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Monday 26 February 2024

Sizzling Camembert


...One of the benefits of 'having' to go to outside meetings with rich people, is that sooner or later someone brings out a large dish of sizzling baked Camembert with Turkish bread. The red wine tends to have been already brought out, more or less right away as soon as everyone is there.

You know, 'rich' - is a debatable proposition in my hands.


The kind of real place where 
we really live.

You should have seen the jaws literally drop (they actually did drop) and the mouths stay open when the document with qualified numbers like '300 million' was opened and the key points referred to in the verbal discussion.

These guys are all talking in circles all the time about how the 'Chinese are naturally conservative,' and how property is a 'defensive' investment. And then the numbers they talk are a few million and how so-an-so (someone they know personally) is maybe worth fifty million.

The global (Western global) property markets are wildly over-blown and fraught with all kinds of risks that no one ever talks about.

Inflation is well-and-truly afoot in real economies everywhere and there is no such thing as a 'defensive' investment right now.

What we are looking at, is a political system beyond its use-by date but with no obvious process for how to fix the problem.

It isn't at all obvious that violent revolution will achieve anything other than ever greater and ever more radical suppression by armed thugs.

This week in Australia the media is full of a story about one gay police guy murdering two of his former gay associates and 'disappearing' their bodies - with the deliberate back-drop in the media about cops not being permitted to join in the Sydney Mardi Gras (gay and LGBT parade) because of the killing by this gay ex-cop.

Champagne jelly cake...

The apparent motive for the killing was that his previous associates had been trying to evict the person from some residence they owned...

No doubt a dwelling place is a socially necessitated material acquisition of most people's lives - although to the stunned and wordless continuing amazement of my erstwhile dinner table business colleagues, I said that I would happily pack my Code-Of-Bell sling-bag and live in the streets with the poor people to show fellowship with them, albeit I would still have my Fiji Water in said sling-bag.

They thought I was probably joking - on one level they thought that - but on another level they were taking note of my document inclusive of its '300 million end-users and buyers' and subconsciously thinking 'who-the-f* is this guy with permanent cash on him and a Code-Of-Bell sling-bag with bottles of Fiji Water in it...'

Friday 23 February 2024

Let's Get Back To The Esoterica

Argh, what the heck.

Who cares about money anyway!

The whole world is chasing that. 

Let's leave them to their fate.

...Going down those paths that they always choose.

I am where there are not many people...

...Waste of time going down those paths.

JES said the other day: 'Many times words are not able to say important things - that is why you have music.'

And that is so true.

She was simply quoting Plato, of course.

The stress for me is on 'important...' ...things.

Easy to say, right, when you maybe have a lot of money. It takes a ton of fortitude though to be able to remain focused on the mind and how that operates and what makes it tick for human beings and all other sentient creatures - when you have no money or not very much of it.

Money appears to allow access to material support and even material luxury.

Consequently it is money that governments and all of the Earth-bound social and political powers and power structures dwell on obsessively; they want all of it. They certainly desire to control all of it.

But the powers of the world are no more insightful about how everything works than the ordinary man-in-the-street.

Not many people like the front end 
on these.

The human race is effectively an organism, in a sense, that is deeply infected with a serious, non-transient, and life-terminating virus.

And that is the reason - whether there are necessarily MASSIVE, numbers of space ships out their, whole fleets of them, or maybe just a few old, very old even ancient and slightly run-down platforms that can sustain a handful of living beings aboard them, with not a huge number of self-maintaining robotic restoring devices floating around in there - that actually advanced sentient beings do not as a rule show themselves obviously down here.

I mean yeah there are one or two really well-looked after, super-advanced and heavily-crewed installations up there in the solar system somewhere. But these are where the people that love to be forever 'occupied' with various tasks are.

Because indeed there are a lot of tasks to handle constantly.

Nothing I want to be personally involved in however, despite that it is a necessity now and then.

The human being, its organic system, is literally designed to do two things expressly: to reflect the inner nature of the specific individual person on the outside, and to house electro-dynamic and loci-dense nodes of micro-magnetic forces - or fields - on the inside.

The human personal consciousness is a dense well ('well' like the word in 'wishing well;' a repository of a liquid or a fluid), as it were of the exact same plastic substance that runs through the whole entire Cosmos in 'world lines' (an Einstein name for it).

It is possible to fold over, other people's density locations with yours (and vice-versa of course), whereat you and they are literally just one concurrent actual sentient entity - the force fields not merely intertwining but 'densiated' (a new word there!) as a continuum with overlapping and congruent, even shared, parts.

I mean you see, this
is esoterica.
It is esoterica of food, but food
is an experience of the sentient being.
...Is Wagyu Katsu Sando. With gold flakes.
LOL Of course, why not.

What makes it feasible that separate sentient beings can be formed this way, is that they are tuned to harmonic states - to the same frequencies and frequency potentials.

At the 'top' end of the Cosmic actuality, there is a complex dense loci all conformed around (surrounded by) with the multi-dimensional spectras - in exact order of meaning and power hierarchy: from weakest fluctuations (least necessary but still present and existential), to highest and way up to rarest and most precious. At the highest end is what gives life itself.

Yet the absolute requirement of that 'highest end' component by definition, really, means that the underlying spectras must be present and active and in effect because it is in those that life is experienced and is a dynamic moving reality and via which (therefore!) sentience exists at all.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Nuts And Bolts

And then sometimes, you have to be involved in the hard core, nuts-and-bolts factors of what it takes to make a whole business catch on fire.

And I don't mean that in a bad way!

There's people to see, to exchange views with, and to go over numbers and ideas with.

And then of course there's the marketing department.


Well actually in this case it's the sales and marketing department.

Sales is eventually the lifeblood of any business.

Nuts... and bolts.
Golden bits and pieces...

So rather than disappear in a mist or hide in some blood orange sunset behind purple clouds of distractions and standard diversionary tactics, one must appear in general public, in places where responsible adults are likely to be taking notes on what just happened...

 ...Or notes on what they thought they just saw.

This is the reason for the slowing down recently on the number of posts here, but that is only just temporary. 

What it means is that some significant steps are being taken right now -, some important practical and material physical things being put in place so that facilities and on-the-ground resources take shape.

It does mean that things happen which are not confined to an on-line presence and to online interchanges only.

This is a necessity when business activity reaches certain levels and engagement with the public becomes much wider, involving whole communities of, for example sporting groups and national, especially foreign national, sporting interests.

One reason I am even letting this kind of thing happen at all is because I doubt the long-term safety and reliability of the local property market, despite that right now it is reaching unprecedented heights. This is a bubble based on stupid expectations unsupportable by the underlying real economy here.

And again, this is despite that where I am enjoys the world's leading credit rating for Western World local banks and business and for government debt.

We are tied to the China thing.

And to the Asian growth scenario going forward.

...A more esoteric, slightly tamer track from the upcoming BT album:

Monday 19 February 2024

Some Know This...

There are ancient cultural traditions to do with the behavior of birds when someone close passes.

This is an exact example of the effect of fields and not only that but the potential for humans to cause resonant effects in natural fields surrounding wildlife in particular - but more than that too, it is an example of how the intelligent mind can cause actual intelligence to be extended into and through wild natural life fields.

Only people whose capacities of employing their thinking mind to see above and ahead, as well as behind and into the historical past of memory and records (books, texts, writing, recording - rather than actual time travel backwards...) are able to 'gain wings to literally fly' as it were, when they pass (meaning organically die, of course!).

These individuals regularly give signs and signals to those living who are left behind, by creating resonant intelligence waves that make birds come close to people and even seem to 'stare into their eyes' quite deliberately.

Elephants have this capacity and use it very naturally all the time when they are alive, and not just as some humans do, when they die. Elephants can communicate across great distances and it has always been presumed that dolphins and whales do it because of their sonar, but that is not the case.

Human shamans (shamans are not human though...) also have the capacity and use it for the welfare of their immediate tribal groups.

Most humans when they are alive react almost instantly by shutting this capability down whenever they 'suddenly' encounter it (within themselves, or in their own experience) - in part because of cultural programming which insists there is no such thing available to them.

But it's not only a bad idea to shut this capacity down, but further, one should be cultivating it all the time. 

When you see and realize that nature itself has this field effect thing going on in it and that you are able to use it there, then it becomes less difficult to accept that the human internal being, it's soul, if you will, is constructed a certain way with discrete capacities and powers not limited by the senses inside the human physical organism.
Listen, don't knock human

Eventually it becomes quite easy to move in and out of various bodies but then also to understand how it is that your individual personal self gets attached to one linear 'life' (meaning a particular physical body) and that by disconnecting the 'flying ahead/above' part you imagine and get the impression there is only one body and one life.

People are going to find in any case, just by technology advancing to the stage where they will literally be flying around pretty quickly in vehicles of the kind shown in a pic in the last article here, that the human body when it is not in extraordinarily good shape, cannot accommodate such stresses.

Thessalonians I and II are rather complex if short works -, which are the ones many of these 'Evangelical' and 'End Times' people always are referring to when they start talking about 'getting caught up into the air...'

The only difference between what is being said in those books and what is already a fact of human technology - which you can experience in places like Dubai and Beijing - is that an advanced species coming near to the Earth, and having large space 'warehouses' filled with glass-like tubes in which there are transferable bodies, fits closer to the biblical narrative although the actual technical components are all completely the same.

...Except not the tubes part, of course. As far as I'm aware, there are no such tubes in Dubai or China.

Hmn. Well though, maybe I don't know about China.
The 'soul' is just another
suit of clothes.
The conscious personal identity is
a whole other thing.

Have they got artificially created life and cloning?

Are they working on it? Absolutely they are and have been for decades now. So, hey, could be they are already there.

Well at least now you will have a choice - you can 'go to Heaven' in a China-made flying thing or in an Alien one.

That is if the ET Aliens allow that and can get on with the Chi-Coms, which they cannot, at least not yet anyway.

It is very dangerous to start getting into this area though -, that is, about how to outline and define and detect what comprises the absolute personal individual - so that it can be identified when in different bodies, and certainly, how you know who you are yourself in absolute terms.

It's dangerous because although the literature is sort of there in the Vedas in particular, if the accurate correct ideas get into the wrong hands you get straight back to the problem of social/cultural programming disallowing people access into their own internal selves - as a means of controlling the human race and dis-empowering it.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Filling The Tanks...

One of the key things that is coming from the recent scholarship out of Italy to do with translations of the original (supposedly) Hebrew Masoretic texts, is that there is and there definitely will be - a vacuum formed in the general public's mind about its sense of what there is that the human race knows of any kind of genuine authentic divinity.

This committee is concluding that the Vatican intelligentsia will formally soon disconnect completely, the Christian texts from the Old Testament. Oh yes, I kid you not.

And this despite that this unusually 'elected' Bergoglio, is a Globalist and very much a 'Yahweh-ist.'

Clearly, 'Yahweh' is some kind of material, materialistic overlord figure and not even necessarily all that 'otherworldly' frankly, despite that the textual indications are that whatever this being was, it came from elsewhere and not the planet Earth.

Plainly there is literally no such thing as a monotheistic 'Elohim' at all and this concept only happened when some ruling elites took complete control over whoever it was that constituted the defined tribe of Jacob, putative according to the standard literature as it is, emanating from Mesopotamia and Egypt and then Babylon. 

Mauro Biglino makes the extremely correct
point, that the investiture of Charles III, is 
an exact replica of the rites that were used for
King Solomon.
There is nothing even remotely wise or numinously-
empowered, when it comes to the English king, but that
is not the point. He - Charles - has taken a piece of sandstone
and claimed that it is the very stone
upon which Jacob laid his head
and saw the angels descending and ascending
into Heaven. There is no sandstone
where Jacob lived.

Absolutely clearly and without any possibility at all of dispute or error, the main ruling figure always had his 'Asherah' - which is simply a term meaning his wife or consort - and only when King Josiah and his elites required to assert that they and they alone had 'legalistic' and also 'divine' authority over everyone, was it the case that the Asherah statues became obliterated from their societies and all references to it/them removed from the actual original guide texts which were supposedly from divine sources (and should not have been able to be modified by men).

So in a sense the Western moral and 'religious-ethical' format is stuck with having no real reference point that can give it any channel of access to any kind of numinous power - according to the handed-down texts; since these are no more than records of some kind of DNA interference having happened at some point way back in ancient history.

Moses never recognized the identity of the individual that appeared to the Hebrews who next 'wandered around in the desert,' having to ask him who he was and what his name was, despite that Abraham had personally eaten and drunk with a figure who was clearly not any kind of human albeit presenting as a human - one of three individuals who visited Abraham at Mamre.

And it is more than just odd that this 'Yahweh' demanded goats and sheep and 32 virgins...

What was 'God' - any sort of real God - intending to do with '32 virgins' one wonders.

There are all kinds of excuses and justifications given by religious proponents as to the reasoning behind 'sacrifices' like this and none of them are in any way logical at all.

Probably the most stark of all of the recent expositions from this committee of European scholars and academics comprised not just of Christian church academics but in fact mostly made up of academic atheists and also Hebrew religious exegetes - is the apparent fact that the figure of 'Yahweh' the war-god, is present in ancient inscriptions in places such as Sardinia.

In this trajectory of the narrative (according to these people) this is the reason Napoleon attacked Sardinia first of all and wrested it from the House of Savoy - essentially because Napoleon was an instrument of this otherworldly war-making figure.

In other words, there is not much point 'praying' to Jehovah or any other of a number of (the same, in fact) pretenders to unique 'God-ship' because it will get you killed, or slaughtered and your body burned to extract the 'glazing fat!' LOL

Well, it isn't going to get you 
to 'Heaven' and back, but it is pretty
cool all the same.

Typically, this figure is quite meandering in its ideas about what is at one time 'the law' and at other times are rules which are able to be side-stepped - but at the same time it can lash out quite arbitrarily.

But then where does it leave people?

Who can they look to?

Where is, or even, is there - a source of power that is above and beyond the human scientific and the human engineering mechanisms?

Well in the first place, there need not be, if we understand that science has still a long way to go to fully understand all that there is to understand about the natural Cosmos.

The 'stone' on which Jacob slept, in order to see the beings coming and going from another place, not this world certainly - was the cornerstone of the Great Pyramid.

You are the people of Theuth, not Josiah, the dictator. And you are (as yet still) if slightly, 'lost.'

Go to the top of the Great Pyramid in your mind. Go to the cornerstone the builders cast aside.

And you will see, all kinds of things, and you will receive 'power from on high.'