The great Muslim scholars say this saying is one 'of the strongest hadiths,' - which means that its narration is sure, and with many unbroken chains of narration from the time of those who were present at the occurrence.
And the man came and went of his own accord, and no one had seen from whence or to where he goes, but that he goes and comes swiftly.
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A messenger from God |
From the clouds he comes, down through dark skies, deep in the night, to the predesignated place of meeting, there to give increase to the needy, and resolution to the afflicted.
You will have by now, heard about the 'air-droppable missile system,' developed by Russia and tested on the border between Syria and Turkey.
Of course, like all little stories in the press, you have to draw on a few strands of twine to tease out the fuller picture. And the fuller picture here is that what may be air-dropped at night, through cloudy skies, and reach its GPS location target spot of a few square feet, may be a lot smaller than a missile system.
The noose is closing around the neck of the King of Saudi Arabia. Not only are the Russians on to him, but so are the Americans. There are sayings that abound in the intelligence operative circles: 'limited hangouts' (Lionel Nation loves that one), 'hunting dogs,' 'bird dogs,' 'the eagle flies on Monday,' and this one: 'if a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?'
No, nobody hears, because nobody is listening.
That recent Panama limited hangout has nothing to do with revenue services closing down tax havens for individuals or rich people - it has to do, as all CIA matters have, with sovereign interests. Some people, say that it was to give the alert to those who funded and used Panamanian channels to carry out 9/11. And some say, it is to actually catch and block Saudi money being used for nefarious purposes around the world.
I cannot say. LOL. But what I do know is that if Donald Trump ever gets in you will see a lot of rats jumping ship. Except the ship ain't going down.
There is likely to be a lot of 'plank walking' though, if they don't all jump first.
I mean it's not all private money in those Panama accounts, is it. You see, it's easy for the US to find out who's moving money through any US-permit holding banks - HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, anyone. Not so easy if it is the State Bank of Saudi Arabia. And the cash was going through 'out of town,' let's say, in Panama for instance. Panama, as you know, doesn't have its own currency and uses the US Dollar. A very very dangerous state of affairs unless you have a grip on things over there.
Song and Music by Uppermost - 'Passion.'
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