by seducing I don't mean to 'make' the Universe be lead astray, but instead I personally mean allow it to do what is already in it to do...
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Nobody wants to know how to seduce - they already know how |
I believe the Universe is in fact a series of masked programs; we cannot see what is already in there (in here) because we have been trained to see the masks and as long as we can see only the masks everything else is filtered out from our brains or from the perceptions of our conscious minds.
People are trained almost from birth to see the masks.
Thus if Greg Kuhn the manifesting guru, asks you to treat a penny with more value while everyone else disregards them as not having virtually any value at all, and discards them, 'naturally' you will tend to 'see' more of them lying around now because your mind has been alerted to them and because indeed a comparative lot of people have discarded them.
I knew a car salesman once who used to go to the ME and pick up luxury vehicles discarded along dusty highways and 'buy' them from the governments for not much and bring them home and sell them for a profit. This is a long stretch in terms of a higher value application for Kuhn's proposition and it doesn't really mean that (some) people view Lamborghinis as having virtually no value and go around simply discarding them all the time once they first own them! And yes I know, we do live in a Universe of abundance... But really!
It's not what I mean.
I mean the Universe really doesn't give a damn about wealthy sheikhs. It doesn't care about Carlos Selim. These people do not offer the Universe anything the Universe does not already have or any possibilities which expand outward from the Universe's existing range of choice...
Ah, but we have some complex thinking here to deal with first!
And before I go into the 'making' the Universe do things part - which I'll leave to a later article - let me show you what the Universe 'wants.'
Firstly I have ascribed - or seemingly ascribed - volition and even sentience to the Universe; it has these things. A lot of human social constructs deny, and social programming denies, these facts. There is simply no evidence to support such denial. Not a shred. Conversely, the Law of Entropy is quite implicit of the fact that the Universe certainly does have volition; this is crystal clear in the 'no exception' proposition of 'principles' - and one of the principles of all of Physics is the continuity of the Law of Entropy. The Universe WILLS to disperse energy from one state to another. And it does so along EVERY available pathway and it brooks no 'supernatural' block to its action.
You cannot stop the flow of a mighty sea using an invisible, non-existent barrier or 'force.' And so I tell you, it may have been that the Red Sea was parted by the God of Moses but He did it by some scientific means that you and I are not knowledgeable about. Yet. Today, on a different primary spatial and physical scale we ourselves do exactly the same sort of thing in principle with transistors - for these block the flow of huge currents using tiny 'glass' barriers because they are arranged in a certain way for a specified phase or cycle inside the transistor. This is entirely magical.
When you look at a small transistor its relative size is a form of 'mask' to the uniformed - what they see, is not all there is there in front of their eyes. Ignorance is of course a mask, and so is smallness a kind of a mask too.
How can a human being, present to the Universe new ways for the entropy arrangements inside of it to be dispersed?
I can certainly tell you.
And there are an odd few others here and there who know too.
I'll give you one clue now that you can hold in your mind, and without any further explanation you might be able to apply it to various situations, especially the investing ones, and that will profit you in money terms very significantly. I go by the money route because it has been my experience that almost no one is really interested in how to seduce any human being that you ever encounter - which is about the only other thing I can think of for which you can apply this understanding.
Anyway... People, the media especially, continually use the instant moment or the immediate time to 'perceive' various words that are used in economic equations and formulas: 'TODAY'S Central Bank target rate...' TODAY'S monetary policy statement had this-and-this effect on TODAY'S market...' And so on.
Certainty is applied to fixed and firm numbers, this is true. But just because we all 'want to have certainty' and there is certainty in knowing 'a number' (see the reference that I have made to desire and volition, but not what is in our natural capacity to 'handle?') doesn't mean to say 'Central Bank Interest Rates' are EVER JUST ONE SINGLE NUMBER. They cannot ever be, by Law or by the Statutory Obligations of the Central Banks themselves. And this is because they are obliged BY LAW never - NEVER - to do ANYTHING that might cause currency volatility or destabilization. Every Central Bank Policy statement is ALWAYS A SEQUENCE OF NUMBERS IN A KNOWN ORDERLY PROGRESSION. That is why the very word 'policy' is used. Nobody officially uses 'move' or 'counter move' or 'unitary reaction.'
So, the lesson here is that where most people see 'one' 'discrete' numerical 'fact,' this is really no fact at all and it should be, a whole series of numbers which may even change, or 'the curve flatten' through unforeseen future events and forces.
It is not a fact, therefore, that the Official Government Interest Rates is 'blah blah.' (Whatever you read quoted in today's Financial Times.
It is simply NOT A FACT AT ALL.
THE ACTUAL FACT IS - that you have been given (quoted) a point along a FORWARD CURVE, and the true value of that 'number series' is the summation value of it. No matter how many times Central Bank governors or the US Federal Reserve Chairman says so, no one ever listens.
And that is why - they, the people who don't listen - don't make money in the investment markets but have to lie, cheat and steal on a grand scale to pretend they are the stock market investing elite.
And I don't think I ought to say much more short of being paid a whole lot of consultancy money for this!!!
Anyway you're smart enough and you can work out the meaning of it from what I said all by yourself.
The Universe WANTS to pay you along the line of the curve, not the point quoted today or any day. It wants to. It wants to manifest to you $_____ where silly - even 'wealthy' but still silly all the same, people - are discarding that $_____ for around $_____. And there are lots of those silly people around. In fact the Universe is ABUNDANT with those silly people.
Can you work out what I am referring to specifically? ; )
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